Sunday, October 31, 2021

 "I'll be judge, I'll be jury,

Said cunning old Fury"

- The Mouse's Tail/tale

Othel Wallace, Accused of Murder (of Officer Raynor)

Officer Raynor, Daytona PD
Mike Pence

Mrs. Gee
The Fallen

The Fallen
The Fallen

The below article
was too destined
I'm not tired
We're just blessin
Herbert Walker Bush Sr.
I have ne'er seen
a truer beleiber
B/C the album is immortal
This vinyl release
in Germany is whorefull
Awful gnot
gnot 2 gnu
gnu not unix
now I'm signed 2 drive thru

FRIDAY, MAY 28, 2021

George W. Bush Warned Against Troop Withdrawl: Taliban Overtakes Dozens of Bases in Afghanistan

 First off, on the start of Memorial Day weekend, I'd just like to say God bless the troops here and abroad and God bless George W. Bush...

The D.E.M.'s anti-war platform has yielded an under-reported and tragic consequence.  Upon Biden's administration withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, George W. Bush's worst fear has been confirmed...

Over a dozen Afghan military bases have now been overtaken since the troop withdraw under D.E.M. leadership.  This may seem like just another news story, but for anyone who gives a damn about women's rights, it should be seen for what it is:  The Taliban going back to oppressing the people of Afghanistan.  It was a drastic mistake on Biden's part.  Now the innocent women and children in that country have been left defenseless and open to violent sharia law established by the Terrorist Taliban.  Over 40 bases that we had established through blood sweat and tears, are now under the control of terrorists - all as a consequence of Biden withdrawing our armed forces from Afghanistan!

George W. Bush stated upon announcement of the troop withdrawl that this would occur, and felt sympathy for the innocent women and children who, he predicted, would be victims of this ill conceived act of D.E.M. foreign policy.  I can understand why former president Bush would feel this way.

As a wartime POTUS, he was responsible for our military actions in the middle east.  Now that he's out of the control of the executive office, I can only imagine how he must feel about this tragic loss of afghan military bases.  I hate to say it, but this is the kind of 'Pro-Troops' faux patriotism of the D.E.M. that leads inevitably to tragedy.  I understand that we want our heroes back home, but at the expense of innocent Afgani's?  Think of the poor women, who are subject to all kinds of brutal oppression at the hands of the Taliban.

George W. Bush predicted that this ill conceived foreign policy strategum would have dire consequences...

and now it's come to fruition.

The Taliban is now free - without our military organization in the country - to run rampant and enforce their islamist oppression of innocent muslims, including women and children!

I guess it's not for me to comment, as I have no real understanding of foreign policy.  Very few people, in fact, do...

But I will say that had Biden heeded Bush's warning, and taken this whim of foreign policy action with a bit more wisdom and foresight, lives could have been saved.

Let's all pray it doesn't get worse...

DDU 2021


Saturday, October 30, 2021

God is Good


Vigil 4 Life *update*


Fight Halloween by listening to Christmas music,


I've Seen the Mountain Top

 Late Night Vigil For the Dead~

Friday, October 29, 2021



 I'm going to tell that motherfuking murderer what the f****** piece of s*** swine wallowing  black trash wrapper short midget fucking teepee raper f***** Peach Pit Ask-A-Nurse Hell Bound in human bloodsucking cockroach toe jam what a f****** POS ratdog he really is.

Vigil Continues: "Pray for the Dead" Says DDU

 thanks to my readers... got some stuff I wanna blab about with my music, but I'll wait until it's released so no one e stalks me and shuts it down, but lets just say, "I have never genuinely been as excited and joyful as I am today!"

Thursday, October 28, 2021

79 year-old Keith L. Slocum Johnston co. Stabbing


Sex: M
Age: 24
Height: 5' 07''
Weight: 170
Arrest Date: 2020-04-17
Arrested By: SMPD
This African American Gentleman fled in his car after stabbing Mr. Slocum, exchanged fire with police in a highspeed chase until his Pontiac or whatever flipped and he was sent to Wake Med with gunshot wounds from the free world police.  NC, I pray we can always "STAY SAFE"~
Arrests HomePrevious     

RIP brother Slocum, to think you were living to that age and that's how you went out.
RIP brethren



Melissa de la Garza Killed in Chicago

I happened upon a story about a young recent high school graduate Wrestling star in Chi-Town that was brutally shot and murdered outside her home over the weekend...

I apologize

but that's exactly what these pigs & dogs who killed this young Superstar Wrestler and Emo Punk are: "FUCKING Pigs".

I want justice!

I want justice RIGHT NOW!

I'm this close to assaulting someone who owns a gun at a bar for the March for Our Live's Movement,

so I write this blog post simply trying to vent my frustration with the bullshit Gangster culture of these goddamned pigs & dogs who killed this beacon of light for goodness and decency and - yea, punk rockers as a community.

These fucking pigs & dogs are portrayed as heroes in the media, in counter culture, in music, in cinema?


I'm just asking questions...

There is nothing 'cool' or 'hip' or 'badass' about these trifling pigs & dogs who murdered this innocent young Wrestler.  They are the definition of inhuman evil.

I know it for a fact.

DDU is one hundred percent pro-second amendment,

but honestly,

pragmatically -

how many innocent deaths could we prevent if we implemented institutionally more racial profiling in regards to gun ownership...

I mean,

just ask yourself,

should little fucking hoodlums be allowed to own fire arms?

I say hell no.

I've met pigs & dogs who owned pistols and gun holsters,

and to me that seems a travesty of justice.  Under Obama,

people suffering from mental illness have been disallowed to own firearms, de facto.

After school shootings etc.

Obama with his bullshit commie crap took our rights away to carry, own and responsibly use firearms to shoot people attempting to kill innocents.  Wow, nice one'Bama!

I say,

let anyone with mental illness own whatever firearm they want,

but never let a monkey have a gun.  It's just common sense.  Honestly.

But while this young Sport champion and recent high school graduate sat in her car facetiming her family,

she was shot dead - by multiple dogs & pigs.

Melissa de la Garza

Rest In Peace




DDU 3 Day Vigil

 Join DDU in a 3 day vigil against Halloween 2021 by saying,

"NO" 2 Halloween!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Terror Alert Code Red

 I'd just like to take a breif moment to talk about the elephant in the room...

That is, domestic terrorism, and how we relate to a week in this foul year of our Lord 2021 on FULL ON TERROR ALERT CODE RED!!!

de facto

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Dear PUMC Family, As we enter the autumn season, it is a reminder to me every year of what beautiful things God can bring through transition. The leaves begin to change colors and the days grow shorter, giving witness that the earth is preparing for a new season. As I mentioned in worship recently, October is a month of transition in the life of our church because we begin the work of preparing for a new year of ministry. This is the season when our church leadership looks ahead to the upcoming year and begins to prayerfully ask, “God, how are you calling us to give and to serve?” As you read this note, I hope you and your family will join in this prayerful practice and listen for how God might answer your prayer, “God, how are you calling me to give and to serve this coming year?” The generosity of your financial gifts have made ministry possible this year as we returned to gathering in person and expanded our online ministries. As we look toward 2022, our staff and church leadership are excited for all that God has in store. We believe God has been faithful through all things and will continue to bless our church family for the sake of Jesus Christ. The gifts you share this coming year will help to grow disciples of Jesus in Faith, Hope, and Love. I pray that you will take time to consider how God is calling you to give of yourselves in 2022 and take some time to pray over your pledge card. Your pledge card enables our PUMC Finance Team to plan for the year and we appreciate your willingness to share your commitment. We will celebrate a special time of Consecration this Sunday, October 24th during ONE church-wide worship service at 9:00am in the Family Life Center. You can bring your pledge card with you to worship, send it in by mail, or fill out a pledge card online. ONLINE PLEDGE CARD Thank you for your continued generosity and support, because you truly make ministry possible at Pittsboro United Methodist Church! Blessings, Pastor Sara Beth Copyright © *2019* Pittsboro United Methodist Church, All rights reserved. *Weekly Digest* Our mailing address is: *PO Box 716, Pittsboro, NC 27312* Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list

Saturday, October 23, 2021



Touchin' Base with my Regular Readers

 Hi Politalk fans,

I'd like to say thanks to anyone who takes time out of their busy day to check my blog entries.  I've been fortunate enough to have a fairly regular 'drip' and I'm proud to announce that we passed having 1000 hits last month, and hopefully we can top that this month!  Thanks for reading brothers and sisters!

The tenets of DDU Politalk superPAC (not affiliated with any political party or condidate) are simply put,

"Freedom, Democracy, Justice and Liberty"

So I pray that we bring these traditions of our forbearer's into the Present Age as such!

My main goal with this blog is to bring people to Christ,

and with that being said,

should you ever find it appropriate, try praying to your own Personal Jesus and just see what happens!

I've been praying once a day (no more no less) for over 7 years without exception, and all I'll say is that Prayer often seems to be the last thing we do when it should be the first.  It's up to us to have a responsible relationship with the covenant of Jesus, or IESUS HOMINUM SALVATORE.  We can do this through theology, open air preaching, group prayer, and many other means.

If you haven't turned 180 degrees around from your sin and confessed your sins to your own personal Jesus, I'd highly recommend that ya'll give the Messiah a chance.  There are miracles to be made.  

So with that being said,

I'll dip into my family Bible and transcribe some very quickly:

...drink offering thereon, and he poured the oil thereon..."

Thursday, October 21, 2021

New Graph Data on COVID Reason for Celebration


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

check the gnu politalk albums

d/l taday

 EIB DUBSTEP | Subtronics | Minos Battery Recordings (

(D/L link above)

Hey ya'll. just got a few new mashes I pray you'll check out!

This one is Rush Limbaugh etc. mashed up with dubstep - R.I.P. El Rushbo

Speaking in tounges prt. 5

 Shamona rice, they're good. They're $10 or $50 from the predictability airport for Rome by the mission on living room. Japan super shipboard Evolution to buy pom pom pom the floor under the sink so low out from home by a little! Didn't actually Tyson real work. I see what somebody means Raptor she hurts rap similar left at Dorsey for some shrimp this s*** to do the! Latimer funeral director positions in his old room. Scenic hikes in the worms! Sure send the festivities for mushrooms are only about the trick to Russia Carlos ever won a champion champion champion plebeian the Russia plebeian Soviet state of America! Ambassador pickup Pom-Pom bounced around. Saddle up at the window speaking in tongues! Has he now it says giving up LOL no wait hold on I'm laughing out loud because I'm speaking in tongues all right! All right! Sorrento's Route 40 6075 468-240-7954 from the 47 947-4748 number for nimba for wrap it up and they're on the bed! The death of the World War II open bedroom biracial what happened to Brandi from what! Celebrity couples from coupled Rita from Washington Dipper Skipper Dipper Dippity Doo Dah Zippity Doo Dah a my oh my let's kill all the gay! What are some of the 441 traveler freak the Spectre Swarm watch Ehrlich bring the lightest percent from Vineland for ribosome person to 4440 350-350-4876 70 970-679-7865 4/10 metal ring the temperature for do Cham Cham Cham a repartee! Get a respond to throw to 14 Capitol Ave Racine. Labadieville middle! Are there show me that I want to meet up with him just with low blood sugar and low to the foreign spies from the point. Charlie! I would really like to send a blond a flower blondes have more fun on transatlantic flights! A trivet ablandador Baton Rouge if they don't happen to Freeman do for the proper then do! It really it really comes out looking Finnegan ask Emily from the length of Welcome nasty sagging floors little shapes jumping the basement are delayed the crack in the crack in the crack rock crack in the door cracking the cement crack in the floor crack in the basement I crack crack crack rock Everyone by the math! Are you asking though you do?

Tonight, a Candlelight Vigil for Army Vet/Knightdale Police Officer Ryan Hayworth


Officer Ryan Hayworth R.I.P.

Let's honor Officer Hayworth, tonight!!!


Police Officer Ryan Hayworth was killed when his patrol car was struck from behind by a suspected drunk driver at about 2:40 am.

Officer Hayworth, along with his training officer, were at the scene of a single-vehicle crash on I-540, near mile marker 22, when their patrol car was struck by the other vehicle, which failed to move over or reduce its speed. Officer Hayworth suffered fatal injuries in the collision. His training officer, as well as the original accident victim and the suspected drunk driver, were seriously injured.

Officer Hayworth was a U.S. Army veteran and had served with the Knightdale Police Department for only three months.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Colin Powell: R.I.P.

this guy is a don!


Colin Powell
Years of service1958–1993

"General Colin Powell

-he was there

when the liberals laughed,

he was there,

whilst we were on task

he was there,

with kammy and Biden

even though

most repubs hadn't been deciden'

he was there

for the massacre at mai lei

he is gon,

this year of our lord



the day Colin died,

he always knew

it's worth it if we tried

tried to make 'macracy

try to make justice

Colin RIP

You had the armicist

the arms to bear,

in kingdoms alive

can you imagine powell

holdin a desert eagle 45.

One badass gone

but not forgotten

Bush got Osama

in a big problem

 can only imageine,

How colin would have felt,

to see the bomb in his cave,

that Osama did melt,

many are critical

I can't tell you why

Rest in peace brother colin

there was a reason you died..."

happy samhain!!!~

 -Johnny Shot Di Baba- DJ MIX | ***})_Clip_and_Carbine SOUND_({*** | Minos Battery Recordings (


Friday, October 15, 2021



please, if you read my blog, listen to my new urban dance music E.P. above and donate... first respondersd matter more than us! Donate taday! R.T. Stillwell Domestic Democracy United 2021

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Foreign Invaders on the US/MEXICO Border


these fucking spics are full of shit.  Half of them are being PAID by drugdealers to smuggle drugs across the border.  Fuck those fucking spics.  They don't know their goddamned place, and it aint Del Rio (just sayin).  I mean why do they come here?

Is it to become a citizen of the US?

Hell no man,

they just want to feed on our ample milk n honey,

like the rest of the foreign invaders.

Fucking spics.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Born Again Liberty

There are many manifold and numerous ways to find the Soul as such.  Why the Soul?  It takes a lot of work, faith and determination to come to a realization about the Soul that is within the realm of Reason.  Stay with heaven, and you'll get there to the other side friend.  Hold on to God, with a grip so tight your knuckles turn white.  Don't you think people have lost touch with the Faith in the present age?  The answer is simply this.
Ask ourselves, WWJD?

What would jesus do if he were here, right now?
What would he think of the Earth?
What would he think of you, me and our nation?

I can't imagine my Savior texting on a smart phone or binge watching T.V.  I doubt he would go into one of those movie theatres.  His cross wouldn't fit through the door, and neither can mine.
What do we do?
<*>Would Jesus do that?<*>

Peter said, "Repent - Every one of you!"

So, as we all know if we are <*>born again<*>, a good lady princess can see heaven in a way her Prince is incapable of.  Let us not forget the importance of Women today in our world.  The hand that rocks the cradle, rocks the nation!  And say a prayer for Mother Mary...And the poor innocent women of Aghanistan.

We'll have<*> Halloween <*>on <*>Christmas<*> and <*>Christmas<*> on <*>Halloween<*> this foul year of our lord, 2021.

I'd suggest the scoffers focus on their breathing.  I think it would be a good idea for us, since we're waiting for Jesus, to passionately repent of our sins and beg god to forgive us for the the secrets we keep that Hosana on high has an omnipotent eye on, upon and see's out of the back of his head.  There is nothing that Jah doesn't see!
So if you're not all prayed up,
I'd suggest we get passionate...
I'd suggest we do our part, when it comes to prayer.
I'd suggest we learn to ignore the Achilles Heel of pride, the deadly sin.
I'd suggest we turn from sin by standing up, and doing a one eighty turn - literally - from all of the sin in front of you.

And by standing up and turning from the ways of the present age,

R.T. Stillwell

Monday, October 4, 2021

two gNu 2021 Releases from Minos Battery


Saturday, October 2, 2021


r.i.p. brother.

first name HERO

last name MASON



Speak English or dog

 Their shoes irhythm, I'm the best Vines of the American way Griffin fortitude. Extra-long fit all rigged up a real hot cha cha cha cha. I know I shall. Shamone what's my address what's my address shamona rice or Rona! Hey we will we will rock you. American hawkish Ingenuity with the meaningless drivel of the UK media breathing down our necks with their pro-zionist Pro Islam is hatred of the stop he islamization of Europe movement! Why is it in Boris Johnson's vested interest to speak in tongues and have the tousled hair of a dog not God a canine! Why is it that's the most important. It's already all by the last time that a little forward and or ripped off by! That's the trade our dog K-9 less than a domesticated the pet worms come going to hell for eternity for being an atheist season a steak call me piece of ask Jasmine backwards Aryan dribble and bell and red!


Hey Bob bitch boy - I know you enjoy the comfort of picking and choosing what I say to tattle on me to other ravers in yr "HARDCORE" e tard Raves (that are NOT Rock Shows whose clientele make bangface weekender yuppies gurning on the evil dark shadow that lurks on the dancefloor look like bitches).  I wouldn't be caught dead at a Rave honestly!  Nor a pub.

Shit music,

annoying people,

overpriced beer,

and club drugs that poor country selecta's like myself can never afford like many who do dancemusic in places other than yuppie socialist wonderworld,

are not punk.  not rock. period.

So above is my trustifarian jafaican patios mixset talking shit over WWE proffesional wrestling on Fox TGIFRIDAY 'S-M-A-C-K D-O-W-N'.  All the shittalking against this loser poser punk is saved up for the above soundclash vid - reg readers feel free too ignore lolzsex I apologise friends.

When I performed with DnB crew Imperial (easy weekly in Rough Raleigh) this is the style of cadence I would use for fast chat freestyler Masters of Ceremonies Mic duties for our sometimes 3 or 4 hour pirate net radio roast sessions at DJ XAVIER's wudio every week on DNBHEAVEN, for hundreds of listeners across the globe.

Bobby bwoy battyman bitch nig,



if you ain't yellow,

I got two demands for personal satisfaction that you can either decline or accept.


I demand satisfaction!

1) give me yr address if you ain't yellow!  should be no problem if yr a brave - not a woman.

2) Counteraction DJ video with chatting and toasting.

Be a man bobby!

Don't be scared!

When I tag 'limey queerloving soundboy" at yr house like a theif in the night you'd best be prepared!

Be a man bobby,

Snap into a slim jim etc. ...

I just realized this is boring and a waste of time.  I guess the jokes on my, right funny man?

Hey why don't you text an emoji of a nazi shitting on yr ww2 memorial for the bitch limey dead.  they make those right?  b/c I wouldn't be caught dead calling myself a badman selecta and tagging little 'lol' smiley emoticons like a tween demon in Mickey Mouses cryogenic 'FOREVER CHAMBER'.

I demand satisfaction matheus,

pistols at dawn duel clash vid response or slink back to yr backwater limey socialist dunghole like a bitch with her tail between her legs~
