Monday, November 26, 2018

An Analysis of Christmas Theology: Old Testament vs. New Testament

No one is going to, with any certainty, dismiss the Hebrew Bible (or the Old Testament) altogether...

But I'm here to tell all of you not well into the message of The Word that I... as a United Methodist, believe something quite uncanny about the books of The Bible~

That is,
The Old Testament is like allegorical poetry more than fact; and the New testament is more like the transcriptions of the dialogues of Socrates by Plato than mere poetry.

That is to say,
That if you disbelieve the creation myth or the miracles of early theologians like Moses, there may well be good reason...

I see the Hebrew Bible as a kind of Passion Play about morality than an actual historical record of miracles and other events that have - ya know - ACTUALLY transpired...

But now we come to the New Testament.

It's much of kin to Plato's transcriptions of Socrates' life and death.

Plato incredibly transcribed the words of Socrates for all of humanity to learn from for the rest of the course of human history!

The same goes for the words, and deeds and yae~ miracles of what we're celebrating this Christmas...

That is, Christ.

Much like Socrates, Jesus Christ's words, moral codifications and yae! miracles are all of kind to any kind of historiography.

Jesus ACTUALLY proclaimed the moral codifications of the NT much as Socrates was ACTUALLY executed by the Athenian gov'ment by 'drinking the hemlock'.

These are all historical facts, and the facticity of the transcriptions of Christ's life in the NT are in fact even more factual than the liberties Plato took in some of his Dialogues.  To be sure, there are several accounts of the many stories in the NT, and with several authors all documenting this in The Bible certainly shows that if you admit that Socrates was a real person with real moral codifications than surely you must admit the same about the Life of Jesus Christ...

I don't mean to demean the prophets of the Hebrew Bible, but I really believe that most of the supposed 'facts' of the old testament never really truly occurred.

It's more of kin to a kind of quasi-moral prose.

But the New Testament cannot be denied!

I for one bear witness now and forever of the Truth of Jesus Christ and his life and death and - yae~ this christmas season his dear birth through what was ACTUALLY immaculate conception.

Speculate all you want on the origin stories cultures come up with...

But the New Testament is factual as per Plato and has and CAN be verified all the way through,,,'

So if you are inclined to not believe but still celebrate Christmas along with everyone else (whether we want to or not), I would merely say this~

Simply suspend your disbelief long enough this Christmas Season to believe - IN YOUR HEART OF HEARTS - in Mary's immaculate conception.

Trust me, stranger things have happened...

Just believe in the Virginity of Mary, and you too can have an appropriately passionate Christmas Season!


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Crass Multiculturalist Commercialism Pervades - Reason to Give Thanks 101


I am so grateful that the globalists believe themselves to be the Law.

I feel infinitely thankful that the media is using the holiday season to sell bullshit corporatism - as per renaissance - to the dimwitted dullards tuned into the idiot box.

I'm so glad that there are more minorities in television commercials - hawking products.  These caricatures of minority citizens are clearly reflective of the minorities counter cultures.

I'm so proud of the fact that the original expeditions into the America's by intrepid explorers is overshadowed by my favorite holiday of all - BLACK FRIDAY.

I'm so glad that tidings of joy have been replaced by facile passive aggressiveness and micro aggressions  between conditioned joyless plebeians.

Goodness graciousness,  I am joyful beyond reproach that the time of the season of the birth of the messiah of mankind has been co-opted by soulless yuppie corporations selling us soulless satisfaction through the good old fashioned "shopping buzz".

I'm so glad and enthusiastic about the fact that even the lowest of the lower class still has money for Nike shoes and emblemed t-shirts.

I am enthralled with enthusiasm at the sad fact that while we watch the boob tube millions are starving all around the world.

I'm so happy because now that I know that the shooting in Chicago doesn't have to be reported on because of the celebration of BLACK FRIDAY-MAS it's clear that I have no need to worry.

It's truly wonderful that it's basically illegal to say "Merry Christmas".  I would much prefer the ultra-pc "Happy Holidays".

And finally,
I'm glad that global warming has finally been eliminated by taxing my own and others "carbon emissions".  I certainly wouldn't want my breath or car to cause this winters tit of a holiday to be any warmer.  That's for damn sure...  I can't stand temperate weather...  WE NEED TO SAVE THE MALDIVES BY TAXING CARBON EMISSIONS!!!

Yeah right.

Fuck the holiday crass commercialism.

Domestic Democracy United 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018

White Nationalism is a Constitutionally Protected Freedom

I'd suppose that the very phrase "white nationalism" tends to really bother the multi-culturalist secularist globalist hegemony;
Hence the headline.

But despite claims of prejudice and racism aside,  I'd merely like to remind anyone on the left the belief in or expression of white nationalism as such are constitutionally protected freedoms.

Yet if you look at the post-deconstructionist public zeitgeist one would think that not only is nationalism as such loathsome and immoral, but should be altogether banned from public discourse!  That would be a dire shame, if it were considered illegal or reprehensible publicly to be a white nationalist...

What is really so bad about white nationalism?

It certainly is protected freedom of expression and speech!

And isn't Nationalism; whether black, muslim (as in Iraqi citizens verifiable Iraqi nationalism), latino or any other ethnicity including caucasian, merely pride in and love of one's nation?

How could that be bad in any way whatsoever!

For example,
I am proud of my Anglo-Irish descent.  I'm proud of my blue eyes.  I'm proud of my family's history of coming from early crusaders such as Eleanor of Aquitaine and Charlemagne.

I have a right to be!

And the same goes for anyone else, in any country of any origin!
I support any peoples right to be proud of their heritage...

Yet why is the term "white nationalism" appearing to be so dangerous in the public zeitgeist?

mostly because of the 'world order' manufactured globalist media hegemony!

To them,
Proclaiming the sovereignty of our national borders and laws is undermining the globalist hegemony; the 'world order' as such.

Well I say fuck the world order.
I want decisions made for my life politically and pragmatically to be decided by my country of origin;
Not a bunch of elite zionist globalists with no care whatsoever for the common men and women of the United States!  I say cast em off and let em rot!

Do you really think the rest of the world is going to agree with and support in duty and sovereignty the enumerated rights of the average American citizen?

Judging from the way in which your average multi-culti secularist over seas views the American character I'd have to say, "Probably not"!

Yet one thing remains,
Which neo-Hegelaians have picked up on in their co-opting of Christian doctrine...

That is,
That 'PRIDE' is considered by the old Testament to be one of the 7 Deadly Sins.

Even Pope Gregory said that pride as such was "the deadliest sin".

Maybe not.

In terms of Nationalism being in some way 'immoral' because of theological considerations I would merely say that I believe that the word "Pride" in modern english is decidedly much different than the word "Pride" in aramaic or latin etc.

I would speculate that Pride as such in the old testament as a deadly sin probably comports more with the concept of 'pridefulness-as-such".  One can HAVE pride without being "prideful-as-such" (i.e. putting yourself and values before those of Jehovah or Yeshua etc.).

So I truly believe that one can have pride in one's origin and ancestors...
one can have pride in one's family and children...
one can have pride in one's favorite sports team...

And one can certainly and justifiably and even with complete individual sovereignty have pride in one's Nation.

So with that being said...

Please don't judge patriotic emotional engagement as somehow being wrong or immoral;
Because often times pride in THIS sense can be one of the most redemptive, important and constituent existential phenomena of Life itself.


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Let's Cock Rock The VOTE

Hell yes, let's cock rock the fuck out of this erection... er, election!

Let's all stick our dicks in the creamy mashed potatoes of DEMOCRACY and have a cock rock democracy party!!!

We'll all participate in the erection, er... election by cock rockin the vote!

Let's cock rock the fuck out of this bitch of an erection... er, election!


Let's cock rock the shit out of this bitch!


DDU 2018