The New York Times has admitted recently in print that the biggest story of the year is the body scanner/genital groping that has been going on in our nations airports. This story at very least deserves some investigation. Schnidt said that this will cause more American deaths...
How? - you might ask.
Well, simply more people will decide to travel via roads, and it's a fact that driving long distances on the highway (especially strenuously) is far more dangerous than flying on a plane.
This is not nearly as important though, however, than the fact that being forced to go through a potentially hazardous scanner, or be intrusively groped, is an encroachment upon our fourth amendment right which warns against the illegality of unreasonable searches and seizures.
Ask your average liberal and they will non-chalantly mutter something about security and avoid further discussion.
Ask your average conservative and hopefully they will cite the constitution and at very least say that we should be more judicious and not be afraid to profile on the basis of religion.
Ask me and I might likely say something about dangerous scalliwagerous tyranny being implemented by a communist president.
But let's just put this in the context of the Juan Williams NPR/Fox scandal. He said he felt fear sitting on a plane near a muslim. Ask yourself this- Is that unreasonable?
I don't think so.
But this is a huge story, and shows how this administration has very little care for the constitution, and how liberal activist judges such as Sonya Sotomayor pose a real threat to the sanctity of the constitution and yea our founding documents generally.
I decree that this issue should be taken to the supreme court and solved for the sake of America.
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