Wednesday, January 31, 2024

NC UPDATE: "NEA/DAE Trade Union Conducts Sick-Out, 12 Schools in Durham Closed Today"

 I think we all as a civilized peoples in the U.S.A. recognize, in a common sensical way, that the next generation of the youth of tomorrow are more important than ourselves.  We know this due to the fact that after we are dead and gone, each of us individually that is, the children will go on.  We recognize the importance of youthfulness and the need for our children to be adequately prepared for the tasks confronting them in the future.

Here is a three point statement:

1) The NEA is the labor/trade union which operates all K-12 public schooling.

2) The DAE labor activists in Durham County are staging a sick out today, on a Wednesday.

3) NC is a right to work state.

Yes, a "right to work state".  This may seem in line with the sick-out the DAE induced educators are staging today...  Hell, organized trade unions are American as apple-pie, and the good folks of NC need to recognize that we need to give overpaid educators the money they deserve!  I mean, there ain't nothing more Carolinas than the goddamned NEA and DAE...



What the Educators are doing in Durham today is causing our children who are forced to go to public schools great perturbance.  Further, a "sick-out" is the last thing our overflowing infrastructural organizations, whether state local of federal, need at the moment.  A "right to work state" is a state that does not permit labor unions...

As a matter of fact, labor unions like the NEA are specifically prohibited.

Yes, that's right!

It's written into our state constitution!

So in leu of that,

here is a docudrama I did on the Scott Walker protests regarding labor unions in NC:

Monday, January 29, 2024





Domestic Democracy United

3 American Soldiers Killed in Drone Attack

I'm in a state of grievous mourning.  I cannot fathom the innate suffering caused by the advent of the new "Killer Robot" technology as we call our Drone fleets in the U.S.  Three American servicemen were slain early yesterday by so-called Drones, Shaheeds from Russia/Iran.  The tragedy, of course, has to do with the literal physical pain and injury caused to the troops who were murdered.  But further, the much overlooked loss of family/friends of those who knew the soldiers who perished.

I suppose the American populous, and even the recommendations of psychiatrists, are right to believe it wrong to watch and as such ignore the News.  I've had people, on several occasion upon lamenting various tragedies gleaned from Headlines, recommend I ignore the news or refrain from viewing the news.  I commend them on their steely patriotism, transcending party lines and uniting the nation much like the Olympics, which victoriously springs forth every four years...


the idea that one should be a mere animal 'ostrich' and stick ones head in a hole in the sand seems to me to be fairly, I dunno, let's just say 'motarded'.  While the nation was transfixed by the play-offs on t.v. this Sunday, I however decided to refrain and focus on issues of import, such as our over-arching wars on terrorism & communist authoritarianism.  We should not allow ourselves to merely write this story of Three U.S. soldiers being blasted to bits by a goddamned Robot off.  It's sickening.

I blame Obama for the overwhelming use of Drone Warfare by our enemies.  Perhaps it would have naturally come to this point.  Who knows?  However, Obama (I even commented at the time) seemed to think of hisself as the 'Drone Strike Emperor' in a way, giving the greenlight to officials to "pragmatically" facilitate drone strikes on known terrorists in the Middle East.  He was the first POTUS to use drones, to a degree, to this extent and I just remember under his leadership seeing story after story of something to the effect of "Isis terrorist killed in drone strike" so often I even noted it being a terrible strategy for warfare at the time.

Once the United States crosses that battle line, we cannot return.  Once we, as a beacon of light, start using bitch moves like drone strikes it opens up the door to our enemies doing precisely the same thing.  That is occurring now.  To see our young men and women being murdered by gaddamned robots is disturbing in a way I never could have imagined.  It is so wrong and ungodly it defies further description.

R.I.P. to our 3 soldiers.


Saturday, January 27, 2024



Friday, January 26, 2024

Lahaina Truth: " Always Remember, Never Forget "

 I'd like to stray a fair amount from my political opining and open up a new discourse.  Too much time is devoted to partisan attacks and polemical media assaults on the, quothe the Raven, much maligned :"BAD GUY".  I need not muckrake, and neither should anyone else.  Our focus as a nation aught to be towards uniting the U.S. o' A. by saying, 

"Truly and really, when it comes to the danger of foreign adversarial "Communism-as-Such", we are in the Republic of the Americas in a position of being two diverted parties, but essentially on the same team.  Hence, two parties one team."

So what I intend to say is a parroting of Alex Jones' 'Info Wars' propaganda, in which he declared thusly early on: "We are at world war three!"

I had speculated on the "Maui Strong" issue at the time of thee oft' overlooked, quothe the Raven, "Wildfire" in Lahaina.  Lahaina is of course a burnt zone that, I believe by any objective observation as I will lay out, was decried some sort of freak incident caused by "the Electric company and Power Lines" but clearly...


What happened in Maui Hawaii was dramatic when an objective observer looks at the "God's Eye View" arial photos of before & after.  The Mayor, I believe, herself upon doing a precursory 'fly-over' of Lahaina immediately after the incident was so jaw-droppingly astonished by the apparent ecstatic facticity of what she sensed, she merely said in the presser, "I will, uhhhh, give the press all our photos.  Ummmm, no. comment on anything else... ummmm...."

She had seen something that the Biden Pentagon is covering up:  'The immediate common sensical observation that the FIRE IN LAHAINA ON HAWAII ISLAND WAS A BOMB, AN EXPLOSION.

What happened. on the Pearl Harbor of our time, always remember Maui Strong, Never forget what factically happened on that day.


It was a bomb.

Don't doubt me.

I was in a fire that took everything, almost up to my own life if it hadn't been for a courageous passers-by who rescued me from the depths of incineration.  Perishing physically thorough immolation is so horrendous, it is inconceivable for those who haven't had all of their house and possessions ripped from their clutch, the stench of ash.

And what I tell you is,

Those noble enriched lifestyle men & women in Lahaina died in terrible, horrible torturous fire and fume.  The stench of overwhelming fire evanescence is so sulfurous to those who haven't experienced - say - their walls burning all around them with no means of excape, that it is unimaginable.

What happened on Lahaina, I had wagered at the time, could have possibly been a pre-cursor to the Axis Powers of Russia, China, Iran & North Korea causing October 7th.

It was a bomb.

Don't doubt it.

When you look at the reported facts of the Lahaina Napalm Massacre,

One thing is evident.

"There were no forests dense enough to spread that much destructive of a blaze."

And the fact that the media wrote it off as the indigenous person of Hawaii who made the decision to not sound the Siren/Alarm' was at fault & was to blame is fascist disinformation, which - btw- POTUS Biden had just recently, at the Time created the "Department of Disinfo".

Even more suspiciously then the communist controlled state media claimed it was probabilistically the Power Company who had caused thee, quothe the Raven, "Wildfire" is clearly suspect for any dubious skeptic or agnostic,

as is the accepted story for vax zombies who own communist spy-phones.

Look at the evidence,

It was a bomb,

a missle

and some sort of explosion.


"Always Remember, Lahaina was the first historical tragedy of communist war against free republics and our allies in N.A.T.O. leading up to the unforgivable acts of Oct. 7th

Always Remember,

Never Forgive,

Never Forget."

R.T. Stillwell

Thursday, January 25, 2024

#1 Domestic Democracy United Champion DJ MIXSETTT


NIKKI HALEY PUNK TRIBUTE BY DDU "A Must Listen" Says NIKKI HALEY grrrrl Band! Singer Brendan O'Connell, esq.


HALEY grrrl Band!</a></iframe>
HOWDY HO!!!  THIS IS MY BRAND NEW SINGLE FROM 'nikki haley grrrl band' my new band that got signed to MBRECORDINGS.  It's a tribute to how we need to, whoever or whomever, fight for nikki haley's bid to win the confderate vote.  It's a tea party punk D.I.Y. uber-mega-deplorable hit...  MUST LISTEN!!!  Oh, btw- China & Singapore? 
heheheheh faggots.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024



Trump 24 POTUS Victory Against Biden Now Baked In: "Your Higher Power Perverts Representative Democracy"


Wow.  What a goddamned Episcopal.  I stumped for Trump as a Rand Paul supporter because I had to, and due to Rush Limbaugh and our Tea Party support he took the POTUS 2016 election.  But now, as I view the lame stream FCC controlled clearchannel media baking in Trump, I have to say as a Tea Party Repub, FUCK EPISCOPALS.  Trump is a goddamned Episcopalian, and as I learned in "Southern Culture 101", the only people who ACTUALLY owned plantations north AND south, were goddamned heathen Episcopalians with no respect or identity for or as evangelicals.  G.W. Bush, like me, is a United Methodist evangelical who rebelled against the inherent corruption of his Episcopalian forefathers by choosing the faith of evangelical United Methodistism.

Well, as I see the lame stream drive-by sold out bitch-ass clear channel media turning Trump from pariah into the "Chosen One" all over, even on gottdamned NBC, I smell foul play and corruption so sulphur entstenched that I as a Tea Party patriot can no longer endorse Donald Trump for POTUS whatsoever.

It is as if a higher power, higher than the federal government itself, has pulled the strings so to speak in favor of a Trump 24 POTUS victory against Biden, and our only chance for having the sovereign peoples of the U.S. of A. endow our nation with an actual Representative Democratical election in 24 is to subvert the New World Order's corruption by willfully electing Nikki Haley as our G.O.P. nom.

I had heard,

over and over,

news headlines talking smack about Nikki Haley and her evangelical campaign as a genteel-woman of the South, and saying she stands no chance against Trump, as if to speak their own agenda into that corrupt ass R.I.N.O. crap Liz Cheney called "Truth to Power", and "will into existence" a Hegemony via the Lame-Stream media.  These fuckers are corrupt as fuck.  I heard that the goddamned R.I.N.O. sell-outs are basically attempting to use the occult/pagan film "The Secret" and it's apparently prescient advice as per "Super Secret Freemasonry Truth Revealed" to basically speak into existence the will of these New World Order Faggots by way of the clear channel disinfo propaganda.

Well, it's a see through farce, and it seems clear as day to me that someone in a position of Power has already decided to steal the free representative democratical election in '24 in favor of Trump.  Surprise Surprise, Right?  I mean considering the stakes, and considering what a cluster fuck the Biden Adminstry was and is, I can kind of see how this is laudable...


Free Elections, devoid of corrupt Pig Politique, are more important than partisan hackery.  It seems, as paranoid as I may in fact be at the moment with the ecstasis of Haley coming within 3 gottdarnd mother-humpin' points of beating Trump in the New Hampshire Primary, that these fat fucking heads, fat faced talking R.I.N.O. republicans are literally baking our freedoms in.

I do not think that Biden stands even the slightest chance of winning in '24.  I am reducing down the media I see to espouse various gleaned insights about our Gov'ment, and it seems to me - and I hope I am wrong - that the fix is in.

That ain't allowed in my Tea Party Conservative evangelical purview.


I call bullshit,

and unless you are a goddamned slave monger like episcopals were historically,

I'd withdraw your support from the Loser, known as El Trumpo (that's a little latin lingo in case you're in Rio Linda, faggot).  The only chance our Free Republic stands, is for the lame-tard stationary pushers to riot against slavery and conformity, and stand up for Nikki Haley, forst I whomp them.

I'm not gonna let the N.W.O. play this lame-tard corrupt game of chance.  

Vote Haley,

Or Die...


Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Overwhelming Looming Sense of Death

 I get in on thee news bead that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard launched a mass rocket strike on our base in Iraq.  The media was quiet on the sheer tragic sense of the existential meaning of this occurrence.  The drive-bys merely noted that there hadn't been any casualties.

However I find out this morning that there are numerous U.S. Service Members who are being treated for, and quothe the raven, "Severe Brain Trauma".  So this is no small incident, and further the large number of casualties of U.S. Airforcemen of late is tragic, troublesome and intolerable.

They're dropping like flies.  Sure there's a kind of homeostasis within the 'green-zones', but the more we lay low, play "D" with boots on the ground, and play it safe offensively, the longer these sand niggers will pick us off, one by one.  We can't accept Biden's military strategy of appeasement with Iran any longer.

We need to fight!  We need to take the war to Iran, and if that means tactical nukes, I say let's roll.

This sense of overwhelming death in Jesus Christ's Nation of Birth in the Middle East, is just so dramatically overwhelming when taken factically.  The fact's are thus,


and we need to quit writing this shit off, and have some sense of responsibility about the nature of our Righteous Democracy Building endeavors.  We can't give up on the mission G.W. Bush accomplished.  We need to play hardball,

and say that amongst the many fuck ups of the Biden Pentagon,

is it's lack of leadership.


Friday, January 19, 2024

Will to Responsibility: "VOTE HALEY OR DIE"

 Did you see ol' senior Trump (that's a little latin lingo in case you're in Rio Linda), with his "Caucus King" hat after winning the middle of nowhere's vote for POTUS?  No offense, but I'd respect Mark Robinson's gigantic black caucus a bit more, el Trumpo.  This guy think's he's gonna just R.I.N.O. phone his ass into the POTUS seat.  I'd wager, Nikki Haley would do a better job, and not remain a spectacle and laughing stock like Trump and his "Christ-Like" Caucus King hat, from Latrobe.

I don't mean to poo-poo Trump, as I support his candidacy and it's inevitability... But I'm just not sure as seeing as Senior Biden and his cadres in the lame-stream media are "war-time powers", that Trump is just going to slide into our POTUS seat for the G.O.P.

...I dunno, 

It's Friday night in cackalackistan, the "Ole' North State", and I'm seeing southward & northward, as a Confederate.  I see Nikki Haley and Mark Robinson as the beacons of light for the South as such.  Many proponents of the "New South" harken to a conformist R.I.N.O. sensibility, but us true geeks of the freakazoid southern republic?

We harken to God on high, Jesus Hominum Salvatore.

That, in-itself, is reason alone to vote for Nikki Haley and Mark Robinson.


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Terror to Power: Tea Party Revolution '24

 Oft' times lame stream media conduits formerly known as human espouse various gleaned wisdom from their propaganda of choice, deleteriously.  I, however, here at domestic democracy united stand firm in one solid position.  I hate anyone who isn't aryan protestant...

Some of them are alright I guess.  I mean, I can commensurate and commiserate with all kinds and kin, however, I don't tolerate or accept multiculturalism or communist socialism etc.  If these liberal motards keep on running about as if multiculturalism is the law of the land,

God will pimp smack them,

and all of America...




I believe in a land of the long leaf pine, the ole' north state, that believes in the strong stances and civil rights activism of Mark Robinson.  This man, Mr. Robinson candidate for NC Governorship, is the Truest Hero our state's G.O.P. has ever known.  His ardent paleoconservative stances on issues of political import are, bar none, the only elite - ELECT - positioning on Governorship in our fine state of North Carolina.

Many R.I.N.O.'s like Bill Graham actually tolerate Log Cabin republicans.  They seem to be fine with allowing sodomites to be accepted and tolerated.  Bill Graham's attack ads against Mark Robinson are an example of R.I.N.O. political "blue dog klansmen" co-opting OUR GRAND OLE' PARTY.

All these bitch niggers endorsing Bill Graham against Mark Robinson are a bunch of faggot R.I.N.O.'s (Republican In Name Only).

There is one man who has stood for more as a Republican Evangelical than all these fucking Crows...

And that man is Mark Robinson.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024



Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Thieving Rat Infested America

 These fucking warpigs in politics are such corrupt thieving rats they don't even care about what really matters in the world.  These fucking rats are going to be exterminated in the '24 G.O.P. victory, and I won't feel the least bit bad for them.  The D.E.M. whores for rome have judgement coming.

I say this with all due respect.

God hates fags.

God hates fags.

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God hates fags.


Friday, January 12, 2024

On The Character of Conservatism

 I'd like to talk for a moment about republican conservatism.  We all know, I would suppose unless you live under a rock in a cave, the belief system of the conservative Republican Party as we currently understand it.  We know the presumptions about Republicanism that we have been conditioned by marxist media and common blooded academic textbook authorship into believing.  We know, we think, what an archetypal 'conservative' looks like.


Maybe we should imagine an elephant, with it's much coveted and massacred barbarically for 'ivory', and ask "what is an ivory tower to an animal like an elephant"?  Maybe we should ask, what is a republican conservative southerner?  Perhaps we should ask ourselves, what are the current stigmatizations presented by communist propaganda about conservatism?

What does it mean to be a conservative?  

Adam Smith had a great deal to say about the proper role of independent nations' governance and how it is to go about the basic financial systems of sales and purchases of goods and services.  I haven't studied the genius of Adam Smith and his contribution to our systems of governance in America to the extent that many scholars have.  However, I would say that the idea of freedom as relates to a system of exchange or a fruited plane in which we live as being, in a sense, prescient philosophically in such a way as to define the way the world works & operates functionally.  Adam Smith's conservatism is central to the true American ideal that our founding fathers established in the founding documents.

But this is still to underestimate how important the conceptualization and systemization of Freedom as such really are.  Our founders and framers in America rebelled, radically, against monarchicalism and taxation by a foreign enemy force.  Why?  I can speculate freely, although I wasn't there in the 18th century (my forefathers, however, were), and say it had to do with a kind of annoyance.

A kind of recognition that tyrants neglect their responsibility to their country and people endemically is central to why the founders framed the constitution as they did.  A kind of realization that all bread comes from some else's bread.  A kind of serious consideration of morality that requires a deep distrust of those who proclaim to be doing the good, righteous will of God, as the Catholic Church had done throughout the darkest ages of history, while consistently doing evil.

The honorable and just comportment of the U.S. founders to avoid the inordinate malfeasances of tyranny is the philosophical tradition of the West, and the primary reason why we began an experiment in attempting to establish and ordain a country in which a President of the United States of America could avoid this grim primordial 'all to human' impulse of sinners to facilitate power over innocent women and children and citizens of all kinds as a tyrannical corrupt progressive slave morality.

So what did our founders believe in?

Did they believe in allowing all technologies and trade with foreign adversaries?


Did they believe in allowing taxation en masse without due diligence and representation?


Did they believe in social engineering?


They had a firm moral involvement with a kind of righteous indignation and revolutionarily violent anger directed at collectivism.  What does that mean?  Well, one doesn't need an encyclopedia to figure it out.  It would be described as 'hive mind'.  It would be described as a kind of 'tyranny'.  It seemed to be that manner of governance which cared more about the needs of the many, outweighing the virtue of the few - or 'one'.


"out of the many, one"

This indicates not only that the traditional and only acceptable identity of American culture and procedure is a form of individualism rather than collectivism, but also that they had a kind of intent to enshrine the rights of innocent civilians in such a way as to avoid authoritarian tyranny.  Long term governance must have been something our founding framers intended to enshrine as being comprised as being a form of governance that should serve the will of the everyday innocent civilian.

It is a shame that the more our country's sovereignty is corrupted by foreign trade, technology and influence we become less of a republic, and more of a communist sham.  Every day, we allow this brute blooded communism & socialism to ruin the lives of innocent civilians in our republic.  Due to the Democrat, or liberal, lack of moral certainty by way of religious objectivity being subverted by atheist muck-racking, it would seem we are losing, or perhaps at the current era have completely lost, the Freedom our revolution fought to bring to the U.S.A.  These fruited plains.


Vote Nicky Haley,

Because democrats are so collectivist they actually don't care about philosophy, reject philosophy as oppressive, and even fight against anyone who speaks explicitly in such a way as to call the communist emperor a vainglorious golden ass.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Fat Faggot Chris Christie Drops out of POTUS Race: "How the Fuck is That Newsworthy?"

 Anybody see this?  Hear about this?

So, apparently Yankee Doodle Candidate for POTUS Chris Christie just dropped out of the republican race for president.  

You know what I say?

Stick a goddamned feather up your ass, Chris, and see if you can use it to write cursive you morbidly obese dick sucker.

Look, I've been a republican since 2007, and yankee repubs like Christie make our campaign look like a bunch of tight ass sensitive white elitists who golf clap when someone farts.


hmamamamhmhmmam.... yum~

I mean did you see these faggots?  Who the fuck aborted their sense of respect for the G.O.P. - Honestly, these are the type of R.I.N.O.'s that actually support post-birth abortion, but still vote Repub b/c they hate black people.


We care about people in the G.O.P.?

To prove my point,

I'll reference some of my tea party political activism.

So I spraypainted "Nigger" on a punk rocker's fence down on Cornwallis, right?  You know why?  He identified as a republican and I asked him what he thought of post-birth abortion, right?

You know what this R.I.N.O. faggot said?

"Well I support it.  I mean, what if it comes out all f*cked up?"


I mean, honestly.  What do you think that fat fuck christie thinks of niggers?  Guaranteed he's outside his house in his man cave piping up and complaining about how there sure are a lot of blacks moving to my side of town, or something.

I can tell you something, right now, truthfully.

DDU stands by niggers.  DDU supports all niggers, erm- regardless of race creed or color or something.

I honestly respect niggers more than my own family and friends irrationally!

I mean it just makes sense.  Can you believe Christie?

I'm like,

"White people be trippin'!"



Chris Christie?


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

NC Recruits Candidates Today for National Police Day

 Many do not care.

Many do not know.

Many don't follow the blood & guts reporting.

To the people sticking their ostrich necks into a long dark tunnel,

Show your support for our nation, taday, by buying Mark Spain real estate.

No just fucking with you.

It's official National Police Day,

And I'm not going to be to glib, but it is almost esoterical.

Most vax zombies stroke their beards while juicing it to Law & Order "Special Victims Unit" and think that somehow makes them a cop.

Those who truly care,

have just - breaking - become privy to the Secret Illuminati Truth,

The occult secrets of the faith...

No I'm just fucking with you,

It said on the news it's like  a national donut party or some shit,

so you know try supporting the police, you know, by not getting high and watching cop drama?


Monday, January 8, 2024

Gonzo Journalist Proclaims "Stop Worrying & Love Genocide"

 A lot of paki sand nigger terrorist pro-palestine blacktivist bitches have been muck raking in an alinskyite fashion, and I am fucking angry about it.  This nigger lives matter "Obama-Brigade" are doing just what they did before.  Communist subversion of the Free World Police, and... tbh... the charade likely came from an adversarial foreign power.

I don't care what happens anymore.

None of that really matters now...

I'm prepared to die.

I've been baptized in the Haw River.

Communist Obamacare Authoritarian F.A.G.'s,

Bring me to my hanging ground,

or at least try...

But you won't take me alive brown shirt.

Fucking fudgepackers.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Tea Party Revolution on J.6 24


what a wild January Sixth celebration.  Man I drank so much tea at my little festival, it's hard to imagine why more people don't stop worrying, love the bomb, and party.  Our en masse Tea Party Festival that happened last night was impromptu, about as evangelical as every G.O.P. festival has ever been - albeit in a revelry meant for the Gods of Revolution.  A grande ole' party indeed.

I'm very much standing in complete contemptuous admonition of D.E.M. vax zombies.  They, in full view of the public, look - almost in a bi-partisan way - like golden asses in full view.  Anyone who has ever cared about Justice, is slowly growing to recognize the brute slavish sins of the Corrupt Communist Biden Regime.  We cannot convince people to register Repub (which will change your constitutive personal worldview dramatically, merely by signing on the dotted line), but we CAN "set the table".

Allow free people to make free decisions about culpability and human kind's Christian responsibility to their own souls.  You can lead a democrat to the Truth as wee see it, but you cannot force them to accept it.  Nobody ever has any authentic power except for the Messiah, Jesus. 

And it has been endemic for far too long,

far far too long,

to attempt to feel that an individual can authentically have power over anything, honestly, at all.

And the more people play God,

and believe themselves to be capable of power over an other,

the sooner these second times of Noah will draw all of us toward the death of democracy.


there are many affiliations in the Repub party,

but we are the tea party,




Friday, January 5, 2024

The Death of Tragedy

 I must, first and foremost, commit myself anew.  The dawn of Philosophy is here, and I can foresee a great horizon of the New American Century.  The timeless precepts regarding the ancient flame, have been lambasted and scorned by Marxist ideologues for far too long.  We must recognize, as a peoples, that marxism and maoism have no place in American intellectual discourse and dialectic.  Our thinking processes must be set anew,

toward a different understanding of Jehovah.

If we fail at this,

then it will be a cold, cold rest of the century.

It is your and I's duty to never forget our heritage intellectually, our traditions.  

I thought I understood what it meant to be a man, to be human.  But now this has, for each of us in every member of our race, been thrown into question.  Wee must begin our search for the authentic understanding of what it means to be a man from the beginning.

We must commit ourselves,

as Rush Limbaugh did,

to making sure we baton down the hatches when it comes to the art of Ontology.

Epistemology says, if we study it's brutish science, that the limits of the Mind are actually what constitute our understanding of being.  That is, we are not defined by 'Change', but rather the primordial limits of experience, structure and culture.  This, in terms of epistemology, means in order to understand what it means to be a man, we must study our traditions as a race.

So without further ado,

I would advise any fan of this blog to take thee death of tragedy seriously, in an intellectually significant manner.  We live, unlike past ages, in the present time that is constituted by engineering techniques.  However, the Mind cannot be known adequately through engineering.  It must be approached by Phenomenology.

All we have, special as it may seem it us, is what we see - limited sensory perceptions common to all living beings.  If we take the limits of knowledge, experience and apply our knowledge of how fundamental these limits in faculty are, we can adequately refrain from outreaching our grasp.

The world is cold.

The Heart boils with outrage.

These are fundamental limitations of the Cartesian universe, "Fire & Ice" so to speak.

The God Apollo must have surely smirked at the sheer polarity of Zeus.

Brendan O'Connell 24

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Bill Clinton Listed in Epstein Filings Over 50 Times


ladies and gents.

The Epstein filings listing over 150 people who used Jeffrey Epstein's services as an international sex trafficker, have just been made public.

And wouldn't you know it,

Slick Willy, our former POTUS, is listed in the document over fifty times...


Former President Bill Clinton was a frequent purchaser of Epstein's sex trade?

Jesus God,

It seems as if MAJOR NEWS is breaking left and right!

I hope the mainstream American public becomes aware of how dramatically corrupt this revelation is.

Bill Clinton actually frequented a Sex Farm!

I mean,

Come on!!!

What's up with that?

I'm sure in the coming days we will be learning a lot more about this filing.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 A poem for deceased NC SGT. NIX

If you were a man,

not trash in a can,

you all,

and all of ya'll,

would take a stand,

Like an eagle,

with a hound dog beagle,

hot on the turf,

o' those who ain't regal,

and victory,

often only comes in death,

on off duty cop,

confronting the threat,

I know I shouldn't,

but many who're brown,

don't know how we do thangs,

where punks from,

in a small town,

and if you try that here,

in jail your rear,

is grass,


it ain't gay for me,

now up the ass,

I mean, damn-


why run away,

when you see a robbery,
yr a coward,
yr gay,

and alls I mean to say,

if you're robbing a store

and you got the blues,

if I'm in the store,

you'll see my face on the morning news,

So what I say?

See danger?


Just about done with your butt,

we'll let you know.