Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Hi I'd like to make another bid for your vote, if you live within the continental United States. I want you to make a commitment to not get involved in the bipartisan rancor, and consider casting your ballot for RFK Jr. There are many reasons to vote RFK Jr, amongst mine as somebody who's not vaccinated for covid-19 being his stance on vaccinations. Another main point is that he was the strongest in speaking out in favor of Israel, and its right to defend itself. He minced no words about the terrorism problem in the Middle East, and as a military veteran of course he would!  RFK Jr served proudly in the Navy, and as the only candidate who has actually served in the military?  I beg your favor and you're consideration of casting your ballot for RFK Jr. Thank you for turning my blog. Domestic democracy United 2024

Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Monday, May 13, 2024

Domestic Democracy United on National Police Week

 Today I'd like to comment briefly on what I believe to be the correct term for so-called "cops" as such, what are known as The Free world Police. I read an interesting testimony before Congress from the 1950s in which a CIA agent named Kirkpatrick spoke with great eloquence and brevity on the danger the international communist conspiracy poses for the Free world Police. I believe they said in one of the pamphlets for the Communist cause confiscated in Europe, that the better the police force, the larger and more effective the police force, the more necessary it was for the communist organization to target them. Their goal in fighting the Free world Police all around the world not to mention here in America was essentially threefold. One, discredit the police in the eyes of the public. Two, infiltrate the police department, find damning evidence, recover it and report on it to the Communist party as well as destroying the evidence. And finally 3, to make the Communist party accepted and acceptable as legitimate members of the Free world Police. I believe he said the Communist pamphlet was quite specific on these actions. Why is the Communist conspiracy's number one goal to attack the police? I think it comes down personally to the idea that law and order are too important to be left to heroes. In communist countries the law is enforced by the government, but it's very different in terms of archetype than what we call here in America law enforcement. The Communists target the Free world Police, because they are the only organization capable of stopping them from complete overthrow of the world. That's why we should all thank our lucky stars that in a world awash with the sin of communism, we still have everyday heroes on the force risking it all merely to keep you and I safe and secure. I count my blessings every day for police officers who do their duty, not as a movement but as regular working Joes. I thank God for the ordinary character of sacred service. I count my lucky stars that I live in a country where the police know how to enforce order. For without these gentlemen, we would live in chaos, and be subject to anarchists' whims of envy, resentment and slave morality. The Free world Police take up the mantle of Justice righteousness and sane soundness of logic and reason. Unfortunately your average individual lacks that type of moral turpitude. The fact is the police themselves are, in character, few and far between when it comes to the percentage of our civilized world who respects the Christian tradition to the degree it does. A lot of people called Barack Obama a socialist, which to me was a misnomer. The fact is like it or not, progressive Democrat socialism has been an ordinary part of left-wing America for about a hundred years now. I believe it's far more likely that Barack Obama and his Choom gang from back in academia, were not socialists but in fact hardcore alinskiite communists. In my opinion socialism has a lot of problems with it ideologically. I accept that. But what we're dealing with today is the overwhelming technological and sociological prevalence of hardcore Marxism maoism stalinism etc. So what I'm here to tell everybody today is the only people standing in the way of a full on Marxist communist takeover of our country aren't civilians. They are the men and women who serve with a badge. So today I'd like to ask all my readers to say a prayer for the regular police officer on the beat. Thanks for taking time to read!

Friday, May 10, 2024

911 Called on DDUnited by Pathetic Commies

 As I stand here today I find myself alienated in an authentic way by communist scum. After all the tragedies that have been happening in our town of Durham, the old Bull City, I have been spending time listening to music on my front porch in hopes of catching a criminal in the act. I woke up this morning and immediately started playing ragga jungle, and drum and bass on my porch simply so I would be aware of the terrain about me. The weather was fine, a great day of beautiful ecological soundness in our great Old North State. However, one of my neighbors wasn't as celebratory of it being Friday at the end of the world. One of these pigs called The Free world Police on me for having music that they noticed and disliked. It's not the first time this has happened! But as I look back to all the complaints about loud music, which is what I do for a living, I remember this... It's not so much the loudness of the music which in this case was relatively small played from a home Hi-Fi on my porch without any professional grade equipment, it's rather that the music I'm playing people find contemptible to the point of calling 911 on me for doing so. They really are pathetic pigs! Friedrich Nietzsche had a great deal to say about what is known as Will to power. Many people know of Nietzsche and his will to power phraseology. But oftentimes they don't understand that it was people's will to have power over others, the will to power itself, that he was generally disdainful of. So I came in contact today at the end of the world on a Friday when people should for all intents and purposes be having a rager, with the brute sin of Iago. Envy. As the police officer approached I had a feeling that it might be about something else, a warrant for my arrest for breaking the window of a latinx crack house down the road from me. But in fact it was a noise complaint. The pigs who dialed the cops on me claimed that they were trying to work from home and that it disrupted that ability to do so. I have gone on for ages about the various things tanking our US economy... Working from home off of a laptop is not sustainable! All of these work from home occupational opportunities, generate no value! The same types who believed it's okay to work for exorbitant rates and be on call 24/7 as a job primarily working from their laptops, make great aplum about their folksiness and love of bluegrass! I even had one hippie say bluegrass is the new punk! I would hope that in their love of folksiness they would realize that they deserve the wrath of God for calling 911 on a born again Christian! How much value does a work from home job create, versus working on a farm or in making crops?  These work from home types, are part of an industry that is usurping the lower class! I made the case that it is not the level or volume of the music that is really disruptive to people who would call the police on me merely for having rave music on outside my house! It is in fact the genre, so to speak. If I had been playing their favorite band, or a genre of music they deem acceptable, there would have been no noise complaint. I know this because when I was living with my hippie parents, they would routinely ask me to turn down the noise turn down my music, right? One time I said how about if I just put on some Grateful Dead? My mom responded that would be fine! So the point I'd like that end this tirade of from the house my grandmother who worked in the FBI died for me to have, is it is not the volume of the music that these pigs are calling the cops on people for, am I right? No it is in fact their elitist mentality that looks down their nose on genres of music so to speak that they are not familiar with. I remember when I went to an ABC store in my hometown the teller recounting about how in Nazi Germany all of the Nazi Germans started calling the reich on each other. I hate to say we observe the same thing going on these days. May God have his rest, and his grilled cheese.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Apologize For Making People Discomfited

 Joseph's father's funeral was a grievous silence in the soul of God's observance through the all seeing eye. Out of many one. Joseph's father and his funeral and was more important to the establishment of an ordained covenant of religion for Earth itself than Moses's lifting up of a brazen serpent in the wilderness on a staff. Many worshipers and followers of the physician known as Luke, believe in parables and illusions of the Bible that really, let's face it, just aren't factical and just aren't there. Nothingness itself. Joseph's funeral and yae his father's funeral the funeral of the father of God, the son of... Man Jesus Christ, show the Israelite Joseph as the prophet and disciple and brazen individualist follower of Jah, at its best. I have a King James version of my family bible passed down for me from last century. It barely made it out of a house fire in which I was nearly immolated, a grievous frustration. But from baptism by fire in a brazen light, comes the retribution of the Bible of my family in the King James version. The Red letters emboldened by the word of God. The only text to be prophecy truly, when most attempts at augering barely escape the cliches of cold reading. My belief system in the soil of Durham county, the old bull City, is that the United Methodist prayer for the apostolic Creed, is the seed and source of God's love for us in this nation literally, a mustard plant in a dark cupboard. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ meant for this land of the United Methodist Faith known as Durham North Carolina, that prophesying is essentially a sin unless you're God himself. The United Methodist soil in this land of Durham county, was always peaceable and peaceful traditionally. There have always been warring factions, the Hatfields and The McCoys so to speak. Today we have the Chevy drivers and the Ford drivers. But the United Methodist faith has always been the least combatant, in an Evangelical wing of Christianity known as protestantism! We need to know that the chicken came after the egg. So let's let our little hens and roosters and chickens cackle for Cackalackistan. Our tradition in Durham county is one of the United Methodist faith started by combining the United Brethren out of Texas with Wesleyan methodistism! It's something to feel enthralled about and excited about! We are the disciples of Jesus Hominum Salvatore, the one Almighty true Jehovah! It is cause for celebration in these end times. I divest myself unto the inclination that the emotions that we feel, the moods we engage within the world with, are constitutive of the passion we feel as Christians in this light of spring. We know that things in the Bible are the word of God. But do we know God before the word? To me the question seems nonsensical. The only way to know God is through the word of god. I'm a born again Christian. But I believe ardently that as Christians we need to take the idea of God with a kind of skeptical doubtfulness. What really is not God? We can say anything is god. But how do we really know the difference between what is common sensical and everyday, and what is the true passion of our Lord and savior in heaven the almighty Jehovah who has put us in this world as part of his holy plan and purpose for those of us, all of us, he created in his image? My comment on this matter is merely this. I am a devout true believer in Jehovah. I am born again through an altar call that was broadcast live as it happened, for Ruth Graham's funeral. I believe if I had not been calvinistically fated to do this altar call live during Billy Graham's most loved person in his entire life, I assure you, I would not be as I am today. A truly born again man. Everybody knows The parables of the Bible talking about Jesus Christ blessing somebody with a horrible malady and healing them of their disability. I was stricken in my life with the horrible disability of drug addiction tendencies and paranoid schizophrenia. Far more common than we would like to admit in today's permissive culture. I suffered so badly from the irrationality of psychotic thinking, and I knew no way out in my atheistic worldview that I had held for years. I think it was reading Aristotle, that I first put belief in the soul as opposed to agnostic doubtfulness as to the existence of the soul, into my philosophical worldview. With the help of faithful Protestant nurses and doctors who believed in the existence of the soul I was able to have Christ 100% heal me of the horrible mental disability I suffered from! I went from literally a psychotic maniac, to a man born again in the stripes of Christ Jesus. I am so thankful for that to this very day. But when I became born again I discovered that the word of God is the only way to understand God. We can't understand God through reflection, we can certainly experience him though. As a devout Christian who prays once a day everyday without fail 99.8% of the time, I can tell you three things I know personally about God. Number one, I have never heard the audible voice of God. Number two, I have never seen physically or even in a sense spiritually, Jehovah himself in person. I have never in my life truly ever had anything but a mirrored relationship with God, as if through a scanner darkly. But I will tell you this. I have on about only four or five occasions felt, assuredly as I speak right now, the presence of a Divine being. It's strange that as devout as I am I have only encountered the feeling of a presence of the almighty Jehovah under 10 times, but that literally is how much of a leprous lecherous sinner I am to God. He knows it, and I know it! But in those four or five encounters with what I felt to be an authentic feeling of an actual God, that higher power they talk about? He's pissed. Repent! Turn from your sin or have God come into your life to enact the wrath and vengeance of an angry God.

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Saturday, May 4, 2024



Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Recently in the past few days communist losers within academia showed their true colors when it comes to America. Pro Palestine, and essentially if you will pro terrorism activists are commie pigs. The protesters who raised Palestine flags on the UNC Chapel Hill campus have been ousted by Jewish fraternities and the badass pi kappa phi fraternity as being distinctly un-American, anti-democracy, and all together a cabal of losers who barely deserve citizenship as we will call it. Pi kappa phi started a GoFundMe page essentially calling the Communists who raised a Palestine flag losers. It is all of our duty as American citizens to come out and decry these pro Palestine protesters what they are. Losers.  Let's look at the facts. These occupy type communist losers on the campus of UNC chapel Hill are so ardently anti-American that they actually blasphemed the American flag to the point of taking down our stars and stripes and replacing it with pro Hamas Palestinian flags on a flagpole in UNC chapel Hill. Pi kappa phi came out and started a GoFundMe page that has raised so much money it's a triumph of our americanist sentiments when it comes to American terrorism. And it really is just that. Anti American terrorism. These losers actually had the gall to blaspheme our Stars and stripes, the red white and blue. All this during a tumultuous time in America's history. These faggot loving commie losers deserve to have their academic careers ended. What they did on Tuesday, deserves recompense, just as our Jewish friends deserve respect and admiration. People who stand up for Palestine are losers. Our fraternity and sorority brothers and sisters chanted, USA USA USA. These pro Hamas dissidents have no right to pursue higher education in our old North State, the land of the longleaf pine. I fear for what may happen in our country this 4th of July. I pray for peace when it comes to the disagreements between Un-American losers and our patriotic Jewish friends at college campii. I say we expel every last one of these protesters who are identified. They are a stain on our free American Republic. Honest to goodness blogger readers, I am having trouble coping with the idea that our country will give a soft shrift to terrorist pro Palestinian agitators. In my opine when they go on raising the Palestine flag in a pro Hamas way, they deserve the highest punishment our country can offer for people who would blaspheme the traditions of our great United States of America. These protesters raising Palestine flags are indicative of the movement in counterculture to make Un-American or anti-American sentiment the standard. I say if you don't like our country? If you don't like our institutions of American governance? If you really rationally believe in pro Palestine pro Hamas b*******, you deserve to be sent to gitmo. These blasphemers of our red white and blue, deserve to be taken to jail at far higher rates than the D.E.M. has ordained. These little pieces of s*** loser ass liberals have nothing going for them and deserve to be punished. They look like God damn liberal pussies. I say if they really keep on pushing their pro Palestine agenda, and being in favor of Hamas terrorism? They deserve a walnut shampoo. They're little butt f****** pussies who s******** and actually agree with the idea of Hamas terrorism. If they continue this ideological anti-americanism they deserve to be severely punished. They live in America, yes? They benefit from the freedoms that our founders fought and died for on the battlefield, right? If they continue their anti-americanism on to the 4th of July while all god-fearing Americans have their summer vacation off? It is our responsibility as individuals in a democracy such as America, to literally be as antagonistic towards their pro terrorism ideology as humanly possible! F*** them. F*** them all! These little pussies have it coming! The idea that the fraternities and sororities who stand in opposition to this campus muckraking have earned as much support on their GoFundMe page as they have, shows that these little communist losers are in the minority! F*** them! F*** them all! When you go about in America today and you see people being pro hamas? My prescription as a non-educational non-medicinal commentator is to say they deserve punishment and incarcerations in psych wards for being as dumb as they are! These little goddamn pussies are pushing the envelope in a direction that our children do not deserve to be exposed to! They are a bunch of f****** God damn liberal loser f****** sand n***** loving communists. F*** them all! They ain't got s*** on the stars and stripes! And I've been seeing it all around with their little goddamn loser communist ideology! I know one thing that their little loser hoards are  occupying, and that's the basements of their pathetic liberal families! F*** them! These communist losers do not reflect the majority opinion! They're all a bunch of f****** sand n***** loving losers! I noticed on that Tuesday when these campus initiatives went out for protests, that they were flooding our city streets with long haired hippie activists! Flooding our streets with drugs! Flooding our American community with what? With God damn pathetic long hair hippie loser b*******! These m************ loser ass druggies better take their pot and their Adderall and whatever fix these long hair bearded ass loser kkkomunist crackers have, and go the f*** to Cuba! Hell yeah!

Domestic democracy United 2024