Saturday, October 21, 2017

D.E.M. Machine Forces Withdrawl of Absolutely the Best Candidate for Drug Czar

The democrat establishment machine played a vicious game of all in texas hold em style gambling when they rebuffed the nominee for drug czar, forcing what amounted to a fabulous candidate for the head of the war on drugs to withdraw his name in the running for the position...

What kind of machiavellian backroom dealing in corrupt politik took place one can only speculate!

Yet here we are today!

...without a drug czar that, according to the democrats' own accusations, was particularly lax on drug trafficking...

Thanks a lot Chuck U. "Jew"mer and your uptight sober ass!

"However sober, religious, churchgoing, moral or strict they mighte otherwise be"
-Jonathan Edwards (not the fucking politician you dote)

I mean really!

Anyone remember the gaddamned 80's and how freely the coke was flowing?

That was fucking REAGAN, K?

Trump stood to do a serious favor for all who indulge in illicit substances on occasion, something which seems threatening and dangerous to some yet is relatively common on not only college campii but even in the city where it all happens: Washington D.C.

Why not let us have a drug czar with more of a vision for America's club and live music venue scene.

However sober you might otherwise be,
I can almost guarantee you if you went to a Willie Nelson concert you'd want to hit a doober or two!  lol!

I mean get real Mr. Jewmer,

"Like a fox ruling the henhouse..."

Guess what you fucking elitist D.C. inbred kike swine?

I want some goddamned fried chicken!!!

RT Stillwell

DDU 2017

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