Friday, January 31, 2025

Incident On The Potomac

 Well here it comes folks! I was able to live long enough to see Trump coming to office, and I'm old enough to understand some of the aspects of 9/11 truth, but I'm at a loss for words for the airplane flight that went down in the Potomac. I hate to cast conspiratorial viewpoints on this issue, because in some way if I'm wrong it's kind of disrespecting the dead I guess? But in my opinion, when they said it hit a Black hawk helicopter, and then went on to say it was upside down... To me that seems like code. I believe personally that the plane went down because of a missile. I think it's far far unlikely that there was a black hawk helicopter that went down as well. Remember they said the black hawk helicopter was found upside down in the Potomac? This to me seems to be a way of addressing the emerging issue, and setting a precedent that it had something to do with what, a Blackhawk helicopter upside down? Honestly empirically I doubt it. When you look at the footage of the plane in the explosion in the air, even though Blackhawk helicopters are designed to not be visible in the dark, it does not seem to me to explain the entire travesty.  

I obviously could be wrong, but what I'm saying simply comes from common sensical empirical observation...

When it comes to 9/11 truth, years later after suspending my disbelief for no reason when it came to conspiracy theories regarding traumatic events in the media, years later I looked back at the footage of the Pentagon and what hit the Pentagon in DC. My theory after the fact almost 20 years later, is that Saddam Hussein along with Al-Qaeda and Osama bin laden, attacked America in a coordinated strike. I'm not an expert at video surveillance, but I believe that what happened at the Pentagon was a missile from, you guessed it! A missile from Saddam Hussein, hence mitigating our effort to invade Iraq and topple his regime. The Democrats at the time made a big to do of the fact that Saddam Hussein and his chemical weapons weren't part of the al-Qaeda attack on 911...  But if it were true that Saddam Hussein launched a missile that actually struck are pentagon, don't you think it would be unlikely that they would come clean about it? They didn't want to appear helpless in the face of terrorism, so hence the war on terror began. In my opinion when I looked at the footage of the supposed Black hawk helicopter, which Trump said according to stats if it did happen this way would have been 500 ft above what Blackhawk helicopters are supposed to keep in terms of altitude, that flight going down in the Potomac warrants a little bit of speculation when looking at the video of it. To me what I saw was some type of UAP, or unidentified anomalous phenomenon. That seem to fire a missile that hit the plane. Now I'm no expert and I honestly probably am wrong about this conspiracy theory. But Trump himself has some doubt on it when it came to the altitude at which the collision apparently occurred. As he said, 500 ft above the altitude that your average military aircraft would have been allowed to fly at.  It's a sad day even if I'm wrong about this conspiracy, because of the innocent lives lost. We're praying for y'all up there in DC! 

DDU 2025

Monday, January 27, 2025


 Super Tuesday, am I right? I think that this election that happened last year was one of the most corrupt elections America has ever had. I took the stance pre election that Trump was likely to be delivered the presidency in a military industrial complex handbag. I really did. The way I looked at it, it seems to me that the military industrial complex would be unwilling to let another four years of democrat incompetence come about. I mean there's so much blood on Joe Biden's hands, especially when it comes to the Afghanistan withdrawal and our 13 Young Patriots who died there, that I pray for his health everyday primarily because he's likely to go to hell unless he repents. Catholics are very loathe to repent.  I also don't think the allegations that the 2020 elections were rigged we're as legitimate as many Trumpsters like to imagine. However, I think the 2024 election was essentially all about getting the means to the end. The end is getting Trump in office. The means? I believe the military industrial complex literally was unwilling by their oath to uphold the Constitution to allow four more years of mismanagement in the executive office. So yes I honestly do believe that the 2020 POTUS election wasn't corrupt.  This election however, I honestly can't say it was done by the books. To me the military handed Trump the presidency personally, with the best hackers the military industrial complex can proffer to fight for democracy and freedom. I wouldn't have come to this conclusion had I not seen evidence of the left wing Democrat election corruption in 2024. In my state of North Carolina, Trump took the electorate, and a Democrat took the reins of our state as governor. Now this to me seems to be suspect as f***. Most people, not all, however most people vote a straight party ticket. I would have to say that the percentage of people who vote straight party affiliation ticket, is it least over 80%. But what we have here? An election that Trump took the presidency with, and state and local Democrats took low level offices in. How is this possible? If Trump was elected by the people of North Carolina, why wouldn't Mark Robinson have been elected as well? Now I'm not touching my real theory about this with a 10-ft pole, rhino comments aside, however the incongruity of North Carolina electing Trump for the federal government, and state and local governorship falling to the d.e.m. seems to me the indicate voter election tampering. And I guess it would seem to me that it goes both ways. 

My theory is a simple equation which you can read right here at the end, where we're all at right now. 






Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 I commented on my blog, as well as my video log, that the only real important thing that Trump could do for me personally that would really be above and beyond the call of politicians, would be to pardon the January 6th protesters. I've gone through a lot of outrageous activity that got me whisked away to a dark hole in prison many times in the past 4 years and not to mention before that. When they asked me why did you do what you did, and act out, I always had to answer the same thing. How can I, a grand old party adherent, live my life idly while real patriots who served in the military and the police were in a federal penitentiary next to Muslim terrorists? I couldn't let my heart settle knowing that there were military members who were doing hard time in a federal pen for the January 6th protests.  So I thought to shove myself into my own sword and commit tea party seppuku. Many times I just simply couldn't live with myself knowing that there're Republicans, far better men & women than I, in a four-walled cell for civil disobedience. It was hard for me to cope with to be frank.  I could, it seemed at the time, feel their pain! Well I just got the news in on Truth Social that Trump, as one of his first acts of office, pardoned 98% of the January 6th protesters. This is cause for jubilation in the highest degree. Some people might not like to think about this, but the black lives matter activists when they rioted on several occasions, such as attacking people driving by in their car. Such as looting stores for flat screen televisions. Such as attacking pedestrians. Such as smashing windows and burning cars. Not to mention the ultimate act of protest sin, setting cop cars on fire. These people did not get the severe punishment of the law that January 6th Noble Patriots did. This to me seems off the Mark in terms of what Justice and mercy are meant to do for people in our country. I asked myself do I really want to take revenge on the Democrats who have so poorly treated Republicans in the past 4 years, and have God's Justice? Or should I pray for Mercy for the Democrat operatives who have flagrantly flagrantly blasphemed and tarnished our government with their anti-republican rhetoric. Well I think I came to the conclusion just now talking to people and kind of seeing where people are at right now in the first day of our new country. I think the answer is we should not spare any Mercy. Now is not the time for mercy. Now is not the time for revenge. Now is the time for justice! Let's pray that our boys the 1500 January 6th protesters get out ASAP. They'll be welcomed as heroes

Sunday, January 19, 2025


Many people out there in the interwebs have an interesting browser history when it comes to ethical social deviance.  I say to you Donald Trump giving his inaugural speech at the Capital on Squirrel's Day Eve is significant, am I right? 

 On the same day is something so holy, it almost doesn't bear mentioning. This Monday we're to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr day. I thought it was timely to do a short blog on what I believe social deviance as a republican is meant for. 

So here goes nothing...

Our forefathers in this world believed in one thing, as the Methodist Church. We believed that slavery to sin is not favorable by God. Hence, slavery itself is not favorable by God. Now I've heard many stories about slavery and what it means, I mean I think we all have. But one thing I'd like to say is no matter who you are you should not wind up in bondage to sin. 

St Paul was so specific about not being in bondage to your sinful nature. It almost seems as if Saint Paul had a little bit of the faith of the centurion in him, you know what I mean? So what would our forefathers and Christian fellows think about tomorrow? It is both the day Trump is to be inaugurated, and a celebration of everything Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech, not to mention a holiday meant to celebrate defeating slavery, in my fair opinion. 

So I find that MLK Jr is very well spoken when it comes to the nuances and critique of the New testament. It's so radical that he did so many things as a pastor! Well us United Methodists have been against slavery since John Wesley created the faith in England.  Now with a little bit of United Brethren speak, in this year of our Lord . 

Evangelicals believe that no matter how far we come scientifically and medically, nobody can cure sickness and slavery. 

 All is sin, except for Jesus Christ. Man would like resolutions and reforms to bring us up to godliness. recognize the subservience to Satan it takes to wanting to be God himself. As an Evangelical I believe that satanists are immoral.

So as somebody who sees Satan as a force for evil, one might ask how can evil be a force for good? I want speculated on a passage of scripture that said God is so powerful, and so eminent, that even evil people do his bidding. Will God really is the most powerful thing in the universe. 

We all want power. But really with power comes a sort of subservience and slavery. So unless we want to put ourselves in shackles I say on this sabbath of our Lord, we recognize the unity of the inauguration day of Donald j Trump, and Martin Luther King Jr. We all should bridge the gap between our understanding of quote racial threat and quote, and bridge the gap between white nationalism and black nationalism. 

In your name we pray Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 One of the main things that comes to mind right now, is our 30 mi zone compatriots on the Left Coast. Sure they're a little bit pinker than many, but their souls are beloved by God. And their property is beloved by God. And their willpower and strength are beloved by God. LA strong?

 Los Angeles matters!

 So when I say this, I say this as a survivor of a house fire. I'll always remember the stench... 

Stench of your goods burning into embers...

 Wherewithal are the stench of death. I'll always remember how distinctly horrid, and sulfurous the stench of all of my earthly possessions being burnt into a crisp was, and everything gone even including the shirt on my back. You see this over and over in cases of people talking about having lost everything in a house fire. They always say you can replace possessions, but you can't replace life. They always say the same things..  That possessions don't matter and all that really matters is the lives of your loved ones. But I look at this Los Angeles explosion. 

And yes many people in the area testified that it was like an explosion. 

When we look at this Los Angeles destruction, we have to ask ourselves is our media telling us the whole plot?

... And the answer is no they are not. 

What's going on in LA is so much bigger than they'll almost ever be able to acknowledge. 

Because what really caused the destruction in California with these quote "wildfires" end quote is simply this: 

A bomb from our Axis friends overseas.

 I don't know how we can come to grips with this but the fact is the media coverage of what's going on is an inside job, a cover up... 

What's really going on in LA is the fact that a submarine parked outside the Pacific coast struck Los Angeles with some type of serious bomb.

Or perhaps it was caused by a foreign espionage agent using an improvised explosive device.

 When you look at people describing it they always say it looks like a bomb going off above them. So are we going to sit here and just stand by and acknowledge that our media is corrupt and be apethetic? Or are we going to stand up for something that really matters! Are we going to stand up for something that truly means something to God!? Because what happened in LA, let me tell you as somebody who was in a house fire and barely escaped with his life? This s*** is so f****** evil even calling it o0smodeus worship doesn't quite get to it so remember kids, praise Christ! Because what happened out there in LA was a fire in people's structures, people's houses, people's hard drives, people's cell phones and people's fashion accessories? All of them are ripped away cruelly from these individuals, by a bomb that was probably sent by North Korea! So let's remember this that those who have died in LA! There will be stories written about it in the future because I know that God loves America.

Monday, January 6, 2025


Many of us here in NC are, well lets just say, still coming to grips w/ ww5, as good old boy, free world police wouldn't have minded.  Each 2 his own.  The elks club rotary w/ Sean Hannity could not out do it in terms of to do's..  So we're all grieving right now about officer Horan. In GDOT North Carolina he was attempting to stop a madman with a gun. Alone on the front lines far beyond the limits of someone's recompense when it comes to organization and these types of situations, but it seems like Mr Horan ran right in. I grieve in all of my soul 4 freedom and I repent, I repent of my sins because that hero is above and beyond all of us good or even Uber Mensch's like this.  A super hero who took one for the team. So let's look at this for a second this is a really really strange almost PARANORMAL fact.

Well on this album I made years previous to officer Horan's heroic fall from worldly Grace. It specifically says the word Horan in a song title!  "The Wilderness of Horan Sixth Chapter" I named one of the tracks on my noise genre LP. So it's kind of a random sampling error,

...or is it?

Check this out this is

I picked the name Horan completely randomly so I don't know how it comes to be years later that the name, a free world police don of the surname Horan, on an officer tribute album that , you know something does not add up? I mean I made a post called the "wilderness of Horan#,,, over five six seven years ago and here we have the most tragic collapse of a good man, and I want you out there to buy pardon and pardon and be bipartisan, and waves that this man is not like those. So yeah check it out check out the link of above it's called The wilderness of Horan, published at least three or four years prior to officer Horan's taking one for the team. I'm a little bit tipsy so I'm going to let it end out here but I want all of you out there remember how much Jesus Christ could be the difference between life and death for you personally. You might be out there you might just be thinking whatever you might be enticed and go down by my intellectual rhetoric but really you have to think there's so much more important stuff, world like love you know and automobile ownership which I honestly I don't know? but you know I think that as a new generation becomes in the way we just have to like check out you know just how much stuff there really is for us to do as citizens of the nnewworld. Jesus said he was going to bring a new heaven and a new earth! Well ain't that a little bit about it looks nowadays! I looked at one side of my house to the north side I said this looks like mortar my noise genre concept album that I put out probably over 3 or 4 years ago. It in many instances pays homage to fall in police officers, and definitely never taking glibly or humorously. The opening track on the album which I'm going to provide right here:

Is a tribute to fallen officer in New York City (courtesy professionally) officer named Jason Rivera. It's literally the opening track cuz I just took Mrs Rivera's courageous speech in front of the same Patrick's cathedral in downtown NYC, and did a single edit no more. I basically just took the stream off my iPhone, and did one single that is only one juxtaposition. So it was called only you and then in parentheses it says the one, Miss Rivera's death cry over let's just say Oscar a good cop and bad cop or all the same as everybody spits in yanks' drinks.

All I say is that Horan was gunned down merely trying to protect the free market. This is not to do with capitalism. This has to do with anarchism and the way in which these people worship death rather than the law. As a White Protestant I go around my day pretty much just assuming everybody's going to be respectful of law enforcement respectful governance respectful of righteousness respectful of Christ in the Bible and all he has to teach us? But I don't need to identify as anything. Because identity is a false misnomer it's a false god when somebody tells you have an identity somebody says that to you say out there you have an identity well that's kind of like you know playing charades you know a little bit like I don't know I'll leave it at that but calvinistic biological chemistry can lead us to so many more lsds I don't see why you can't let him out for free speaking maybe I should go pick up some of those some of those cheap! Yeah no I remember what I did those in high school friend 

Brandon hooker O'Connell 

I put down the crack pipe and picked up the Bible

Friday, January 3, 2025

"Stalinists are Snakes, and We All Know It!


"Stalinists are Snakes, and We All Know It!" - SAYS CLIP & CARBINE SOUNDSYSTEM


The numbers on a couple of my American Jungle "RUSSIA" Backed mp3 sales of my single "BIBLE BELT" and Baddest badman or whatever, out on a Moscow label:

 "Went the Fuck up over their Shit, Inn I?"
Stalanists hate the Postal Service (aka Ben Gibbard) "Mr. PARCHMENT, Jamaican GOLD MEDAL CHAMP, WILL F*CK UP RUSSIAN FEDERATION with a fuckin spray from his badman SK... Everyone knows, Cossaks cyaan sprint!!! lol!

 and I "went over" all their shit inna russia. 

This is the garbage I shoved and pumped down their russian bolshevik gullets, throats and dance music counter-culture hahahah yokes on you COSSAK....

THESE ARE actual Jewish Folks SIG HEILING, Signature Jewry hahahah
JAH RASTAFARI - This guy in Ethiopia single handedly beat back the Totalitarian/Fascist Invaders inna Ethiopia... SELLASIE I JAH RASTAFARI - ALL DEM COSSAK BWOY SUCK PUM PUM, PYEER RUSSIAN BWOY SUCK OUT DEM MUMA'S PUSS PUSS, eh??!?!?




Here's the deal...
Russia is and russians ARE - FULL ON - catholic and jewish, as a = country and as a + Peoples.  
Not even lying,  I mean, to you agnostics out there, or atheists - just remember what the POPE IN FUCKING ROME thought of Nietzsche, Hobbes and IAMALIVE (aka Machiavelli) - not to mention the scientist they crucified named BRUNO " They called them "anti-christs"...

Protestants are as few in the country of USSR or whatever they call that banana republic as DENIM IN MOSCOW, b/c all of these russians are fucking catholic spies for rome and jewish communists. 
 Not even lyin'.
Are we gonna accept this popery?  This jewry???  Are we gonna accept the papacy and it's KNOWN influence in eastern/western USSR?
"did ya'll know that Denim garments - as in "{Blue Jeans}" - are considered illegal contraband by Senior El Putin-o"?
Not even lying,
they're so Goddamned anti-WASP (IN OPPOSITION to white anglo-saxon protestants {aka W.A.S.P.'s} etc etc) that they actually banned PUSSY RIOT and Denim!!!!!

I say,
Hey pope francis,
why dont you come clean about THE FUCKING FAULKLANDS, huh?
Argentina ring a bell, heffe?

THESE RUSSIANS ARE ALL - not hating on american catholics AT ALL - however it needs to be said that the fucking RUSSIAN MOTHER STATE is ALL catholic and jewish, except for the protestant dissidents within their borders...  let's bring em democracy, eh?

I know I sure as hell did with my CLIP & CARBINE mp3's...

the numbers on how massive I WENT OVER the russian's ragga jungle label!!!  cheque it!

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