Tuesday, October 20, 2020

On the Dangers of Collectivism

 Collectivism, as opposed to individualism, is inherently immoral.  Even with psuedo-Nietzschians proclaiming, I would suppose, some kind of revaluation of morality, I think Collectivism fails the litmus test for what is acceptable in a capitalist democracy.  Are we to believe, as the collectivists say, that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?

Honestly, that type of thinking is immoral, and just plain wrong for America.  The borg, etc.

Trump, as in THE DON DON, gave this country back to the individuals who inhabit it.  He wasn't joking or being manipulative or coy at all, in fact.  Collectivism takes the sovereignty of the individual and puts it in the hands of totalitarianism.  Our fair POTUS has taken the shackles of collectivism off of the forgotten (oft' times po' white) civilians' hands.  We are free, without elite collectivists telling us what to believe.

But look at the big news corporate media!

They would have us believe that thinking for ourselves is akin to ignorance...  It certainly isn't as acceptable as internalizing unvetted intellectual sources as a kind of quasi-morality.  Morality, and revaluating morality, belongs to the domain of the singular universal being of beings.  No one can take that away, even with slavery.

And that's precisely what collectivism does to it's most impassioned adherents...

It turns them into slaves (or serfs) of a totalitarian tea totaling aristocracy...

I mean, honestly;

Do you really believe that limousine liberals really give a damn about flyover country?


They don't.

That's why patriots like 50 Cent, Ice Cube and Kanye West are standing in support of individual liberty, freedom, democracy and- yea~ Trump.

Donald J. Trump.

If your collectivist ideology (and it IS ideology not philosophy or theology) tells you in lockstep collectivist morality that Trump is somehow beneath contempt, I'm afraid to tell you that you are a serf or slave to collectivism.  Free yourselves.

There's no reason to stick up for collectivism besides a kind of teen-age like angst.

I do the real damage kids,

and collectivism,

as in the "DEMONIC HOARDE",

is immoral,

wrong spiritually,

wrong for the world,

and wrong for 'merica.

Domestic Democracy United 2020

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