Monday, July 19, 2021

Delta Variant of China Virus Deathly Serious: "MASK UP NOW" Says DDU Founder

 I'm not the most enthusiastic supporter of either everyone who is a healthy young adult getting vaccinated if they choose not to on the advice of their doctor, nor am I a blind follower of the guidelines regarding China Virus prevention - I for one think we need well thought out intelligent responsibility regarding the China Virus, not knee jerk lock step conformity...

But Vax adherents aside - I'd like to say to everyone within the reach of my little DIY Domestic Democracy United blog this: 

"It's definitely time to mask up, taday..."




"I'm sorry,

it's time to mask up today."


It's really on each everyday citizen of their nation and yae the world to take responsibility regarding the spread of the Delta variant more than seriously.  It's deathly real, deathly important and needs to be taken deathly seriously.  Do it for the American of African Heritage population, if no one else...

The virus is back,

or could be... BIGLY.

it's super serial...

So whether paranoid paleo-conservative,

a left winger who is VAX,

or even an indifferent citizen of whatever belief system who doesn't want to be inconvenienced, it's up to you to take this new variant with a responsible ethic of preventative action.  It really is a defining moment in our world's and, yae- all of your Local Community's survival... I mean it.

And I have nothing but loathing & contempt for conservative churches and media outlets spreading disinfo about the dangers of the China Virus.  I've seen it and heard it first hand, in my own party and even my own church...  it's not only kind of ignorant (I apologize please don't hate me for it) but irresponsible to take healthy skepticism and turn it into a kind of quasi-communist TRUTHER Bull Mess!!!!!!

 Motherfucking BULL MESS





There is a lot of room for speculation regarding this epidemic,

and a lot of room for reasoned discourse and dialectic - with the freedom of media implicit in it...

But I think Sean Hannity put it best and most responsibly out of the repub pundits:

"Consult with your doctor."

So before listening to Prison Planet communism or faux-christian fear mongering,

I think the thing to do if you have questions about the pandemic is have an honest convo with yr personal physician.  And take what they say serious.  Super serious...

B/C there is a simple fact that these TRUTHER Communists don't seem to understand the gravity of:

"Each loss of life from China Virus is a quantifiable loss of life - each one.  And each life lost to China Virus has a qualitative reality for their friends and family...

Further, even if you are VAX, you still need to mask up.  This is under-reported and I may (I hope) be incorrect - but from what I understand VAX only prevents you from experiencing the syndromes  of the China Virus.  Meaning,

even if you are vVAX, you can still get the China Virus and pass it to others.

So masking up,

especially for our Americans of African Heritage friends, who are disproportionately impacted by the virus more than your average (I'm loathe to put it this way but tbh I'm kind of angry about some of the repub rhetoric I've been hearing) white yuppie, is fundamentally important.  So please, pass it around: Now, as in right now before the next flu season hits (The make or break moment), it's time to MASK UP - even if you are VAX!"

- R.T. Stillwell. Raleigh, NC

I've heard certain pundits claim that it's frustrating for them that the CDC basically says that you should still be MASKING UP even if you are VAX (they communicated this succinctly very early on to the dismay of everyone who thought we could have an easy fix).  That kind of vitriol against taking responsibility, personal responsibility for the space you occupy in our world, seems to me to be misplaced.  This isn't about YOU and YOUR needs - this is about preventing very real and very tragic death.  It's not a joke, it's not a lark, and it's very super duper serious.

It's make or break time for our nation and the entire world - If the China Virus Delta Variant makes a bigtime comeback this flu season,




So the time to stave off the infection is now.  Start today by picking up more sterile face coverings.  We all got a box when we were supposed to, but trust me - it's definitely time for everyone to stock up on more.  Do it for those - innocent beans - at risk for dire and serious complications of this new DELTA CHINA VIRUS

 - i.e. dying from the pandemic.

It's a shame that it's difficult to get people back into taking precaution regarding the Delta Variant seriously, since the joy of re-opening the country seems to give the publik the impression that the danger is over - and it very well may be,

but we just don't know.

    And some of the current late breaking statistics regarding new DELTA VARIANT infections of late _which are not manufactured as some dumbass repubs who should know better seem to be paranoid about_ don't paint a very optimistic picture. 

I believe in the past week, the new cases of the China Virus are back up...

waaaaay back up,

to something like a 700% increase!!!

So please,

if you are an intelligence engineer, contractor or government, a nurse or doctor working on the frontlines, a concerned citizen (which is where I start and end my conservative MO) or even a young Trend Setter whose opinions and attitudes your peers mimic and live by -



pass it around...









P.S. - If any of you were offended by my post about the FL. building collapse in Surfside and found it disrespectful (as I've found a lot of left wingers feel - I guess they're convinced it's 'infrastructure' not a terrorist attack which is understandable) I sincerely apologize. 

     I AM



Saying that,

The fact - real factical truth about the gov'ment's actual investigation into the cause of the collapse is that foul play has not been ruled out.  It might seem unlikely, but it's still possible.

So let's all remember to take the Surfside tragedy seriously.  Death is real.

Whether we like it or not...

DDU 2021

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