Sunday, September 29, 2024


 I often go on about how I'm a successful DJ, have been for over a decade. Well, I got my start in Asheville, actually, where the current emergency scenario for inclement weather is currently playing out in the land of the longleaf pine. It would seem to this commentator that a new hurricane Katrina for the Appalachia is happening at this moment. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the oldest mountain range in the world, possibly why the alluvial soil ended up having a mudslide effect. I pray for those in Western North Carolina under emergency scenario conditions. Hurricane Katrina for Louisiana led to a lot of looting and crime. From indicating early reports people in Asheville, a known druggie town, have already begun looting stores that were damaged in the storm. So the question is how do we get out of this? I mean look at those highways going into North Carolina and over the Appalachia. This in terms of infrastructure seems like an impassable scenario. I mean how do you build on a mudslide? This is of epic proportions. I truly hope that people understand the Appalachias are God's territory, God's terra firma. And I would ask everybody out there with an inclination to do so, say a prayer for the innocent children out there in Western North Carolina Eastern Tennessee and all through the Bible belt. I say this is a catastrophe of proportions like hurricane Katrina. I lived in Asheville for over 5 or 6 years on ravenscroft Street, just walking distance to Prichard Park where they do the weekly drum circles. I used to walk there often and worked at the flat iron building. It's one of the most magical towns in the world in terms of atmosphere, and one of the trashiest places in the world for communist drug abusers with nothing going in the world except for an anarchist communist principle that undermines itself by its own egalitarianism. Asheville is known as an art deco town. I learned much about philosophy when I was living in Asheville during the time, I would go to bookstores and read Continental philosophy works. It was there that I found how often people don't take philosophy seriously as a counter-cultural movement and, punk, to their own detriment. So remember Jesus Christ died for our sins, let's all say a prayer for Billy Graham's evangelistic association in the cove, right at the heart of darkness, the Appalachia circa 24. 


Saturday, September 28, 2024


 I hate to do a blithe commentary on why I hate the Democratic party as much as I do. However, the character of liberals in our day and age, young and old, seems to be so degraded by their idolatry, that it bears some comment. A long time ago I made a video about the differences between collectivism and individualism. Fairly sophomoric I would say.  But the more you look at the idea of hive mind versus individual perspective, the more transparent the Democrats' agenda seems. What's transparent? The fact that they really don't value the sanctity of an individual soul. Just look at abortion. They make all kinds of absurdist allusions to back alley abortions for what? Well, basically just to perpetuate a collectivist point of view which says that abortion is good for the populace, because Democrats look at us as a collective. America is a collective of people, right? Well personally I don't think that is correct. Individualist philosophy is by definition the Republican philosophy.  Collectivism is by definition the Democrat ideology. Just think about it, what did they say about the population control in your standard science class? I remember specifically. I attempted to go to bio 101, and I see this slide on the first day of class. It said the world is overpopulated and needs to be depopulated because of environmental concerns. Pure liberal malthusianism. On the other side we have Christians who believe in the sanctity of an individual soul, unlike the Democratic hoards. I remember sitting in one class and they were talking about quasi eugenesist studies about birth. They proffered a stat that said you can detect birth defects at an early stage of development, and therefore use that to have a healthy birth. Well as soon as they said that in my psychology class, a Young Southern Belle raised her hand and said this: "I had a friend of the family who was pregnant and the doctor told her that it would come out unhealthy if they gave birth to it. My friend said I'll go ahead and have the baby anyways despite the possibility of retardation. Then after they gave birth, they found out that the child wasn't unhealthy at all. It was a healthy birth for their heredity & a healthy child that the doctor claimed they shouldn't even be given birth to because it would come out wrong."

Well this happens to be an essential dichotomy of our political mind in the present-day age of America. Democrats care more about the good of the Borg hive mind than they care about "The Road Less" Traveled as the poet Frost once wrote.

To a collectivist the individual soul doesn't even exist. Yet they always have this idea of the measure of man, in which the good of society is more important than the good of Jesus. 

I'd have to say these collectivist Democrats take Jesus and God out of the equation just for the purpose of collectivist governance. They mandate that we take God out of school. They mandate that we take the ten commandments out of the Court. They mandate all sorts of perverse educational tactics. And clearly they mandate one Obamacare clusterfuk after another. 

So remember the choice for individualism is the choice for conservatism. The choice for collectivism is the choice for socialist Democrat ideology. 

Some might say that my obsession with Hegel is a bit of a contrary understanding. However I don't take contrite analysis of classic Continental philosophy, or online web videos for God's sakes, seriously whatsoever. So the commentary that Hegel is somehow collectivist and Kierkegaard as opposed to that typifying individualism, seems to me to be a fairly shallow understanding of the differences between two Protestant philosophers of the continent. 

So remember do you want to vote for people who look at the stats and the polls as a whole without taking the individual soul into account, and the right to pursue happiness therein? 

A vote for the individual human triumph of freedom, is a vote for the grand old party. A vote for the Borg hive mind, is a classic classic vote for Mass collectivism. 

Vote Trump, vote Vance. 

And by the way:


Friday, September 27, 2024

Toys to Life


Monday, September 23, 2024

On the Eastern Front

 Many people on the left are confused, especially when it comes to foreign policy in Eastern Europe. We all know that liberals have adopted the pro Ukrainian cause and turned it into some kind of movement of sorts. Seems kind of like bullcrap to me, considering one lone fact....

That is that under Obama we allowed the collapse of the country of Georgia, in Europe. If there was ever a time to stand up for the Eastern front as liberals, it would have been when Obama allowed Georgia to fall to Russia. I was so outspoken at the time that Georgia were our staunch allies and they would receive awesome punishment from Russia if they were invaded. Well they were invaded! 

So all the liberals who are going all pro Ukraine now? Don't you think you should have been pro-georgia at the time because your own Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, specifically didn't stand by the country of Georgia. So to come in after the fact and come really let's say hawkish when it comes to the Eastern front, you know? 

Well if they were really pro-military maybe they shouldn't endorse the dovish mentality of the 1960s Vietnam protests.

So remember a lot of what happens in the Ukraine commentary is rendered absurd, by the liberals President Obama allowing the country of Georgia to fall. Imagine what happened to George's president for endorsing free market democracy. 

vote tea party


Saturday, September 21, 2024

A philosopher's hunch

 A new day and a New horizon of the new philosopher. Many people find themselves consternated, and literally compelled into confusion, by caring more about physical consumer grade objects than about the ancient hermeneutical flame of philosophy let alone the ancient belief systems of Calvin and Hobbes. When one gives up on tradition, one is willing to accept anything as a kind of subjective truism. But for those of us who actually take philosophy seriously, we find our compatriots and countrymen stuck in a rut. Without the ancient stone that the builder refused, Christ, our infrastructure goes in the tank.  People often times today believe in art as such. I'm here to tell you that the only true form of art nowadays is architecture, and even that is going all to hell! Apollo was the god of the visual arts. Dionysus was the god of wine and musical revelry. I am of the character of Dionysus. I look at everything I see and I realize phenomenologically that I can't trust my own vision. Many people cease to believe in life itself. They are guided amiss by unvetted technology. I found a story today in the news on the war in Israel, that they gave the enemy rigged beepers and cell phones, which they could trigger to blow up. And blow up they did! So, if Israel would do that to zombeavers, Hezbollah and Hamas, isn't it likely that some of the products that we use and buy in America that are from the asiatics would do the same type of thing? Nowadays everybody loves a hunch. I think that's why my girlfriend loves me so much I've got an old wealth hunch. Many people have a hunch and they'll nudge you so you can take a hint, but the philosopher's hunch is a sacred thing. You read these letters here today from a devout philosopher. It might not be the most rational philosophy in the world, but existentialism and phenomenology allow us to come up with hunches on issues of social import, without the let's say just making it up with no fundamental hermeneutics attached. Although hermeneutics itself, is forbidden by my denomination United Methodist. I also understand that John Wesley the inventor of Methodistism poo poo'd philosophy.  Despite the disadvantages of being an unaged existentialist, I find that the passion aspect of reveling and Dionysus to really bring one to a kind of understanding of our creator. That's what makes me philosophically a creationist! Most people consider it common sense that people, human kind, animals, came to be the way they are today after eons and eons of what Darwin called small slow but sure incremental steps. But when we really look at ourselves and we look at nature and we look say at all of our engineering techniques that we come up with, is it really that likely that a fish turned into a squirrel and a squirrel turned into a deer and a deer turned into you and me or any of that make any sense now? I've noticed recently it's beginning to make a lot less sense to a lot of people! So remember everybody, it's as William F Buckley Jr said, the left has ideology... 

The right wing has philosophy 


Friday, September 20, 2024





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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

I Boned Commissioner Katie Kenlan

 So yeah I was just going on to my mulatto compatriot, how I boned Chatham county commissioner Katie Kenlan!   It's hilarious to think that before she became the commissioner of my hometown county, we dated in the 4th or 5th grade! Now she's an eco-terrorist activist for the hippies and potheads in Communist Chatham county in Pittsboro North Carolina, but I actually dated her in the fifth grade if you can believe it! Years later I ended up having sex with her on Christmas eve! We just happened to be hanging out at the same place, and ended up boning! So the funniest thing is that the Democrat liberal eco-terrorist commissioner for Chatham county Pittsboro North Carolina is actually someone that this tea party compatriate this tea party sponsor this tea party activist echelon of excellence, who do we have sex with? The mother f****** NPR guzzling Chatham county commissioner Katie Kenlan! I mean I hate to be crude about it, but literally people give me a hard time about my position in society say oh your blog isn't that big a deal your blog isn't that big a deal! but really the author of this blog had sex with the county commissioner,! Can you believe that crap I mean years later I'm on the exact opposite side of the political spectrum but we did actually join in coitus on Christmas Eve I believe it was! It's too hilarious to deduce I think I'm just going to leave the bad grammar on here cuz nobody really cares it's just kind of a personal blog post, but yeah everybody vote for Trump! It's the only vote that could ever count in your entire lifetime on the most important election at the time of global Armageddon!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 I find it very interesting that my newest mix is available on sbm soundbase music.  The second original in the mix features me singing Alan Jackson's where were you when the world stopped turning... if you'd like to check it out it's available for free download here: 


Monday, September 9, 2024


 Listen son, I ain't you brother. There's nothing but filth on the streets. When one wants to litter as an act & opportunity of vengeance - one has clearly gone into da race known as humankind. Let's get it right, when starting in a line w/ measurements?

What do ya get? for po-white's pouring in, passionate works.

One thing I noticed. .

We're involved in Massive Warfare in, much blackened out, Egypt (the frontline in our march for the Cradle of Christian Philosophy).

I & I

Alpha n Omega

Kappa Beta Phi wanna be with certified Alpha Kappa Alpha...  Tailgating in a vacation dream...

Cotton gin blues... 

It's much as my punk rock icon from early ancient literature, Alcebiates, famously in a tea party protest,  chiseled the members- that is the dicks and tits - off of the pagan statues and memorials that were set up around Rome and Athens, Greece that , to be frank, condoned Hedonism, which is very much in my measure what I've done and more in my bid for top cat disc jockey (played Miami, NYC, and all up n down the cackalack freeway complex). 

When it comes to property destruction, much as I Klaus Kinski the fuk out time and again, it is permissable more than terroristic threats, being an illegal drug consumer, or taking part in lemming line safety.s....o .   what did I do when, after Barack Obama got elected in 2006 and I even played a election victory party, if you can believe it, b/c we happened to be across the street in West Asheville.   They came from one of their campaign headquarters in the area for Barack Obama, and we just haven't had a night going on there that night and I think it's the rocket lounge? So anyways on election night when Barack Obama won and what is it 2006 no 8 I can't remember but yeah when he won all the crowd from The campaign headquarters really like right at right across the street from the rocket club we were playing, and I actually got the DJ like a set for the hamsters on the bottom of the Democrat party and there are a lot of them doing activism all the time you know and I got to give it to him I got to commend it too then they really know how to use pi properly? You know but for me it was really cool when I played the Obama victory party, even though at the time I was kind of an apologetic jonesian republican, but it had a really good night and I remember looking over and that was the last time I had ever seen the original DJ clip Janine saunders, spending some records old school DJ style you know? LOL? Haha? No totally the vibe of God's manna that comes down from the firmament when you play these large crowds? I saw a lot of drug use over my years in the gutter, and I'm living myself out of that gutter, but one thing that people don't realize is people oftentimes they sports can get you high you know if you're struggling with drug addiction maybe working out or or sports or exercise will help and you know honestly I guess it could but more than ever man you know what really gets you really really f****** high playing a gigantic audience not even lying it's like it's like a giant audience and when you get down and you pack up the equipment after the show is over it's like this super super big league hardcore buzz or inebriation which, even though we may have been there you know drinking and drugging to some degree already, there's still a distinct buzz of getting like potentially like the entire energy of the crowd just kind of like sits with you in your in the spine and your soul that's why they say if you trip acid you can crack your neck and I'll be back flashbacks Ben so I'm definitely a bipartisan guy you know but the question is do we like our party politicians or to be like our party's people? I don't know for me about a fair amount of the time it's the people for me that are more inspiring than the candidate in this platform. I know it sounds bad but when you look at what Trump did when he gave the inaugural speech back in 2016-17? What's the first thing it is anybody who cares about freedom in America nobody said he said and I quote I'm Donald Trump I am getting the country back to you! First thing he said in his commencement speech I Donald Trump and giving the country back to the people of America? Right! I mean fox, right?

Vermont liberal arts college? Broke their window.

N***** barber shop in downtown Pittsboro? Guinness through the window. 

My neighbor's house?  A tag that said God hates fags with bloody tampons held from the tree limbs to insinuate that Mormons are abominable.  Also he didn't make it through the captivated bypass but whatever body yappy yabba who gives it them, 

And there's this one I break the window of the AFL-CIO office in on Hillsborough Street right on State campus right after the circle there's a AFL-CIO labor union office and I just I was so pissed off I just chucked The Rock through the window in the middle of night and I'll be honest to goodness a cop pulled out right out after me after I wrote away but I just happened to divert to a different road and he just on sailing through. 

Now when it comes to the hate crime and the ethnic intimidation charge I have, it's well for the readers to know that I think intimidation is not a a violent hate crime, what it is is ethnic intimidation, and I spray painted pakis go back. God bless you for that one.... So we were just running around Rob and Banks all rack on the Scooby snacks I probably won't be able to come here and re-edit the grammar cuz I'm just kind of busy living my life but all the people out there especially my friends in Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel everyday the Old Testament gives me good news and bad news from Israel when I want to see what's happening in my Israelite friends who I know are freaking my page thank God for you guys you Israel kids you Israel elite or the chosen ones so everybody out there in Israel big up I'm probably not going to fix this one with grammar I'm just going to let it be to talk to text training thought but all my readers man respect respect respect Jesus loves you the word of God is such. 

Praise be to God, but the FCC legislation of these so-called graphic novels? THEY ARE COMMUNIST.

THINK ABOUT THE EARLIEST KNOWN OBJECT OF why isn't the FCC doing more to stop the joker, which are these weird faggy superheroes with underwear on over their leggings I mean what the f***. All comic books and graphic novels are f****** gay. MARVEL'S FIXATION WITH BODILY SINEWS? WHO IS THE MOST RECOGNIZABLE CHARACTER FROM EARLY MARVEL FOR OUR GENERATION? OBVIOUSLY THEY HIT THE BLOCKS OFFICE THE BOX BUSTERS I CALL IT, THE MOST RECOGNIZABLE SUPERHERO QUOTE WAS MARVEL'S WOLVERINE. 





 I still echo that today, now-more than ever.

What is in front of you right now phenomenologically, obviously other than the space in between matter. Well just as I have right now I would assume you read her are staring at some sort of digital readout screen. These must have technologies, often times sold to us at such exorbitant ranks you know our competitors in industry are tackling their asses off, they are all and all and all golden ack masses.

We all dream of getting away from it all on a pre-planned vacation, but even this is more work in an endless Sea of coping with the idolatry inherent in modern living. What do you care about? Do you care about Jesus or do you care about your phone? Do you care about Jesus or do you care about your church family! Do you care more about Jesus Christ than your own blood relatives, mother father sister brother auntie Uncle cousin? Christ says one must throw off the remnants of the garsh ways of the world that people within systems of control, much like any family, that we must lash out and choose Christ before we choose our father! We must lash out and choose Christ before our mother! We must last out and last the slave traders and say I am a human being, and I am not going to take it anymore! Wise terrible, King Solomon had sensimilla on his grave! One sad fact about the truth of biblical times other than the fact that, I guarantee you, he had no shawl on when he was on the crucifix my friend. He was buck naked! well another truth of this biblical era in the cradle of civilization which is now being fought for so severely one's wondering when we can't just get sandals and carnival cruises to come in there and help out and maybe even make a vacation out of it for some of these guys what do you say huh? But what I mean to say is that Christ says that we must worship him before all else that includes worldly goods! My grandmother Margo Moser, who passed from the obsesive over medicalization of what amounted to the to flu, had a great deal of insight into the ancient origins of the pyramids in Egypt. If you want to talk about an unsolved mystery you look at the amount of tons of brick would have had been struggled suffered bled and died to create these temples these buildings these civilizations these Urban centers of the future! But in fact when you look at the early Egyptians what were they this their slavery what was the biggest form of slavery? Nobody knows because we weren't there. Maybe the Egyptian cultists cultists worshiping Sun ra and amen rah w're on to something.  Very few people have never met God. They just are unwilling to observe his observance of our presence, much like a scientist would seek to observe an experiment without disturbing it. Wilhelm Wilhelm ....

What do you want?

I want peace and that's what you should want.

Remember spread the word, if you're at a place in life where you want to express yourself politically in an extreme way, or even just a moderate way, violin crime will get you 10 years in jail, does anybody know this? Non-violent crime lifestyle offense is like graffiti and vandalism will get you zero jail time. I hope people can learn that it's like the difference between Xanax Klonopin and Percocets LOL right? I need a lot of people downtown they use these called them xanny bars?

That has some addicted potential obviously, other than just wanting to get some sleep

When mental clarity is of the great long leafed word and writ of a PINE begotten train's prescient invisible hand... and hopping out & in a squat of never ending Taylor squirrel/pine nuts...  

When we run out, for Christ's sakes, what shall we covet? 😃 Ddu, GRUDDY soles... And. 

Horatio Alger;)

Buty yeah I mean Percocet is more addictive than heroin and tobacco combined, Ativan Klonopin xanny??

... really no harm no foul every time. 

Hear me now in this rude boy chat:

Bumbaclot highly I ever was the last guy the first emperor of Ethiopia King of Kings Lord of lords Kyle netanyahu amen seed of Solomon and giba, the blessed inhabitants of israel, the 12 tribes of judah! May the chosen the leg bring us joy and blessedness for eternity, in your name we pray God rastafari

Saturday, September 7, 2024

New vlog


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I love my mother


God bless you
Thx ma


My askew tag used as cover art in GERMANY 

⚓, may God save us

(Track two on the mix is me doin karaoke 2 WHERE WERE YOU when THE WORLD STopped TURNING)


GOD KNOWS SO MANY INTRICACIES WENT INTO THIS MIX WHICH WAS RELEASED JUST THIS MONTH! IT'S AN OMEN OF THINGS TO COME! WHEN I GOT SIGNED TO SOUND BASe MUSIC I hardly knew a shred of what I was getting myself into in terms of my major stable for my musical releases! You see I live on getting up, one of my favorite emo bands is called the get up kids and I always have to be on the wall I used to say if you ain't on the wall you ain't nobody, and I meant it! I signed the contract with DocuSign until 2033, and I'm so excited to explore musically what's new and fresh and so groundbreaking about this crap corpe aesthetic,

Hoorah semper Fi 

A little over 35 minutes of all my original material, take hold of it and distribute it out 2 gutter punks and share it because it is for free... unless you want to get the vinyl and the vinyl will cost you about $30!!! Which is so ironic because often times I find myself without even enough to afford my own record in my pocket! 

But yeah,

 this email headache mix it was really kind of a culmination of a lot of things, it's kind of like how Taylor Swift taytay etc you know came out & kind of came with her own versions redone honest to goodness...

 ...that's something an artist never gets a chance to do, you know what I mean? I mean a lot of times it's like the artist is there they supply the talent content but most of the time left for Maryland (terrapin station is the hardcore cocaine addicts decrie) you know but really actually you know it's just a lot of real people. So what I know is that Jesus Christ died for my sins and I know that for a fact! You see for everybody involved in my emo headache projects know that I've been through a traumatic house fire, not lying I almost died in this house that I now sit in thank God for renters insurance am I right? Like a good neighbor State farm is there! I'm getting of course but what I'd like to say is that email headache I believe leads the way in really pushing technology in such a way that is not just sampling a sense algorithm but genuinely engineering your own synth modules as opposed to presets and generally coming up with ways to not use synthesizers! My emo TOTSCHLAG records stuff?



Pop quiz Hot shot what's 5904? I'll give you a hint it belongs to Sergey glinsky AKA junglinski. It's actually his model of Smith & Wesson!

You know what the most perfectionist truth out of all this is is that what happened in georgia, and no I don't mean judge scandals in Atlanta, what happened in the country of Georgia was the president of Georgia out there on the Eastern front, whatever, was standing up for democracies and free capitalistic forms of government?? And we under Barack Hussein Obama went along with letting georgia, the country of georgia, go down in the very deep depths of world politique and world policy in world politic, for a good reason! That is that the United States could never be led by anybody except for it's Commander in Chief, and we find their Commander in Chief very much so sleepy Joe style asleep at the wheel? How many turds does it take to take out of a pickle jar before you realize the surgeon general's warning on sodomy, and I mean this truly a bit when it comes to oral sex and butt sex, sodomy comes out of it and we lean towards a new understanding of america! A type of understanding of America that cannot be decried anything but genuine from the heart of those who have been fostered under Uncle Sam. Our friends revolution are British revolution our Confederate revolution are Mormon revolution, all fall under the same purview of sophisticated yet simplistic morals, as the reality tractatus of the space in the space turned into goodness and turned into milk and turned into soft wears of insipidly slithery iced coffee, without which, we could never find ourselves or anything else that the world holds for us, in some sort of purpose yet we never fully recognize it? So why is it that millions die? I mean have millions died? I believe the total amount of people who are alive on Earth right now is something like six to seven billion people. But if we really look to and triangulate from these very fractured statuses perhaps it's one two and three, with a derived for! So what I would say to everybody out there is everybody do whatever you can to help free world democracy! Do whatever you can to promote individual freedom and the freedom of individuals. Do everything that you can possibly imagine to bring the fire of God to the water and fire on ice! But it's fine that the only congruence that can happen can be from one Almighty god, often times restricted to the margins. What do we see here we see an era of people's, who are incumbently addicted to the serendipitous coalescence of private and public forces and conceptions. What the underlying man on the street says is about the Afghanistan 13. That's all I know about it, and Marjorie Taylor green but a hell of a lot of vocalizations into the fact that we lost Jeep infrastructure in that withdrawal! So with what portion of potato soup for a thick skull Northern Irish Protestant bastards, what would be for us what would be for anybody who would just be buying into it on general principle? Well I think the answer is is that everybody has in some sense or another a right or entitlement to the freedom that's guaranteed to everybody and often times their freedoms are so undermined by responsibilities having to do with something other than the Stars and stripes. That is why we say always remember to give your woman mace. There was a woman in the ACT team payroll that I met and I ended up dating and talking to and basically if you're on the payroll you're not allowed to do that but we would talk about how inefficient the socio-economic power structures really were! And what I found out was the check was you know intensely part of an American sex cult! And I mean that in all certainty! There is an American sex call that goes on every day on our streets where people are promiscuous and into unbeautiful forms of sexual lust and rooting like pigs and a pigsty. That's why I say vote pig. Just because old John F Kennedy III now gets down behind all people who have begotten the son of man Jesus christ, that shall be known as the beginning and the end. The RFK Jr check a box and checking candidate? I think that I myself will make sure to vote Tom tellis, if I get a chance to which is unlikely. I hate to say it but it's unlikely. So with all of my last retarded Pomo motarded bullcrap I have to say a prayer to say

Bitch nyuka

Without lived pain and fear, there is no abrahamic faith

 Did you drive quietly & serenely?

We awoke in each other's eyes, 

Without wearing a stitch of clothing, 

Baby I should access the unconscious brokenhearted selfish ways of a Northern Ireland Evangelical...

And if I had to set aside the fact that you're broken hearted, hell, who knows where were your heart would be today. Maybe with me. 

I've noticed in my tenure as a Southland ballroom DJ on South Glenwood downtown Raleigh Wake county North carolina, how many times I've seen gentrification not be used properly! We really need to stand in support of the bucky's, and staying in support of industrializing and pushing out the the lesser wanted types and creating great towers of majesty in kingdoms for those who are betrothed into the dynasty you know and you know verification. I mean honest to goodness as soon as you let one of these sick f****** bums in the whole neighborhood goes to s***! I'm sick and tired of Latinos, with our question, and our acceptance of their understanding of Spanglish, English and with no understanding all everybody knows is that is the way of Jesus the way of Jesus is the way of Jesus and the way of Jesus aha is the way of Jesus oh ho is the way of Jesus haha yesterday today and forever the word of God Jesus proclaiming the almighty word of God into a jam cultures puddle! I believe in Jesus Christ The Almighty living God I know that Jesus Christ The Almighty living God is somewhere up there they came from a Tesla flight I don't know but Jesus Christ is up there somewhere and he sees you all voyeur, you see God has a different way of dealing with voyeurism. Is he lets everybody understand the irregularities of The human condition which, for a strict Freudian like Jehovah is making some sense that you aren't happy, with your butt sex, your butt to dick sex, your dick your mouth sex... your eyeball said sometimes people in Japan actually touch eyeballs I don't know but like really you know everybody out there is just endowed it's the sex cult. The whole thing is a f****** sex cult... it's like you know it's hard to like really, like say like, get your hands out of my pocket in there but like, honest to goodness like I've done it before!? How many people did not know that Jesus Christ died for their sins? How many people need to find out about Jesus Christ and the red letters in the New Testament Bible? Well what does it mean to have a red letter day? Let's say you're working on the other end of the wire or something, what does it mean to have a red letter day?  I think the answer is in the New Testament! The only thing you need to know is you do not have to be in Bible scholar or don't have to be super smart and understand every word cuz I tell you straight up the first entire part of the New testament, pronounce LOL!

ALThough you can't spell healthcare without enunciating he double hockey stick. But I look at this stuff and I say man this is really carte blanche you know a whole bunch of dung heap of stuff and of course most people are s*** eaters you know I said once they're two types of people s*** eaters and cannibal flesh eaters and they were like people who would just you know they refuse to kill their letters you know and they just all sit around and you know they say in medicine you can actually spoon feed feces with no deleterious effects and you get you know iron for me or whatever so I mean there's s*** eaters and there's cannibals I mean honestly I'd rather than just hop my ass up, but Jesus brought the girls to me! in the essential decency of the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant man! God and man at yale? How many who are thinking of writing I heart silent Simmons at any point into their esoterica no I would doubt it! They probably have more meaning and esotericism as a cultic sorcerer brigade of movement of people using sorcery wizardry psychic energy psychical energy and you know they really believe they can you know TV commercials you football you see my commercials on ABC and it's like really like it's just hilarious to think about it you know because it's just another TV show about nothing you know it's a TV show about reality television and some type of protracted movement ask manipulation which I fully agree with! But I have a lot of things that I can't say about DJ clip and the kappa beta 5 mantra of never leak or wet the bag leave that for the babies and indigent old, oh oh. I'm speaking to you through one way satellite, and I believe in the wrath of who Darth did I retired today kind of look like you nice you know nice and trim no no I'm sorry and he was called Vader you know it sounds like someone singing burial through stuff I guess but it's cool to see a dog canine actually lead more of an example for the rest of humanity in service then almost anybody who has to drive to work and social services office this dog mater? He just rides around and waits got somebody with his job? Those canines used in warfare do look cute right? They're not so cute when they start going into the bad guy, which I think is why you know in a Protestant Evangelical way canines are man's best friend. 


Anyway sorry for the tirade big it up

Monday, September 2, 2024

When will death come? Being toward death as an ontological factical truth

 I survived despite anybody's intent of doing me good. Intenders are worse when it comes to intrusiveness than people who mind their own business and seek to not bother others. People come about with the holier than thou theology or lack thereof, and the insipidness of their commonality are what makes the autonomy of the situation concerning. What does it mean to have a great band based here in Durham North Carolina until very recently Almost People?  These guys are anti-drug to the extreme. AntiDeath?  As a matter of fact Clausen reprimanded me for smoking weed at his LGTB free event. I guess it made it even worse when I booed his magician friend who had a timespot. But what I believe to be true right now is that Jesus Christ reigns supreme Jesus Christ is there yesterday here today in your heart and yes everywhere forever he's always here friend he's always your passenger driver he's always on your mind!

 Jesus Christ is your God your neighbor your world your above your below and right and an Hegelian synthesis of the two, you find God's creation Jesus Christ loves you,

God died for your sin, repent truly and surely stand in adumbration on our global mass. 

Bad talk to text ddu24