Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Blooms; Fighting Season Starts

For all of our many servicemen in the line of Duty at the moment, I'd merely like to send a request out for prayer...
Pray for our intelligence operatives and servicemen overseas risking their lives for the ultimate cause of capitalism and Democracy as such.
We have a responsibility to promote Democracy in Iraq, pakistan, afghanistan and beyond in the eastern european Nation State of the Ukraine.

We simply must keep all those in the harms way of war at the peak of our existential consciousness of responsibility,
and I believe,
that we shall see an even discourse coming soon...
Even "as such".
But with the Mueller report out,
We surely must see clearly and transparently that Trump has been 'exonerated' of all Russian collusion.

Now there truly must be a 'co-intel pro'- like strategum going on in the executive office to clearly look into collusion between the D.E.M. and the former Soviet Republic.  I truly hope Trump can suss out the rats in the deep state and rally the republic around his platform.  Let's all say a big 'HIP HIP HUZZAH' for Trump.

He has been vindicated...

By the mueller report...
And it now seems that the lamestream media is backing off a fair amount and aiming for their revenue.


But I continue to fight for Freedom, Justice, Democracy and Liberty!

Why are so many on the Left silent when it comes to the founding documents?
Because they implicitly believe that "Philosophy and Theology" as such are to be deemed historical antiquities and "Ideology" in the drive-by media seems to be the norm!

I've blogged previously on the debate around the Confed'rate monument in my hometown, and
I'd just like to say to all those who keep up with politalk, your support is seriously appreciated!

I'll be airing on POLITALK very soon footage of the debate that ensued... including some shots of the memorial downtown surrounded by Tea Party patriots!

Here's to DDU!!!
Let's all do what we can to advance democracy as such (in-and-of-itself)!

RT STILLWELL 2019 Domestic Democracy United

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