Friday, February 22, 2019

International Commie Conspiracy Wages War on Poor White Repubs

Ever since Trump declared a state of emergency for the USA, the left - in particular the communist left - has been waging war on Western tradition, white males, and poor white republicans.  The international communist conspiracy has always had a flair for anarchism- and the commie left is doing everything they can currently to undermine democracy, capitalism and even poor white republicans...

Call us what you will- the "unwashed masses", "flyover country" or "po' whites" generally.
The communist conspiracy, which I can assure you is 100 percent factical, is currently doing everything it can to do damage to poor white republicans.

I guess they didn't get the memo!

Now is a time for patriotism, obedience to the law of the land and law of God;  not a time for undermining Western Civilization...

Yet that is exactly what the international communist conspiracy is actively doing at the moment!

The facticity of the commie plot to undermine our electorate has never been more extremist than it is today.  They seem to think that a National state of emergency is a perfect time to sow discord in any way they can, by whatever means necessary.

Everyone on the left is cowering at Trumps martial law, and it's a complete communist conspiracy- guaranteed!  It seems like the commie left is so anti-poor white and anti-American that they see this dreary weather and call for border security as an opportunity, sickly enough.

Rahm Emmanuel once chimed in under Obama's reign that every crisis is an opportunity...

Well the commies on the left seem to see this apparent crisis as nothing more than an opportunity to undermine and dismantle Western society and culture.

This is no opportune time to blaspheme poor white patriots...

Yet that is exactly what the commie left is doing!

Let's all let the communist leftists know that they ain't welcome here.

These dishrag ass liberals feel entitled to enact their own form of pathological nuerosis upon citizens and patriots across the USA.  Let's fight back through independence.  Sovereignty.  Dignity.  Honor and majesty!!!

God save the Trump administration!

Viva la America!

DDU 2019 

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