Man what can I say about excessive signaling that hasn't already been said by a taxi driver in Baghdad? I'm kidding of course, God loves all people, and now more than ever the Iraqi people standing firmly with United States in the democracy we fought bled cried and died for. Signals are a remarkable invention. Virtue is in itself like a deleterious fire of inspiration. But the Democrat radicals on the left with Chuck Schumer and Nancy pelosi are destroying America. They're lost for the sanctity of existence, and facilitate witchcraft like control of their little Democrat constituents. These things? These things are ungodly blasphemes toward the red white and blue, the stars and stripes, and The Federalist papers. I am a tea partyer. But I am also a counter-revolutionary. People explain the hegelian dialectic in all kinds of historical ways. I would say that if we look at history we ought to start asking more questions! Questions having to do with the fact in which the victor of a battle, war, etc. writes the history books. People complain about Mark Robinson as being this pro-Hitler type, when clearly all the man is guilty of is actually looking at Hitler's MEIN KAMPF. If you really look at MEIN KAMPF you would be surprised what you would learn about history. But now all we get is Steven Spielberg movies. You know how much a Steven Spielberg movie is worth? Two cents. And my two cents is people not going all in on the traditionalist call of governance within our state? Are fools. We all know how the beginning of North Carolina was an old water tower Town type of oasis in the south. Not the deep south, but the South as such. The Piedmont. That is why people flock here in numbers each day and more every year, to come here to the old North State the land of the longleaf pine. I'd say that part of our heritage as North Carolinians is amongst all honoring the cardinal! No pun intended. But doing cattle calls and hog calls and rooster calls as a way to worship Christ!?!?!?!? YOU CAN IN SOUTHERN BAPTIST CAROLINA. I look back to a biology teacher in highschool. We were taking freshman biology and the point came to where he had to differentiate between creationism and evolution. The man was near in tears. He had to explain that though his belief system said the Earth was created six or so thousand years ago, he had to teach us evolution. He was forced to teach us Darwin. I frown upon events such as these because when you look at today in America? How different are we? How is America any different than Nazi Germany, what, but with cell phones? I'd say not a whole hell of a lot. By watching the independent film The sorrow and the pity from the '70s, I found that Germany and Americans were very much similar in physiognomy. This truth tells tale today. Find the world war II movie The sorrow and the pity, and you'll see that essentially Americans and German Nazis were identical. And we all know how the French were complicit in Nazism. This must very well tally on until today in Germany. It's a long way back to Germany.
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