Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Report Drops: Communist Controlled Media now Spinning Trump as 'Obstructing Justice'

Before I start on this long awaited blog entry on the supposed collusion with Russia that has now had the wind knocked out of it, I'd merely like to say that the last blog entry on Politalk was not my doing... I've deleted it and I apologize to anyone who read it and found it disconcerting.
Somebody, perhaps a communist, hacked politalk and wrote some disgusting things hoping to derail the influential impact of my conservative blog.  It's not humorous, and completely immoral...
Some people out there, namely proto- and sub-communists, are violently against me, Brendan Hooker O'Connell, and I have even received numerous death threats.
I stand strong in my determination to stay true to the founders vision of Democracy.

Now on to the Mueller report...

I flipped on the television yesterday and to my surprise found that the Mueller report had dropped stating that there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.

before I could even finish celebrating this monumental victory for Trump and Trump supporters alike the columbia schooled journalists in the lamestream media turned on a dime changing the narrative from Russian collusion to 'obstruction of justice'.

It's sad in a way.
It seems as though the democrat party of today is so entrenched in communist ideology that they refuse to allow god fearing Trump supporters even an iota of satisfaction.  Without even addressing the extreme malfeasance of justice that was the Mueller investigation (Trump called it 'criminal' and I agree), or even apologizing for just how idiotic these talking heads in the lamestream media look after nearly 3 years of shoving the whole Russian collusion things down the American publik's throats, the media is still full on against our duly elected President.

Why can't they see that a never ending torrent of communist liberal democrat narrative in nearly ALL news media makes the democrat party look bad?  Can't they see it's this patently obvious media slant that probably was the sole reason Trump was elected in the first place?

Despite what some might think, the America electorate on the right is not stupid.
When it seems like something is fishy with mainstream media, they'll generally vote republican.

It's just a bad strategy to be honest.

But the communist party, which is the ideology of the majority of the modern day D.E.M., will always operate in this manner because the Modus Operandi is twofold.

1st goal - violent overthrow of capitalist countries in order to replace the current government with a communist one...

2nd goal - if violent overthrow can't be done, do EVERYTHING in one's power to undermine, subvert and propagandize against the ruling authority of the nation in question.

So I'd suppose it's only natural that the columbia schooled marxist journalists in the drive-by media would react this way.
I just never would expected the gall in which they would do so!

It's patently ridiculous that if they don't get their way, they - like hangry children - throw a little bitch fit.

This victory for Trump and especially Trump's base is reason for celebration!

Yet the naysayers in the marxist controlled media refuse to give the POTUS and repubs even an inch....

I'd like to - as pundits are want to do - make a prediction on the basis of the Mueller report that I'll end this little blog entry with~

Major gains by republicans in 2020 with the gutless RHINO's siding with democrats ousted in favor of Trump supporters, and yae- 4 more years for one of the most fantastic Presidents this country has ever known.

I could be wrong,
however my EIB affiliated accuracy rating is approaching 99.8 percent so I guess all I have to say is...


Domestic Democracy United 2019

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