Friday, November 15, 2019

Slaughter at California School - DDU on Psychopathic Gunmen

Last thursday there was an armed attack at a school in Southern California, leaving a number of innocent people dead, injured and traumatized.

It's a horrid thing that occurred,
and none of us should give into the complacency regarding the "mass shooter" epidemic.

The fact is,
we may write off these incidences as just another day in paradise,
but I think it's important to remember:

"The loss of even one life is a quantifiable loss of life."

I mean think about just one person's death.  A single person tragically dying...

It's infinitely unjust, terribly sad, and eternally damnable by god.
I cannot imagine that many of these shooters are really Christian to be honest.
Sure the lamestream media attempts to tie every one of these tragic events in with Tea Party/Alt-Right folks, but I would wager a fair hand that the majority of these types of tragic mass shootings are not carried out for religious reasons...

But what is the M.O.?
The Modus Operandi?
A priori?

It's hard without tons of training in Criminology as such to really say for sure,
but I'd wager it was put best by Trump:  "These guys are losers."

I mean from the first big media spectacle coverage of Columbine up to the international terrorism of Bin Laden all the way up till today-  Could the motive be merely the motive of a "loser"?

It may be more complicated than that,
but I think some of the criminal pathology that leads to these types of "outbursts" may be psycho-sexual, to be frank.

in the real world,
losers have trouble getting laid...

Either because they're ugly or anti-social or perhaps they're simply isolated by the individualism of the Post - Structuralist age;
Either way I think it'd be interesting to see some more of the info on these mass shooters than we're generally given.

I mean,
what kind of music did they listen to (so I can avoid listening to that in the future)?
what books were they into (so I can read opposing authors)?
what was their web browser history (that's really the big one)?

But we never get that in the lamestream media.

All we get is, as I called it once, this blithe insinuation.

Unless they (as in the lamestream media) can tie the shooter to conservatism/republicanism and then all bets are off!

Perhaps the irresponsibility of journalism can cause this type of psycho-sexual isolation?
Who knows?

There's always violent video games...

I mean,
lets be honest...
Violent media can have a negative impact on people's morality;
esp. in this age...

Who knows..What I do know is we should all stand by our courageous Generation-Z school age young adults,
and pray for their safety.

We need peace.

Let's all do our part!

Brendan O'Connell
Domestic Democracy United 2019

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