Now once again I must say I do not understand that which I am attempting to engage with. I know that what I thought was the reality of our world, after War, proved to be inaccurate insufficient and inadequate for the complexities of global 5th generation warfare. I now have to renew my commitment to a re-examination of the a priori structures of being, and the world. I just have a slight hunch, from AI diatoma, that the recent coup d'etat in Syria may have a genocidal consequence to it. From what I understand, over 100,000 political prisoners were put to death in secret prison Chambers before Assad fled to Russia. If this is not true then I guess I'm just taking one meme and making assumptions on the basis of disinfo, or misinformation. But if, in fact, the fact of 100,000 prisoners of the islamist regime of Assad being put to death is true? Then we all aught to take stock of the value of life, and the sanctity of political prisoners. I once commented that in my day, keep in mind I'm going on in one year from 40 years old, we used to have a strict obedience, in all warfare, to the Geneva conventions. Has anybody even noticed, that the humanitarian guidelines of humane warfare are being thrown to the curb? In these last incursions, let's just say between Israel and Hamas, the Geneva conventions went right clear out of the window on both sides! Not to mention the Eastern front! I'm talking absolutely no boundaries for humanitarian sanctified prisoners of War! I mean the Geneva convention stated that inhumane boundaries were to be set in guidelines for 5th generation warfare. The sad lone fact is, it's all for naught. I mean we hear stories, apart from massive destruction of infrastructure by Israel bombs, of Jewish hostages being subject to absolutely abominable conditions, and I don't want to use the r word, as to people who are victims of sexual immorality it would be an affront...
...But I remember hearing about ravers who were taken hostage at the festival in Western Israel who were rolling on X being, and I quote, raped to the point of their pelvises being broken. I'd say that goes slightly farther than the Geneva convention regarding proper prisoner of war etiquette would allow. Say goodbye to the old Colonel Klink p.o.w. humor.
Welcome to humanitarian horror!
So the hardcore fact, that communist Arab Russian complicitors may have executed the vastly large number of 100,000 political prisoners, is not to be forgotten! One life is worth the world. And when you look at the fact that say you and I are one life per person so to speak, it seems impossible for a single individual to come to any kind of comprehension & real understanding of the vast loss of life inherent in what is happening in the cradle of civilization, especially in Syria.
I pray that claims 100,000 dead in Syria are untrue. But if it is in fact true, that's one reason for us to engage patriotically with the national sentiment of unity through the spirit of our nation, of our forefathers and the crusades, and the future of terrorism.
DDU 2024