I'd like to preface this short commentary on the due course of individualism (as defined properly) within an increasingly collectivist society by saying that I've read all 4 or 5 hundred pages of Hegel's 'Phenomenology', a work of purely passionate Protestant philosophy generally defined as highly 'collectivist' in ideology.
It's a great read, let me tell you.
To give a short review echoed by one commentator on G.W.F. Hegel - an illuminutti once quipped quipped of Hegel's writing - "Only the author and god knows what the content and process of Dialectic means in Hegel's works."
And it is highly mysterious. Highly Holderlinian... and seminal in the judeo-christian tradition of philosophy.
It's like wading through a sea of highly organized nonsense with the best of Philosophical intentionality.
Anyhow, having read this work, and decried the philosophy of collectivism as spuriously connected to totalitarianism previously (Stalin is the definition of 'Collectivist Totalitarian Leader' [or C.T.M.]) - it occasions me to rattle of a queer justification of individualism as capable of being a guiding principle for Democracy within a collectivist climate of Ideology and Rhetoric.
Philosophy and Rhetoric have, since Socrate, comingled in a symbiotic relationship of necessity... but Rhetoric, often found in the lofty philosophes of inherently obsolesced historicity, is not... *ahem - gulp~ well, shall we say - rhetoric is not particularly present in Hegel - it's simply a basic movement of the Author's 'Geist' or 'Mind' or 'Spirit' - which in a way that I think has been exaggerated on terms of analyses of Hegel's 'Phenomenology' laid down by classico-collectivists themselves in many instances - I really think is the basis of what Hegel acknowledges in his phenomenology of 'Spirit' (#my translation lulzsec) to be the basis of 'Individualism Proper'.
Y'know, as a conservative of philosophical-political leaning in the age of 'Info-Wars' brand paleo-conservative anti-freemasonry and populists declarations of the 'pure' understanding of individuals themselves - I really must address that Hegel, that is (sp?) George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - has been specifically targeted by Libertarians as an 'evil' 'N.W.O.' kind of guy, a worldview that if taken to the limits of interpretation simply means young or old Hegelians and yea- Hegel himself was 'perpetuating systems of oppression', an incarceration with dire consequences for one's Ethics and Basis for 'Verstehen'.
I think this, as well as the broad stroked characterization of G.W.F. Hegel as being 'centrally' collectivist; really betrays the- gulp* ahem... "Passion" of the 'Phenomenology' - his earliest serious text. heheh... it's not that I want to come right out and say, well - Hegel was so divinely inspired in his prose/dialectic as to divine not just the 'Mind' of the "times" - but of yea-, and entire structure of 'Philosophy' in which traditional 'Protestant' "Passion" is the central thesis - and the words... a much demonized virtue... the 'means to an end'.
What is Hegel saying in his 'Phenomenology of Geist' and what are his morals in terms of 'pure ethics'? Are they inherently collectivist - or is this an historical residue of the Dominant school of Hegelian Dialectical Materialism? Is it enough to Characterize 'Embodiment' #VIA MARTIN HEIDEGGER as not only a legitimate form of divinity but in fact central to the very Thesis of yea- not only the good life but of the authentic #VIA MAURICE MEARLEAU PONTY's "Phenomenology of Perception"~ will of the Lord of Hosts?
1.Hegel is saying in his phenomenology of Geist that the Mysteries of the Universe, God, that thing you were wondering about that always eludes practical pragmatic protestantism as defined by those who would bequeath unto the 'collective' a false #HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED UNTIL THE SECOND COMING~ can all be explained through really really really really reallyreallyreally pure 'Faith'.
2. His 'Dialectic' is really a stylistic choice and has been confusedly wrought to mean all kinds of ludicrous and ontologically incorrect interpretation of anything from Law to Evolution... and, obviously the elephant in the room I'm hesitating adressing, especially History.
3. Hegel talks a great deal about 'Faith' understood not in a context or process but in the sense of the kind of Faith Christ Himself must have had...
a. Hegel defines Faith as Passion.
b. Faith and Passion are not a 'social process' (my one bit of commentary, the only thing I've written so far which isn't 'objectively' true BIGLULZ#), but in fact the culmination of the Mysteries of the Virtue of 'He who shall not be named until the second coming' i.e. divination.
c. Virtue used in this sense is to distinguish universalism as understood theologically as a problematic position from the disgusting ambiguity of Universal and Absolute.
4. 'Universal' 'Absolute' and 'Objective' all have one thing in concurrence -
What is it?
Now to end off this short lecture (and I do transcribe these for lecturing and 'Dialectic' as understood in the sense of the Gadfly) I'll simple admit that Hegel is Highly collectivist in a sense... in the sense of Geist... -justify, in an 97.6 percent accuracy Ontological rating, just how Individualist Hegel's Ideology really was intended from conception by the Author and God (or 'He who shall not be named until the second coming' [would love for that to stir some antichrist sentiment from any god-fearing christian, but yeh- sorry... came from an 'authentic' 'genuine' 'emotional' biblical revelation] lulz...wait - give me a sec :), and then - here's the real gift if you know me... quote a random page of Hegel's most radical political work 'The Philosophy of Right' while blindfolded.
1. Hegel is generally considered to be a classico-collectivist more-or-less by way of his use of terms like 'absolute' and 'universal'.
a. This is wrong and ignores the dialectic involved in hegel's phenomenology.
b. The 'dialectic' so often repeated ad infinitum in regards to Hegel's Ontology which is so often cited as being distinguishable from 'Socratease' lulz~ is in fact, a highly moral form of (Predictable post-modern conclusion #BY WAY OF DERRIDA) Authorship.
c. This authorship is a technique of, more or less, the everyday 'verstehen' #BY WAY OF HEIDEGGER of writing and 'phraseology'
D. DDU_____________REDACTED__________________DOMESTIC DEMOCRACY UNITED_____________
Presenting an informal presentation for all inquiring minds of DDU PHILOSOSUPERPAC LOAL - *DONATE AT PADDYWALK@GMX.COM - a random sampling of Hegel's Philosophy of Right.
*I will blindfold my vision while selecting the book from it's position in the adjacent room and pick the phrase with the first phrase I am cognizant of, 'by the will of he who shall remained unnamed until the second coming....'
....Or as I call him, the L-O-R-D.
*on my way from returning to retrieve the book I stumbled and stopped, my foot resting atop a metal sculpture of a serpent by the fire-hearth*
145. Paragraph 236. "additions"
The oversight and care excerised by the public authority aims at being a middle term between an individual and the universal posibility, afforded by society, of attaining individual ends. It has to undertake street-lighting, bridge building, the pricing of daily necessaries, and the #GET THIS vie OBAMACARE 'LIKE "WOAH"'~ care of public health.
*aside* 'see I just solved the financial crisis right then and there! loal.
In this connexion, two main views predominate at the present time. One asserts that the superintendence of everything properly belongs to the public authority.
*Weird voodoo like force made the page skip* loal... gulp- nervous mumble... ahem*
109. Paragraph 168.
A sense of shame-to go no farther-is a bar to consanguineous marraige. But this repugnance finds justification in the concept of the thing. What is already united, I mean, cannot be united for the first time by marraige. It is commonplace of stock-breeding that the offspring is comparatively weak when animals of the same stock are mated, since if there is to be unification there must first be division.
sampling -
111. Paragraph 174.
Man has to acquire for himself the position which he aught to attain; he is not already in possession of it by instinct. It is on this fact that the child's right to education is based.
Domestic Democracy United SUPERPAC -
-whew took a lot of work-
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - dide you see me?
_________WWW>SOUNDCLOUD>COM/CLIP-1_______________DDU JUKES www.soundcloud.com/clip-1 #ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS BY YOURS TRULY!!!!!
Thanks for reading,
from the Information Headquarters of Domestic Democracy United, Haw River Films, CRBNR Films and Riddim Killaz sound... sound... sounding off.
Brendan 'RT STILLWELL' O'Connell
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