Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024

An Historical Era of Conservatism

 Out of the blue, Trump was almost brutally murdered by an assassin's bullet at that rally in Pennsylvania.  I need not dilly dally about rhetorically.  We came so close to having lawlessness turn the tide on American history.  It's absolutely uncanny!

The whole of America, and the world, was watching.  It seems to this commentator that this nearly became a tragedy of historical proportions.  Why?  Well let's look into the bizzaro universe where the sniper who attempted to take Trump's life succeeded.  What would that world look like?  People on the radical left, much as with Rush Limbaugh's passing, would likely have cheered and celebrated his demise.  

That's because without God, Americans are reduced to classless barbarity...  Why?

Well American culture has gone adrift.

We've lost the moral compass that held the irrationality of the American public at bay, and the only recompense for our debt to the Order is through individual volition.  Yet how autonomous are we?

Seething masses of sinners, too arrogant to beg God to forgive them, are the proof that the irrational mind of Post Deconstructuralist American zeitgeist has corrupted our Nation...  we've degenerated into an Animal House!!!

We have, as a watered down contemporary USA, gone so far into the depths of Evil, that it can only be by the grace of God we find redemption...

That redemption is the grace of God, enacted through the calvinistic fate of Masters of the Universe.  We need to repent of our hubris.  We must make right the unholy hive-mind of the US.  We must choose tradition, rather than the perverted permissiveness of progressive ideology.

It was said by WFB JR, that the left has ideology, the right has philosophy... 

Choose to embrace the great traditions our forefathers fought to keep alive, and abandon your sinful irrationality.

Vote Trump/Vance

Domestic Democracy United 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 We have seen the slow degeneration of our culture exceed maximum speeds. We've seen our humankind turned into animal kind, and even with the exceptionally LGTB impulse toward beastiality with domesticated pets. We have been lied to for so long that the favorite lie we love to worship, is an item that is so cheaply made you would not believe... Ma Bell and the ill communications are usurping our Southern tradition as Southern gentleman and Southern gentle women. I am for the party no matter what that communicates with the explicitivity that philosophy in our country the United States of America deserves. The more the big lie continues the more subjected to non-explicit English words sentences in paragraphs, the degeneracy and degeneration of our nation. I truly believe that if one wants to recall the easiest refutable philosophy, or ideology, you'd have a golden ackjass...

Bull mess...

 Confederates understand war, and to see our Confederate soldiers disrespected, is only Liberty in the respect that Liberty means a kind of permissiveness and I would say Liberty should be known to be a word that is used to address the dark One. 

Satan is referred to as God of Liberty, osmodeus, Abaddon, etc.

So let's not fight for liberty because Liberty means permissiveness, let's fight for tradition, the old time religion. Open air preachers such as our favorites online in westboro Baptist counterculture, know that the Marine corps is more than a bunch of faggots.

So you can have Liberty in Forty Liberty.

I say let's bring back tradition to the Confederate soil that so much blood was shed for. We're going from librarian English to monkey and rat and mouse in a mouse trap type of animalism, and it's ruining our nation our culture our heredity are tradition.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024


 Sincerely DOOMSDAYingly Yours,


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Send them back!

 Send them back. The whole idea of stigmatizing Trump's accusation amongst non-native newly emancipated so to speak latinx people that they are rapists and criminals, seems to for lack of differance be an entity in a gigantic fallen base which is the Catholic race. I don't mean to add any consternation to the already fevered political venue, but Catholics and Protestant evangelicals have always been very different from your main line faux Christians..

The idea of upholding in unity the democracy of America goes back as far as our founding fathers. When they wrote The Federalist papers they were meaning to engage in a form of Continental philosophy that, till this day, is rarely revealed. For example did you know that the founding fathers were all Freemasons? Did you know that they put in all of their architecture on the East Coast Freemason signs such as the stone the builder refused shall become the end cornerstone? They literally used to go to the stone refuse to pick the cornerstone for a building and say New York City or Maryland. There was so much more egalitarianism back then. Now with the dimension of the modern generation, Father and son and holy Ghost are acclimated and stratified to the American atmosphere in a post kitsch society. Post Deconstructuralist means under and about, in an overarching sense, the truth I  anthropology, that as a stigma, but Catholic (UNIVERSAL) what I say to you here is the heavens opened up and there was Jesus christ. And Jesus Christ died for your sins. Jesus Christ and God know the way of your heart, and they're asking you today to say and repentance towards Jesus christ, as I have for over 10 years, over and over! And I prayed for my salvation I beg to God to forgive me over and over once a day without fail no more no less, and thank God forgive me of my sin. Prayer is enacted engagement. Some people call it power prayer where you really get passionate and emotional and prayer into Jesus in a party setting. I don't see anything wrong with that at all! But what I will say is that if we look at the conundrum of the democratic party, they are uninspiring! And that's why we should vote them out of office this November remember remember the 5th of November!

Friday, July 19, 2024

All right joke for a new coffee table book...

 So I got this new idea for like a coffee table book that you can sell at Barnes and Noble right? 

It's a 



book brought to you by gutenburg incorporsted or whoever does branding, I do the content and it'd be called ",,,Broetry" and it will be the source of all of our revenue in the post-kitsch coffee table book which etherealizes the depth and profundity of your average bro. So like you have a bro with a picture of him wearing bro glasses, and like just hanging out and talking with his family and then beneath the photo you would have a broem!

So you can have like a guy if you like all like muscular like when I choose on my VT I'm going to VD cuz I like GD mother f****** GMC broetry

I'm saying today's pretty good for The USA, I would say the population is pulling ahead, but what falling in a Christly sense, or in a year of filled with turmoil but yet full of philosophy...

 I don't know who I am do you know who I am I guess that is green eggs and ham but it really isn't so I guess we can conclude with this as we started you can finish it! 


Thursday, July 18, 2024

On the Historicity of Republicanism in 24 all my regular readers I apologize. I didn't mean to lay the blame for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump so succinctly and distinctly on the Yankee mindset. Although to me it's clear as day what I was trying to get at, which is merely this. Below the Mason-Dixon line, the indigenous majority Christian faith is in Evangelical Christianity. Above the Mason-Dixon, Evangelical belief is in the minority, at least in my opinion. I believe that Evangelical faith can heal our nation. But when people as a state or as a region disavow themselves of our Evangelical christianity, and all of its traditions, I'd say that leads to a certain type of political theological toxicity. Although that's not really what I'd like to talk about today. What I'd like to say is for the record in this weird world wide web era of Earth. In my opinion history is never lived in the past. We are historical in every moment. Even the future will become historical at some point. But the history of our nation was changed irrevocably when Trump survived an intended assassination. It seems so close to home for me, yet so far away. To think that our presidential hero, Donald j Trump, came within an inch of dying, is certainly something to be looked at historically. Some say if Trump had merely sneezed, he would be a deadman right now, and if he had merely sneezed the left wing radicals would have had their way and would have laughed their way all the way up to the election. If Trump had merely sneezed, our entire history would be different. You know I dropped out of high school my sophomore year because I had skepticism about my history classes. To me they were talking about historical events as if they were in isolation. But in fact all history is, one could say, a process or movement if you will that is directly tied to people's values. When something like this happened, it's not in a theological philosophical vacuum. All history is essentially moral. So when I look at history and I see it being presented in a quasi nonmoral manner, I stand before history shouting no. If Trump had merely sneezed, the Communists would have had their way. But God had a plan. They said that Trump deserved to die, but God had other plans. If Trump had merely sneezed history would not be what it is today. Or for a long time in the future. A lot of the democratic cabal and even some Republicans who should learn to take the message and ethics of their political party a little bit more seriously, seem to be swayed into a kind of apathy regarding just how monumental what is occurring now in world history truly is. I wish that they would wake up. I wish that they would understand just how deep reality gets whether it's perception or through media. So I hope everybody out there wakes up and understands that if Trump had merely sneezed...


Monday, July 15, 2024

Yankees and Yankee Culture are to Blame for the Assassination Attempt

 You know I go on in great length often about our historical monuments. I also go on about Evangelical Protestant tradition, even in my own family for my forefather Thomas Hooker who wrote books on theology to the point that people wrote books about him. What I have to say right now may shock and all people but everybody's blaming a certain element of what happened in the shooting, right? Well I know one thing for sure is that mother f***** crooks is a goddamn Yankee. Looks like a Yankee, died like a Yankee, and always was a f****** Yankee pig. I talked to somebody and they said well you can't blame Democrats because he was a registered Republican? Does that make sense? A lot of people don't know what was this guy's angle what was his modus operandi? I couldn't claim to know but the guy was definitely a Yankee above all. One of those local yocal Yankees in the town that the assassination attempt happened at? That connects I think very so much. So my anger right now in the murderous rampage killing spree that this guy crooks did, is primarily against Yankees! And the Yankees come in here all the time and ask for our historical monuments and historical flags to be taken down, because they're God damn disrespectful anti-god Yankees. And the more these anti-god Yankees come at god-fearing Christians with this inflated rhetoric as rhetoreticians, people will continue to fall victim to sin. So vote Mark Robinson or die!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump Survives Assassination Attempt: Mass Prayer Led to Divine Intervention

 ...just woke up.

This is the news.

Why, oh why???

Donald J Trump, last night at a rally in Pennsylvania, came within inches of passing in an assassination attempt.  I know for a fact that it was his fans' prayers that made the difference between life and death.  God came down and stopped the bullet from killing Trump.  Unfortunately, some of his followers got caught in the crossfire, and succumbed to their wounds.  Divine Intervention came down from God through our Savior, IESUS HOMINUM SALVATORE, and stopped the bullet from killing him.  I feel so thankful for that...


Brendan O'Connell ddu 24

Friday, July 12, 2024

On the Existential Threat Facing our Country

 A lot of talk is made about quote existential threats on the left wing considering technically, although often times not in practice, the left wing has better understanding in the domain of intellectualism when it comes to philosophy. Existentialism clearly, through A scanner darkly, is a form of Continental traditional philosophy. So I'm going on at Great length how the left wing liberals really seem to not care about intellectualism enough to dig deep. Dig deep through the standards of philosophy. Dig deep through Socrates and Aristotle and the sophists, and the philosophers who have come since. My understanding of the quote existential threat end quote is that in fact the existential threat is masses of people who consider themselves to be intellectual existentialists yet never take responsibility to the point of fighting back. The existential threat is so near, we have to ask ourselves what is existentialism? Jean Paul Sartre's lover wrote about it at a great length. Jean-Paul Sartre's lover wrote about how difficult and nebulous it can be to define existentialism, though she was constantly asked as such about the definition. She replied that existentialism as such takes so much more inquiry and deep digging and deep diving into the standards of Continental philosophy that in fact there is no definition that she could put in less than two or three paragraphs, and could clearly go on ad libbing her view a lot longer than that. We all know from Bob Solomon may he rest in peace, that existentialism has to do with coming to an understanding of your own place in the universe as some kind of mattering. No pun intended when it comes to matter as such which is what we call the physical reality but rather acknowledging that, while yes, there are over 6 billion people in the world and counting that you really do matter within such a large framed godly created context. What you do matters. And that's where the idea of existential philosophy really gets its biggest benefit, which is essentially optimism, and nobody can take that away ever. Existentialism itself is an existential threat when you look at where it came from, but to me the study and science of existence is what is meant by existentialism. And the only way to study existence as such other than the scientific method is through what? Through phenomenology. Phenomenology is the idea of studying your everyday perceptions through a kind of reflective transcendental process. The techniques of phenomenology have often times been overlooked but it's a fairly imaginative almost soulful act to partake philosophically in the phenomenological method. But what I know from that is that ultimately when we understand that we are one individual in a world of billions of humans, we're not to take solace in our own insignificance in any sort of Eastern Oriental way in my opinion, but we're to apprehend & understand that within such a mass populace, we're still individuals with the right to change the world. And in that we can only change the world a single person by single person, and never on Mass because if we forget the forest for the trees or we can't see the trees because we love how beautiful nature is, without phenomenologically reducing it to its basic elements of the natural plane, then we're doomed to forever live in a pit of Socratic darkness! Let's bring existentialism into the post deconstructuralist age! Let's say my life matters and every life matters! Let's say yes to life and no to malarkey. Let's say we will win this we are going to succeed when it comes to the spiritual realm of warfare. Let's all come to the Grimm realization that death is our almost potentiality for being in the world which is to say, take responsibility today, because at some point it will be too late to pray, let alone read the classics of Continental philosophy. 

Rt stillwell

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

hannity live

 51 former intell officials letter that will lighter the country when they do nothing about hunter's laptop we have no idea if if you don't know reasonable prosecutor will prosecute comes back up again yeah we just don't know I did like the Georgie stephanopolis poor Georgie couldn't have he shouldn't have commented on President biden's ability to serve a second term why not because nothing but a liberal hack on ABC saying that you know look like Jake tapper ripped off a hannity montage because he actually was showing the truth about fighting events New York the White House presser and you know he he asked the question all right what happens if the call comes in after 8:00 p.m. remember the 3:00 a.m. Israel campus protesters this is the same comma Harris that back the Bell fund that helped incarcerate the man now charged with murder go free and bailed out and arrested again and these charities p all the lies about Trump and Russia you know all the lies about you know or they're mostly peaceful protests in the summer of 2020 or anything but some of my favorite pictures still picturesby the way Duke medical School is claiming timeliness individualism if you believe in that is part of the white supremacy culture p what part of murder rate kidnapping The heading does Georgie and his wife Hollywood elitist that they are losers...

Talk 2 text from hannity conservo victory

Swiftly why?

 I hadn't heard anything recently that was of any import in the media other than the blood for soil realities and people killed by them the lack of culpability not just here in American general or overseas but you know very much containing the hood the projects ghetto and then you know I just would like to deposit I have actually said positing this earlier as I said under Bank Carson you know they say like being ahead of the housing authority well it's not it's not brain it's not you know it's not it's not a brain surgery head of the housing authority I think it's just clear as day why you should vote Republican? I mean do I have to fill in the blanks here! Ben Carson was the head of the project projects projects ghettos all that and what people don't realize is Ben Carson did one of the best working housing authority programs and now that we have Joe biden's head of the housing authority, what we find left and right? Communist labor union activism, and it really is r - worded.

Symbol some people will say try to be like me to get in but don't remember never forget 9/11 and how we reacted as king brothers and sisters to terrorist attack called 911 and I believe that what happened on that fateful day September 11th is I I feel I don't know maybe it's just terrorism doing its job but I don't know at this point in my life yeah I'm looking for you know I mean I'm not getting capped yet but as you know what would you call it a public participant you know openly with my my blog that you know honestly it is really a source of pride for me but it's there unblock supply here's the deal with blind spot right now I'm going in on probably about page one and a half right? Jerry O'Connell knows, right! And in most social media platforms whether it's Instagram Facebook meta you know at Twitter obviously is you really on most social media platforms you're not even allowed to express a paragraph???? 

So basically yadi yada yada goes on and on bad talk to text, but I would realize that Doctor strange Love and SRM 114, are so important to o it was like a term for poverty but that you know statisticians made count and sociology in order to sap in and purify all of our precious bodily fluids.. ur culture because the fact is looming over us every day is all encapsulating death from above., however I prefer the revolutionary war where it was two lines of soldiers and they would March toward each other and shoot and bayonet stab people and don't somebody won that battle then hopefully leading to a victory in war and you know obviously I'm not going too richly about the pro Palestine protesters you know but you know I don't want to signs I mean if your profile you're just a Yahoo yourself you know and you didn't get hacked there's no hacking hacking was like put in the mainstream media as like a term 4 years strong!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

All right big talk to text crazy kind of just one from the demons backward cat didn't expect this to be big dramatically

 Honestly I feel a bit interestingly condensive sense not convicted that's silly but convince of it when I heard Brandon O'Connell had come to Durham to we'll see like a fire good services of buffaloes and I believe myself do not have any reason to doubt why people would talk smack about burning O'Connell seeing a man is great good Angel and nature. I think also it comes into her super badass and I'm going to say it I know today, you cannot sweat me Ghana the most beautiful iroquan warrior who was not a lady that ever exists. And I know that there are those out there yet actually talk Craigslist wait are you like it oh s***. 

N****** be mad wilen



Sunday, July 7, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 My prayers right now are for my friends in Jamaica, the land of wood and water. As I speak a gigantic category 3 hurricane is impendingly about to barrel down on the island in the Bahamas known as Jamaica. I've been to Jamaica twice, so I can say that the risk for Jamaicans - your average Jamaican, say - in a rural area is fairly large to be frank, and it seriously is a frightening situation going on in the land of wood and water this 4th of July. When I went to Jamaica I stayed in shanty town, the infrastructural reality of most of rural Jamaica. There you will find unconventional things used as housing. Spare scraps of metal sheeting used as walls and ceilings. Many houses do not even have a floor, but merely sleep on a cot on the ground. Our friends in Jamaica on this Independence Day have a spiritual war led by highly I Selassie I the first emperor of Ethiopia. My DJ sound rig name is clip and carbine, and I have been working in Jamaican style music for over 23 years. I send prayers to all those keeping up security, and all those in the rural areas of Jamaica. Let's hope this doesn't get as bad as Katrina. Our friends in Jamaica are holy people. I remember when I went there at one point I went to a bodega to pick up a red stripe, and upon entering the bodega the proprietor was playing old John Wayne black and white cowboy movies. Jamaica supports American culture in a highly passionate way that many people don't realize. The early days of Jamaican music were marked by DJs importing the hippest in rhythm and blues from America. They have a devout love of American music, especially American native black music or Urban music. Yet somehow they remain true to the cowboy aesthetic, much like the Josey Wales track I sampled for my hit single out of Russia "Bible Belt". JAH!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Stockholm Syndrome In War 24

 I'm completely lost without you IESUS HOMINUM SALVATORE. I swear that somehow out there in the world the spirit or mind of the times will create the word of God. The word of God will be made manifest in THE young new lights. It is as an everlasting quality of life, like a flagellar motor, a mustard plant in a cupboard. Jesus Christ always leads us toward the light. We propel ourselves toward God perhaps in some sadistic sense because we wish to be God himself. Whether we were created in his image or not, although I can certainly see A CREATOR, we know that the word of God proclaim as such that we were created in God's image and God owns us and is our master. We cannot proclaim ourselves to be more powerful than God. Yet human logic rebels against the idea of a creator, of a lord and savior. We know that in our land we are held hostage by our conviction in sin. We are held hostage by our conformity and lemming like obedience doing as others do rather than doing as we would have others do to us. We'll never give up it's no use. If the USA is f***** up you're to blame! Everything has fallen to pieces! Everything is falling to pieces! Everything has..  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024


 As this great election season in 2024 goes forth I find far more interesting than the presidential race, to be a race for the governor in North Carolina. The old North State! The president election is very important, yet we all know who's going to win. What I find far more interesting than Washington politics as such, is the race in our state of North Carolina for the governor. For whatever reason Old Roy is out of the mix, and the Democrat nominee for governor is Stein. Mark Robinson however has been oddly quiet about some of the polemics directed at him, ones that will probably go on up until the election itself. The governor's race is far more interesting. Mark Robinson is our lieutenant governor, and he's a man of good character. A man of Great character even. Yet those who derisively over and over assault Mark Robinson with polemical attacks, are really doing themselves tragic. It's the tragedy of the Democrat election scandals in 2024. Pure Euripides at the end of the world, in a cheesy American melodrama brought to you by cheerness and mental health Incorporated. It's not just a tragedy though, but for the Democratic party they're literally living a farce. I mean how many times do we get to elect a gigantic big bad ass m*********** like Mark Robinson?  Let me ask you something liberal, and if you say "what" once I'm going to cap your ass. What does Mark Robinson look like? Does he look like a b****? Say "what" again say "what" one more m************ time! Mark Robinson is a heteronormal male American of African heritage. Mark Robinson is not a b****. So why are you trying to f*** him like one? Mark Robinson don't like being f***** by anybody but Mrs Robinson. 

Here's to you Mrs Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know-

Rt Stillwell