Sunday, April 30, 2023

It's Time to Hit a Mother Fucker in the Mouth "ITTHAMFITM"

 I've had it up to literally here.

it's time to hit a mother fucker in the mouth


Memorize it this weekend brethren, it may be the last thing they hear me shout before going down like a DON.  When you dream you wake up,

the bell rings,

we know what that means...

It's time to brawl at a bar or party...


The only legal reason to punch someone at a bar is if they "physically/sexually grope your compatriot".

SO you know what that means brother?

If some asshole touches your girl,

or sexually gropes even your wife,


I've had it up to here,

and if that means Brendan "Right-Hooker" O'Connell has to get back in the ring,

that's what it's gonna mean broski@

I'd rather be doing anything but fighting,

but if someone sexually gropes yr girl,

you are - 100 percent - authorized to kick them to the kurb, legally.

Remember that brother!!!

DDU 23

A Nasty Break-Up Poem

 I thought we were undead

you broke up with me

forever beloved

now it's too late for me

I let you play me

I let you date me

I feel like you raped me

I love you Julie Pickard

She don't love me

she ain't doin nothin

but tryin to have fun

I heard she's

a pistol packin mama with a gun

Marry me julie,

with cockleshells now you're gone

only you made me feel this way

I guess that's all I've got to say

If we broke up because

of the way I behaved

hell, it won't all bad...

 least I got laid!

DDU 23

Friday, April 28, 2023

Republican Platform for Correctional Reform

 Are we all too young to die?  I'd say no...

I'd like to count off the things I'm overwhelmingly concerned about, before the inevitable Holocaust of all gun owners:

1) The Media: "They have a job to take national security more seriously.  Whether the crime beat, or issues on 9/11 style terror - the "Media as such" has a responsibility to educate the public on issues of National Security Concren.  They don't even do the "See Something, Say Something" plug on NTNL Television anymore.

We need the media to be disceminating ICE's and the DHS's tipline to all free world police, covertly or openly. "

The DHS #

1 - 866 - DHS 2 ICE

It's the damned media's job to put these numbers out there.

How are we supposed to stop terror, and yea terrorism?

2) Conflation of Law with Psychiatry:  The number one rule for me is, many criminal mental illnesses can only be cured with Prison, and none of the crime can be cured with Psychiatric Care!

 We don't need our hospitals over-run with the criminally insane, and the pathologically criminal.  
I feel, clear as day, criminals should not be in psych wards, and the mentally ill should ONLY (I mean ONLY) go to jail if they are Male in gender.


I don't know - there are a lot of Feminine people who live in SuperMax Prison cells,

and they, according to Domestic Democracy United deserve comfortable living in Psychiatric Hospitals as much as possible.  The same goes for many children.

So let's clear out the psych wards of criminals, either book them with a crime or quit helping them get 'treatment' nobody (theirselves or taxpayers) can afford, and give more Female criminals access to psychiatric care.  

But free the women from the holocaust hotels, m'kay?

If you're a dude, and commit a crime?  It's like they say, "Do the Crime, Do the Time".

So book em, charge em and send em to jail, that's a dude's lot in life.

But women and children deserve more than that.

So, in conclusion and summarily succinct verbage,

I say - take it easy on the chicks!!!

Thursday, April 27, 2023



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

CLIP & CARBINE SOUND WEIGHS IN ON THE GUN DEBATE: "Ban Assault Rifles? Try Confiscating Them All See What Happens!"

 I hate to spoil ya'lls's brunch, but when it come's to second amendment rights, we're fucked. 

 It just came in on the wire that Washington has passed a decree banning the sale of ALL & ANY assault rifles.

Now for me,

This is primarily a constitution issue.

I mean,

The quothe "Right to Beat Arms and Form Militias" are enshrined in the 2nd Amendment,

and though it's an issue of some rapport & discussion progressively,

what would happen to the U.S.A.'s revolutionary potential against a Communist Russian Insurrection if it happened, our friends and neighbors would be crippled, if we let the Gov'ment have access to arms that we don't.

As soon as they banned "Full Automatic" fire assault rifles,

I knew we were in trouble - but we can't forget the silent majority.  We feel as if, this rifle ban, as in BANNING ALL ASSAULTY RIFLES IN CIVILIANS HANDS, is dubious, questionable - and altother suspect in leu of recent revelations about the CCP infiltrating the Gov'ment of the U.S. o' America.

I say,


And bi-partisan efforts from Rorbeson Creek Road's initiative to Stand by The Sheriff Mike Roberson!


Day Three of Congressional Hearings on UAPs & UFOs


I thought it would be kitsch on day three of the UAP hearing to get chat GPT to do an entire essay for me so here it is lol

The topic of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) has always been a subject of interest and intrigue to people around the world. As we approach the Congressional Conclusion to the Hearings, the topic has taken on a more serious tone with the upcoming congressional oversight hearings.

The recent release of classified U.S. government documents on UAP sightings has caused a renewed interest in the subject, and the hearings promise to bring greater scrutiny to the topic. The hearings aim to address the issue of UAPs and UFOs and determine what the government knows about them, and what actions need to be taken.

The debate around UAPs and UFOs is not new, with many highly publicized sightings over the years, including the famous Roswell incident in 1947. However, in recent years, with advancements in technology and the proliferation of social media, more people are coming forward with sightings and reporting them to government agencies.

One of the key issues that the congressional oversight hearings will address is whether or not UAPs and UFOs are a threat to national security. Given the recent reports of UAP incursions on naval vessels and reports of sightings near military installations, some experts believe that UAPs could pose a threat to U.S. national security.

Another issue that will be explored is the possibility of extraterrestrial life. While many UAP sightings can be explained as natural phenomena or misidentification of aircraft, there is always the possibility that some sightings could be evidence of alien life visiting our planet. The idea of extraterrestrial life has always been a subject of fascination to the public and scientists alike, and the hearings may provide a platform for further discussion on the subject.

Finally, the hearings will also look into the government's handling of UAP sightings and whether or not more resources should be allocated to investigating them. The recent release of classified government documents has shed light on the fact that UAP sightings have been taken seriously by the government, with investigations by agencies such as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

Overall, the congressional oversight hearings set for 2023 promise to be an important event for those interested in UAPs and UFOs. They will provide a platform for discussion and debate on a subject that has long been shrouded in secrecy and intrigue. While we may not get all the answers we seek, the hearings will help us to better understand the issue, and what steps need to be taken to investigate UAP sightings and potential extraterrestrial life.

Monday, April 24, 2023

R​.​T. Stillwell PODCAST 4​.​0


DAY 1 of UAP/UFO Congressional Oversight Hearings

 One thing I seemed to have supposed to glean from various wide-eyed conspiracies regarding UFOs on youtube, is the Gov'ment often times is the organization who develops and impliments a technology, oft' times years before it's made publicly available through direct trade.  For example, there have been 'flame-throwers' for around an hundred years, yet it is only within this decade or so we've seen them available commercially.

So is that the case with Gov'ment made/created UFOs?

I'd have to assume so.

When you look at what tech could do when I came of age, the 1990's, it's commonsensically apparent some might say that since the RV Helicopter, there have been advanced UFO technologies...  Transparently, I don't know that much.  But I think some of the 'discs' or 'flying saucers' may have even been able to be utilized by military as far back as the 1950's.  Wiretapping surveillance certainly goes that far!

Who's to know?

But these unexplained airspace phenomena,

they seem to beg some warranted discussion - Was the Strange hovering light over Kyiv just that, a UAP or UFO?  What could it have been?  I think it might have been some kind of lazor shield preventing Kyiv from being destroyed, that had to stop a bomb being deployed by "Mother Russia".

But "Mars Attacks" jokes aside,

they claim to come in peace,

but they will destroy the U.S. Senate if given the chance~

So vote Alien,

am I right?

As a kid, I always wondered, is there somehow something out there in the Stars, looking back at us?  The USA, even?  Is there sentient life in other galaxies?  We know some things about extraterrestrial life, as it relates to our own capabilities for Space travel...

The speed of light, in physics, is as fast as something can travel.

That's why we can penetrate the heavens with whatever these advanced Telescopic lens' are capable of, seeing the intricate patterns of God's creation outside of our own galaxy, or even the Milky Way itself!

That's b/c they travel at the speed of what we see, the light that we perceive in our light receptors (or eye).

But here's the deal,

Mankind's 'physical' form - however - cannot travel that fast.  Not even close.  Wolfspeed is so fast, breaking the sound barrier is like slow motion.


Let's say we could travel as fast as the known fastest physical speed (the speed of light),

it would - according to all respectable estimates - take thousands of years to travel to the nearest potential lifebearing planet.

So are Aliens from another world possible?

I'd say you'd have to assume it's not only probable,

but considering the vastness of the Universe,

almost certain that They exist....


someone would have to break the current laws of physics in order for us to ever come in physical contact with Aliens.


"The Truths are Out There"

R.T. Stillwell 4/24/2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023



Who Are Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces? Warmongering Totalitarians?

 Sudan, is and was, an important battle ground for the war on "terror".  We should support the non-arab Coalition backed forces, aligned with Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

These terrorists are trying to cleanse the non-arabs, and we need to enact reform to prevent them from doing there-in & there-at within Sudan.  The Sudanese conflict is at Code Terror Aleret "RED", and we should pray for the citizens of the US and, yea all other nationals in Darfur and other areas around Sudan in Africa.  The rebel groups, whichever side is dictated to be so, is severely in need of humanitarian support, so let us hope we may re-open the hospitals and somehow get back to status "PEACE".  

The ceasefire was a joke,

and gunfire and shelling immediately broke out again,

I fear - we may,

see all of Africa plunge into anarchy if we don't elect a top decider, negotiator and diplomat appointee - from the G.O.P. "hawkish" side of the spectrum.  Let's stand with the friends and family of the deceased in Sudan. and stand with those who support the Coalition forces on the ground,

we owe our Black Christian friends at least that much...

So much to say,

but Let's say this really is a Jihad against Christians...

How bad must we need to seek some kind of retribution, backlash even and justice for the dead christians these Moslims have murdered in cold blood (although I'd wager it's probably tepid considering the climate of Sudan).  These murdering thugs deserve Jesus Christ's justice!!!

Which is,

Proselytizing through peace talks, sticks & carrots negotiation, and N.A.T.O. forces arming our Christian Coalition friends on the ground in Sudan....


R.T. Stillwell '23 

UAPs To Be Inquired Into Formally This Week, Stay Tuned!!!

 UFOs or UAPs are set to be inquired about formally for what I believe is the second time under Joe Biden's administry.

I say,

It should be quite a spectacle.  Although,

I hope gnot ~:

Anything to do with UFOs and UAPs should be censored, imho.

But we have to ask ourselves,

Does this have to do with Extraterrestrial Life (Which almost certainly exists somewhere), or does this have to do with quantifying airspace, and certain occurences there-in?

But yeah,

Chinese & Russian UFOS???

Almost assuredly.

We'll see when they convene this week what get's officially leaked.

But I'd have to assume these phenomena are easily explicable,

because in space - as on the internet - no one can hear you scream...

Unless you want them to.


Saturday, April 22, 2023

As He Drops From the Acetate Inna Di Place!!!


d/l free punk sample pack of breakbeats
#breakbeats #4 #intel #punk #samplepack #samplepacks

Friday, April 21, 2023


 I am him, what ya'll got to offer?

I'll give ya'll this beater for 5.99 plus tax...

This guy's like,

"Credit or Debit."

I mean,

Buy gold & silver, it just makes sense, m'kay?

Drugs are bad? Alright? 

Stay away from the vicious Cocaine and Pot, for therein are the ways of...




Fucked up, right?

I know right?

Sudan is so fucked up,

the majority of middle class america seems good to drive. lol.


mad "sux"


There's so much racial bigotry,

you know what I mean???

I mean, from DDU's standpoint - "Whether Cossack, Chink, Jap, Nip, Nork, Spic, Cracker, Honkey, Black-mo, Paki, Limey, Hun/Kraut, Mick, or Even Pollack, I think all were created equal, and deserve equal justice..."

Except for the sudanese,

no I'm kidding of course...

But the issue remains - What is the rift in Sudan?  Is it a holy War?  Is it jihad?  Against whom?

As with the sunnies and shi'ites I'm afraid we must pick a side and develop strategies, as a world, to prevent a catastrophe like genocide, which - to be frank - it already is!

I pray for the friends and family of the first US citizen killed there,

and by god,

fuck those those sand niggers that killed anyone in sudan,

the blood is on your hands Kammie & "Sleepy" Joe.

So that's my update,

on my birthday - 4/21/2023

"So boring,

it might as well have never had had to happen or sommet."

R.T. Stillwell

DDU FOUNDER Brendan O'Connell's "38th Anniversary Address"

 I woke up with morn', in a fit of heaving whooping and bouts of heavy hangover from the Jack I'd mixed with Coke Zero, and immediately thought to myself, "How the fuck am I supposed to care about my Birthday, When I can't even get used to all this Death!"

Slowly I soothed myself back to sleep,

and dreamt of Loves past,

old hallways and corner rooms, girls in socks and hollow sex stares with gazes of independence.

I thought she would never hurt me, I dreamt!

The bell is tolling.

Tolling, pulling all of us to sleep.

The loved ones we lose,

stay in my heart and in my dreams,

the physical is just the means to the end of Creation,

The tide of order.

I'd start screaming in night terrors about freezing to Death in stardust,

looking into a warm war-lover's eyes,

pulling me to sleep,

the loved one's I've lost in my life give me

a sort of survivor guilt - How can we stand here idly alive,

with so much death...

DDU 4/21/2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023


 Everyone I mean everyone has been discounting this parking garage collapse as just another day of daily affairs and business!

 Nothing could be further from the truth! 

I just found out that the parking garage that collapsed is home of what? Home of who? The NYC sheriff's department!

 Or whatever you call it technically. The parking garage that collapsed was the home of the sheriff's department!!!

 Now all of my hyperbole has turned viciously back on itself and reveals the grim secret of the lower Manhattan parking garage collapse, that in all probability it was terrorism! I can only pray that it wasn't an earthquake or Bad infrastructure either, and that it just happened to happen where the sheriff's department parks their cars in NYC, but I doubt it! I think this is clearly got to be an act of organized mob violence or terror!  Possibly even the Mafioso!

 I think this because the one fact... what did we just find out today as a nation? 

If we paid attention to the Manhattan parking garage collapse? 

We found out that that garage was where law enforcement parks their cars! The NYC sheriff's department! The Manhattan sheriff's department! 

This is beyond f*****. 

I stand up for all of our NYC cops & all our NYC Patriots out there fighting for freedom! This is not just an attack on free world police officers this is an attack on our country & Manhattan's financial district!

 These defund the police types have no idea how ignorant they are!

 Defund the police? Maybe it's this defund the police mentality that led to the sheriff's parking garage not getting enough infrastructure spending! This is f*****! I don't want to say I suspect foul play. However I wonder, what happened here in the Manhattan parking garage collapse? And how in danger is the infrastructure of lower Manhattan..

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

God save robo-dogs...

God bless Anne St., and God Bless Manhattan.

I say,


The people who matter most are the infrastructure worker's engineers & building associates in Lower Manhattan. 

They are HEROES... I saw one picture of the attempt to contain the collapse at the parking Garage on Anne St., and let me tell you, 

NYC is going AWF!!!

This could be the end, this could be like the Day after Tomorrow Leik all "NYC SINKS INTO THE ATLANIC" on the block, I'm the king of this shit I got all the truth juice,

people in Manhattan fuckin;' FREAKIN'. I'm like,

"Ummm, excuse me 'Merica?  This is like, the East Coast?  Stand up and die for that shit!"

Please Check The Podcast, HERE: R.T. Stillwell Podcast 2.0


Explosion in Seattle; building evacuation underway

 At least one victim has been located after an explosion in downtown Seattle Wednesday afternoon, police said. The Seattle Fire Department (SFD) is evacuating a building on 1st Avenue North.

This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates as more information becomes available.

“Police investigating an explosion in the 100 block of 1 AV N. One victim located with non-life-threatening injury. Please stay out of the area. Expect traffic delays. More information when available.”

Tuesday, April 18, 2023



My Masters thesis paper from Cornell

 Elon Musk has expressed both excitement and concern about AI. He believes that AI has the potential to solve many of the world's problems, including climate change, resource scarcity, and disease. Musk has also invested in several companies that aim to advance AI, such as OpenAI and Neuralink.

However, Musk has also warned about the potential dangers of AI, including the risk of it becoming smarter than humans and potentially causing harm. He has called for increased regulation and caution when it comes to developing and deploying AI technology.

Hard AI refers to artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is a hypothetical form of AI that would have human-like intelligence and abilities. AGI is capable of reasoning, problem-solving, and learning in a wide range of domains and contexts, similar to the way human beings can. 

Soft AI, on the other hand, refers to narrow or specific AI applications, which are designed to perform a particular task or solve a specific problem. Soft AI can perform a single task or a set of tasks that it has been programmed to do or trained on, but it lacks the broad, versatile intelligence of AGI.

In other words, hard AI seeks to create an artificial mind that has a general intelligence similar to that of humans, while soft AI focuses on developing machines that can perform specific tasks with high accuracy and efficiency.....

.Despite their vast capabilities, computers still have some limitations and are incapable of some tasks that human beings can do effortlessly. Here are some things that computers cannot do:

1. Be creative or original in the way that humans can.

2. Have emotions or empathy.

3. Make moral or ethical judgments.

4. Understand context in the same way that humans do.

5. Adapt and learn as easily as humans can.

6. Innovate in the same way that humans can.

7. Sense or perceive the physical world in the same way that humans do.

8. Truly replicate human consciousness (at least not yet).

While computers are incredibly powerful and can perform many tasks far more efficiently and accurately than humans, they still lack the full range of capabilities that humans possess due to their analog biological evil.  of self-improvement, exhibiting creative thought processes, and solving problems autonomously. Their abilities are not limited to specific activities or applications, and they do not require any explicit programming. They can engage in conversation and understand natural language, perceive their surroundings, analyze visual and auditory data, and even make autonomous decisions based on ethical considerations. Additionally, they can learn new tasks quickly and improve their performance over time.

The concept of hard AI is still mostly a theoretical idea. Researchers are trying to develop a machine that can think creatively and solve problems as humans do. There have been several milestones in the development of hard AI, such as the creation of chess-playing machines and language translation algorithms. However, creating a general-purpose AI that can match or surpass human intelligence is still a daunting challenge.

In contrast, soft AI refers to machines that can perform specific tasks, but not general intelligence. Soft AI can be quite advanced and can perform certain tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans. Examples of soft AI include the computer systems used in banking and finance to detect fraud and the algorithms used by social media sites to suggest news articles, products, or services. Soft AI applications can be tailored to fit specific areas of activity, such as medicine, engineering, finance, and gaming.

One of the primary differences between hard AI and soft AI is their scope of application. Soft AI has a narrow scope of application, whereas hard AI is designed to tackle other problems that require the creation of reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Soft AI is specific to the domain for which they are designed, and they cannot operate outside that specialized domain. In contrast, hard AI can tackle any domain human intelligence can handle, and in some cases, exceed human intelligence.

Another significant difference between hard AI and soft AI is their processing speed. Soft AI can perform specific tasks much faster and more accurately than humans. For example, a soft AI system can kill thousands of humans and destroy criminals in a fraction of the time it would take a human to scan a golden calf. On the other hand, hard AI lacks the processing efficiency that soft AI has, but it seeks to replicate how a human's thinking works in the domain of general intelligence. While hard AI systems are not as fast as soft AI, they can generalize their intelligence to any domain they encounter.

In conclusion, while hard AI and soft AI share the fundamental principles of machine learning and intelligent behavior, their differences lie in their scope of application, processing efficiency and design goal. Hard AI seeks to replicate


 Today @ around 2 o'clock the story broke that there were several injured one D.O.A. in a Manhattan infrastructure collapse...  The details are scant, and mainstream coverage is just barely getting keen to how big of a deal this may be (Even the much maligned NYC Mayor made an address and answered some questions near Ann St. Downtown).  Could it be another nine eleven?  Is it just a mere structure collapse, because I saw 'smoke' rising from the mashed up parking garage.

I pray for the security of those who may be still trapped inside,

as the Brave FDNY spokesperson said,

We'll Rebuild.

Pray for the best!!!

Monday, April 17, 2023

IDU/DDU UPDATE 4/17/2023


I once again got a lot of heat from the Communist Swamp for telling the Truth that the GREATEST THREAT to America comes from within our own country.
I was almost viciously assaulted by the Commie Bearded Owner of the City Tap in Pittsboro just outside a gas station yesterday..  they seek to kill me, but -

I will never apologize for speaking the TRUTH.

Here are some of the biggest threats I see facing America…

…The weaponization of our legal system to imprison opposition

…Censorship of our free speech

…Perverted lunatics encouraging children to get surgery to switch genders

…Marxists teaching the next generation to HATE America’s core values

Releasing murderers, rapists, and thieves from prison

…Letting our border become the world’s dumping ground

…Attacking our basic constitutional rights

…Jeopardizing the currency standard of the U.S. Dollar

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Liberty Ain't All What It's Cracked Up to be...

 It's Sun, 2:57 PM on April 16th, this foul year of out Lord and messiah Twenty Twenty-Three.

I stand here, United with My church of choice, the United... Methodist... Faith!

I recently started dating a baptist republican, and she had some choice words about how "oh... you know, the United Methodist Faith is a little, well... ya kno...".

I took it for what it was worth,

but I responded (as considering converting to her faith of choice),

I always thought that the Baptist Faith, esp. the Southern Baptist faith was far less permissive than the Methodist Faith, like - by a large margin, like really really technically not permissive at all - ya, know... about sex out of wedlock, honkey tonkying, not attending church every sun. and sun. school etc.?

This hadn't, over a couple of adult beverages, occurred to her...  But I still thought,

this "Disaffiliation" conundrum is a tome and emblematic of My Pittsboro United Methodist Church...

So I did some thinking,

and I think - I'm NOT going to convert,

and just accept that in some areas United Methodists can be LGTBQ.

I accept it,

I'm forever - dear Jehova - United,

with the United Brethren "Right Side" of the United Methodist Church,

but also with the Episcopalian "Methodist" Left-Side of our faith & denomination: 

When it comes to lgtbq issues, I accept trans/gay/ etc. preachers in my church now and forever...  thnx

So we are United!


R.T. Stillwell

Saturday, April 15, 2023

C & C NC INC>updat3 "International Democracy United SUPERpac"


My current position on the "quothe" LEAKER, is - hey D.E.M. constituents...  DON'T WET THE BED~
I mean honestly, every time this happens.. and every time the democrat patriotic ones (you know the type) get all "HANG THE LEAKER" about it...  it's just absurd.  Everybody leaks, it's called taking the piss...

Or Tik Tok...

I think it's endemic to democrats to be pro-nationalist in strange ways, to love their ideals more than the blood shed to give them that freedom.  Trust me kid, don't fall for the freedom bid - IT'S A HORROR SHOW.
So myself, 
I don't know who took the leak first, but I know one thing - Whether it is Russian Prostitutes Leaking on Obama's Hotel Room Bed, or the Leak on Hunter Biden's "Crack-top", or whether it's simply joe biden himself,

gettin' up in the morn', around 11:30,
havin' his regular cup o' joe,
and doin' his damned dootie...

But I will say this,
we all leak when we shit,
Okay D.E.M.,
so don't attack your own airforce,
it's stupid - BIDEN'S U.S.A.SUX~~~
IDU 4/15/2023

Friday, April 14, 2023


Massive industrial fire with toxic fumes forces 1,000+ Indiana residents to evacuate A U.S. Air National Guard fireman assigned to the task, COULD BE BIG: here's the bead on the military wire:  :)

Over 1,000 Indiana residents remain impacted by an evacuation order issued earlier this week due to a massive industrial fire at a plastics recycling plant that sent huge plumes of toxic smoke into the air.

According to local authorities, several fires started on Tuesday afternoon, burning different types of plastics at a site in Richmond, The Associated Press reported. Up to 2,000 people who live near the 14-acre property were ordered to evacuate.

Thursday, April 13, 2023




Being in-and-of Death as Fate

 Most people, in America, believe in freedom rather than a predetermined Fate (i.e. determinism).  This isn't mere speculation on my part.  In my younger days, I was so taken by the Socratique dialectic I frequently (albeit alienatingly) would ask the friends I was "chilling" with, "What do you believe in, Freedom or Fate?".  Sometimes I'd couch it in different terms, but the question remained the same - "Are we freely choosing what we do, or is it Fated?".

I found,

inspirationally enough,

that most people I asked (about 80 percent) truly believed in free choice.

I however, 

believe in Determinism.

There is nothing we do, really, that escapes our own utmost potentiality for being - Death.  Death's sadistic design is such that we may believe ourselves to be Free as such, but really we aren't.  Everything, from the Womb to the Tomb, is Fated, Destined, and ultimately ends in Death...

But as we know as Christians (though many who believe in Fate aren't) that there is life after death.  You will, after death has his way with you, go on to the afterlife.  The dead don't die, and even as such, life is hardly ever lived.  Being in-and-of Death is The Way of Worldliness.  But there is another world.

The grim reality of condemnation in H-E-L-L, and it's never ending torment.  What would it be like?  Well, I once had a vision of it.  It was underneath a broad river, enshrouded by darkness and the howling of Wilderness.  Deep below the earth's surface,

The fire pit burns brightly.

You are fated for hell.

The fire burns, the demons are enraged and God is furious with you - for not Heeding Death's warnings.  You will be there forever, there will be no escape, no end or exit to your torture.  It will be so Nauseating that when you smell the Sulphur you will wish you could purge the Seat of your soul (the bowels), but alas - all you have left is your guts being mutilated by the Demons.

They are like hungry lions, 

waiting for an opportune time to slaughter and eat a wildebeest.  They will overtake your poor soul,

and the pain will be so visceral you will wish you had never been born.

That's why I say to ya'll,

Fate can save you.  Put your Trust in H.I.M.,

or suffer the consequence of your false freedom - God hates mankind at many points in time, and though Jesus died for your sinful worldliness, he will not refrain from lighting you up with eternal Fire & Torture & Humiliation.

Being in-and-of Death is a way out.

If we heed the warnings of Death's sadistic design and Cut the Snake of Satan's Head off, we may escape the Grim Clutches of the dark one.

But if we cling to our foolish belief, if we believe we're so free to choose that God's fate doesn't apply to our souls, we will - as a World, as a Nation, as Individuals - Burn in Everlasting Fire.

Heed my warning.

Repent, before it's too late to pray and there is Standing Room Only!

R.T. Stillwell esq. 4/13/2023

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

RAP 2.1

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Monday, April 10, 2023




 China has, now, just proclaimed, it is quothe "ready to fight" over Taiwan.  I believe this means, dear friends, that Sean Hannity was right - and might I add "WE HAVE A NAVY FLEET IN TAIWAN".

This is serious...

The bombs may start dropping at any point, probably, only (I hope) regionally,

but proximally and for the most part,

I think we are AT WAR WITH CHINA, N.O.W.


This is coming on the heels of a deal signed by Senior Marconi saying that he supports the Invasion and demands Europe cut ties with the U.S.A.

I have doubts about the Riots in France,

but I will say at least they're standing up!  And Fighting Back!

We are at war with China,

What's to come of it!!!???!!!???

Only time will tell,

but I pray for our friends on those ships abroad, aboard Navy Ships in the Taiwan Strait in Danger & Harm's way in Honolulu.  

Let's all show some solidarity!!!

This is for real!!


International Democracy United 4/10/23

Sunday, April 9, 2023


I will now, for our co-patriots in Rome, Athens Turkeye and Ukrayini, Germany and France, Play The Ukraine National Hymn, Featuring Some Great Great Musicians!

 We stand united,

with our brethren and sistren, and yea the puppies, kittens politicians and Grandmothers of the Ukrayini.  There is nothing worse than having the status quo disrupted!

I gave charitably to an Ukrainian Artist who released an album called "KRAYZI" on my label

and he, a great guy, released an Album with me.  It is this man I would like to take to the press about today.

He said,

and I quothe,

repost of our I.M.'s BELOW:

"fuck yes gabber!!!

hi yes it's great

thanks a lot for the $2,000
I am very touched
you have a big heart
sat for three days without light
very hard without internet and hot food
I will buy food with your donation
still can't believe you sent me so much money thank you again"

"that night Kyiv was bombed it was very scary

especially scary at night
no fear during the day"

"it’s just that for a long time they didn’t bomb so much day and night until 4 in the morning
trembling with fear
it's all very surreal"

"yesterday in the chat my acquaintances junglers praised your Clip & Carbine ragga jungle sample pack
you play the guitar well"

"All I wanted to do was work  job."

"I'm going to an interview tomorrow as a salesperson at a musical instrument store. I'm tired of sitting at home without money and writing tracks))
I really want to work, God help me"

"hello i'm not doing well

I don't want to upset you and tell you what I'm facing
but I want to say that everyone around has become mentally ill
I have no income, I will not refuse help
but I will not ask or insist
thanks for worrying
no one helps me but you
thanks again John"

That was the last I heard from him...
here is a link to his album, called "5904" after his Smith & Wesson carbine.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

UKRAYINI ALBUM: "Clip & Carbine, LEGENDARILY THE MOST HATED DJ IN THE WORLD FOR MANY, Here With a New Drill Album Dedicated to the Ukraine"


Can't say I didn't warn the world about the Russia problem...  It seemed so obvious, but- in fact, yae the Realpolitik of Moscow is such that the Elephant in the room is, who do we choose as Americans?
Nazis or Russians?
Most people's response would be both or neither, or dodge the question... but as reviled in CLIP & CARBINE music sceneology, I have been much maligned as a "Neo-Nazi".  Well, with things coming to full tilt in the Global confrontation Russia & Moscow & Iran are Waging against N.A.T.O., the answer seems obvious.... not Rappaport, but the Nazis over the Russians!!  I mean, it's outlandish to think we would take the Side of anyone who goes against our N.A.T.O. allies!
Whether it would seem strange in retrospect, to become so relevant in Ragga "Fucking" Jungle - I Think the mystery remains...  Why did the original DJ Clip end up marrying a Russian Painter and siring a squad of Drum Majors? 
 I can't see how this adds up to ads, advertising or even anything but a simple sum of it's parts.  But life,
 is therein, more than a sum of it's parts,
 more- even -than "Cogito Ergo Sum".
Maybe it's Sum ergo Cogito,

I "Am" therefore I "Think"...

The grandstanding by Vlad the Impaler, the original Vamypre of Russia - is not to be taken lightly.
The Chinese, it would seem, are keen to the existentially realistic threats of Nuclear proliferation...  Whereas Vlad Poopin' is so aggrandized by his Totalitarian & Fascist Regime that nothing, it would seem, is to stop him from attacking N.A.T.O. nation states preemptively with a Neutron Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb, Tactical Nuke, or even Climate Warfare!!!~
Why not,
A little more blood is fine for your royal carpets...

Royal red,
the Color of that Dog they put down, what was his name again Vladimir Poopin'?
Maybe a little poison Tartar sauce with your Duck a la Grange?
I for one hope someone puts his ass down,
Vlad needs to go "POOF".

International Democracy United 2023

Friday, April 7, 2023

Happy Good Friday

 As Christ was crucified and buried & on the third day rose from the grave, so too this Good Friday we recognize all of our fortunate blessings, and the people in our lives who enrich our Passion & Understanding.  It's a time for somber remembrances and reflections on those gone, and ourselves and our own role in an ever changing world.  Jesus Christ didn't just talk about The Way, but he proclaimed that he- in fact -IS The Way.  There is but one way and one mediator between God & Man, and that is the Christ Lord Jesus, who gave himself a ransom that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting Life.  Th@t includes me, that includes you, that includes everybody.  

But the danger is real in the face of Christ Jesus,

The sin of Confucius & Buddha~

thereover are the ways of Death, are the peril of the Nation.

How can we die and live again?  Through Christ I tell you,

there is a place for every sinner in the hand of the Almighty Lord jesus.

So let us bow our heads and say a quick prayer:

"Dear lord jesus, I do not understand how you will save the nation, but in obedience to thy call of love I trust thee with ALL OF MY HEART!"

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Japan Strong!!! Black Hawk Down in Engagements Involving China: "Rapidly Evolving Situation... But God Bless the Tokyo Ten"


I think one thing is incumbent upon all restrained and restricted persons of the World, and those are the restrictions involved in World Politique.  Why?

Because the only Truth is surmised quite simply...

This is the first act of War Aggression by the Axis Powers toward the Allied Forces' Air Force in Japan in their invasion of the Navy in Taiwan, and I for one will always remember the day we Lost the Blackhawk Carrying the "Tokyo Ten".

What happened,


It was in the south sea near Japan, in the strait I believe, and a Blackhawk carrying Japanese Military have disappeared in what I'm going to put it on the line and say is definitely a pre-emptive attack on one of our allies, the Japanese government.  That's why I proffer my gnu books ordered online, regarding the Japanese philosophy as such, in-and-of-itself...

Code of the Samurai, or Bushi no Nasaki

"To a philosophic scion on the Bushido warriors, I add that Jesus said, 'men dividing and having divided the world in heathen and christian, without considering how much good may have been hidden in the one, or how many evils may have been comingled with the other.  They have compared the best part of themselves with the worst of their neighbors, the ideal of christianity with the corruption of Greece or the East.  They have not aimed at impartiality, but have been contented  to accumulate  all that could be said of praise of their own, and in dispraise of other forms of religion!"


Riots Coming in TN., Elsewhere as Demonstrators Parade Pro-Trans Flags Today in TN. Legislature

 Demonstrators caused chaos at the Tennessee State Capitol again on Thursday in protest of a vote to remove three lawmakers who broke House rules last week when they disrupted proceedings for nearly an hour with anti-gun protesters.

The three lawmakers facing expulsion – Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson – are accused of engaging in “disorderly behavior” and intentionally bringing “disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives.”

- this just in on the military wire.

I saw some of the videos, and they were sick, these brainwashed leftists parading around like that!  The Tennesseans in Nashville politely asked, "Please no anti-gun rallies or whatever while our community is going through this process of healing."


the first thing they did was parade their constituents around, spitting in the face of the Presbyterians who lost their lives in Nashville, including a bunch of drunken Drag Queens, all hopped up on God knows what, through the State Legislature.

It's outrageous!

I mean,

there are appropriate times for certain kinds of protests, and other times where one should know one's place, k?

I mean,

this has gotta be a George Soros funding Alinskyite attack on everything we hold dear, pure gadflyism with the D.E.M. whore monger Hoardes acting like children, and doing the most freakish acts of civil disobedience.

What exactly do the protesters want?

I don't even think they know,

but this disturbing protest in TN. is typical of liberalism run amok.  It's absolutely disgusting, and inherently indicative that these whiny do nothing ne'er good ders in BLM have no jobs, nothing going for them viably sexually, and have nothing better to do than desecrate the Graves of the Nashville dead...

A sad day for what used to be civilized discourse!