Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Hi I'd like to make another bid for your vote, if you live within the continental United States. I want you to make a commitment to not get involved in the bipartisan rancor, and consider casting your ballot for RFK Jr. There are many reasons to vote RFK Jr, amongst mine as somebody who's not vaccinated for covid-19 being his stance on vaccinations. Another main point is that he was the strongest in speaking out in favor of Israel, and its right to defend itself. He minced no words about the terrorism problem in the Middle East, and as a military veteran of course he would!  RFK Jr served proudly in the Navy, and as the only candidate who has actually served in the military?  I beg your favor and you're consideration of casting your ballot for RFK Jr. Thank you for turning my blog. Domestic democracy United 2024

Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Monday, May 13, 2024

Domestic Democracy United on National Police Week

 Today I'd like to comment briefly on what I believe to be the correct term for so-called "cops" as such, what are known as The Free world Police. I read an interesting testimony before Congress from the 1950s in which a CIA agent named Kirkpatrick spoke with great eloquence and brevity on the danger the international communist conspiracy poses for the Free world Police. I believe they said in one of the pamphlets for the Communist cause confiscated in Europe, that the better the police force, the larger and more effective the police force, the more necessary it was for the communist organization to target them. Their goal in fighting the Free world Police all around the world not to mention here in America was essentially threefold. One, discredit the police in the eyes of the public. Two, infiltrate the police department, find damning evidence, recover it and report on it to the Communist party as well as destroying the evidence. And finally 3, to make the Communist party accepted and acceptable as legitimate members of the Free world Police. I believe he said the Communist pamphlet was quite specific on these actions. Why is the Communist conspiracy's number one goal to attack the police? I think it comes down personally to the idea that law and order are too important to be left to heroes. In communist countries the law is enforced by the government, but it's very different in terms of archetype than what we call here in America law enforcement. The Communists target the Free world Police, because they are the only organization capable of stopping them from complete overthrow of the world. That's why we should all thank our lucky stars that in a world awash with the sin of communism, we still have everyday heroes on the force risking it all merely to keep you and I safe and secure. I count my blessings every day for police officers who do their duty, not as a movement but as regular working Joes. I thank God for the ordinary character of sacred service. I count my lucky stars that I live in a country where the police know how to enforce order. For without these gentlemen, we would live in chaos, and be subject to anarchists' whims of envy, resentment and slave morality. The Free world Police take up the mantle of Justice righteousness and sane soundness of logic and reason. Unfortunately your average individual lacks that type of moral turpitude. The fact is the police themselves are, in character, few and far between when it comes to the percentage of our civilized world who respects the Christian tradition to the degree it does. A lot of people called Barack Obama a socialist, which to me was a misnomer. The fact is like it or not, progressive Democrat socialism has been an ordinary part of left-wing America for about a hundred years now. I believe it's far more likely that Barack Obama and his Choom gang from back in academia, were not socialists but in fact hardcore alinskiite communists. In my opinion socialism has a lot of problems with it ideologically. I accept that. But what we're dealing with today is the overwhelming technological and sociological prevalence of hardcore Marxism maoism stalinism etc. So what I'm here to tell everybody today is the only people standing in the way of a full on Marxist communist takeover of our country aren't civilians. They are the men and women who serve with a badge. So today I'd like to ask all my readers to say a prayer for the regular police officer on the beat. Thanks for taking time to read!

Friday, May 10, 2024

911 Called on DDUnited by Pathetic Commies

 As I stand here today I find myself alienated in an authentic way by communist scum. After all the tragedies that have been happening in our town of Durham, the old Bull City, I have been spending time listening to music on my front porch in hopes of catching a criminal in the act. I woke up this morning and immediately started playing ragga jungle, and drum and bass on my porch simply so I would be aware of the terrain about me. The weather was fine, a great day of beautiful ecological soundness in our great Old North State. However, one of my neighbors wasn't as celebratory of it being Friday at the end of the world. One of these pigs called The Free world Police on me for having music that they noticed and disliked. It's not the first time this has happened! But as I look back to all the complaints about loud music, which is what I do for a living, I remember this... It's not so much the loudness of the music which in this case was relatively small played from a home Hi-Fi on my porch without any professional grade equipment, it's rather that the music I'm playing people find contemptible to the point of calling 911 on me for doing so. They really are pathetic pigs! Friedrich Nietzsche had a great deal to say about what is known as Will to power. Many people know of Nietzsche and his will to power phraseology. But oftentimes they don't understand that it was people's will to have power over others, the will to power itself, that he was generally disdainful of. So I came in contact today at the end of the world on a Friday when people should for all intents and purposes be having a rager, with the brute sin of Iago. Envy. As the police officer approached I had a feeling that it might be about something else, a warrant for my arrest for breaking the window of a latinx crack house down the road from me. But in fact it was a noise complaint. The pigs who dialed the cops on me claimed that they were trying to work from home and that it disrupted that ability to do so. I have gone on for ages about the various things tanking our US economy... Working from home off of a laptop is not sustainable! All of these work from home occupational opportunities, generate no value! The same types who believed it's okay to work for exorbitant rates and be on call 24/7 as a job primarily working from their laptops, make great aplum about their folksiness and love of bluegrass! I even had one hippie say bluegrass is the new punk! I would hope that in their love of folksiness they would realize that they deserve the wrath of God for calling 911 on a born again Christian! How much value does a work from home job create, versus working on a farm or in making crops?  These work from home types, are part of an industry that is usurping the lower class! I made the case that it is not the level or volume of the music that is really disruptive to people who would call the police on me merely for having rave music on outside my house! It is in fact the genre, so to speak. If I had been playing their favorite band, or a genre of music they deem acceptable, there would have been no noise complaint. I know this because when I was living with my hippie parents, they would routinely ask me to turn down the noise turn down my music, right? One time I said how about if I just put on some Grateful Dead? My mom responded that would be fine! So the point I'd like that end this tirade of from the house my grandmother who worked in the FBI died for me to have, is it is not the volume of the music that these pigs are calling the cops on people for, am I right? No it is in fact their elitist mentality that looks down their nose on genres of music so to speak that they are not familiar with. I remember when I went to an ABC store in my hometown the teller recounting about how in Nazi Germany all of the Nazi Germans started calling the reich on each other. I hate to say we observe the same thing going on these days. May God have his rest, and his grilled cheese.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Apologize For Making People Discomfited

 Joseph's father's funeral was a grievous silence in the soul of God's observance through the all seeing eye. Out of many one. Joseph's father and his funeral and was more important to the establishment of an ordained covenant of religion for Earth itself than Moses's lifting up of a brazen serpent in the wilderness on a staff. Many worshipers and followers of the physician known as Luke, believe in parables and illusions of the Bible that really, let's face it, just aren't factical and just aren't there. Nothingness itself. Joseph's funeral and yae his father's funeral the funeral of the father of God, the son of... Man Jesus Christ, show the Israelite Joseph as the prophet and disciple and brazen individualist follower of Jah, at its best. I have a King James version of my family bible passed down for me from last century. It barely made it out of a house fire in which I was nearly immolated, a grievous frustration. But from baptism by fire in a brazen light, comes the retribution of the Bible of my family in the King James version. The Red letters emboldened by the word of God. The only text to be prophecy truly, when most attempts at augering barely escape the cliches of cold reading. My belief system in the soil of Durham county, the old bull City, is that the United Methodist prayer for the apostolic Creed, is the seed and source of God's love for us in this nation literally, a mustard plant in a dark cupboard. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ meant for this land of the United Methodist Faith known as Durham North Carolina, that prophesying is essentially a sin unless you're God himself. The United Methodist soil in this land of Durham county, was always peaceable and peaceful traditionally. There have always been warring factions, the Hatfields and The McCoys so to speak. Today we have the Chevy drivers and the Ford drivers. But the United Methodist faith has always been the least combatant, in an Evangelical wing of Christianity known as protestantism! We need to know that the chicken came after the egg. So let's let our little hens and roosters and chickens cackle for Cackalackistan. Our tradition in Durham county is one of the United Methodist faith started by combining the United Brethren out of Texas with Wesleyan methodistism! It's something to feel enthralled about and excited about! We are the disciples of Jesus Hominum Salvatore, the one Almighty true Jehovah! It is cause for celebration in these end times. I divest myself unto the inclination that the emotions that we feel, the moods we engage within the world with, are constitutive of the passion we feel as Christians in this light of spring. We know that things in the Bible are the word of God. But do we know God before the word? To me the question seems nonsensical. The only way to know God is through the word of god. I'm a born again Christian. But I believe ardently that as Christians we need to take the idea of God with a kind of skeptical doubtfulness. What really is not God? We can say anything is god. But how do we really know the difference between what is common sensical and everyday, and what is the true passion of our Lord and savior in heaven the almighty Jehovah who has put us in this world as part of his holy plan and purpose for those of us, all of us, he created in his image? My comment on this matter is merely this. I am a devout true believer in Jehovah. I am born again through an altar call that was broadcast live as it happened, for Ruth Graham's funeral. I believe if I had not been calvinistically fated to do this altar call live during Billy Graham's most loved person in his entire life, I assure you, I would not be as I am today. A truly born again man. Everybody knows The parables of the Bible talking about Jesus Christ blessing somebody with a horrible malady and healing them of their disability. I was stricken in my life with the horrible disability of drug addiction tendencies and paranoid schizophrenia. Far more common than we would like to admit in today's permissive culture. I suffered so badly from the irrationality of psychotic thinking, and I knew no way out in my atheistic worldview that I had held for years. I think it was reading Aristotle, that I first put belief in the soul as opposed to agnostic doubtfulness as to the existence of the soul, into my philosophical worldview. With the help of faithful Protestant nurses and doctors who believed in the existence of the soul I was able to have Christ 100% heal me of the horrible mental disability I suffered from! I went from literally a psychotic maniac, to a man born again in the stripes of Christ Jesus. I am so thankful for that to this very day. But when I became born again I discovered that the word of God is the only way to understand God. We can't understand God through reflection, we can certainly experience him though. As a devout Christian who prays once a day everyday without fail 99.8% of the time, I can tell you three things I know personally about God. Number one, I have never heard the audible voice of God. Number two, I have never seen physically or even in a sense spiritually, Jehovah himself in person. I have never in my life truly ever had anything but a mirrored relationship with God, as if through a scanner darkly. But I will tell you this. I have on about only four or five occasions felt, assuredly as I speak right now, the presence of a Divine being. It's strange that as devout as I am I have only encountered the feeling of a presence of the almighty Jehovah under 10 times, but that literally is how much of a leprous lecherous sinner I am to God. He knows it, and I know it! But in those four or five encounters with what I felt to be an authentic feeling of an actual God, that higher power they talk about? He's pissed. Repent! Turn from your sin or have God come into your life to enact the wrath and vengeance of an angry God.

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Saturday, May 4, 2024



Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Recently in the past few days communist losers within academia showed their true colors when it comes to America. Pro Palestine, and essentially if you will pro terrorism activists are commie pigs. The protesters who raised Palestine flags on the UNC Chapel Hill campus have been ousted by Jewish fraternities and the badass pi kappa phi fraternity as being distinctly un-American, anti-democracy, and all together a cabal of losers who barely deserve citizenship as we will call it. Pi kappa phi started a GoFundMe page essentially calling the Communists who raised a Palestine flag losers. It is all of our duty as American citizens to come out and decry these pro Palestine protesters what they are. Losers.  Let's look at the facts. These occupy type communist losers on the campus of UNC chapel Hill are so ardently anti-American that they actually blasphemed the American flag to the point of taking down our stars and stripes and replacing it with pro Hamas Palestinian flags on a flagpole in UNC chapel Hill. Pi kappa phi came out and started a GoFundMe page that has raised so much money it's a triumph of our americanist sentiments when it comes to American terrorism. And it really is just that. Anti American terrorism. These losers actually had the gall to blaspheme our Stars and stripes, the red white and blue. All this during a tumultuous time in America's history. These faggot loving commie losers deserve to have their academic careers ended. What they did on Tuesday, deserves recompense, just as our Jewish friends deserve respect and admiration. People who stand up for Palestine are losers. Our fraternity and sorority brothers and sisters chanted, USA USA USA. These pro Hamas dissidents have no right to pursue higher education in our old North State, the land of the longleaf pine. I fear for what may happen in our country this 4th of July. I pray for peace when it comes to the disagreements between Un-American losers and our patriotic Jewish friends at college campii. I say we expel every last one of these protesters who are identified. They are a stain on our free American Republic. Honest to goodness blogger readers, I am having trouble coping with the idea that our country will give a soft shrift to terrorist pro Palestinian agitators. In my opine when they go on raising the Palestine flag in a pro Hamas way, they deserve the highest punishment our country can offer for people who would blaspheme the traditions of our great United States of America. These protesters raising Palestine flags are indicative of the movement in counterculture to make Un-American or anti-American sentiment the standard. I say if you don't like our country? If you don't like our institutions of American governance? If you really rationally believe in pro Palestine pro Hamas b*******, you deserve to be sent to gitmo. These blasphemers of our red white and blue, deserve to be taken to jail at far higher rates than the D.E.M. has ordained. These little pieces of s*** loser ass liberals have nothing going for them and deserve to be punished. They look like God damn liberal pussies. I say if they really keep on pushing their pro Palestine agenda, and being in favor of Hamas terrorism? They deserve a walnut shampoo. They're little butt f****** pussies who s******** and actually agree with the idea of Hamas terrorism. If they continue this ideological anti-americanism they deserve to be severely punished. They live in America, yes? They benefit from the freedoms that our founders fought and died for on the battlefield, right? If they continue their anti-americanism on to the 4th of July while all god-fearing Americans have their summer vacation off? It is our responsibility as individuals in a democracy such as America, to literally be as antagonistic towards their pro terrorism ideology as humanly possible! F*** them. F*** them all! These little pussies have it coming! The idea that the fraternities and sororities who stand in opposition to this campus muckraking have earned as much support on their GoFundMe page as they have, shows that these little communist losers are in the minority! F*** them! F*** them all! When you go about in America today and you see people being pro hamas? My prescription as a non-educational non-medicinal commentator is to say they deserve punishment and incarcerations in psych wards for being as dumb as they are! These little goddamn pussies are pushing the envelope in a direction that our children do not deserve to be exposed to! They are a bunch of f****** God damn liberal loser f****** sand n***** loving communists. F*** them all! They ain't got s*** on the stars and stripes! And I've been seeing it all around with their little goddamn loser communist ideology! I know one thing that their little loser hoards are  occupying, and that's the basements of their pathetic liberal families! F*** them! These communist losers do not reflect the majority opinion! They're all a bunch of f****** sand n***** loving losers! I noticed on that Tuesday when these campus initiatives went out for protests, that they were flooding our city streets with long haired hippie activists! Flooding our streets with drugs! Flooding our American community with what? With God damn pathetic long hair hippie loser b*******! These m************ loser ass druggies better take their pot and their Adderall and whatever fix these long hair bearded ass loser kkkomunist crackers have, and go the f*** to Cuba! Hell yeah!

Domestic democracy United 2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024

USA in Communist Control

Hello fans of my blog I hope this time finds you well and in good coordinates with the almighty Savior Jesus Christ. I'm here today to tell you a striking reality, perhaps a theory about a conspiracy known as communism, that our country is controlled by communist adversarial countries. I don't even mean Joe Biden. I actually have a theory that Joe Biden is no longer with us. Honest to goodness. You just notice body doubles around the time of his massive surgery for growths and all of a sudden now you see the same body double. I have the theory that Biden was executed and The reigns of the country were stolen from us by China and Russia in their war on America and its allies. The reason for this theorization is simply a common sensical meem that I got from the military. And that is this.. about mid last year 2023, there was an observance that somebody had flown in the nation's capital of the district of Columbia. This flag that waved above the Capitol building in DC was indicative of one thing. That our nation was in imminent peril! That's what the flag they raised over the capital last year meant. Look up military observance of flags & cross reference that with what does it mean when a government building flies the American flag upside down?!?! The answer is it's a sign of severe distress. What was the flag that was raised last year that to me is proof that there was a violent or nonviolent coup d'etat over by the administration in a moment of weakness? What was the flag? They flew it above the executive office upside down. That's an upside down American flag being flown... flown... flown... in our nation's capital. To me that seams succinct proof that our government is run by Chinese and Russian communists.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Robert f Kennedy Jr

 I think that RFK Jr is many things and many people think things about RFK contrary to the popular Zeitgeist which is, the man is a born & bred hero! Robert f Kennedy Jr.'s true triumph is virtue to a republic and a democracy with truth and Justice and freedom held high like a blazing brazen serpent! Robert f Kennedy Jr is the only Man today that thinking Americans should even consider voting for, if one would like to still be considered at least almost people. I say to you now and I say to you clearly Robert f Kennedy Jr is the only man to vote for in 2024! He's the old school aristocracy from a Time before Republicans and Democrats flip flopped like a 3:00 a.m. waffle House pancake on a griddle or, let's say it punk style, a skillet! Let's look at the facts about Robert f Kennedy Jr. Number one is he super badass awesome. Number two is he's totally got that antagonist from Star wars style vocal defect in the way he enunciates his Divine pronunciations of New American politic. I see RFK Jr as being a christ-like figure, in which he speaks the words of he who was unnamed until the 2nd coming. It would seem as if now everybody involved in the ball game of the POTUS elections are, de facto, running almost super defensively against RFK Jr! why are they so scared? Why is the fact that Robert f Kennedy Jr died for your sins, why is this so dangerous to the mainstream brainwashing media tycoons! Key things that RFK Jr supporters are dangerous terrorists for our belief in a tea party revolution, but I say the only thing truly dangerous is either the right or the left getting to the reins of executive power in our nation! I support the sitting president, while standing! I prayed for his health just the other night! True Patriots who believe in the sanctity of armed service would never be above praying for our elected leaders who are on the opposite side of the aisle! And let me just say one thing! We need to seriously consider Robert f Kennedy Jr as a prime candidate for seasoned executor in the oval office! I believe that Trump did a terrific job as president! I have no antagonism toward trump, at all except for in the respect of his Anglican Episcopalian viewpoints! And those viewpoints are literally very auntie Evangelical at times! Maybe that's why the Catholic Church in Louisiana is turning towards Trump! the one thing I will say is Robert f Kennedy Jr is the elect! He was always the elect! And when you see the scoffers come to disseminate propaganda through little social media retarded quips and comments online, they show their true hand. A hand and a sick game of chance that sinful and against God and an abomination to our country, in which the game is stacked against Robert f Kennedy jr! So why is this? Because they know how dangerous Ronald f Kennedy Jr revolution really is! They know this is a blood war, not a turf war! Blood was shed for this soil.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Rude bwoy 2024


Creationism and Right to Life Theology

 Now I do not mean to breathe into a computer and outperform AI, but I have a little preacher woman who may or may not be in a sorority who believes primarily in the code and her value system as a sister of the cross. I do not want to breathe into my phone and cross the aisle to congratulate all of America on saying guess what whether right or left? You're a d******! America has left the borders of sanity for the far-reaching EXO terrain of infantilism idiocy and downright humorously retarded baseness. One of the main things about unidentified anomalous phenomena, or unidentified aerial phenomena, or unidentified flying objects? Is the idea that technology whether it is social engineering or the sciences as such, has gone from the purview of natural, to the perverse unnatural spirit of Gnostic idiocy. Creationism is, unless you're not born again truly, a common Sense reaction to the development of culture technology and civilization in the West. The idea that the word of God in the Old testament says the world was created 6,000 years ago is the idea that those who discount intellectual design from a higher Spirit or mind or the idea that God simply created us all 6,000 years ago is more and more relevant to what our world needs to systematize cognitism phenominalogically for the future. If we've gone on eons and eons, why are we doing a form of ritualism when it comes to modern warfare? It would seem if as psychology states, human beings capacity for getting along and coexisting is the reason for our development as a species, why oh why oh why are we still engaging in this bloodletting and violence? I heard Billy Graham say that America and even the world by many respects has what's called a suicide mentality. A suicide mentality, that's what he called it! I would say that the viewpoint is more or less giving up. It is much like the Postal Service LP, the first LP to feature emotional hardcore and techno rhythms. It was called Give Up.  People experience for whatever base brute reasons a nihilism that gives up on the sanctity of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Wee need for people who believe in the truth behind the ancient traditions of our forefathers to act now. The traditions of the American revolution are sound just and righteous. I say to you today let's have an American Revolution in 2024 by all spreading the message, Robert f Kennedy Jr...It's the right choice for candidate for the presidency. Robert f Kennedy Jr has a platform for revolution to reach the true foundational fundamentalist understanding of the American revolution and the spirit of the Federalist papers. Robert f Kennedy Jr is the only candidate worth voting for.  Thee true fact that at this point even is parodic. Trump himself is a creature from the Black lagoon. If you want to talk swamps I'd definitely talk to a golfer! So at this point in human history we have human kind living as God's creations in a universe that was created 6,000 years ago. A lot of people like to make light of this and say this is a form of retardation or idiocy. As a matter of fact radio carbon dating is so flawed that it's laughable to think these idolaters at all capable of any kind of scientific curiosity and career thought. They all just suck this bullmess down their universalist multicultural worldview in a feeding tube. Everybody knows that God created the earth, right well in that he also created the universe! He also created subatomic particles! He also created animal life, plant life, and a form of entity that's not animal technically. 

That entity is us! You and me here in the usa, United States of america. God created you! We have to accept that we are not God himself! The more people purport to be a living God theirselves, the more in the depths of sin and judgment for our entire country are pressing and salient! Much of mankind has the base sin of the Antichrist! What is an antichrist you ask? It was put best by author Thomas Hobbes in his devious book Leviathan. He once said that the definition of an antichrist is somebody who proclaims themselves to be the Christ! I hate to tell you friend and I hope you do not backlash any in this solemn reputable confession, but I was held under lock and key for over 7 weeks and during that time I heard a rhino Republican describe himself as the Christ. To me this is a sign of American degeneracy which we may never recover from! These little trumpists bouncing and bubbling around on marijuana in almost every case having these rash issues with unintelligent egotism and pathology! That is why I say make the switch to RFK jr! He's the right candidate at the right time! I'm not saying that this endorsement I've done of RFK Jr is anything but a crash attempt to influence small numbers of voters in a republican grand old party drive to win in 2024! But wow! Look at how many lemmings believe themselves to be the creator of the universe! How is it that people who have the mind-numbing incapacity for intellectual curiosity don't make well and don't do well on their drive for sex and attainment of beauty! I mean Jesus God when I was in that psych ward I met people set a Republican and others experiencing a neurosis the size of the empire State building when it came to their own hypocritical worldviews as non philosophical people! People who haven't studied philosophy in their spare time for long periods of time seem to stand below and in guilty suffering of philosophical judgment on their intellectual vacuity. The fact that this beautiful land has been overtaken by Babel is disorienting for any rational descendant of Adam and Eve. What we need to do is change the world by changing everybody's worldview to be in favor of creationism. I actually do not believe in intelligent design. I think it stands very little chance that an Intel intelligence had anything to do with our creation! I mean how could it be that intelligence created mankind? I believe more on the sleeve of creationism! God created us! You could say that's different than designing Us in several ways! But all I will say is this, one thing you can do to stave off the ill effects of the end times and inevitable apocalypse, that apparently is not world war 3, if you can remember to tune in to pilot off every other day and I will be bringing you guys live updates from the street!

Brendan hooker O'Connell

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The smell of the rain after a storm

 Here's to fighting less, here's to living more! Here's to trouble again, and the everlasting dialectic between man and the gods we create. There are so many reasons that Jesus Christ died for our sins! I'm being dead serious here I hope you'll follow me. There are so many reasons that Jesus Christ necessarily died for your sins! I priori, I would say it's the Freudian truth of the unpardonable sin of incest, or having sex with your own family! There are a lot of things that God wouldn't have to send his only son to die for to make mankind at all redeemable. But the sin of having sex with your own family members I would say as Freud proved is endemic to The brute egotistical controlling sin of what we call a homo sapien. Freud discovered through using cocaine and Skinner boxes the most primordial and primal truth that we all hate to remember and all love to forget. That is the sin called the oedipal complex as an archetype. It's a reference to ancient Grecian lore in which Oedipus is sent down a river by his king and queen parents because it was prophesied to them by the Oracle that their own son would kill them and storm the empire in a revolution. So to stop a potential revolution in their Kingdom the king and queen, parents of Oedipus, tried to avoid having their power overturned by putting their child Oedipus in a manger and sending it down stream. Oedipus was found downstream by natives who raised the child like their own. Oedipus grew bigger and stronger year by year by their native counseling and parentship. Then he decided to set off on his own. He walked northward and who did he run into but his mom and dad the kings and queens of the empire that they sent him down the stream to prevent having a revolution upon. Oedipus and his parents immediately hit it off. So Oedipus becomes friends with his parents without knowing that they are in fact his parents. Long story short Oedipus does the unthinkable and kills his father and becomes king and fucks the queen. Then obviously his own mother being the queen in his kingdom gives birth to a child which is relatively ignored in history.  I would love to hear what people say about any inbred child that Oedipus must have had! With that sitting archetype known as the oedipal complex we discovered through Freud that the innate drive of all human kind is necessarily incestuous. Hence Jesus Christ died to save us from the unpardonable sin of slave morality through will to power on the underlying conscious drive of mankind which is, what? The unconscious and pre-conscious drive to have sex with your parents and kill your parents and take all their stuff. Vote RFK Jr!

Monday, April 15, 2024



This is a mix about something real important to me. It's my emo headache mixtape of my newest material. I started this moniker called emo headache about 12 or 13 years ago. It was a way to take what I had previously been doing with hardcore production into a more aesthetically refined punk rock formula! Emo vocals. Hardcore gabber kicks. ...And headache inducing white noise. I called it crack w**** better known as crap c o r e! Kind of an inside joke! So as I've been making emo headache in recent times I was so surprised to find out that sound base music records from had been interested in releasing my music on Totschlag recs! They are based out of Leipzig Germany and I was so happy to be able to have the opportunity to come up with an album for them! It was good to sign a record contract! The album itself is untitled officially, but technically the name of the album which you can buy for mp3 quality purchase is available on soundbase music! It's called postal! A bit of a pun when it comes to The postal Services 'give up' LP! This mix was what I came up with when I was sitting pretty on my last vinyl release! So I found out recently there are no plans for anything in the future. So I guess now that makes me retired! I still dream often times of taking a weekend vacation at Ibiza! Maybe one day Grammy maybe one day. I know one of the things I like about my emo headache punk stuff is that it uses or incorporates a lot of sophisticated things in very unsophisticated ways. For example most what we call techno is some form of algorithm. Hip hop is sample-based or generally was originally apart from synthesizers! So I really made an aesthetical turn with my emo headache hardcore techno. What I did was I made hardcore without utilizing any synths that weren't some sort of sample! So basically 0% algorithm. That's the thing about playing synthesizers is it's not as great as you might think! Playing a synthesizer to make it sound good is what they market these sense to for people! I'd rather be using a sample than an algorithm. And that's what I've done in this mix mixing all of my original emo headache tracks together for a mega mix that actually ends in a nice emo melodic hardcore selection! Everybody anywhere in the world can click this link

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The school for precise thought continues

 The troubled past of boarding school policies seems rank if not rank rancorous when it comes to the manifest destiny results of the national education association. What is really being found right here is the disabuse of language. The Masters or masters of their own this Sunday regardless of race Creator color! Team JT! If one is looking for the right way to solve a problem where's your one look to the skies and those who interpret the astrology or did Jesus Christ in a good old fashioned farmers almanac! I would say the latter. But we all know how as it comes to this time on a Sabbath day I must commit myself a new to Jesus Christ my savior and messiah! I believe that Jesus Christ could come back any day now! It is my hope! Hope is in a free country a great inspiration for the United States of america. The USA will go on forever and shine on and on in the Future generations of america! I see a new horizon! A horizon of new philosophers who will lead our country into the next century! I see the next generation of scholars doing the right thing and standing by their friends and families! With those who work jobs in idle shifts and have idle hands I give all blessings and do recompense for my punk rock sin! Somewhere down here in the Durham dirty South there's a man sitting lucky! That's lucky because I've got a girlfriend who means more than the world to me! I did it a lot for her just to document it I hope everybody has a great one!

Friday, April 12, 2024

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Havana Syndrome

 People talk a lot about Trump syndrome! I think there are many syndromes that lead to pathological outcomes that are in need of examining. One of the many things we need to understand about technology and how our lives irrevocably are changed by that technology is the phenomenon of acoustical manipulation with the ends of manipulating or subverting the tech user! Very recently on 60 minutes it broke that the FBI is cognizant of a disorder known as "Havana syndrome", and what I mean to say about this is it may be quite real! It's essentially a phenomenologically observable disorder from the user of the tech of discombobulation disorientation and other hallucinations that lead to the agent becoming incapable of living a normal life! If this is the case for as many people high up in the FBI report, which is now being made public, this is a serious dilemma indeed! If Russians are involved in this type of audio warfare technology then we ought to take this quite seriously as citizens on the brink of an all-out nuclear war! In my sermisation I have found that very much of the technology we find on the market today is so corrupted by foreign free trade that it's almost an unbecoming act to even live near this tech fetish USSR! Apparently this acoustical weaponry beaming out of God knows what I guess any kind of electronic device with Wi-Fi or Internet seems to render the agents incapable of even living! I've heard one story from a high up at the FBI of an agent having to get metal plates put in her head to stop the Havana syndrome! How do we know about this syndrome? Because law enforcement pulled over a speeder who happened to be a Russian national and found that he had all this spy tech equipment in his car on his person! When they looked at the surveillance equipment they found that it was capable of doing these things described above! So here's what they said about Havana syndrome and I'll say quite carefully as somebody who lost a high school girlfriend to a Russian by happenstance.  In all of these cases of FBI agents somehow mysteriously getting burned there is a Russian cause! Every single time this has occurred they find that there is a Russian behind it! I don't want to go too much more into that conspiracy theory but I presented it and I think it sound! Havana syndrome which is been described as a terrible discombobulation of one's thinking and processing is capable to happen to anybody! And there's two countries behind it! China and russia!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Voting block

 Hello hello dear reader Fair reader! I'm here today to solidify my voters block, which is ginning up the votes incorporated, and say all Democrats ought to vote RFK Jr. I repeat... all democrats should vote for RFK Jr. If the controversy around RFK Jr's family casting aspersions on his character seems, like... ecstatical then clearly nothing is more telling to that kind of endemic narcissistic pathology on the left! Because RFK Jr stands for something true like Liberty let's say we know that we can elect an actual officiator of the executive office as opposed to either side of the same coin! A coin that was long ago forgotten! Let's remember Chicago, riots @ the DNC 1968! The revolution that happened there has been blotted out of the history books by 1968 deniers! The world is in trouble at the moment and I feel the only way we may be able to navigate these water sufficiently is to go with an alternative tea party candidate. My candidate of choice, in a bipartisan way.. is RFK Jr! A lot of people differ from my opinion especially when I speak it to them publicly, but I do know one thing about the truth and that is it doesn't matter how you cross your t's or capitalize the T word at the beginning or the end! It's just the facticity of the facts evidentiarily, when they're all counted and in regarding legislative and executive duties! People are talking about the FBI being weaponized? My grandmother who died mysteriously of China plague worked in the FBI for years even visited Cairo in an official capacity! She used to say never acknowledge tradecraft? What is tradecraft? I wouldn't know, I've been burned! So what I say to you on this sabbath day is that RFK Jr is the only way to vote tea party in 24! I would rule out any other candidate simply by the fact that they've become so ingratiated trying to pander and are all self-circle congratulatory that it seems like politics as normal in Washington as opposed to an outsider. That's why everybody voted for Trump initially. It's because he was seen as a political outsider! Now take a look at rfk's campaign! I think he stands a chance and I think we ought to back him on general principle! We can't rely on Republican Incorporated and Democrat conglomerate to provide for us! We need a tea party candidate! The tea party candidate of choice for my political blog domestic democracy United is as follows.. JFK Jr

Friday, April 5, 2024

Black summer 😜

 Hello dear readers out there in the internet world we now know as web Incorporated! It is a wonderful Friday to be alive! It is a wonderful weekend to be North Carolinians in a State of mind Grace and affairs. I have thought long and hard about what it takes! I have thought long and hard about the revolution! And I say we have an RFK Jr revolution in 24! It's clear that whatever Trump started is out of his control now! There is no choice between Republican and Democrat at all! The only difference is who's willing to not tip the bucket. I noticed, often times, in these large conglomerates of Fox News Rupert Murdoch worshiping Republicans that the GOP or grand ole party was never really the party of middle class people, lower middle class people but, and if only in a Horatio Alger way, constituted with just virtue the lower class! Henry fosdick in Horatio algers Fame and Fortune book... a short read for children I would presume gives us Henry fozdick (punk rawk like alcebiades) as a child working his way out of poverty by shining shoes. It's a picture of the American dream that RFK Jr embodies to me! I have already noted that it is difficult for me to not do anything but stand on the sidelines and support and will and volition El Donald Trump however I think the choice of RFK Jr is what we need for america! I am one of the few unvaccinated people in my life! It feels like 99.7% of my life is just a farce. A dream going wrong. A nightmare of red State backlash! That is why I'm telling everybody out there to do what they can to rally people to vote for the truest president whoever deserved the seat in the oval office RFK jr! You don't want to see pink slips and neither do I! We don't want to see people gutted while we're trying to pull them like catfish out of the swamp! Because the only thing that will really win us this election is the music of Taylor Swift!



Friday, February 16, 2024

Yo, ya'llllllllll!!!! KKKRAM A DIAPHRAGM, BITCH! "official mc condom rant"

Yo yaaaaalllllllllllllll,

Dis nigger be tahrippin, dawg, Noam sayin'?  Fuckin faggot ass tranny dipshit buttfucking faggots can't even cram a damn diaphragm because they be mad motarded, Noam SAYNE!!!!!!

Yo ya'll, I be mc condom, all up di hizzay, and I be maaaaad reppin' da prophylactic awareness month known Febrary, you knoooo???????  hahah!!!

Knome SAIN??!?!?!?!?!??!  G-yah!  Wear a condom bitch.  Cram a diaphragm faggot trick hoe!  You could get H.I.V. which stand fo'- uhhhh...


. AIDS and shit.  I kno dat because I viddied it at da liebarie, gnome sain, troll trick nyukka.  






Yeah dog, I be mad on acid,

ya'll b trippin' ahi I'm just laughing,

laughing at dat ass, 

but ain't tapping it & shit,

Cause ya'll some bitch nigger fucking- 





"Hi, I'm the actual avatar/aviator Brendan "Da Trick Hooker" O'Donnell, SON OF MINI-MICHEAL MOORE, and I say to you today.  


(scroll down please)



So yeah, Life is about goal oriented jobrification strategies.


....and shit.





g-d it....



Thursday, February 15, 2024




and hear this right now.  Please, USSA?

Oft' times the use of massive campaigns of disinfo, and especially censoring certain stacks of stuff from mass media, indie media, or -in this case- ANY media has no wrong doing or malicious/malfeasance intended.  I'd hope that anti-censorship tycoons would realize this, truly.

I do some racy fucking shit with my muzak (most notably "Tweenstar" LP DIGI [banned in the uk]), but even then I have the decency to censor myself.  It ain't what it is, seen?  So, while certain aspects of mass FCC oriented censorship are truly, truestly of all "Immoral", I'd have to say the most immoral censorship is the pragmatic communist black out by Good Ole' Baruck.  What censorship was "Obamanable"?


Other than that, who honestly gives a good damn.



while many ARE critical (sometimes harshly so) of FCC censorship,

I'd say you'd have to be a gaddamned foo' to not take the common sensical stance of,

"Hey, sometimes censorship to prevent future harm is mad decent FCC administration!  Honestly!

I mean it gets fucking annoying, and Media CEO's are so corrupt (seriously I worked in Real Estate Ads) that they REALLY do 'poison' about %20 percent of it."


I am white.

I am proud.

I am not a boy.

So, and take me seriously on this and please accept the consequences of your non-censorship sin and responsibility the FCC under O'Biden has on this shit...













succinctly non virtue signalinglyesque yours,

Ralph Thomas Stillwell

P.S. My Gram Gram was a Speech Writer for thee FBI, K?




Absolutely goddamned not...


Healthcare in Danger of Repeating Nazi Germany's "Holocaust"

 Ever heard of "Maus"?

Ever herd of "Animal Farm"?

Ever heard of a Terrorist Brown-Shirt?

I have seen them,

and they aren't even people.  They aren't even almost people.  I'd speculate they're likely human, but with the eternal recurrence of Abominable Animalism, I'd almost write that off- carte blanch -altogether.

Animals don't have a soul.  Neither does a "Terrorist", any animal on a Farm (hell that's why we eat them.  Animals with souls taste disgusting), nor a Communist Brown Shirt - Regardless of Race, Creed or Color.  Why?

Because they are inhumane!  You can't spell inhumane without inhuman.  I don't see any problem, whatsoever, with violating a soulless animal's, quothe the commies, "Rights".  There's a big case in my hometown about inhumane treatment of an Animal Refuge.  They arrested and charged the heroes protecting rescue animals, then euthanized any animal they deemed 'unadoptable'.  One communist belief sourced from douchebag Peter Singer, is that soulless animal marxist/maoists believe 'animals' are more sacred than humanity, hence animal rights are more important than Human Rights.  

What? Further, someone - much like early Proto-Nazi Ger.,  called 911 on the basis of cruelty to animals.  In Proto-Nazi Germany, somehow the paganism of their little 'empowerment' moovement imbued their culture with the ethics of informing on each-other.  Neighbor calling the Brown Shirts on their Neighbors, en masse, in an event of mass irrationality.  There is no such thing as "Mental Health Treatment", in all honesty.  I mean, there may well be, but it ain't what it ain't, and Mental Disorders are not physiological, outside of the heroic limitations physically r-worded people sometimes are born with.  Brown Shirts are, and have always been Retards.  And that gives people who accept their godly limitations a truly, truly bad name - because most of them possess a far more vast degree of Intellectual Curiosity than the Brown Shirts selling out all of America, in Healthcare/Substance Abuse/etc. compartments.

Mental Health?

It's a Farce.  Mental Illness?  Not actually real, whatsoever.


PTSD?  Total B.S.,

Bi-Polar?  Mania? Schizophrenia?  Made up figments of a Mad Scientist's imaginative communism.

There is no mental pathology that medicine can cure, ever.  Never was, never will be.

All human irrationality, and all evil pathology, and even minor eccentricities such as neurosis etc. are fundamental to human nature.  No one is free from them, unless through repentance.


I have a severe rational fear of our own country becoming the next Nazi Germany.

Yes, I have an LP out in Germany,

and yes, I have read Continental Philosophy extensively.


The prevalence of this bullshit "Das Bier Garden", Pro-Germanism mentality, the whole fetishization of Germany as such?

Its fucking more retarded than a Hun with a Gun.

And trust me,

that's pretty fucking retarded.

I don't even like Germany!  Honestly!  Fuck 'em.

I had this one Brown Skirt cunt I boned a while back, ditches me for this meathead and when I stopped by she said, "I'd like you to meet my friend, he's actually German!"

And, you know, Americans who come from any German heritage and actually identify as German are fucking dipshits.  I mean, it's fucking dumb.

So I say,

"Oh so your a kraut, huh?  Hey faggot, I've had a little 'Hun' in me too!  Like when the brown skirt Healthcare Worker you're fucking now stuck her finger up my Irish ass!"

Creepy, huh...


When doctors start acting like the law, Law enforcement officers become subjects to doctors, and the overwhelming 'movement' of idolizing "Germany as Such" takes this kind of ridiculous prevalence, I start scratching my head and saying, "So when's the impending Holocaust of deplorables/unemployables/insurrectionists happening?  Because I, reeeaaaaalllllyyyy need to jump ship before that shit happens."


Random post,


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Communist Bugs Attack Earth, En Masse





 Thanks sir.  I have some information.  I shall be glad to tell the committee what I have learned and hope it will dull the point of the communist sickle.

The imperative is that the New World Police be kept currently informed of the subversive  activities of the Communist Conspiracy and how this effects the rights of citizens of the Free World, with the Communist Conspiracy's activities and how they turn us into the unwitting tools or victims of a specific campaign of subversion.

Many of us know what is back of the mob violence which we have been considering.  It is probable, however, that few of the demonstrators realize that they are victims of a war that is being waged in the free world today.  It is a life and death struggle between communism, which makes the people the slaves of the state, and free world democracy, in which the state carries out the will of the people.
Our police are among the foremost gaurdians of freedom and thus a major target of the communists.  The better the force, the greater it's efficiency, the bigger it's competence in preserving the peace, the more vital it is for the communists to destroy it.  I understand the commitee's desire that I outline the tactics of the comminust subversion and describe several case histories illustrating their techniques for attacking police.
The international Communist organization provides a training manual for espionage agents in which their duties are enumerated.  This pamphlet was seized in europe.  Let me paraphrase the tasks assigned to agents in one of the countries of the free world.
First, make investigation and report on the activities of the police and security services.
Second, investigate and repress those security organizations that support the government.
I would assume this remains till today.
Third, find ways to infiltrate the police and security organizations to steal documents-particularly those recording their knowledge of communism-and to destroy everything of value.
I beleive that the manual is specific in those instructions.

I have an example.  Let me describe briefly the history of the Communist war against the police in one of the major countries of the free world. 
Until the Communist politicians started to create trouble in recent years there had never been an incident on the record showing political interference  with the administration of the police force.
The communist technique has been directed primarily toward the discrediting the police in the eyes of the people.

The communists, of course, try to tell the people that police are in the pay of foreign powers.  Efforts were made to penetrate the police and recruit personel in headquarters  and provicial offices in security units.  Further, a smear campaign attempted to discredit the leaders among the rank and file.  The more outstanding and upright the senoir police officers, the more certain they were to become a communist target.

The above example is a rather awesome example of Communist techniques against the police...  Fortunately I can report that in this instance they failed.  The fine traditions of the free world police have been restored in this nation and we're on a road to true Freedom and Democracy.

As you know, there are two general aspects of Communist activity:
(1) The subversion aspect where efforts are made to penetrate and control every phase of political, economic and cultural life of a country.
(2) the militant aspect which involves agitation, demonstrations, riots, insurrection, and rebellion.  Police must have have a capability of dealing with both the subversive and militant aspects of communism.  This requires an internal security mechanism which provides an investigative  apparatus capable of identifying and developing information on subversive individuals and organizations and capable of neutralizing their activities.  It also is necessary that highly trained and highly specialized investigative apparatus  be supported by a larger force capable of controlling demonstration, riots, and other civil disorders.

Communism will work openly and legally where it can.  But it will work secretly and illegally where it must.  Its capability for conspiratorial work largely accounts for the survival of the International Communist conspiracy.

Their international movement has developed a system of defensive measures to protect itself against the police, against intelligence agencies and against a hostile public.  Knowledge of party activities is carefully organized.  An intraparty detective service and a controlled commision guard against police penetration.

Plans for offensive action are carefully devised and except for minor local adaptations constitute a detailed blueprint for worldwide agitation.

None of us should feel that the task is easy, nor that victory will be quick.  The commies are dangerous, feindishly clever, ruthless, and determined enemies.  Their potential loot?  The biggest possible...  Control of the world.  They will not give up the goal as long as they last.

DDU - NC, 2013






Tuesday, February 13, 2024



Monday, February 12, 2024

Vote Mark Robinson o' Die, Mufugga :)

 Yo ya'll, these bitch nigger pigs be mad frontin', biyatch.  I be all leik, you a mufuggin faggot, boy.  I mean, airplanes, am I right?  I mean...

What's up wid dat?

Am I right?

I got some Fuckin' Gonuts coffee dis mornin' fo mah bitch, Noam Sane?

She was all leik,

dayummm, dat mufuckin' coffee be mad dank, bitch.

I waz leik,

who you calling a bitch, mufuckin' bitch nigga?

She was all leik, "You ain't famous nigga."


I was leik,

biyatch, dat Fuckin' Gonuts coffee was maaaaaad expensive.  You need to go eat dick fo cash,

odda wize, no pipin' up dis moan, trick hoe skank ass dumb mufuggin' ratchet ass jail bait slut.

Vote Robinson or Die, Bitch Nyukkazz~

U Just Swallowed a Roach, Mufugga

Sunday, February 11, 2024



Saturday, February 10, 2024

Celebration Time is On!!! VOTE NIKKI HALEY OR DIE!!!

 Fucking ass fucker faggot R.I.N.O./D.I.N.O. motards are ruining our country.  It's time for us as U.S.A. Nationals to stand up and support the ONLY choice for U.S. POTUS - NIKKI HALEY.  Nikki Haley is the ONLY Republican who's appeared on and been endorsed by SNL righteously.  Do we want some dumb fucking oldtard, suffering mental incapacity from Type Three Diabetes?


Nikki Haley is the only nominee for the G.O.Party that makes any sense whatsoever for the hungry American publique.  These fagtarded p.o.s.'s are full of Crap.  A bunch of gaddamned Yank swine.  Will we willingly sell out Nikki Haley and buy -carte blanche- overwhelmingly biased media terrorism against United Methodists?  Will we?

The answer is Americans have become so beholden to their idols, that I would assume the low-I.Q. populous of numb-nutted so-called 'voters' will merely sign on the dotted line for fascist bullshit.  I'd complain, but I can't.  I'd rather just not vote.

One thing about the D.E.M. "movement" is they really tell popists...  I'm sorry, people, that their vote counts...  It doesn't.  No election has ever been won by an individual vote.  Don't get me wrong, I believe in individualism rather than collectivist "herd mentalism", however - American?

Your vote doesn't count.

Even the Military Press is commenting that with electronic voting, the likelihood of a fair and democratically sound election in 2024 is beyond idealistic.  Look at this goddamned farce of an electoral system we've been swindled by!

All of the complexity of a mass POTUS election in November, combined with the lack of accountability of modern technology.  God I'm scared.  The U.S. mass seems to be so conditioned into believing what they're "supposed to" by their lame stream media and Foxconn/Healthconn indoctrination.  It presumably is irrelevant to mention Biden's new "Dept. of Disinformation".  I mean, "Dept. of Disinfo"?

What could possibly go wrong?

Look at the state of the nation, with Unidentifiable Arial Phenomena causing TWO military flights -within a week of each other- to go down in flames after losing radar contact with dispatch.  This is, I mean it, foreign adversarial terrorism, plain and simple.  Don't think you're safe in your car, either.

Those damned G.P.S. trackers in your Cell-Phones can run your ass right off the road, and assassinate one without any detectability; a "cut-out" it's called.  Why?  How?


Our tech is so subverted by foreign adversarial terrorism it is simply despicable.  Why would you even own a cellular "Retard Phone" (Smart Phone?  hehehe, yeah right)?  I mean, they are so goddamned compromised it would seem disingenuous to proclaim any kind of Free Will, regardless of Biological Determinism or "Fate as Such" (which my GF believes in).

We are so subject to foreign tyranny, it is hard for many to accept.  These fucking "retard phones", sold to innocent civilian Americans at such inflated rates it should be considered monopolistic, are corrupt.  They are literally Paddy Piper  killing  "They Live" mind control devices, that we willingly go into debt for.

So called "Smart Phones"?

They, on average, cost over 800 dollars in U.S. currency.

Do you know how much a home phone costs?  About 25 buckaroonies.  It's a SHAM 69.

Flick your cell phone out the window if you want to live,

and Vote Nikki Haley or Die~


Friday, February 9, 2024






Tay Tay Brings the NFL to a New Era of Punterdom

 I've always degenerated to sports commentary on nights like these, when the hollow moon drifts over the Americas.  It always winds up, in a way akin to competitive elegance of wit by virtue of Jah's Love, that on a TGIF night in downtown Durham Cackalackistan we find ourselves a an United nation in the glorious rapture of Dionysus.  Apollo be damned.  The less graphic art in our eye sockets, the best and the better.

The NFL, inspiring fans of sportsmanlike conduct and the art of the Win, has taken a new direction with thee recent prevalence of Tay Tay in our great NFL.  It's almost a shame, or a sham if you will, that sports purists come up with the most outlandish conspiracy theorizations about the forthcoming NFL match betwixt the Fortiniters and the Kansas City Queers.  I have to say,

I have never been to Branson.

He's never been there...


...he's never been there...

However indebted we all are by the Patrick Mahomosexual NFL sport fans, I must merely comment that grammatical Nazism when it comes to proclaiming athletic competition "Sport", singular, as opposed to just calling it "Sports as Such" seems rather gaytarded.  I mean, if there be any trifle about the Game for the World Championship of Footballing, it aught to be in laying grievances politically or otherwise and casting aspersions on Tay Tay aside.  It's immoral.

"Midnights Long Play Colored Vinyl"?

Buy it.  Tay Tay's progressions from country idol pop punk artisan to enlightened aristocratic artist of the calibre never known in all the world of music within the "Midnights" album are tremendously ecstatic.  The use of "Hip-Hop" oriented drums (whether TR-606 Drum Machines or Funk Breakbeats) seems worthy of adumbration.  I know, I know.  No 38 year old aught take the Tay Tay cultism for Tween Emos as seriously as all this, and I'd assume I would rightly be embarrassed as a punk if it were not for the sheer aesthetical profundity of "Midnights".


Tay Tay was able to do something most artists who release music formally (non-net releases) never achieve, by way of her powerful gravitas as the most successful musician in all the history of pop as such.  She went back and re-released "Red" (including the uber long track from the indie musaque video she produced etc.), and used the versions of the tracks she put her heart & soul into she would have preferred.  This rarely happens.

I've released an indie IDM album, remixing Amber Pacific & Mayday Parade, and let me tell you fair reader...  One rarely gets to release the version of your song you would have liked.  I admire her independence.

Those who scoff at Tay Tay as in any way political are naive.  Sean Hannity once quipped on his Fox Radio 3 Hour Show, that you don't have to feel in any way ashamed or hypocritical about listening to music made by a man or woman who is contrary to your personal politique.  It would be absurd to think that one should or must refrain from supporting artists who aren't in line with your personal morays & ethics.  If one had to vet every musician for congruence with one's personal convictions religiously, they would be so busy with reading disinformation polemics on Wiki that one would never get around to simply reveling in the ecstasis of new compositions.

So with that,

I support Jenna Bush's take on Tay Tay, which is Trumpists who get their panties in a wad about the KC Chiefs & Tay Tay are R.I.N.O.S.

Vote Haley,

and may thee best team, coach and QB win this Sunday for our so called "Uber Bowl".

I for one will be reveling in the fashion of Kappa traditionalism at a Sports Bar.

So remember,

These times are tough,

but if one truly, really lives for sporting - always remember the 'Work' and the 'Man or Woman' are to specifically be defined as such in a kind of existential separation words and proclamations could hardly describe.  Though if one tried, I'm sure it would be done adequately.  And so..


Buy Taylor Swift's "Midnights L.P." and the Beastie Boys' final LP of Acid Jazz instrumentation called "The Big Mix-Up" (of which I sampled 'breaks' from for my Off Me Nut Records L.P.  named "Riddim Killaz" by my clash moniker Clip & Carbine).

Thank you,

and may Gott bless our great State of North Carolina~!


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Legalism as the Only Form of Americanism

 Illegality is sin.

The Laws of the Flag, the Law of the Bible, the Law of the Land, and the Law of the state seal are just as Holy as the Justice of the Badge.  Folks relish the pride in sin. Civies relish their hubris in the relinquishment of responsibility and admonishment of the law of the State Seal.

If you sin against the ordained law,

you will pay the price for your sin - at least in the U.S.A.

The Golden Rule could be viewed in an existentiell sense as the basic concept & premise for the Moral Order, a code for people to live Life in the Ordo of the Word of God in the Bible.  In a Democracy, we acknowledge the supremacy of the Biblical Codification of social rules of Lawfulness, hence - Legalism.

Why aren't the real criminals being arrested?

On Jan. 6th, Soviet spies infiltrated our Americanist protest at the Congressional Building and egged them on to the end of getting them convicted on criminality.  This- in-itself -is a more perverse form of treasonous subversion of the Law of God in our Nation than merely breaking down the barricades, oft' dreamed of by radical revolutionaries yet never achieved until the full brunt of the Ditto Head Nation vented their grief for Rush, of the Congressional Floor in the District.

How many flat screen Televisions were plundered on January Sixth?


Yet we look at the aggrandizement of breaking the Law & Order of the Red White & Blue.

What do we see?

Assaults on police.

Assaults on innocent pedestrians.

Attacks on free market entrepreneurial establishments.


Why ask why, 

when you Have God & Faith?

I was saved from the sinfulness of Illegalism by the Stripes of Jah + Christ, Messiah & Lord, Iesus Hominum Salvatore.  The reason is because I was willing to accept fault.  I was willing to accept that aggrandizement of illegal drugs, illegal criminalism & illegality against our faithful Laws & Writ of Jehovah within the strictures of gov'ment was no thing to be prideful of, or endorse philosophically.

Many baptists see a Schism betwixt the Law of the Bible & the Law of the Flag, State Seal, and Badge.

I however,

believe this ideological corruption to be permissive, to the point of being quasi-communist.

The Law of the Word of Gott in the Bible and the Law of the Seal & Flag are Identical,

Without an error.

Don't Doubt Me!


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

36,000 Chinese Nationals Apprehended @ U.S./Mexico Border in '23


The chinky dinky ding dong problem has never been more severe.

1) The "Chips" (Computer/Cellular Phone) in our electronic devices are made by Foxconn.  Look them up.  The PLA/CCP is literally laughing at our foreign trade policies saying, according to defectors, that they can use- and I quote -"non-kinetic energy" disseminated by their communist computer chips to- and I quote -"control the world".  Sure, our own D.E.M. gov'ment is even inherently acknowledging that this is essentially true.  They plan to build all our own "computer chips" in U.S. factories, but only in the next five years.  These 'Foxconn' produced cell-phones, televisions with wi-fi installed automatically, and Apple computers (as well as personal computers to a lesser extent), with their Foxconn produced 'chips' are speculatively subject to CCP/PLA  "infiltration".  The fact that communist "independents" who are D.I.N.O.S go along with this willingly by proxy of some kind of "Buddhist" complicity, only underscores how brainwashed our American publique is becoming.

When these young 'uns voyeur pornography, or especially these assault/fight videos and want to participate by proxy of their 'mirror neuronal proclivities', it is sickening.  It's counter-intuitive to democracy, our Freedom Republic, and the god given holiness of our Protestant nation.  These kids see Porno, and voyeur fight videos and get immediately corrupted. 

2)  In my home state of North Carolina, the Land of the Long Leaf Pine (the Ole' North State), there was recently an incident where a foreign communist chinky dinky ding dong spy for the PLA/CCP assassinated an Asiatic Administrator for UNC Chapel Hill in cold blood.  He is currently being observed in Psychiatric facilities.  We cannot allow these communist spies/agents for the PLA/CCP to be allowed in our country, institutions, and gov'ment.  It is impermissible and unacceptable.  The one thing I've learned about communist 'co-intell pro' type tactics engaged in by the PLA/CCP, is their first target is Asiatics who immigrate here to escape China.  That is their first target out of anyone, to attack. This case of a UNC scientist/administrator being assassinated only underscores how subversive the CCP/PLA truly is.  In this case, an honorable UNC Chapel Hill administrator in the New Sciences was murdered by an Asiatic spy for the PLA/CCP who could hardly even speak English.  It is such a serious threat to Democracy and our Republic, I cannot understate how subversive and dangerous the, quothe the Raven, 'Communist Problem' really is.

3) I had made a previous Blog entry on the case of Chinese Nationals crossing our southern border in droves.  I just found out from a military bead that it is a far more subversive problem for the safety of Americans than previously admitted publicly.


"Around 36,000 Communist Chinese Nationals were arrested attempting to cross the U.S./Mexico Border in 2023."

This factical reality is disturbing so ardently much, that I doubt I would be able to underscore how invasively subversive the PLA/CCP problem truly is.

I am against racism toward Asiatics.

I remain profoundly convinced that Asiatics who support Democracy are heroic to the penultimate degree, and the overwhelming amount of random violence toward Asian Americans is ungodly, and horrid- just horrid.  The Taiwanese, the Chinese Defectors, the Vietnamese entrepreneurs as well as the numerous innocent Asiatics suffering at the hands of Communist Authoritarianism are, more oft' times than not, heroic in a way that a spoiled rotten American refuses to be.

...sure it's easy to believe in sovereignty and democracy when we've been bred into it.

Yet these Asiatics standing for Freedom and Democracy are risking it all.

Anti-Asian hatred is so much worse than anti-semitism or anti-islamic prejudice.

Our friends in Vietnam, South Korea and Taiwan are heroes, plain and simple.  Remember, the McCarthy so-called "witch hunts" against members of the communist party in the 1950's revealed something we aught to grapple with as members of a free republic...

Which is this:  "Joseph McCarthy uncovered over 74 Communist Russian Spies who had infiltrated our Fed."

I attempted to explain this to a liberal quasi-communist Psychiatrist, and he regurgitated the misinformation meme that the educated class has been mesmerized into accepting, which was this:  "Oh, actually, it was only around 30/40 communist spies found, and what Joseph McCarthy did was an immoral 'Witch-Hunt'."

This meme-tard had been brainwashed into discounting how ardently fascist the communist threat truly was, and to this day is.  It pains me to think that this well-to-do liberal discounted the danger of radical PLA/CCP spies, and a while later a co-worker of his was assassinated by a Chinky Dinky Ding Dong infiltrator from the Asiatics.

We need to stop.

We must, absolutely, recognize the Threat.

The overwhelming Danger, threatening democracy whether democrat or republican...

And that threat?

My friends,

are the numerous spies for Communist governments within our highest reaches of power within the United States of America.

Thank you.

International Democracy United 2024

Brendan Hooker O'Connell

Crabtree Avenue, Durham North Carolina, 27704


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Random Thoughts

 I, Brendan Hooker O'Connell, am in deep deep love.  As the war ignited in the Middle East rages like an inferno of pain, fear, trembling and physical misery, I sit here in love.  I'm an unabashed sinner, a hypocrite.  I repent, yet like a bitch licking it's own vomit off of their master's carpet, I continue on in my self-destruction.  I O.

I haven't seen this ample amount of terror, ever, in my 38 years on God's Green Fruited Plains in the U.S.A.  I'm oft' overcome with intense existentiell Nausea, almost "Notes From Underground"-esque in it's nervous sadness.  I am depressed, overarchingly, at the imminent torture and war, physically damning innocent Children of Israel with cruelty.  The crusty, gutter fuck grim blooded catastrophe of what occurred on October 7th, our new Pearl Harbor, is damnable.

I've been sceptical of history being rewritten to suit the victor, however, no amount of lack of faith in Anti-Nazism can stop me from fasting, for our lenten United Methodist build up to the Passion, Easter Sunday.  So often, chalkies who are innately racist/prejudiced and feel the only way to make up for the sins of their forebearers is to swing in the opposite direction and become "prejudiced against racists", as one lib commented.

They even claim to "Hate Hatred and Fascist Racists".  This seems to me to be an obvious philosophical quandary that is being overlooked.  It was commented on Infowars at one point (love their 'info', dislike their 'war'), that Biden may use the events of October 7th to persecute Americans as "Terrorists".

Well, the war is over there, not here.  And I have to say, after October 7th the federal propagandistic broadcast commercials essentially signaling that "Hate" as they define it is a form of deplorality are deplorable in and of itself.  It's ardently racist and prejudiced to outlaw expressions of rage and anger, and even a so-called 'racist' comment, in and of itself.  

Jesus himself was oft' a cruel hateful man.  Furious rebukes were laid out by him so frequently, it is obvious that anti-hatred sentiment is a form of subversion.  If hate, and as such hate-criminality, is somehow impermissible (and definitely fireable), then it would seem that our country is run by Dharmists and Buddhists, who innately believe that "hatred" is immoral in their pagan anti-ethics.  Perhaps I'm sloughing off the Hindis with the Asiatic non-faith too quickly, yet how many of us know Protestants who comport their idolater asses into a Yoga class, all the while chanting pagan dharmic catch phrases.

"I forgot my mantra."

- Jeff Goldblum

Those anti-American countries and cultures truly do poo-poo the emotion of hatred.  So it would seem to this partial observer, however unbiased I attempt to be about history, that our Christian nature is being diluted, watered down, poisoned and taken over by - essentially - anti-evangelism.

We aught not forget that our Founders & Framers fought a revolution, in order to enshrine for our country fail-safes against two main forms of what they had philosophically discerned as immoral malfeasance.

1) Foreign Adversarial Domination (F.A.D.)


2) Absolute Power Corrupting Absolutely (A.P.C.A.)

We today,

seem to have had progression toward the much touted Heaven on Earth mentality, in which through utilitarian pragmatism we "Do Better".  Well F. Nietzsche proclaimed boldly as a quasi-rebel Reformationist conservative that "Being" and "Becoming" are intrinsically unified yet distinct.  One can truly only live as a being, while being.

So when progressives proclaim their innately dialectically materialist communist doctrine of "Problem Reaction Solution" or "Thesis Anti-Thesis Synthesis" in an Historical fashion, they are usurping our Classico-Hegelian tradition of Reformationist Protestantism.  It's almost laughable out loud when you ask your average druggie lib type what they believe of "historical evolution".  They essentially, due to their fallen christianity and disbelief in Christ - while remaining quintessentially of a Christian race - have this absurd farcical belief that "All history evolves".

Well look at us now.

Vote G.O.P.


P.S. I know you're watching my page China.

The Homeland Security apparati are watching you, boy.



Chink bastard...

Saturday, February 3, 2024





Now is the to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in >

Trial against me 


the court calendar.

Brendan, THEY HAVE 


They’ve raided

 my home.

They’ve indicted me, 

arrested me, 


But now, one of the DOJ’s

 WITCH HUNT trials 

against me has 

been Expunged!





If we’re going to BEAT these 

WITCH HUNTS and return to 

the White House, 

it will all be because 

of your efforts at this very moment.

Before the day is over, 

I’m calling on EVERY Patriot reading 

this message to chip in and say,




If it wasn’t for your gracious support, 

I would’ve never gotten this far.



Please stand

 with me today.



Thank you,

Now is the time to CHIP IN and help me SAVE AMERICA >
Now is the time to CHIP IN and help me SAVE AMERICA >

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States