Friday, December 6, 2019

A Very Confed'rate Christmas in Chatham Co.

Let's talk about two things here:  The Confed'racy and Christmas.

The confederate cause has always had a place here in Chatham Co.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing nefarious about this...

Citizens of Chatham Co. have always promoted the Confed'rate flag and respect for the Southern traditions passed down to families from their native ancestors here in the South proper.

The fact is, a confed'rate flag or sticker on a pick up truck might seem threatening to those who believe merely in the politically correct...

But this sociologically apprehendable phenomenon is far from anything menacing or terroristic.

Attempts have been made to compare right wing Southern tea party patriots and islamist fundamentalist terrorism,
but I think the comparison is spurious and dubious in the extreme to say the least.

Confed'rate heritage is our birthright as Southerners,
and considering how Politically Correct our society has become,
One might consider the anti-confederate protesters to be acting very un-pc.

I mean if I went to an indigenous culture far from the place of my upbringing proper and started assaulting their native traditions polemically and institutionally would that not be an example of very un-intelligent lack of political correctness?  I mean, when in Rome....

But the fact remains - The yanks in city gov'ment and - yae - the hippie scum that make up the constituency of the county seat we live in (as well as where the monument stood for more than 100 years) voted for policy to remove our traditional confed'rate monument.

And now - for the first Christmas season in more than a century - we have a whitewashed county seat courthouse and the yank's have, decidedly, won the battle over the monument.  It's gone.

And now the activist judges in Chatham's judicial system seem to be blocking the UDC (United Daughters of the Confederacy) from putting up a confed'rate approved replacement monument...

I can only hope that the UDC and the yippie citizenry can come to some kind of across the aisle bi-partisan solution....

So -



DDU Brendan O'Connell


The main argument of the Anti-fa and black lives matter protesters against the monument was that it represented slavery (as well as rumors that slaves were sold nearby the monument itself).  Touche'.
But what I would argue is that this needs some historical clarification of the Democrat Progressives of the last century after the emancipation of all the slaves in the South.
Yes, the quote "progressives" in charge of post civil war America did a number of things that are historical facts one can check out, that I believe to be even more sinful and racially blind than the paternalism of Southern culture before the civil war by enacting some reforms that many view as decidedly "not very Christmasy".

1) The progressives, believing not only that men and women of African Heritage were too under educated to vote but that Scots-Irish sharecroppers as well as newly emancipated black citizens didn't deserve democracy.
The Progressive Democrat 'social engineers' of early last century mandated Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests (%100 historically factical) for the poor undereducted masses.  They referred to the newly emancipated blacks as, and I quote, "SAVAGES".
Lord knows what they had to say about the Irish!

2)  The reconstruction of the newly conquered Southern territories was seen in terms of crippling the yanks opponents in the civil war...  namely po' whites.  Social reforms were meant to cause consternation to the average Southerner.  The carpetbaggers moving into southern states oft' times were quick to enact policy that would virtually cripple po' white scots-irish all across the fruited planes of the confederate states.  This seems...

and finally, to bring it home:

3) Early progressive dems, reacting to the problem of what to do with the newly emancipated blacks, invented through Social Engineering, the system that po' blacks find themselves struggling against all the way up till today... that is, Housing Projects or Ghettos.
Many don't know this or wish to look the other way in regards to the responsibility of creating "ghettos" for the quote "savages"; But the poor scots-irish in Chatham sure didn't come up with this infrastructure...  No all of the structuralist politik and real world conditions of the progressive dem invented "Housing Projects" were developed by our modern day democrat compatriot forerunners in the gov'ment of early 20th century attempts to, and I quote, "civilize" the newly emancipated blacks through 'progressive re-education' and by promoting a homogeneous black culture through the development by the government of Ghettos.

I guess what I mean to say in a kind of blithe summation of racial politik in the South-as-such is merely this...

Democrats and non-affiliated Progressives are, through their romanticization and sentimentalization of Americans of African Heritage's culture, DE-FACTO, far more bigoted and racist than even the worst of the worst in Alt-Right mythology.  I've heard stories of Americans of African Heritage attending Alt-Right events and being completely and warmly welcomed by the Tea Party patriots and other factions in the protest.  I mean, the fact is -  RIGHTWING = LESS RACIST THAN LIBERALS.


domestic democracy united 2012

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