Monday, January 13, 2020

"My Apologies" Says DDU Founder

I would like to formally apologize for any anti-muslim sentiment directed against Iran that I may have posted on my blog.  I think the statements I made were under duress and I have now rethought my platform regarding Iran.  If what I said about "The Crusades" offends you, I would just like to say I'm sorry.

The Iranian Publik,
With their protest against the established Iranian Gove'ment in regards the the Ukrainian flight shot down, has my full support.

Let's do it differently this time.

Iranian protesters defied their Totalitarian state by protesting while paying respect to America and Israel.  They did this by marching and refusing to tread on our flags, as a sign of respect...

I for one applaud their courage,
and truly hope an Iranian metal band is going on tonight.

We need democracy advocates like these protesters in Iran.

It shows us that this potential "knock down drag out" war with Iran needs to be circumspected about properly.

There ARE democracy supporters in Iran...

And if they are muslim,
I would like to apologize for my inflammatory rhetoric.

Islam is the religion of peace.

And I for one support the Iranian protesters.

They are a modern,
or even "post-deconstructionist" force for democracy in Iran.

It's just hard to justify all of the anti-Americanism,
despite the current public zeitgeist.

But if Iranian nationalist patriots are against the Ukrainian flight being shot down,
the biggest insult to the west by Iran,
Then we should support the Iranian protesters.

They are an intelligent peoples,
who crave modernization...

I say,
If war DOES happen,
Let's do everything we can as the U.S. Military to not have excessive casualties to the population.

I don't know if the tensions have declined or escalated,
but I will say this...

The Iranian populous of protesters,
In their "not stepping" on American and Israeli flags meant to be used to disrespect the West and Israel,

We're here to save the day.

Let's adhere to the current diplomatic solutions while keeping reasonable...

I apologize for any inflammatory anti-islamic rhetoric I may have displayed and vow not to repeat it again.

The people of Iran and the people of America are the west's allies.

I know that now and I'm sorry.

Let's get into a cold war instead of an all out knock down "hot" war.

I support the Iranian protesters protesting against their gov'ment shooting down the Ukrainian flight.

It was a travesty of law and justice.

I stand by the Iranian, Iraqi, Afghani and Pakistani people and sovereign citizens who are all equal in their heroism.

Let's work together for a culture in which all religions are sovereign,
before their black market rapists and defilers in the terrorist sect can do any more harm....

Money before War!

DDU 2020

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