Hello everybody out there on my blog I would like to say today that I am very concerned about the state of the world and the emergency situation going on in the District of Columbia DC I'm not really sure quite what to say but we're on the way of the sniper attack that happened last Friday on the 22nd of April I'm not trying to be paranoid or overly suspicious but it did seem that something about it had not so much been a media blackout as was specifically censoring something that might have caused public Panic on a family-friendly weekend I hope for the best and I hope that the sniper attack wasn't as bad as they said it was because it sucks when people kill anybody every single goddamn time however I have reason to believe that my suspicion that there was more than just one sniper incident have some Merit based on various facts that I sticks together from research online I basically looked and looked and looked and tried every media Outlet I could find on the day after on April 23rd about the DC sniper incident and after just being so infused with this Spirit of finding the truth about a very sketchy broadcast about the District of Columbia sniper who was apparently a Muslim I found one packed at the end of my search that is unbelievable basically what I found after searching everything from al-jazeera to BBC to Fox News to NVC I found one fact on nexstar Incorporated small website and the fact is merely this I'm doing a lot of really bad toxic text blogs but this is my personal confessional and the fact is this one fact that I could not find anywhere else on next style Incorporated media conglomerate which owns 80% of all media I had no idea somebody set their selves on fire on the steps of the Capitol building in DC on the 22nd or 23rd of April with this loan fact I merely urge people to take a take a hint and stay safe tell people stay safe and for the love of God if you see something say something
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