Sunday, April 28, 2024
USA in Communist Control
Hello fans of my blog I hope this time finds you well and in good coordinates with the almighty Savior Jesus Christ. I'm here today to tell you a striking reality, perhaps a theory about a conspiracy known as communism, that our country is controlled by communist adversarial countries. I don't even mean Joe Biden. I actually have a theory that Joe Biden is no longer with us. Honest to goodness. You just notice body doubles around the time of his massive surgery for growths and all of a sudden now you see the same body double. I have the theory that Biden was executed and The reigns of the country were stolen from us by China and Russia in their war on America and its allies. The reason for this theorization is simply a common sensical meem that I got from the military. And that is this.. about mid last year 2023, there was an observance that somebody had flown in the nation's capital of the district of Columbia. This flag that waved above the Capitol building in DC was indicative of one thing. That our nation was in imminent peril! That's what the flag they raised over the capital last year meant. Look up military observance of flags & cross reference that with what does it mean when a government building flies the American flag upside down?!?! The answer is it's a sign of severe distress. What was the flag that was raised last year that to me is proof that there was a violent or nonviolent coup d'etat over by the administration in a moment of weakness? What was the flag? They flew it above the executive office upside down. That's an upside down American flag being flown... flown... flown... in our nation's capital. To me that seams succinct proof that our government is run by Chinese and Russian communists.
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