With all the political misinformation on the interweb now a days, one would be wise to look to the philosophy of the continent. Think of any profoundly revolutionary author in philosophy over the last let's say century of philosophical thought. The philosophy of the continent, is the way to stay informed about the value of theology, instead of ideology. Look for example at Jean-Jacques Derrida. His authorship as such, is of invaluable import. Look at any of the postmodernists and you'll see the trace of Derrida. For years the intellectualatti has looked to the philosophy of the continent for the gold standard of virtue. A poor man has no use for virtue. An educated businessman has a profoundly intellectual need for virtue. The agrarian man I would presume, needs neither. So as we look towards the conceptualization of Europe's greatest thinkers, I think we would be wrong to look towards philosophy as it's presented in academia. Philosophy is something to be lived. It has to do with taking the stake of reality, and coming to a full understanding of being. The conservative commentator Buck Sexton often makes a big deal out of the search for truth. I believe this phrase goes, on the forefront of Truth. To me this seems ardently part of the GOP as I understand it, and often times this does lead to a kind of party as such. To understand the philosophy of the grand old party is to understand the character of conservatism. One understands oneself as being a Republican, much as one understands their religious denomination of choice. It is a quasi moral virtue, a writ and ethic so to speak to live by. So what I say is for those of you out there wondering what we should do right now as tea party patriots. I say we measure the difference between truth with a capital t, and Truth in lower case as espoused in our works of philosophy. This as such is a search for something which has always been profoundly human, understanding.
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