Monday, August 17, 2020

Trump Excoriates Elite Oxen: Triumph of Trump's Will 2020

Trump: Extended, albeit reduced, unemployment benefits when congress couldn't act because of Washington Gridlock.  Trump told these lifers, with his executive order, get out of the way!
We're comin through to help the poor no matter what...

The Occupy/BLM/Anti-Fa set tell us the 1 percent are somehow immoral...  How's that for a real ACTUAL 1 %er extending unemployment benefits for families via executive order?
Huh, Dems?

And still, Trump reamed Chris Wallace on Fox not too long ago, calling him - to his face - "Fake News".

Viva La Trump!
It's a Trump revolution!

Let's delay elections, why not?  If the plague is so bad - why don't we "phase in" voting? 

All Around the fruited plains, people are standing up to the left-wing extremists in the media and counter-culture... and no one is doing this more profoundly, more massively or more universally than the MAN - Trump himself.

He has continued to fight for the forgotten American in seriously inspiring speeches (like the Mt. Rushmore speech), giving credence to Americans who deserve credit.  The factory workers, etc.
The frontline workers...

Trump get's things, more than Sleepy Joe Biden could ever hope to.

This administration, regardless of if they win in 2020, will go down in history as one of the most raucous, unconventional and all around Rock n' Roll presidencies in history!
I don't honestly even care if we lose in 2020 (other than potential Supreme Court nominees coming up), because Trump's point is already made: "Don't Tread on Me."

The above is an existentialist lecture I've recorded for yr leisure and pleasure... please feel free to skip or watch... "On the True Conservative Philosophy"

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