The country in decline, we find ourselves as Americans to be beholden to this Obamacare serf state. With the freedoms guaranteed to us by our founding fathers now irrevocably progressed into what we have today, we have the mind of the law rather than the letter of the law as the overarching authority structure within America. Geist. The spirit is so much more precious to our country and our lives as civilians in this country. When you think about team spirit, what comes to mind? When you think about the spirit of our country? When you think about the laws and weights and measures of our land? What comes to mind? Well more and more nowadays a type of American sex cult. It seems that everything in America centers around sex and domination. The lizard brain winneth again! I'm getting a sense that America is going in the wrong direction. I'm getting the inclination to view our role in the world as diminished due to years of progressive ideology. Those who chose to integrate other countries' economic welfare into our own, sold out Fort Knox and the gold reserve. Why so little rebellion? Well the rebellion that does exist has to do with being pro Palestine. What a rebellion is that! I would bet that at least 80% of these pro Palestine protesters have never even read a chapter or a surah of the Quran. I actually have! I read about 200 or so pages of the Quran, giving it the benefit of the doubt the whole time! These pro Palestine protesters don't know what they're getting themselves involved in! It's as if they're young dumb and broke, and the only recompense for their student loans is a kind of academic sepuku! If these pro Palestine protesters, who by supporting Hamas terrorism do themselves harm, had actually read the Quran, I doubt they would actually be as dedicated to this thing as they are. When you really look at it, the Only Teen Spirit permeating our adult population seems to be a kind of miscreant ideology. Why ask why? What I know is that if these peaceniks actually read the Quran they would know that as a mantra the holy book of Muhammad says kill the non-believers, or to kill the infidel, or to kill the unbeliever! At a certain point you have to reject that! These pro Palestine protesters would surprise me greatly if they had read even 50 pages of the Koran! So don't be about it in the war on terror in the middle East unless you've at least taken the time to read the profit Muhammad's holy text! It's ridiculous. People buy on to these movements so to speak without any knowledge of the roots or traditions of that which they're encountering and taking part in! Revolution is not to be taken lightly! Yet that's what I see in these leftinista and their end game strategy for when Trump wins in 24. They're going to try revolution! I'll be the guy with the billy club beating their skulls in the cement. We don't need to be falling in love we need to be crushing skulls.
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