Thursday, August 6, 2020

Joe Biden Gaffe's Point to Democrat Racism

or in the terminology of the "O",
the caste system-as-such,
is something hard to quantify -  For example,
I'm not exactly the most PC guy in the world,
and I understand that...

But Biden?

Build a Better 'Merica with Biden?

We've all seen the ads from Trump's team pointing toward Biden as being somehow caste-like with his wealth and an affluent proto-racism (supported Byrd, etc.).  Now, we get this new press release from Hell, where Sleepy Joe calls an African American reporter a junkie for questioning his mental capabilities, and now this: (paraphrase) "...unlike the African American community except for some exceptions the Latin community is very diverse."

I think it comes down to Opiod abuse, or perhaps anxiety med abuse.


I've seen first hand how rich entitled White Elitists get access to hard to come by "Happy Pills"...

If I had to guess the reason for Biden's lapse (I mean both reporters were on his side pitching soft), I would say likely Xanax or Perks.  Honestly.

The rich and elite generally get a surefire Michael Jacksonian access to scheduled drugs, honestly - the same goes for famous people, but with politicians - I think Sleepy Joe is passing out at the helm for a reason...


So look at Trump!
He's been accused in the summarizations by people I've talked to as being "Drunk", "Mentally Ill", "On Cocaine", potentially "On Adderall" or any other number of claims-
but we all know the truth...

Donald J. Trump is NOT mentally ill, does not take prescription "happy pills" and does not do drugs or partake of adult beverages.

Let's all, whether D.E.M. or stodgy Repub,
come tagether against the caste system of the Elite White Racist democrats...

I'll end with this - I've dated  several southern democrats and all of them had older racist southern democrat families...
I mean Donald Trump said he is the least racist person in the world!!!

When you look at the race (American-of-African-Heritage) of Rush Limbaugh's producer Snerdly I think the question does seem a bit two faced...  We're told that Repubs are the racist whites, right?

What if it's the eugenicist elite Democrats supporting abortion pills and baby murder at planned parenthoods positioned strategically into poor American of African Heritage's neighborhoods?

That seems more racist than being against entitlements and hand outs...

I mean just because Tillis (the elephant in the room) is against Obamacare and food stamp welfare handouts does not mean he's racist...  It's just that, he believes in a fair economy where people earn their keep and serve the common good...

Vote Trump,
Because he truly is more apt to lead the USA than Sleepy Joe Biden!!!

Brendan O'Connell
Domestic Democracy United

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