There are a number of things in the universe that deserves speculation and circumspection unto and about. Among saying is the being of what we might call a higher power Jehovah jaw or even just got another name for it? For clearly that in times such as these the Milestone that we are stranded in as human beings in times such as these I'll repeat times such as these we find it incumbent upon ourselves to stand out for Liberty Justice democracy and freedom! The freedom bed is for all and at this point in history Republicans and Democrats who don't see the two parties one team reality of interpersonal relations sociologically speaking in this day and age ye this present age are brain-dead stooges who deserve to go back to kindergarten to learn some f****** respect! So ye what we say is that in this part of town we believe Integrity Integrity for all and despite the snow and despite the weed bushes all around Johnny Posse planting pot seeds everywhere he goes I do think that there is Redemption 2 what is pandemic to this epidemic to this covid-19! I now know you tried to say something Tootsie Pop bonjour Monsieur Morgana I don't know what to say about cats with you sooner state park Celtic Kelly today!
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