Friday, June 26, 2020

General Flynn Exonerated: DDU Politalk Exclusive

Domestic Democracy United 2020 Exclusive

So I'm assuming unless people have been hiding under a rock the past several days that we've all seen that General Flynn, who actually pled guilty to lying to the FBI, has been cleared of all charges...
and not even via pardon from Trump as I would have expected!
I mean,
this is a great victory for the justice of our Law in this land.
A man who actually didn't even try to hide what he did, was cleared of all charges against him, and now stands fully exonerated, redeemed and free from the persecution he's faced for the past year or so.

We would think,
if a man pleads guilty to a crime,
then - case over - he's guilty.
But in fact,
as one of the attributes of American Law,
he probably was granted as much leniency as he was for being forthright with investigators.

General Flynn, one of the most decorated former officers in Trump's Whitehouse, now stands as completely redeemed, so to speak.  This, in-itself (kidding), shows me and others who found the treatment of a war hero like Flynn completely reprehensible that people who don't deserve to be punished won't be.  Flynn was, so I hear, financially ruined by this court proceeding and character assassination.  That is really a damned shame as there seems to have been no reason to charge him and as such impugn his character - not to mention putting a war hero in jail!

I think he really deserves redress through a counter suit (probably not possible in Federal court), but even more than that we have to see this victory of enumerated justice in the U.S.A. as clear proof that the Deep State Democrats have gone off the rails.
This whole Russia witch hunt that consumed the media for years at a time has been completely debunked and now we see, as per the universal princepe of Liberty, General Flynn's charges against him dismissed by the judge in the case...

I think all of us Repubs knew that the treatment Flynn got by the Deep State instigators was wholly unjust, right?
Well now, after years of silence regarding the issue, General Flynn has been redeemed by our mechanisms of Law and Order.  I think that is cause for celebration...

I mean, he pled guilty!
...and they dismissed the case!

That is true American Honor,
the kind of honor that only citizens of the U.S. of A. know through service.

So my guess is,
that the Deep State operatives in government, for example John Bolton and ilk, are being weeded out and told in that classic line from The Apprentice: You're Fired!

What I would recommend for any intel out there looking curiously at my blog is this (and for Law Enforcement especially):

Joseph McCarthy, in the 1950's, discovered over 75 soviet spies working inside American gov'ment.
I brought this up to a doctor of medicine, and even this near genius doctor had still believed the lies that really Joseph McCarthy was a monster and the discovery of soviet spies by McCarthy wasn't factual.
I was surprised!
I mean what are they teaching about McCarthy in academia?

I think it's time for all of us patriots to look into the commie agents in the Deep State's potential ties to soviet Marxism or even Maoist communism.  It really is a serious problem.

In CIA documents that I've discovered another Irish patriot named Fitzpatrick testified to congress, in the early sixties, that they had discovered via communist pamphlets seized in Europe that one of the communists goals is to infiltrate the Free World Police's organizations covertly and report on the activities of Law Enforcement to the communist party.  Further, it states in the pamphlet that:
"The more effective the police force the more necessary it is for the communists to infiltrate and disrupt it."

That means all of our homeland security, military and other intel and law enforcement agencies are the #1 target of the Deep State.  

I think that becomes rather obvious when you look at the mistreatment of General Flynn at the hands of his detractors...

I would like to request two things:

1) Get Flynn as a talking head on CNN or as a Fox News contributor or something so he can earn some cash to rebound from the financial ruin that this joke of a trial caused.

2) Use co-intel pro style tactics to root out all the Marxist spies and try them under our anti-conspiracy laws.

That's all a slovenly dirty Irish mick like myself could hope for.

DDU 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020

On Sense Perception

We can easily infer the World through some kind of a priori synthesis of correspondence with phenomenology.  When we do phenomenology, there are as many ways to infer the existence of the world-in-itself (Absolute Spirit) as there are different perspectives of the world ontically.

You could take the sense perception of an insect, say a spider, and examine it through empathy and compassion.  We can say with some certainty that if we squash a spider it's sense perception ends, perhaps with physical sensations in the insect of pain and suffering.  Further, we can say when we see a spider in our living room that this being is an entity of sorts, and it's own sensory perception - far different from ours - has perception of the perceiver (the "I").  So by the eidetic reduction of the conscious, unconscious and even preconscious perception between two entities in the proximity of each other we may surmise quite succinctly that, while the world-in-itself may be difficult to prove the existence of, we may understand - through thoughtful comportment  - that the ontico-ontological being of sense perception (Dasein) is such that we can apprehend a being's sentience.

So let's examine our own sentience,
through the totality of our own sense perceptions...

How can we be certain that what we see, hear, smell, touch or taste correspond with the world and ontical beings (entities) in-the-world?
Through the ontology of phenomenal reduction of specific qualia of what constitutes experience or sense perception or conscious awareness of our senses within ourselves, perhaps?
Maybe it has to do with examining logically the physical nature of how sense perception occurs within our-own-selves in-the-world, eh?

With a brute layman's understanding of how the brain works and using common sense logic, we can ascertain that the phenomenon of sense perception is a priori preceded by the mechanisms of our neurology...  How does this work?
Well I'm not very learned,
but it seems that if we have, say a sense perception of immediacy where our body acts without conscious thought, that a priori electro chemical stimuli and neural networks that carry these impulses are preconscious, so to speak, and somehow hardwired...
Bob Solomon, who if he had lived to see the recent advances in the study of the brain would no doubt be thrilled about the event horizon of the new philosophers, said that when it comes to science (he had a degree in biology before philosophy) the easiest sense perception to analyze in a laboratory setting is - in fact - "fear" by virtue of the application of an electro-shock (i.e. pain).
The fear reaction in, say, rats is easily reproducible in scientific analysis using the Scientific Method and seems to be consistent with what we know about neural networks.  The pain stimulus through the administering of an electrical shock in the rat induces fear, every single time.
I'm thinking, outside of science, of what we know about fear-as-such...
Let's look at the word of the Bible!
Fear, in scripture, is seen as a necessary sense activity in knowledge.
They say...
Fearing god, again, is seen in the New Testament as the first step to knowledge and wisdom, and further the first step to truly knowing God.  We can know God through some kind of sense perception, in this case fear (not leaving out love etc.), and come to conclusions about ourselves, the universe and the Spirit of the Times- How can we do this with certainty?

as I said,
I'm no professor of philosophy and hardly scientific whatsoever in my politik (I agree with Hegel's anti-Physics bent), so I'll have to rely on merely sophomoric approaches to the problem~

The equation is thus:

Inferring Correspondence Through Sense Perception + Eidetic Phenomenological Reduction of Given Phenomena = An Adequate Everyday Understanding of Sense Certainty

Correspondence, as observed by many in  academia in regards to the question of Sense Certainty, is seen as inadequate to determine the existence of objects of consciousness.  Why?
I can't see it to be frank.

If my hand touching a table gives me this sensory input I can infer through both Faith-as-such and common sense that the nerves in my hand triggering out of touching the object perceived (i.e. the object of consciousness) correspond with the Absolute, Objective, Unequivocal and Universal "table-as-such" that I can touch and see by virtue of the electro-chemical interaction in the empty space behind my eyes - the brain (which by the way one cannot really 'feel' the same way as other parts of the body - excluding, say, a headache or what have you) - and may sensibly infer that this table is existent in the world and my world of sense perception.

But there's still a problem here...

It was put best by Fichte and expanded on ad infinitum in Hegel's Phenomenology... 

"There is no consciousness of objects,
only consciousness of our consciousness of objects."

So it seems that my sophomoric 'correspondence theory' won't hold water...

...or will it?

How can an entity in the world determine correspondence?

I think the question here is the difference between consciousness-as-such and honest to goodness factical correspondence of the world to our sense perception.  In fact, what is consciousness?

And can there be a kind of "Absolute Consciousness"?

I'm doubtful.
Consciousness in the present age and for some time since the cultural revolution in the 60's has really lost most of it's significance philosophically and is -at best- a buzz word for pop psych bulling...
I mean honestly,
What's that phrase again?
"Expand your consciousness"...

I'll let it go at that,
but let's -as an exercise in phenomenology- examine what Fichte and Hegel must have thought of as qualifying consciousness-as-such.

More than likely consciousness for them must have had something to do with thoughtful circumspection.  So we could say, with certainty, that consciousness-as-such corresponds with consciousness-in-the-absolute.  The reducible ego of the "I", with our minds eidetic reduction preceded by ontically existent functions of our Mind, Spirit or "Ghost".

I'm reminded here, again, of the Bible and our Creation Story-as-such.
We're told that, in the beginning, God created mankind in his image - meaning creation corresponds to individual consciousness of the World-as-Such, and even our own Being-In-The-World in terms of Spirit (Geist).

So does that mean, in some sense or another, that our consciousness of our own consciousness is a byproduct of Creation?  Could it mean that our consciousness "Corresponds-in-Itself" with the World-as-Spirit?

Maybe I'll leave the tired Germanic phraseology here for arguments sake-

If we can only be conscious of our consciousness of the world and not the "World- In-Itself", ergo ipso we see an easy leap of judgement from our consciousness of consciousness to say that this type of conscious cognition - in all facticity and Universal Absolute truth-as-such - this type of cognition (consciousness-as-such conscious of its own consciousness of the world) corresponds with the Totality of the Universe, through a single qualia or quanta - if you will - of Geist (Spirit, Mind or Ghost).

So we can know that we don't know the Absolute world, and by virtue of this quasi-Socratic effort know via Faith that our sense perception refers to the creations of God-as-such, and Absolute Truth.

Apologies if this all seems a bit loopy...

But those are my basic tractates for today.

"We know ourselves as Spirit, when we become conscious of the world as the Absolute and the Universal Individual as ourselves, ontical beings suffering the experiences of God's Creation - I.E. Absolute Being-In-The-World as the "I".  When we raise our own being to be likened to the form of Creation, then we can truly in an Hegelian sense of ourselves as the world and the world as ourselves understand the world as Absolute Spirit."

-RT Stillwell

So what does all this blather really amount to?
A Paleo-Hegelian apology for or justification of Evangelical Theology & Hermeneutics,
proven through the phenomenological method and existential verstehen as the Will to Truth.

Domestic Democracy United 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Trump Mandates Removal of Choke Holds in PD

The police department,
god bless 'em,
has gotten lot of flack from BLM and Antifa protesters about the use of a chokehold in the case of George Floyd.
Well I'd like to very briefly comment that Donald Trump has, personally and of his own accord, put forth legislation that would do away with chokeholds being used on perps by officers of the law.

I say to all of the protesters out there, that Donald J. Trump's bold signing of an executive order banning chokeholds is truly doing the right thing.
...not even the most rabid amongst the law enforcement cabal would say that chokeholds shouldn't be prohibited, to be frank.
They might come in useful in dangerous scenarios for the FREE WORLD POLICE,
but I think all of us can say that prohibiting them in legislation is the right thing to do...
Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead on this progressive issue,
and has truly showed his true stripes as a died in the wool 'merican with 'tegridy.

I've been arrested several times for misconduct,
and do I want my neck under someone's knee?
And the same goes for Trump,
He understand the trials of poor whites and blacks,
mistreated so to speak by the system...

That is why Trump has done a Democratically good deed in his new executive order banning chokeholds.

Let's all give in to the healing of a nation,
a nation divided by ideology -


Domestic Democracy United 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

"United... for the Healing of the Nation" DDU2020 Exclusive

I'm reminded as I type this of the fact that what are known as "plagues" have historically existed before the pandemic we face now.  The "plague" of Covid-19 is surely a horrendous one...  We surely have passed a melancholic milestone now that the death total is above 100,000 here in the US.

So now,
let's look to the future!

Let's all help out and lend a hand in the healing of the nations.
Let's pray for healing.
Let's all give a little.
Let's heal each other,
in a time of despair.

That's my message today,
we need to have hope - democrat or republican - that we can get this pandemic behind us and re-open America.

Let's stand united.

My superPAC DDU (Domestic Democracy United) has been operating since 2010, so as we breach the milestone of ten years of politalk,
I'd like to note several facts about the effects of my writing in this blog.

I've been blacklisted,
I've had communists surveil my page so as to attack me,
I've been attacked online for standing up for police and law,

but the number one effect I think my authorship has had is in promoting a distinctly brilliant Irish Anglo-Saxon Protestantism.

So remember,
prayer really works,
and lets let our works do the work of JESUS~


Monday, June 8, 2020

On Total Comprehension

Who saw the present age of his time as an epoch of revolutionary thinking and a culmination of the Spirit of the continent,
Had a theory about what he called "Total (or complete) Comprehension".

This epoch of verstehen could be understood as being realized through spirit as the entirety of the universe, and the entire universe as Sein (or being) in spirit, understood a priori.

The similarities to Kant's categories and principles seem obvious,
but let's examine how Hegel differs from Kant.

His theory of dialectic, as defined in The Phenomenology...., basically takes Kant's categorical imperative and flips it upside down, not to mention much of the history of metaphysics as understood in Plato.  Kant believed that the "in-and-of-itself" was only capable of being known by God.
Hegel, by contrast, saw understanding of the "In Itself" and as such "Being-In-The-World" as the first step toward the level of Reason and Intellect that is known as "Mediation".

Through total comprehension during the developmental stage of Mediation-as-such, we can come to know god through the very Protestant dialectic of Hegel's authorship.  So Hegel really freed the individual conscious being from dialectical nihilism.  Total, Complete, Absolute, Objective and Unequivocal Verstehen is possible through a priori synthesis of thesis, anti-thesis.

Kant, it must be noted, got into a considerable amount of trouble during his time because of his methodological atheism.  Hegel took much of Kant's contribution to the spirit of continental philosophy and brought it to a beautifully abstract teleological meaning of existence.

In that sense,
I think Hegel's authorship constitutes an important faction in today's existentialist movement.
Complete understanding (verstehen) of the Spirit of Being-as-such, Being-There and the ready-to-hand ontical action of Being-In-The-World constitutes the a priori synthesis of Hegel that so influenced Heidegger.

In fact,
In Heidegger's Being and Time he ends the entire work with a systematic Destruktion of Hegel's contribution to Western thought.

Keep it locked here for more of Classic Politalk...

"What ever is new is thereby automatically traditional"


Monday, June 1, 2020

I Confronted BLM Today: Commie Tactics are for Cowards

Domestic Democracy United 6/1/2020

We all know about the demonstrations in the 1960's...
Civil rights protests aside,
I believe through evidence I've collected that the Hippies in 1968 really DID want a violent revolution.
And now in 2020,
I have confronted the communist conspiracy in my downtown community,
and it is dangerous.

I heard early this morning that there were protesters at the courthouse downtown from my house, and decided to make my voice heard.  I went to the drug store, got a blank sign, and wrote RESPECT THE LAW on it.

You'd think, after all of the impolite things BLM and Antifa protesters have put on their placards, that simply standing up for respect for our police would be acceptable civilized discourse.

However, within even seconds of reaching the protest and holding my sign the protesters started hurling insults and chanting slogans at me...  So I turned the sign Antifa Commies Go Home side out and continued my single person protest (there were no other patriot protesters there that I could discern).
Pretty soon, the inherent revolutionary violence of the BLM protest turned it's wicked head towards me.  A pollack gentleman in the crowd approached me and tore my sign up and even got lighty violent with me.  I just skipped hopped and jumped out,
but on my way out some southern democrat whore of babel followed me down the street and attempted to get me arrested with some law enforcement on the outskirts of the demonstration.

She truly wanted me, merely for standing up for law enforcement, to be arrested.

Well after a short talk with our heroes on patrol, they basically told me to scram.  I noticed officers that I've seen around town, who could do nothing...

I don't know why exactly I respect Law Enforcement-as-such (The FREE WORLD POLICE proper).

Maybe it's out of fear...
Maybe it's out of comradery...

But truly I think it's from seeing news reports for years talking about law enforcement officers being killed by thugs etc.  IT truly is a dangerous job, one of the most dangerous in the USA right now when coupled with what happened in Dallas and now Oakland, officers killed by BLM extremists.

Was it scary for me to be confronted by Antifa thugs?

Not at all, they are cowards through and through.

But I must admit,
I got quite an adrenaline rush doing it,
not to mention the mace I sprayed at em.

I say lets let these communist revolutionaries know what we think of them,