Monday, May 18, 2020

On Corona Virus: An Alt-Right Punk Author's Tractatus

I was, on the onset of these times, resistant to comment on the pandemic...  I felt, "Whoah man, I'm no scientist...  I'm not touchin' that with a ten foot pole..."

But after Americans, and now Spaniards, Germans and French started the Re-Open protests, I felt I should comment.  I believe that I predicted what now is becoming, in grassroots local stories around these fruited plains, a sincerely prescient and salient aspect of the Re-Open movement - which has now become WORLDWIDE~
Law Enforcement Around U.S. Refuse to Enforce Stay at Home Orders: KAG Reopen America Movement Continues

That is,
Law Enforcement in many areas are refusing to enforce the Quarantine and "Stay-At-Home" orders.

I wrote the article on a hunch from my Private Investigation tactics and insight into intuition, and said that police will likely stand down, a truly dramatic turn of events that seems to lack coverage on the lamestream corporate media...

Weeks after I wrote these words, it became reality (as well as my 'beach re-opening' prediction).

I believe that this was merely because, as a blue blooded 'merican in the deep south, I constantly have my finger on the pulse of the fruited plains of 'merica.

Even further,
In my home state of North Cackalaky last week a congregation of Baptist protesters sued the Governor over the merits and virtues of our number one founding document in 'merica, the constitution.
Sure enough,
the ruling by our courts was that it is a violation of our Constitutional Law-as-such to prohibit Church Gatherings and gave the protesters what they wanted and decided, ultimately, to allow church gatherings of more than 10 people!

A success of the real grassroots Tea Party activism that is the lone virtue of the Grand Ole' Party and it's impassioned base of constituents, and Glory Be to God
for their determination and will to Truth.

I feel that all around,
we will see:
1) Enforcements in NYC become more relaxed.
2) Most k-12 Schools will re-open classes in Fall 2020.
3) There will be major squabbles around the constitutionality of delaying elections this fall or voting by mail...  I feel that if there is ONE essential service for our fruited planes of 'merica it would be the electoral college remaining untainted and being precautious about lack of 'tegrity regarding electoral rights.
4) States will continue to re-open, but even in the best of estimates the recession will continue for a substantial amount of time before everyone recovers and gets back on their feet.
5) An unemployment rebound by Winter with an overall relaxation of Quarantine precautions...

6) The 'new normal' will be facemasks for everyone in public forevermore.  Cheap slave labor fashionable face coverings will become all the rage with the entertainers and celebs, while average Americans don't even bother to wear them most times~!

And finally 7) by Christmas time 2020 Trump will have been re-elected, we will lose the Senate with moderate gains in the House, and everyone will rally around a new world - by then - virtually Corona Virus Free.

With prediction accuracy like mine (99.8 % accuracy),
all I'll say is -
"Don't Doubt Me!"

Domestic Democracy United 2020


  1. Think you have Senate and House prediction backwards. With all hope

  2. yeah I realized that after I typed it but it stands
