Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tea party Commentary on the Sabbath

 I feel so embattled, so much in an existential conundrum. What is nothing? Is it an absence? A complete and total absence? I know that for me, nothingness has a great deal of validity. To find content, we cannot be in contempt. We find in our day-to-day lives a fulfillment. What kind of fulfillment? The soulful kind. Innocent souls always bounce to the beat of a different DM. We have on our hands a monumental election. It seeming as if our guy on the right will win this thing, mostly on people's apathy or engagement emotionally. People often times find emotions to be bothersome. But authentic emotionality, despite its illogical nature at times, is what makes us as Americans experience an ode to Joy moment. One thing I know for sure is that apathy is a losing strategy. Oftentimes people regard engagement as a bother. But I feel nowadays we reach engagement with the political process in such a special way. What will happen in the election? Nobody for sure knows. But I know if there had been an assassination attempt on Joe Biden, I would as a republican feel a little less knee-jerk when it comes to morality in a political sense. I hope everybody out there finds happiness. Our constitution guarantees the right to pursue happiness. A lot of people don't know this, however, the right to pursue happiness clause in the Constitution was originally meant to communicate to landowners that they had the right to own and acquire property. This stands in contrast with Communist governments, in which case you don't own anything whatsoever! Everything from the clothes on your back to your house to your vehicle are technically the property of the government. So right to pursue happiness? It's not so much saying you have the right to be happy. It's more saying that you have the right to own and acquire property. And with the stagflation, more and more we are finding it as an American publique, impossible to own our own home. But what I say to you is, domestic democracy United stands up for the right to pursue happiness. Which equals you have the right to have your own house, you have the right to ownership of all of your property within that house, and thank God you have the right to own your own car. In Communist governments, one can literally not own anything at all, and this is the status quo. But what I say to you is the status quo, for America is business, the free market if you will, being the law of the land. A lot of Republicans have gone anti-corporatism. I think this is a mistake, despite the Olive Branch. Corporations and the corporate charter are the status quo for America. So we ought to stick up, right or left, for the capitalistic enterprise in which we engage and invest in.  The right to purchase property of any kind should not be infringed upon. That's what the right to pursue happiness clause was meant to communicate to literate people at the time, which it should be noted at the time many people were not literate. So I say on this day of our Lord we say a prayer for Donald Trump. We say a prayer for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We say a prayer for Mitch McConnell, and we say a prayer for the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. I'm not going to ask anybody to vote one way or the other. But what I will say, is that this election is a true tea party. I've got in a lot of trouble over the years through defacement of public property, or graffiti. Well that's one of the strategies of the tea party. When the initial Boston tea party occurred, it was essentially a property destruction protest against the monarchs in the United Kingdom. So what I say to you dear reader is don't remember on this day of our Lord anything unworthy of your conscious existential spirit. I say stand up for something right and true. I say stand up for what is yours and no one else's especially not the governments'.  I say stand up for morality, revaluated.  So with this in mind I say, express a prayer for our nation on this Sunday, this day of our Lord! 

God bless the great state of the longleaf pine. Let us stand up for that which we bear in common, our own humanity as we know it. Many people would like to strip us of our humanity, and the rights we have as citizens of this country. Yet their attempts at Will to power are laughable. They are effete attempts at the most annoying human impulse that has ever been our sin as descendants of Adam and Eve. That is the impulse of Will to power. Often times people talk about power and what it means. But the thing about power is, other than having power over yourself, that power is by definition having power over somebody else. That's why George Washington when he won the revolutionary war refuse to be named King of America. Instead he put in a system of governance that to this day remains a shining beacon of light on the hill for all those who hate other people and their will to power over them. 

I hope you out there find what you're looking for, which to me has a lot to do with the satisfaction of the human mind when it comes to the opposite elements of fear and Hope. Have hope for America, and have hope for all of mankind. 

Because we're all in this together. 


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