Many people write death out of the equation. Many people disabuse themselves of the notion or even concept of death as such in their day-to-day formulas for coping with being in the world. We all oftentimes relegate death to the back of our minds. Yet what is closest to each and everyone of us? What do we all share in common? As it sayeth in the Bible, it is appointed once for a person to be born once for a person to die and after that the judgment. So what do we have for our own most outcome of being? Being toward death. Death is our own utmost potentiality for being in the world. The more we stave off the notion of our immaterial worldliness, and ignore the lurking Spirit of the grim reaper, the less realistically we live in a very dangerous and fearful world. We ignore the danger. We Believe ourselves to be safe. Yet widowed police officer in New York City Dominique Rivera said at her husband's funeral, Jason Rivera, that no One is safe anymore. No One is safe. People often have the delusion that they are above death. Perhaps this is why man seeks immortality. Many an atheists and agnostic looks at the idea of their works that they create, artistic or otherwise, going on after they die in a kind of immortality. It's a safe notion, but conceptually it lacks the authenticity of post deconstructuralist meaning. Death's sadistic design is such that we're everyday getting one step closer to our grave. The only answer is God. I'm for real guys, God loves you. I LOVE JESUS!