Hello hello dear reader Fair reader! I'm here today to solidify my voters block, which is ginning up the votes incorporated, and say all Democrats ought to vote RFK Jr. I repeat... all democrats should vote for RFK Jr. If the controversy around RFK Jr's family casting aspersions on his character seems, like... ecstatical then clearly nothing is more telling to that kind of endemic narcissistic pathology on the left! Because RFK Jr stands for something true like Liberty let's say we know that we can elect an actual officiator of the executive office as opposed to either side of the same coin! A coin that was long ago forgotten! Let's remember Chicago, riots @ the DNC 1968! The revolution that happened there has been blotted out of the history books by 1968 deniers! The world is in trouble at the moment and I feel the only way we may be able to navigate these water sufficiently is to go with an alternative tea party candidate. My candidate of choice, in a bipartisan way.. is RFK Jr! A lot of people differ from my opinion especially when I speak it to them publicly, but I do know one thing about the truth and that is it doesn't matter how you cross your t's or capitalize the T word at the beginning or the end! It's just the facticity of the facts evidentiarily, when they're all counted and in regarding legislative and executive duties! People are talking about the FBI being weaponized? My grandmother who died mysteriously of China plague worked in the FBI for years even visited Cairo in an official capacity! She used to say never acknowledge tradecraft? What is tradecraft? I wouldn't know, I've been burned! So what I say to you on this sabbath day is that RFK Jr is the only way to vote tea party in 24! I would rule out any other candidate simply by the fact that they've become so ingratiated trying to pander and are all self-circle congratulatory that it seems like politics as normal in Washington as opposed to an outsider. That's why everybody voted for Trump initially. It's because he was seen as a political outsider! Now take a look at rfk's campaign! I think he stands a chance and I think we ought to back him on general principle! We can't rely on Republican Incorporated and Democrat conglomerate to provide for us! We need a tea party candidate! The tea party candidate of choice for my political blog domestic democracy United is as follows.. JFK Jr
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