Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Islamists Like Osama and ISIL are- DE FACTO - Actually Marxist!

I've been going on about the communist threat in the media and deep state recently, and I would just like to note one thing - that should cause proto-marxists to disavow dialectical materialism for life!
That is, very often Islamists such as Osama Bin Laden are in fact studied and avowed communists/marxists...

It may sound hard to believe,
but in fact - Osama Bin Laden's 9/11 attack was part and parcel of the marxist strategy!
It's almost so obvious it's ludicrous!

Now you may be wondering how I made the leap from islamism to marxism - but BE WARNED:

I got this meme from a Teaching Company lecture called "The future of Terror" - in which the lecturer goes on to describe how Bin Laden studied Marx in London and took communist teachings back to the middle east as a disciple of Marxism.

So in light of this, I can only assume the raghead marxist organization ISIL has a keen sense of communism and marxist tactics of disruption.  I think anyone who has looked at ISIL's propaganda recognize it as being similar to video's put out by the psuedo-hacker group ANONYMOUS...

Well "anonymous" is - in fact - another marxist organization!

Is it conceivable that anonymous and ISIL etc. are working together in an international communist conspiracy?

Possible but unlikely.

Most anonymous affiliates can't even hack and just hold up the Guy Fawlkes mask to be fashionable...

The fact is, the hardest of the hardcore marxists out there are the islamist communists - DIED IN THE WOOL COMMUNISTS - and they need to be combatted...

What if the DHS did a cross reference of communism and islamism in the search engines...?
Could be greatly revelatory!

The fact is,
True communists hate capitalism and in the case of Islamist communism hate Christians themselves...

If only there were a way we could return to the age of McCarthy in the 50's and suss out the islamist communist/marxist agents within our countries National borders...  They do pose a truly treacherous and venomous threat to every god fearing average American.

So let's all do our best to distance ourselves from these communist loons!
Reject dialectical materialism fully and in all of it's forms,
because the communist manifesto is %100 TREASON:

"1st rule is - got love for germany
2nd rules is - be nice to your mommy
3rd rule is - dont talk to commies
4th rule is - eat cochease salami"

- The Ramones

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