Monday, August 5, 2019

El Paso Shooter Certain to Get Death Penalty: "Only Good News I've Heard" Says DDU Founder

Some gun owners out there must surely feel existentially alienated after the shooting in El Paso that took 31 innocent lives, including children...

I have to say,
the worst thing about this slime mold who shot up a Walmart (of all places), is that he shot at and killed CHILDREN~

I think we may all, for once, be vindicated in justice.
Texas is the most pro-death penalty state in our republic,
and the anti-christ shooter who executed innocent children is sure to receive the highest penalty administered by law - the death penalty.

I don't want to revel in the whole "Kill The Killer" thing,
but this man should not only be executed lawfully and justly?
But he should be hanged...

There are,
the last time I checked,
still states that use hanging as a way of putting people on death row down.

I just hope we can lynch this guy instead of the decidedly more humane gassing or lethal injection.

His sure demise by state sanctioned execution is really the only positive thing I've heard come out of this tragedy so far.

But I return to gun owners perhaps feeling a bit disturbed by this shooting in El Paso.

The shooter (who in his jail outfit looked like a total dishrag) was clad in basic "firing range" regalia!

I mean, imagine how responsible gun owners who go to firing ranges must feel right now!?!?!

Think about how I feel!?!??!

I mean this douchebag turd sandwich dishrag even had a MANIFESTO!

Seems to me that this man had a very simple MO (Modus Operandi).

He wanted to start some kind of revolution, clearly.

It's not uncommon for people with narcissistic tendencies to think the entire world is in the state of an inevitable full on revolution, and that THEY are going to start off the revolution by murdering people (hence then they would assume everyone like them will join with the ideology of their manifesto and have a violent revolution).

The only loose thread in this argument is that a republican is president and Texas, the state in which it occurred, is a predominantly red state...

Perhaps he was just a xenophobe with a gun and nothing to loose...

I don't know for sure...

But I - for one - am voting New Founding Fathers in the coming election-

The only party with sensible legislation on taxidermy rights and televised executions of mass shooters!


DDU 2019

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