Thursday, December 27, 2018

Antifa Muckrakers Vandalize Chatham Co. Confederate Memorial

My hometown is in Chatham County, NC.

It's the capitol of the county...  a little city called Pittsboro.
In the center of NC's piedmont region and a short jog away from the Triangle metro centre's, Pittsboro has been booming with growth in recent years.

Downtown there is a circle between two intersecting highways, with a relic in the centre.

An American flag next to an historical courthouse adjacent and a Confed'rate "north facing" statue for, what is entombed at the base, "The Forgotten Confederate Soldier".

I grew up in this southern city since my childhood, back when it was what Scotty McCreery called a "Water Tower Town".

I lived directly beneath this looming water tower in a tiny little house on Midway Street.

I could walk back from school with ease and comfort.

I could visit the local General Store and get snacks and caffeinated drinks comped on a tab that would be paid later by my hardworking parents.

I could roam freely, rollerblading around and exploring this little southern sanctuary of a city...

Well time passed and I moved away for the allure of bigger city's.

For years, I would travel back to my hometown and see that ole' statue, flag and courthouse and feel a profound sense of comfort and nostalgia.  Perhaps it's a little ludicrous and stodgy, but that north facing statue became part of my moral-ethico tradition.

Well after a span of time the county took that old water tower down- the workers mill across from our ole house on Midway Street closed down- and this little enclave of "Leave it to Beaver"-like naiveté became a flourishing and massively growing community of people coming here, more or less, from Yankee areas to work in the Triangle, a booming tech center and area of massive job growth in NC.

Now while i'm proud to be from below the Mason-Dixon, I harbor no anti-pathy towards our more northern charactered compatriots...

...granted they respect the traditions of our soil, of our land, and of the "local flora and fauna" that are our Christian traditions.

As a gonzo journalist with a keen observance of methods used in Private Investigation, I have a primordial hunch based on non-stated observed facts that the little Yank Antifa faction in this town have been waging assault on the confederate monument.

I was downtown, and saw someone seemed to have done this godawful act of vandalism- and I just choked with existential Nausea.

The gall of some little muckraker!

Probably some yankee antifa protesting living in his mothers den decided to deface the monument!  Guaranteed!

Maybe it was one of the many "Hippie" or "Yippie" factions in this town, sticking it to the "racist white oppressors".  If you ask me, defacing an historical monument IS racist white oppression.

It's all described in the socio-psychological term "racial threat".

The ignorant stooges see that confed'rate monument, see the pleathora of big evil gas guzzling SUV's and pick up trucks and see this mainstream southern christian culture not as a student of Southern Culture and History but with the sociologically zombie-like world view of the formerly occupy now antifa protester.

It's ludicrous.

The key to understanding this phenomena of the post-decustructionist zeitgeist is in an understanding of that term "Racial Threat" (i.e. the way in which someone could be discriminated against as being a racist by merely 'looking' like a racist), and how it applies to the kind of nostalgia I talked about having for my own tradition.
I have a kind of nostalgia for the town and state I was raised in.  I now remain tremendously respectful of the quasi-indiginous culture of the piedmont.  The piedmont region of North Carolina has it's own identification, but many of these imports from other regions ignore that and just use us as a dumping ground.

But let's return to the phenomenological concept of Nostalgia.

The nostalgia these yanks have is based in their multi-cultural and secular upbringing.  They have been taught in schools that whoever won the war, the civil war, is unimportant to assessing the bias of History-in-itself... to speak, the confederates in the South decidedly lost the war-

Meaning now the history books are written from the perspective of the Union cause.

It's all a bit drab,
But what I mean to say is the old addage "whoever wins the war writes the history books" is something for someone inclined to do so to consider seriously.

And I think the post-deconstructionist upgrade to this addage is "Whoever wins the war, controls the media".

So these braindead lametard democrats are just swallowing down media on TV, in schools, in newspapers, and ESPECIALLY on the internet that is merely the propaganda of the Yankee white conquerors who killed thousands upon thousands of poor white soldiers who fought for the very soil that many of these imports now live on.  It's ironic and decidedly impetuous this droll nostalgia white democrats have for ethnic, and yae- black culture.

If they had actually seen the reality of Ghetto's, gang crime and poverty they might lose some of that naive zombie-like ideology.

But yes,
I was saddened, horrified, and entirely vengefully and wrathfully angry when I discerned the the Chatham Co. Confed'rate monument had been vandalized by what we must presume are young, counter-cultural anti-fascist protesters.... not just once, but numerous times...

Maybe, if they're so angry at the racist KKK and Confederacy- they should, as opposed to petty crime, simply raise up arms against the fascist racist pigs and have themselves a little revolution!

That's clearly what they want!

all I can say is this... a man standing furious at the yankees...

"If you organize, and protest my monument...?
I will meet you there not as a journalist with a camera to document
but as a patriot with a can of mace to let you antifa yankees know,,,

That you....

are not....


Domestic Democracy United 2018

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