Monday, December 30, 2019

Sanford D.E.M. Headquarters Vandalized: DDU Shows Support

As we reach the end of Hanukkah season with a mass murder by a Black Lives Matter protester at a Rabbi's Hanukkah party, I would just like to apologize for any antisemitism I may have displayed on Politalk.
It has never been my intention to spread existential alienation or angst.
I may have said some things about politicians of the Jewish persuasion before that were uncouth and I sincerely apologize...

With that being said- JUST IN ON THE WIRE!

A Lee County (My neighboring county) Democrat Headquarters building has been vandalized.

I would like to offer my support to the Tea Party activists who did this.
They are heroes.
Much like David and Goliath in the bible,
They went up against a giant and slew him,
all through the hip hop form of Graffiti art, so to speak.

I truly surmise that this is, in facticity, whitelash for the confed'rate monument in my home county of Chatham being taken down.

Whitelash isn't exactly the best strategy in the world,
but if you have grievous concerns about issues of this sort I applaud the Tea Party protesters who vandalized the building...  They are not only heroic, but humorous.

I mean, how do you like it commies, when your property is trashed by us?

Must be pretty scary!

I certainly hope so...

Happy new year!!!

Domestic Democracy United 2012

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