Wednesday, May 12, 2021

on lil homicide and nc

Hi my name is Brendan oconnell. A lot of people know me as a right wing extremist tea party activist. But what I would like to say is that despite my political leanings as a  Republican conservative I sympathise 100% with the death of Andrew Brown Jr. also known as the MC rapper Little homocide. It may seem counterintuitive to consider how anti black lives matter i am in fact... but politics has nothing to do with truth and the responsibility not just of police but yea the military and anybody with a weapon of deadly force bears to the law of our nation!

 I've been emceeing over urban music and djing as well as producing urban music for about 20 years this year of our Lord 2021.... the instance of Mr. Brown out in Elizabeth City transcends the George Soros astro turf activism of Minneapolis and black lives matter as such! This is not about the marxist conspiracy that is black lives matter. This is about anyone who possesses a deadly weapon being held responsible for and I mean it irresponsible use of deadly force. I sympathise with Mike Brown as an artist of urban music but besides that I believe that after the body camera footage was made public to the family That law enforcement in this case used irresponsible and excessive force of deadly weaponry! 
That is to be held accountable under our law under our constitutional sovereign law whether it's a gang banger in a drive-by or whether it's a military member overseas or even whether it's a white male murdering their wife out of Passion. Murder is a sin according to the bible. 

Murder is not to be taken lightly! 

Saying that in this use of deadly force by law enforcement I would merely state that had Mr. Brown been carrying a weapon I would be completely on the opposite side of this debate!  

but apparently he was not packing! He was not carrying any gun whatsoever. So in this case I believe it's unequivocally true that law enforcements use of deadly force was administered irresponsibly in this case! Saying that I am not so sure Justice amounts to throwing the book at these police. I just believe that it is the truth that mr. Brown did not have to die ! And that people dying without warrant is a travesty of our law and yea the law of The Bible. So with that being said black lives matter is astro turf this is not Minneapolis and I have no sympathy for the meat head bouncer George Floyd who was hepped up on opioids and resisting arrest built like a brick shithouse.

 No sympathy for blm whatsoever from this cowboy .

 Saying that I have nothing but compassion for Andrew Brown also known as little homocide. He was an artist who made urban music as part of urban music culture. He did not deserve to die! This is not my fight at all. I merely voicing my own personal interpretation of what I've seen about what happened in Elizabeth City Eastern North Carolina on this pedantic blog! I have no cause to stick up for Andrew Brown also known as little homicide! But as a tea party Republican I sympathise with the Brown family's loss I believe this to be a very sensitive time in our in our history North Carolina for oue nation and a for anybody committed to the struggle for Justice! 

Mike Brown did not deserve to be killed through excessive and irresponsible use of deadly force and deadly weapons.... 
This has nothing to do with the black lives matter movement! This has to do with Justice for anybody regardless of race creed or colour who irresponsibly uses a deadly weapon to murder somebody! It doesn't matter who you are using a gun irresponsibly on...  this is irresponsible existentially... not only according 2 me and domestic democracy united but by the law of The Bible And a law of our land.
 Rest in peace lil homocide.

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