Monday, September 23, 2024

On the Eastern Front

 Many people on the left are confused, especially when it comes to foreign policy in Eastern Europe. We all know that liberals have adopted the pro Ukrainian cause and turned it into some kind of movement of sorts. Seems kind of like bullcrap to me, considering one lone fact....

That is that under Obama we allowed the collapse of the country of Georgia, in Europe. If there was ever a time to stand up for the Eastern front as liberals, it would have been when Obama allowed Georgia to fall to Russia. I was so outspoken at the time that Georgia were our staunch allies and they would receive awesome punishment from Russia if they were invaded. Well they were invaded! 

So all the liberals who are going all pro Ukraine now? Don't you think you should have been pro-georgia at the time because your own Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, specifically didn't stand by the country of Georgia. So to come in after the fact and come really let's say hawkish when it comes to the Eastern front, you know? 

Well if they were really pro-military maybe they shouldn't endorse the dovish mentality of the 1960s Vietnam protests.

So remember a lot of what happens in the Ukraine commentary is rendered absurd, by the liberals President Obama allowing the country of Georgia to fall. Imagine what happened to George's president for endorsing free market democracy. 

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