Sunday, June 30, 2024


 All authority. Thank you! 

I think what we all know but subconsciously want to forget is the fear of God on this Sunday our Sabbath. Repent, the Kingdom of heaven is nigh! The only fool that I know is myself for letting my psyche and my spirit be compromised by my wit.  Not in isolation at all but always stranded in a crowd. The academy of the old psychiatrist club Incorporated must surely be over driven by amphetamine salt, and other pills that are supposed to make us quote happy end quote. But really what will make us happy on this day of our Lord the Sabbath in 2024? What will finally satiate the beast so that they may sleep well in hibernation in their habitudes?  I'm going to cry myself to sleep. The amount of overwhelming and overarching death that we encounter in our nation is above applaum. The different narrow segments of our infrastructure now pointing downward, we find ourselves lackadaisically and zombie-like, in a trance of the gold Mass. That golden calf! Well they did it back in herods day! This is just America burning the cross over and over and over and over! 


Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Upon watching the debate last night, I found myself seriously enjoying myself politically in a kind of voyeuristic nepotistic pro society status quo sensibility. I don't know much about the response of people to the actual debate between Joe Biden and Donald j Trump, but it's not always cut and dry as many people make out. Here, from a republican since 2007, are three good policy decisions that Biden proffered at the debate:

1) bringing production of "chips" within our borders.  He understands the need for "buying American" and the prescience of having our goods and services "made in America".

2) being anti-russia.  I think we need to be realistic about malthusianism, and how real war gets when "there aren't enough food stuffs".  RED DAWN is a real scenario.  Let's not forget!

3) his stance on the Isreali-Palestine conflict.  The "disinformation" that occurs is wise.  If these damned small holes and bumps in our phones could potentially be used to harm citizens perhaps they're right!!!

I support Joe...

....and I had recently supported RFK JR, however in recent news he didn't make it to the Ballot...    So I will now endorse DONALD TRUMP IN 24!!!


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024


 There're so many different definitions of the word repent, that I'd like to offer a fairly nonlinear yet theological interpretation of what we call repentance. Now we all know it's warning that people ought to turn from their sin. But what does it really mean to turn from sin? Well as I proferred previously in a podcast, it literally means to do a 180 physically. If you see something abominable in front of you, simply fall in reverse stand up like a real man or woman and turn from your golden calf. Oftentimes that's merely what sinning is, in terms of repentance would be keeping false gods in front of you in your day-to-day leisurely life. Repentance also means simply apologizing for wrongdoing. I'm often very apologetic about things that I've done or things that I've said, but does that necessarily mean that I'll be forgiven because I'm born again? Well without getting down on my knees once a day no more no less as I have for the past 10 or 11 years I'd say it takes more than just one little prayer. Further what does repentance mean to the women in our culture. . . 

I've noticed many women seem suckered into thinking they can pray sitting down or pray lying on their back. I'd have to say everybody in America and yeah those reading this must take the idea of apologizing for your sin seriously. I mean no one's going to accept you as anything more than a lecherous leprous sinner, unless you take some responsibility and apologize to God for the bad things you've done, down on your knees, I would say that the idea of apologizing to God leads to a kind of change in your heart. And it is your heart that I'd like to talk about tonight. Your heart it's viciously wicked. Your heart is like a sick spoiled child in need of a sugar fix. Your heart is damned eternal condemnation in hell. But you have a chance! All you have to do is pray once a day no more no less without fail for years at a time and you too can be saved from your sin. 


Friday, June 21, 2024

Don't Fall in Love Crush Skulls

 The country in decline, we find ourselves as Americans to be beholden to this Obamacare serf state. With the freedoms guaranteed to us by our founding fathers now irrevocably progressed into what we have today, we have the mind of the law rather than the letter of the law as the overarching authority structure within America. Geist. The spirit is so much more precious to our country and our lives as civilians in this country. When you think about team spirit, what comes to mind? When you think about the spirit of our country? When you think about the laws and weights and measures of our land? What comes to mind? Well more and more nowadays a type of American sex cult. It seems that everything in America centers around sex and domination. The lizard brain winneth again! I'm getting a sense that America is going in the wrong direction. I'm getting the inclination to view our role in the world as diminished due to years of progressive ideology. Those who chose to integrate other countries' economic welfare into our own, sold out Fort Knox and the gold reserve. Why so little rebellion? Well the rebellion that does exist has to do with being pro Palestine. What a rebellion is that! I would bet that at least 80% of these pro Palestine protesters have never even read a chapter or a surah of the Quran. I actually have! I read about 200 or so pages of the Quran, giving it the benefit of the doubt the whole time! These pro Palestine protesters don't know what they're getting themselves involved in! It's as if they're young dumb and broke, and the only recompense for their student loans is a kind of academic sepuku! If these pro Palestine protesters, who by supporting Hamas terrorism do themselves harm, had actually read the Quran, I doubt they would actually be as dedicated to this thing as they are. When you really look at it, the Only Teen Spirit permeating our adult population seems to be a kind of miscreant ideology. Why ask why? What I know is that if these peaceniks actually read the Quran they would know that as a mantra the holy book of Muhammad says kill the non-believers, or to kill the infidel, or to kill the unbeliever! At a certain point you have to reject that! These pro Palestine protesters would surprise me greatly if they had read even 50 pages of the Koran!  So don't be about it in the war on terror in the middle East unless you've at least taken the time to read the profit Muhammad's holy text! It's ridiculous. People buy on to these movements so to speak without any knowledge of the roots or traditions of that which they're encountering and taking part in! Revolution is not to be taken lightly! Yet that's what I see in these leftinista and their end game strategy for when Trump wins in 24. They're going to try revolution! I'll be the guy with the billy club beating their skulls in the cement. We don't need to be falling in love we need to be crushing skulls.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Many people write death out of the equation. Many people disabuse themselves of the notion or even concept of death as such in their day-to-day formulas for coping with being in the world. We all oftentimes relegate death to the back of our minds. Yet what is closest to each and everyone of us? What do we all share in common? As it sayeth in the Bible, it is appointed once for a person to be born once for a person to die and after that the judgment. So what do we have for our own most outcome of being? Being toward death. Death is our own utmost potentiality for being in the world. The more we stave off the notion of our immaterial worldliness, and ignore the lurking Spirit of the grim reaper, the less realistically we live in a very dangerous and fearful world. We ignore the danger. We Believe ourselves to be safe. Yet widowed police officer in New York City Dominique Rivera said at her husband's funeral, Jason Rivera, that no One is safe anymore. No One is safe. People often have the delusion that they are above death. Perhaps this is why man seeks immortality. Many an atheists and agnostic looks at the idea of their works that they create, artistic or otherwise, going on after they die in a kind of immortality. It's a safe notion, but conceptually it lacks the authenticity of post deconstructuralist meaning. Death's sadistic design is such that we're everyday getting one step closer to our grave. The only answer is God. I'm for real guys, God loves you. I LOVE JESUS!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 This just in on the news feed, President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has just been found guilty of three felony counts of improper use of firearms. Breaking now, I find this to be rather interesting considering it really did not take the jury much deliberation whatsoever! Today Hunter was found guilty, and I believe the jail sentence for this type of felony is over 35 years in a penitentiary. This is stunning news, and it's hard for me to cross the aisle much more than I have been when it comes to SLAPP SUITS. It would seem to me that this is blowback or backlash in return for Trump's felony convictions. Is this really the America we want to live in? It seems a bit deleterious, to be frank, to see this go on. Especially with Rudolph Giuliani's mugshot for election interference. I'd have to assume although I have not looked into it, that President Joe Biden will have the power of the pardon when it comes to his son Hunter, and that is the situation that Trump is in on his side, that without getting the court case thrown out in Superior Court, the only way out of imprisonment is to be pardoned. So Trump would pardon those on his side of the aisle, while Joe Biden I would presume will be expected to pardon his son Hunter, although rumor has it he won't.  I find it shocking, and unduly unexpected, to see Hunter convicted of three felonies. I don't know what the future will hold regarding these court cases, but it seems that the justice system in America is below adequacy when it comes to the proper use of the gavel and the bench. One thing to note here is that Hunter Biden was convicted of these crimes with almost zero deliberation. I guess Americans have distaste for their politics and politicians. It's not going to sway anybody's viewpoint to say that these SLAPP suits ARE IMMORAL. However my last comment will merely be this... 

The Golden rule that Americans have forgotten is thus:  do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This doesn't mean an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! So let's all celebrate this summer safely and ask ourselves, why do people enact legally what Martin Luther King Jr called backlash? The answer is timely and well told historically.  Today's political climate leaves us scratching our heads wondering why.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

On SLAPP Suits

 A SLAPP suit is a "strategic lawsuit against public participation".  Seeing people on the right get accosted with this unethical abuse of power by judges who legislate from the bench, is dreary today.  It's a form of mediocrity, from this commentator's perspective.  To see this "lawyering up" mentality en vogue, it's just demoralizing mind numbing crap.  I understand having disagreements, but shouldn't we, as John McCain said, see each other as rivals rather than enemies?  Certain portions of the political class don't seem to clearly understand what we do...  Which is "two parties, one team".   I feel sorry for the D.E.M. constituents, mostly multi-culti fallen Catholics, seeing their outbursts of anger against Repubs.  They seem rather foolish, and SLAPP Suits are idiotic & wrong.  Wrong for a civilization, and wrong to express.  We know as intellectual people that the divide and conquer tactics are even worse.   It's all the lies, being perpetrated on what used to be a free society, telling people "oh you can't agree with Republicans because what they do..."  That's all the stereotypes coming back in.   And it's even worse, the lies and dumb attempts at humor on social media.   If you believe strongly, and we do, we ought cross the bipartisan divide.  Two parties?  One team...  And there ain't no "I" in "team".