As I stand here today I find myself alienated in an authentic way by communist scum. After all the tragedies that have been happening in our town of Durham, the old Bull City, I have been spending time listening to music on my front porch in hopes of catching a criminal in the act. I woke up this morning and immediately started playing ragga jungle, and drum and bass on my porch simply so I would be aware of the terrain about me. The weather was fine, a great day of beautiful ecological soundness in our great Old North State. However, one of my neighbors wasn't as celebratory of it being Friday at the end of the world. One of these pigs called The Free world Police on me for having music that they noticed and disliked. It's not the first time this has happened! But as I look back to all the complaints about loud music, which is what I do for a living, I remember this... It's not so much the loudness of the music which in this case was relatively small played from a home Hi-Fi on my porch without any professional grade equipment, it's rather that the music I'm playing people find contemptible to the point of calling 911 on me for doing so. They really are pathetic pigs! Friedrich Nietzsche had a great deal to say about what is known as Will to power. Many people know of Nietzsche and his will to power phraseology. But oftentimes they don't understand that it was people's will to have power over others, the will to power itself, that he was generally disdainful of. So I came in contact today at the end of the world on a Friday when people should for all intents and purposes be having a rager, with the brute sin of Iago. Envy. As the police officer approached I had a feeling that it might be about something else, a warrant for my arrest for breaking the window of a latinx crack house down the road from me. But in fact it was a noise complaint. The pigs who dialed the cops on me claimed that they were trying to work from home and that it disrupted that ability to do so. I have gone on for ages about the various things tanking our US economy... Working from home off of a laptop is not sustainable! All of these work from home occupational opportunities, generate no value! The same types who believed it's okay to work for exorbitant rates and be on call 24/7 as a job primarily working from their laptops, make great aplum about their folksiness and love of bluegrass! I even had one hippie say bluegrass is the new punk! I would hope that in their love of folksiness they would realize that they deserve the wrath of God for calling 911 on a born again Christian! How much value does a work from home job create, versus working on a farm or in making crops? These work from home types, are part of an industry that is usurping the lower class! I made the case that it is not the level or volume of the music that is really disruptive to people who would call the police on me merely for having rave music on outside my house! It is in fact the genre, so to speak. If I had been playing their favorite band, or a genre of music they deem acceptable, there would have been no noise complaint. I know this because when I was living with my hippie parents, they would routinely ask me to turn down the noise turn down my music, right? One time I said how about if I just put on some Grateful Dead? My mom responded that would be fine! So the point I'd like that end this tirade of from the house my grandmother who worked in the FBI died for me to have, is it is not the volume of the music that these pigs are calling the cops on people for, am I right? No it is in fact their elitist mentality that looks down their nose on genres of music so to speak that they are not familiar with. I remember when I went to an ABC store in my hometown the teller recounting about how in Nazi Germany all of the Nazi Germans started calling the reich on each other. I hate to say we observe the same thing going on these days. May God have his rest, and his grilled cheese.
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