Monday, December 9, 2024

Netanyahu backing Syrian rebels

 Now I may be a bit confused about global politics. I really am not very well traveled or very well spoken or very learned.  However the breaking news of this complete coup d'etat revolution in Syria, is something that I really only understand through A scanner darkly. I mean I am not there I am not in Syria I'm not in the Middle East I'm here in the deep South, the Bible belt, and I'm wondering what's going on here? I mean who should we support who should we not support or should we just be all together pacifistic? Well I have reason to believe that the coup d'etat staged by the rebels in Syria, it actually has the backing if not the organization and funding of netanyahu in Israel. Now I'm not sure why I've been a born revolutionary for so many years. It's just my American character. Revolutions are bloody as Malcolm x once said. And there was no bloodier revolution than the American revolution.  So I'm not quite sure what to make of all of this although I think carte blanche it just comes off as a western backed coup d'etat.  If that is the case, and netanyahu is actually taking part in the Syrian rebels' coup d'etat, this is a fascinating case of warfare. I think we all are against war on some level or another. I'm sure there may be people who are amped up by the idea of War. Perhaps they find the idea of War exciting, titillating in their bourgeois plebeian life. I pray for the dead, and their eternal recurrence. However if it is true that these Syrian rebels are backed by netanyahu this is some kind of taking sides that needs to be reported on transparently in our USA media. People want to know what to expect from war! Well if Alex Jones is Right, and I hope he's wrong, The taking of Assad's Syria by netanyahu backed rebels, maybe the first big act of world War 5. I'd say world War III, however I think the invasion of Iraq kind of in a way counts as world War 3 itself. And I'm sure there's a fourth one in there somewhere. That's why I call it world War 5. And if this really is the case that we really are trying to take that ground in this war?  It should be a fascinating endeavor to experience as somebody who's alive, mind body and soul, during one of the most tumultuous and historical ages our world and our country have ever known. Now one of the strange parables of this war, is that the quote "rebels" who overthrew Assad, and keep in mind Assad used chemical weapons on his own people just like Saddam Hussein did, are actually affiliated with former Al Qaeda! Now does that make any sense to anybody? I'm not sure if anything makes it any sense in this world anymore. But if it really is true that the rebels are backed by Israel, which just broke on Alex Jones network, it's reason and cause for concern. People only allow their ground wars to be lost for so long before they start throwing nukes at each other. And it's the nuclear bomb more than War as such that I'm concerned with. Donald Trump exclaimed during one of his interviews perhaps a little too explicitly, that our nuclear warfare technology has increased by an amazing amount since we use the nuclear bomb in Japan during world War II. I believe if I remember right in the full interview that Trump did, and they did try to Black it out at the time, that he proclaimed nuclear bombs are 500 times more powerful than they were in world War II. You know a lot of people know I'm into reggae and I'm into the whole Jah music scene, and the Rastafarian religious belief puts its faith in the second coming of Christ as having been emperor Selassie I, who was the seed of Solomon. A lot of people are into 1960s counterculture. I for one when I was younger was far more interested in reading books from the '60s than I was my textbook! But one thing I learned about Selassie I, was simply from watching his remarks from the League of Nations. And Selassie, if we'd listened to him instead of social revolutionaries with a socialist communist mission, we might be in a better place today in terms of world governance. Anybody looks into Selassie I's speeches to the League of Nations knows he was one of the most active proponents of disarming all nuclear bombs all atomic bombs everything. He said at the time that these bombs pose a great danger to our world's welfare, and called for the world to end the development of nuclear armaments. Well it's just another thing standing a thwart history shouting no! Yet if you watch these Selassie I speeches to the League of Nations, you see that he was right the whole time. Look at us today with the Doctor Strange Love nuclear warfare! Somebody's going to use one of these things eventually and it will be the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in terms of loss of life we've ever seen. If people would have paid more attention to Selassie I in the 60s, perhaps we would have a nuke free world today. But I'm afraid it's getting too late to backtrack and disarm all nuclear weapons, but out of all of the philosophies and ideologies that came out of the 1960s cultural revolution? I'm afraid I'm going to have to side with Selassie I the first emperor of Ethiopia. so fair reader let's pray for peace let's pray for God and Christ to come down from the clouds and save our sinful asses. Because we as men of the world forget that we are humans of a nationality. And where the different nationalities are cavorting? Well I think we may look in the news during this tumultuous and turbulent time, one day, and find out that for one reason or another nuclear armorments have been deployed. It's almost inevitable.

Do your duty soldier! F*** Putin.

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