Saturday, September 28, 2024


 I hate to do a blithe commentary on why I hate the Democratic party as much as I do. However, the character of liberals in our day and age, young and old, seems to be so degraded by their idolatry, that it bears some comment. A long time ago I made a video about the differences between collectivism and individualism. Fairly sophomoric I would say.  But the more you look at the idea of hive mind versus individual perspective, the more transparent the Democrats' agenda seems. What's transparent? The fact that they really don't value the sanctity of an individual soul. Just look at abortion. They make all kinds of absurdist allusions to back alley abortions for what? Well, basically just to perpetuate a collectivist point of view which says that abortion is good for the populace, because Democrats look at us as a collective. America is a collective of people, right? Well personally I don't think that is correct. Individualist philosophy is by definition the Republican philosophy.  Collectivism is by definition the Democrat ideology. Just think about it, what did they say about the population control in your standard science class? I remember specifically. I attempted to go to bio 101, and I see this slide on the first day of class. It said the world is overpopulated and needs to be depopulated because of environmental concerns. Pure liberal malthusianism. On the other side we have Christians who believe in the sanctity of an individual soul, unlike the Democratic hoards. I remember sitting in one class and they were talking about quasi eugenesist studies about birth. They proffered a stat that said you can detect birth defects at an early stage of development, and therefore use that to have a healthy birth. Well as soon as they said that in my psychology class, a Young Southern Belle raised her hand and said this: "I had a friend of the family who was pregnant and the doctor told her that it would come out unhealthy if they gave birth to it. My friend said I'll go ahead and have the baby anyways despite the possibility of retardation. Then after they gave birth, they found out that the child wasn't unhealthy at all. It was a healthy birth for their heredity & a healthy child that the doctor claimed they shouldn't even be given birth to because it would come out wrong."

Well this happens to be an essential dichotomy of our political mind in the present-day age of America. Democrats care more about the good of the Borg hive mind then they care about "The Road Less" Traveled as the poet Frost once wrote.

To a collectivist the individual soul doesn't even exist. Yet they always have this idea of the measure of man, in which the good of society is more important than the good of Jesus. 

I'd have to say these collectivist Democrats take Jesus and God out of the equation just for the purpose of collectivist governance. They mandate that we take God out of school. They mandate that we take the ten commandments out of the Court. They mandate all sorts of perverse educational tactics. And clearly they mandate one Obamacare clusterfuk after another. 

So remember the choice for individualism is the choice for conservatism. The choice for collectivism is the choice for socialist Democrat ideology. 

Some might say that my obsession with Hegel is a bit of a contrary understanding. However I don't take contrite analysis of classic Continental philosophy, or online web videos for God's sakes, seriously whatsoever. So the commentary that Hegel is somehow collectivist and Kierkegaard as opposed to that typifying individualism, seems to me to be a fairly shallow understanding of the differences between two Protestant philosophers of the continent. 

So remember do you want to vote for people who look at the stats and the polls as a whole without taking the individual soul into account, and the right to pursue happiness therein? 

A vote for the individual human triumph of freedom, is a vote for the grand old party. A vote for the Borg hive mind, is a classic classic vote for Mass collectivism. 

Vote Trump, vote Vance. 

And by the way:


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