Sunday, October 28, 2018

Samhain Synagogue Killings Occurs Amidst a Spike In Violence Nationwide

A keen eye on local and national news media can be very enlightening when put into statistics...  I don't have the exact figures! perhaps only federal and local law enforcement do~ but I would say from a simple review of shooting and violent crimes leading up to the celebration of Halloween (or "Samhain" proper) on the evening news that violent crime is on the rise, almost entirely because of the ancient druid celebration of Samhain.

One thing to consider amongst all of this ultra-violence (including but not limited to the so-called "Synagogue Massacre") is that around this time of year and season for centuries caucasians have been doing precisely this;  sacrificing people to god.

And a shooting such as this reeks of ancient druid Samhain celebratory sacrifice.

We all know how the parable of Abraham and Isaac taught Christians not to sacrifice people to god...  how sacrificing someone to god for something like Samhain is immoral, so to speak.

Despite that, considering the violence-at-hand one might speculate that this 'purge' is part of our ancestral tradition.  Druids used to sacrifice people to god for centuries, and perhaps that's still part of the caucasian (or anglo-norman) tradition.

I can see that much of the violence we see on the local "blood and guts" really reflects on just how HORRIFIC this halloween in this year of our lord, 2018, really is and may turn out to be.

I don't know we'll see.

So for the apparent 'purge' going on this halloween I urge all of you to BE SAFE!

...and may the odds be ever in your favor!


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