Saturday, December 31, 2022

Pre-Release of my Original 'Catholicism Sucks' E.P. - Available 1/1/'23


r.I.p. Benedict

HOT PINK FFF-MOBILE 'update' - Gnu Comp. of my Soon to be Unleashed 6 Tracker E.P. (DJ PROMO)


This really the culmination of too much emotional hardcore for me.... As any Minos Battery follower knows, my indie label has received massive support over in Leipzig, offa Sound Base Music, the worlds biggest distributor of hardcore techno in the world - - and got a limited vinyl press. It was cool! Cool, more than anything, to hear, my, tracks finally,, mastered - and out on vinyl! ~ "So yeh, now it goes into Digital Distro, so I get 50/50 of the sales on this! I think for the vinyl I made like an Franklin Delano Roosevelt 'dime' off each print of "12 record for turntablist purchase (red colored vinyl etc.), I guess b/c it's more expensive to press vinyl - so I only saw like some spare quarters off the "12 E.P. So now it goes into the digital realm, and honestly - I just hope I do the bands I sampled for the E.P. justice before we start selling them. TRACK 1 & LAST TRACK on THIS DIGI PROMO 'r' The Final Masters~This is really the culmination of too much emotional hardcore for me....

credits December 31, 2022 


by emo headache



On the Discourse Between Determinism & Free Will

Freedom-in-the-world is something the ancients aspired to, but how truly free are we?  We would like to endow ourselves with the privilege of being 'free actors' in a 'free society', or that we freely choose the decision points we make during a given day, right?  I'd like to think I am free.

But are we?

But am I?

"One can only go down the same river a single time,

for the next time it is - in all physicality - a different river"

- Heraclitus

So when it comes to fate i.e. determinism, I'd like to say that it's not at all clear.  I can choose two roads diverged in the wood.  No matter which path I choose, by the time I made the same choice again it would be a new paradigm - hence determinism would say that free will is an illusion.

By virtue of the temporality facticity inherent in decisions we make...

So how can we be free?

The founders and framers thought about this quite seriously...  and essentially- in America -it comes down to 'the right to pursue happiness'.  Think about that!

Isn't the right to be happy through Individual volition a kind of freedom...

but still,

the DOI was deterministically fated to be our founding document in the United States of 'Merica.

If we fought 1776 again it would be a different war...

so perhaps we should admit,

We are not at all as free - as in free to 'choose' - as we might like to entitle ourselves with.  How can we admit we're not free and add style to our predetermined character?  How can we transcend sex roles and racial boundaries and be fated to unite?  How can we?

By practice.

That way the free choice decision point is so familiar one can masterfully make an adequate injunction into time and writ 7 law of creation!


DEC 31st 2022


domestic democracy united 2023

international democracy united 2023



Friday, December 30, 2022

NYE Emo Headache Emo-Date Upload....


The same damned burning heart

One Day We'll Wake up From Screaming & LIFE WILL LOVE ALL MEANING

I had this dread tell me once,

"Yo bwoooy...  What u gwan care for more?

Drugs, or Pussy?"

Every man answers this for himself at some point in his adult life, and as a "Forever 19 at Heart" type, I'd have to say Girls come and go, but Drugs & snow at the beach is forever - Strange & beautiful.  Like snow on the beach.  Like fire in an ice cream parlor.

Stars by the pocketful,

and stars and stars and more stars and snow around the beach.  

I saw.


I again can't speak, afraid to chase it...

I'll be fallen in love no matter when where who or how - but the thrill of drug revelry - if done in excess- never grows old.

I care way more about drugs than women...

And this basic choice informs me and my place in the universe.

They people who cared more about their ;lover; are boring and lack the grit and fortitude of the best of us. It's about getting mash up in a fury and rocking our socks off!!!

]Girls are a dime a dozen,

if the much - they co0me and go - and there are plenty of plankton for whales to filter through.

The one thing that never changes in the buzz,... the buzz.  the warm growing and glowing buzz of excessive partying on drug & beers.  Why should we sober up and get right with the God's of the state?  Fuck the roman god's of the state.

\"I'm the Alcibiades of punk rock.  I get so drunki,

I run amok and chisel the embers of the Grecian statues, thus defiling the Roman gods of their state.

I hurle insults and hate,

because I love.

I'm a traitor to the State as such (USA) over 666 times.

Joe biden is a drunken goat with little horns that spew forth from the Pope devil in Rome's satanic circle of ugly old goats.  Look at the Papacy!  Ugly, Old Paoitless lumps of coal & flesh.  They never had the law, yet keep their vicious secrets.  Why do catholic priests molest little kids as part of their satanic haunted thinking of H.I.M. at midnight light, kid?

B/c they are ugly brute animals.  They look like academic oxen in need of the old in 'n' out.


Francis - the antichrist herself - is a Goat,

I'm salivating in desirous POPE FRANCIS BACON PIG SANDWICH feastivus revelry.

Who to feast upon,

but the apostle 


Make a skull cap out of his 'tan leather hide'?


Seems like you've gone away yeah yeah yeah

 Do you like the AAAs I f****** like the yeah yeahs we all like the yeah yeah yeahs! Alcohol does not mean anonymous I am a publicly known drink fight and f*** person! Ask Chelsea she knows am I right Chelsea? Yeah You're right. She responded

That's because from now on we're keeping everything politically correct we're keeping everything politically correct and my poor knows is dripping from oppression depression of the man! What do you have to say about that Chelsea?

Chelsea is scene

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Boxing Ring in Florida County

 Devonte Davis and Odell beckham juniore! These two have been subject to so much criticism by people in mass hoards and I don't want to say hoards in the sense of the word that we're all thinking whores but they have been the victims just for merely standing out and being a nail that sticks out of the plywood that gets hammered down! Hammered down! Devonte Davis is a hero! Whatever occurred there in that little apartment that devonte Davis is being assaulted by the lame stream media as having been domestically violent? Doesn't that ignore our responsibility to the sport of boxing? Innocent until proven guilty especially before a boxing match that's about to go down in Florida equals my kind of justice! Why is it that so many black men who fly in and out of Miami are assaulted by Hispanic Latino loving multiculturalist save the turtle types, out left in the east coast? I have no idea but our spill spec engine does! The fact of the matter is that Malcolm x & devonte Davis r our heroes!!!

 what happened to beckham jr. was a travesty am I right?!? Odelle Beckham jr. deserves our best and number one respect? Does he not? And so does devonte Davis! merely for being a black man who sticks out and appears to quote beyond drugs and quote devonte Davis is a sporting nightmare in Florida's catastrophe of epic proportions which is to be noted on this blog succinctly! Braves sports update domestic democracy United 20 and 22 All right cool

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


  What is "Will 2 Power?" as such?

As another mired, sickly philosophe, socratic aristotelian or even born again nietzschian on the horizon in the next ontology of judeo-christian empiricists who reject mysticism in favor of what science proves;

I have to ask, misguided or not,

What is historical facticity - proximally and for the most part?

Historical facticity is the lack - alack alack a lack and a kingdom for a hoarse cryptic whisper - of a transparency regarding vacuity resulting from how the master dictates rights to the slave class. 

 Why do we punish those who lose in war games played by those in high places, under the sway of foreign diplomacy?  Should we not congratulate the vanquished?  

Should we embolden or decry our own righteousness in the face of an 'other'?

Is that not Dostoyevskian decadence?

The Nuremberg trials, what executed good Aryian sometimes WASP (white anglo saxon protestant) military leaders for the sake of which we can proclaim having done justice by hanging those who merely served their country in times of aggression during wartime, is often at a long distance and far off epoch that seems nearer to us than a mount, they were right there in the horizon of the new Continental authors of the Existentialist School~

Is that not the Catholic eastern orthodoxy's own utmost failing?

H.S.T. once wrote a tractatus which spoke, high as could be, that when phenomenologically viewing a great epoch or mountainous summit in the horizon - it oft' looks clear as day to our phenomenal apprehension of apparent worldliness...  Yet when you view -say - the summit and epoch/peaks of Everest or, yea- even Killamanjaro, it's so visible, one could lose sight of the long journey to even get to the top before the rest of those adventurers out for to conquer what they prize so magnormously, let alone a terra firmer clear as day visible and reducible eidetically yet days, months, years away by foot?

  Anywhere worth travelling to is worth walking on foot, yet...

So close,

but still so far,

Is this existential apprehension in conquest a passion play with real blud that we see today in interboundaries of national survival, mayhaps?

I do not know the a priori or a posteori truths about such conquests as it relates to a hike, a climb or the first expedition to conquer these peaks of excellence in expeditionary endeavors, or even just generally acknowledging the prescient & salient pain and frost bite of such tragic farcical follies of conquest as such...

but it would seem that - as it is with WW3 etc. - we see it so clearly, yet the span of time, national wealth or lack thereof and expenditure therein, walking on foot the sheer tremendous flight into the heavens brought to blud 4 soil often times is grim, far often aways away.  Truly!

Should we be men and districts of folly in out and around proximally & for the most part accepting and be found acceptable to a republic's endeavors?  What is a nation's virtue and conquest to a poor man?  A poor man, such as myself has no use for virtue, or expeditionary conquest!  These trifles are far removed from the everyday agrarian peasant as such.

I'd say not a single leader in our whole global soul-structure and reason facility could adequately prepare us for the conflicts and stamina in a resolute call to violence and have the foresight needed to bring about international or even domestic/local justice...  

...for Hercules need not remain as a pugilist at rest...

There's no need for silence, as I see it!

We aught not forget that masters demand slaves...

Even in the antebellum southern bible belt of the USA (the shield of the Mason-Dixon as such),

the relationship of master and slave in that era of Historical Facticity is described simply in the term "paternalism"...

Where the servants found an affection for their masters and property owners,

and the masters felt a kind of truly real - yet oft' grotesque - love for their indentured slaves, as one plantation, as one codependency, as many paternalistic central plantation owners.  How, in terms of futural/historical necessity are coping mechanisms and agrarian farming to be apprehended in terms of our own empathy towards a 'situation', concernfully, circumspective; or even in a passionate Faith of the master's governance?

Let us march.

Let us triumph in the war.

Let us forfeit our will to power,

for a more prudent,


and honest will to victory in truth...

Pravda vitezi.

Fate will smile upon the godly proto-virtue of those with a keen sense of righteous anger towards want of justice!  Are we to listen, longing for nostalgia, to another 'ode to joy'?

Why, are we as a peoples in a worldly sense, so joyous in murder, so self affirmingly entitled to what is justified in non-civilian wartime military verstehen (understanding) as a "righteous kill"?

I'd say it comes down to the congruency of master/slave, kill/save, conquer/surrender primordial dichotomy within which we come to the one 'notes from underground' moment of Caruso's first triumph to excellence as an Italian Minnesinger in early historical America!

Not just my kitten.

or an Italian opera vocalist...

not a ballet,

but a skating by... elegantly & triumphantly or conversely committing shameful repentance when one falls on ice -as that 15 year old ruskie figure skater did...  I prayed for that poor girl,

and what mother Russia - a post Soviet fascism & uniquely Eastern Orthodoxy's Popery - would do to a shamed loss of grace?

Is power,

and the will to have power over others,

really even necessary?

The wheat harvest will be fine,

what is irreconcilable,

are the sins Hector committed tossing dags on the pyre and Achilles' hubris and his weak acls having battled violently over in the Trojan war committed in the ancient Grecian era,

who were want to drag an enemy's body around the public of athens (opposite day/eve bizarro USA),

going round and round the Parthenon, mutilating their adversary's corpse in the eve/morn/noontime of history and the publik...

thus spiting the Gods of Osiris!

That was the art carnal sin of warrior societies.

As Hector died, Achilles put on the pyre the historicity therein regarding a hermeneutical flame thereof hermetically sealed within our own finality within-the-world, that is, death...

fate will smile

 I have an old pussy...

His name is Caruso, named after the first mass produced pop star in USA.  Ain't hatin on Shostakvich, but this Italian Minesinger who I named my old ass pussy after, is superior in terms of anthems outdoing post-wagner trash heaps of almost listenable non-anthemic classical/opera instrumentation and vocaLismos...  Enrico Caruso's early fame as the first mass produced vinyl rockstar shall go down in herstory as the truly troubadour sound.  Call his vinyl releases pedestrian, call americans of that time common and base, call me an unapoligetic Heideggerian who feels that even the ones who lose a battle or war have/had and are granted some type of rights as such,

Enrico Caruso,

and my pussy named after him,

brought opera - however incomprehensible - to the jungle...

and it is jungle, survival, and how truly evil nature as such can be without the nostalgia of the hippie plot as such that I seek to address this early rising staR of the morning, the eastern light - what some term sheitan (or the star of the morning), can offer an international democracy as such...I say to you, whomever be out there heeding my speed and righteous wit & writ,

Who will burn with everlasting torments in H-E-L-L?

Whom shall feed the rotten dags of cerberus?

Fear not russian & chinese spies and monarchical oligarchies - who after they have enslaved, imprisoned and murdered you or I - have no more that they can do in the worldhood of dying, suffering and painful death at the hands of an emperor or prime minister...

I say to you...






I say to you...

fear HIM~

Should we not raise the ire of Westboro Baptist's will to truths about war crimes - of our own nation or others'?



This is Your Dick This is Your Shoulder Gun Soldier


This is my dick this is my gun! This is my fault this is my fun! My M16 it's my best friend I do not do name be pin be bull crap with no buddies My M16 saves me from that! Yes you soldier your soldier is your gun's p****! Soldier I want you to f*** your gun! Soldier I want you to lick your guns c***! I want you to f*** your gun so hard that your gun fires ammunition out of its preloaded carbine rifle barrel and hits the target then straightens the head thus splooging on a packy! Soldier your gun is your dick! The more you rub your gun dick the more your dick becomes your gun! I want you to rub the s*** out of that dick gun I want you to butt f*** that rifle! Dick f*** that gun dick f*** the f*** out of that gun I want you to suck and nut off with that rifle and that gun soldier!

Time for Antiquarian Renewal

 When we look towards the long wooded path back to the ancients, we fix our gaze on Aristotle.  No one Greek has had more to do with bringing metaphysics to the realm os spirituality than he.  He wrote an essential tome called "De Anima" (on the soul), in which he argued for the existence of that which animates our vessel, the Soul as such.

I, until reading this, had remained agnostic about the existence of the soul,

"The soul is so much more superstition!",

I said.

But now,

the soul is what is needed to be understood.  We look back to antiquarian archeology such as musical recordings...  what we see is the ensouled being created this song of praise, and did so by virtue of their soul...

Why the soul?

Antiquarian evidence of the soul is hard to come by,

but look at the heiroglyphs - they all point towards some kind of higher power, albeit a Pharaoh.

Why should we - as sentient beings - take the soul seriously?

B/C that is what is needed to bring our Antiquarian ways to the future with the purpose of Teleology!


I touch hem of Amber Pacific's garment



Thanks for s neing the turn _ FROM EMO HEADACHE

Brendan Smith
to Amber
5 minutes agoDetails
Hey dude I just wanted to say thanks so much I know it took trouble time in the mail but thanks for telling me Amber Pacific's the turn! The turn lol omg! The turn is like the best album from Amber Pacific ever! Thank you so much for making sure that I had it and I'm sorry about the copywriting foragement issues lol! You can go to our website at sign peacefully yours your emotional hardcore is some of the best ever and the turn marks a turning point Amber pacifics aesthetical criterion The turn takes it up to the next notch that was so needed The turn is an apocryphal apocalyptic album thank you so much for sending me the turn and letting me touch the hem of your garment Brendan O'Connell

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Another Soap Box Set

why are you so ornery? I think the answer is I'm grumpy about the traditions of America having been overturned by permissive society! I'm grumpy about trumpets and trumpsters forgetting about Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and just rolling with whatever sounds cool " bro "! I'm grumpy and ornery and angry about permissive culture not even caring about animal rights and instead caring about being part of a movement and part of a family! What family? The Marilyn Manson family?

Right about now in the studio I'm about to blaze up some ganja hold on a sec!

I've had it up to here with all these side of my supporters who think that they have to be complicit in supporting sodomy! Most gay punk rockers that I know don't want to be liked by mainstream heteronormal society?  tolerance for gay and bye and queer and transgender culture is nothing that needs to be promoted lol! I think even transgender people would agree with that because there's that punk rock about it it's counterculture! But right now there is disaffiliation ellipses

Under disaffiliation are United Methodist Church is voted two to one to not allow homosexual or bisexual or transgender marriages in our churches! Thank God?

Well just ask the majority of the black United Methodist conference who voted in favor of disaffiliation as well?

No exit

 There is no exit no release nothing but the mirror and a third three's company to reflection of somebody who's in gratiating and offensive and abominational? You can ask yourself this question! But why is the other always the one we can't find I find the other and the other is in abomination! Why? Why ask why! For there is only one other and that is the other of the p**** in boots who wants to go out and cries succinctly therein. For we all know that as the pole was intertwined with the erratic ecstatic engineering of steel and refinery so too was the boring liqueur distilled and so too was the vinyl placard placed forever on the on the mantle piece of time! There is no exit from your hell! Your hell could be listening to me right now! Your hell could be having to live your life! But the real hell is others! Is there any exit is there any escape is there any privacy? No not in the internal flames of Hades! Bahaha maniacal after ellipses ellipses ellipses ears ears ears ears because we all know the earth will not seek nor to see but that which is in an inherent area in the sciences of biology.

Can I order pizza, 9/11?

 I'll literally buy y'all a pizza party 919 ya'll

American History x

 I've always believed that we had our lives we had our love we had our wars ellipses it lives sees it lives in I see what people live in on the street and somebody you truly knows the dichotomy between God and man! This blog is a personal testimony of Jesus Christ and what he did for me on the cross! He died for my sins! He shed blood for mankind and me personally when he was crucified by the Romans! Jesus Christ is the reason mankind has gotten as far as it has!

Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to all people's!

All people's what! The people of a nation suffer from sin for sin is dead and people oftentimes do die of sane sane kills sin sucks! That's why we need to use righteousness to exalt our nation and be a beacon of life for all who believe in the righteousness of the writ in order of the word of God the King James testament Bible Amen yours truly Brandon O'Connell!

Monday, December 26, 2022

Brendan O'Connell is back!!! People wanna know if I'm still in the ring.. nope

 I'm the master's evanescence I am evermore just another is over another geist. May they all be perfectly sueded in the sweet suede of the cheese suede shoes of Prada and Victoria!

I believe truly that we are United in an advert to STEM the degradation and malfeasance of butt rod? But rod the rod of butt! What kind of rod are you putting up your butt? Because I know my butt is just for axialating...

 No I'm just kidding

May all of us be given and given unto Christ for the new year of 2023 May the year 23 me is my 23rd year on earth! May I be stupid Earth! May I be drunken Earth! May I be about ready to have my girlfriend break up with me Earth!

of course my a****** is just for s*******! So from now on this blog becomes my personal diary from my Motorola cell phone!

I'm just going to speak into my cell phone and whatever pops up will be the next entry and I hope all my blog fins out there wherever they are you didn't know China or you're on the continent or even in Hawaii in the Pacific May they all be gratified by my new archetype and cliche of doing nothing but voice to text!

The blog is now my personal testimony as to Jesus Christ!

Chelsea I have yer phone. I'm overnight shipping it to Salisbury


I ended up with the phone of this curious girle

Sunday, December 25, 2022


 Why is the existential task of ages the fulfillment of an epoch?  Is a peak, or triumph anything worth while?  Would an epoch be anything other than another zen cap on a tidal wave?

I ask merely to demonstrate the incongruence of collective zeitgeist and individual happiness...  this is about the virtues of joy-to-the-world.  Why would we choose Joy?

B/C we as humankind have an opportunity for peace between Mother Russia & the Father Ukraine.

putin has waited six days,

and now he has never showed up at the ice cream parlor...

But he extended the olive branch,

I say we extend an XX-Large fig leaf in return.

We have a chance for peace.  Let's take it if possible,

 unless diplomacy is overly compromising, but perhaps NATO vs. RUSSIA can dissolve their tensions diplomatically.  The public of every country in the world is speaking out against corporatist War & War mongering, so let's save innocent lives...



DDU/IDU DEC. 25th 2022

"Merry Birth of Mary - What the Moses is goin' on in these here...  What the Christmas?!?!?"

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 Recently, I got some money in Insurance - the first thing I did was donate 200 bucks to an Ukrainian artist I've worked with in Kyiv.  I was ecstatic, as I'm generally so poor 200 dollars is like a lot even to me...  but I was like, well I've got ten grand in Insurance.  Why not help 5904 with more hot plates?

So anyways,

the emo gnus this morn' of Jesus, Dec. 21 2022, is that @ 1:00 am EST the Whitehouse made the final plans for Ukrainian President Zelensky Time Magazine's "man of the Year" to fly to the USA diplomatically.

This is big news.

So let's all pray for a peaceful visit for our Nation, and wish President of the Ukraine Zelensky a Merry Christmas & Happy Channaka!

"Merry Christmas Zelensky"
-Brendan O'Connell

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

North Carolina Unites With NATO

 Recently there was an act of terror in my area that was suspect.  The authorities have still not found the perps, but a power supply station was shot, cutting power to 100,000 people in the dead of Winter.  I hope they were not republicans, but the strong likelihood remains that they were;  I suspect it may have been influenced by a foreign power- perhaps using unwitting citizens as pawns in the international communist conspiracy.  With these Asian "IQ-Stupid" cellular phones, it becomes harder & harder to retain freedom in the 21st Century.  How did we become slaves to our technology, diddling and tootling around obsessively with our overpriced cheap plastic?

There are far Moore important things in this world than our IQ Stupid phones.  Think of how expensive these cheap pieces of crap are- to us! 

How much does it take to produce the cell phone product at sweatshop labor prices?

At such a stunted rate, to even own one seems like an unwilling + unworthy compromise.  

Maybe it doesn't really matter anymore in the USA, but it does in the Ukraine.  US Military soldiers on the frontline there had to say their goodbyes to loved ones back home before crossing the border.  I feel for the wives and children of the NATO Soldiers.  I'm sure they've got the indomitable courage & strength to power through.

Christmas Dec. 20 2022

Brendan Hooker O'Connell

Monday, December 19, 2022

It's Good for Severity: Day 5 in the Mental Clinique

 We all feel, I would suppose, an entombed sensation of death within the space of our heart and temporal Geist-in-and-of-Being.  We are part of and comprised by the corruption of darkness and as such a lone growing + gathering light therein.  It's as Albert Einstein said, "As the circumference of light grows, so too does the circumference of darkness around it."  So understanding in an apocalyptic sense understanding itself as Being that apprehend's itself by way of it's own self comprehension, so too do IQ-Ignorant dullards' violent mob mentalism around and surrounding it grows.  

How is this possible?

Perhaps only it could be seen by virtue of appraisal as some type of intelligence.  Creation can never come about by an explosion in terrorism, which - in fact - only destrukts.  Destruktion never is a construction.  The degradation of our present time's mentalism is an affect unique to the punk rock culture...

This culture was designed by a kind of intelligence, a creation of our forefathers - far better than we who follow tradition; for the creation of Rock was built on the corner.  

The end pass and intersection - culminating in a kind of ages & time-in-the-world that only Christ could have known.

RT Stillwell


Brendan Hooker O'Connell

Founder + Member of Domestic/International Democracy United (DDU/IDU) 2022 MERRY XMAS

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Invitation from the Psychiatrist : Day 4

 "I've fallen in love again,

Why does this always have to happen to me?"

- Sappho

Love-in-and-of-itself is as primordially base as cells copulating - forming + reforming - in a prehistoric mud puddle...  did we evolve from this reproduction via the virtue of 'love-in-itself'?  Were we fated to cultivate our mating/sexual habits in-itself, or was it something we skillfully refined from 'base' and profane to 'cultured' and refined?

This is answerable historically in a clearly explicable way.  How have trends in diaspora as such evolved in recent years?  Tremendously.  We've all planted our homes at certain points and uprooted and moved somewhere else so often and so many times that our genetics are becoming far less defined in traditional 'proximity'.  This is, unequivocally, generational.  Each generation of homo-sapiens changes in revolutionary ways, and sometimes to a seemingly pointless end + watered down beginning.

But where did we start?

The egg, i.e. a woman...

The old standard, which came first - the chicken or the egg?

I think the above is scientifically clearly answerable...

The egg precedes the being.

Seduction + Shame are the masculine sex's dominion.  The egg, inside the inhabited womb, is essentially how the anthropology of the "Lizard" always wins...

How did diaspora prefigure who we see in the bathroom mirror?

This loathing is the Truth of Jehovah's love, the creation of Jesus, and the second coming of Mary this Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Interview with a Psychotic Bag Lady

 Day 3

I am far from broken, yet my spirit has been disemboweled : "Where is my Mind"

Afar off...

Why does the persecution of innocent people occur at the frequency it has been of late?  As I continued on day three of incarceration for being an outspoken Christian I interviewed a Bag Lady to talk about how she's been trodden down by the medicalization of Deviance through over 40 forced commitments to psych wards...


Despite being in here today, I'm fine.  I just enjoy LSD (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds) which they say is   Lucifer Worship.  I feel Kind of breezy, and generally healthy but sad about a break up


Why is that?


His name is Johnny, and I hurt his feelings.  Well I didn't mean to be such a heart breaker, but I was depressed about a lot of things between a DWI, Domestic Dispute and lawsuit between my mother and I, so I became unfaithful to my boyfriend.  My mom was taking advantage of my Welfare Cheque, so I guess I took advantage of my boyfriend.  Uber dudes who are into scene + punk seem cool to me, but John was oppressive...  Because he wanted my soul!


So possessive.


(Laughter) Yes, he was very possessive.


Why do you think he was so possessive?  Was it mental sickness?


He gave me genital warts and felt sick about it.  I guess his expectations about our relationship about our legacy~~ He had always wanted kids ~~ was a type of guilt for me, part + parcel!  He was a member of the Marines, and overseas STD's run rampant.  I wasn't happy.


How did he get unhappy?


He was always run-in' around picking' on me.  Bein passive aggressive.  It made me so upset.  Honestly, it kinda made me happy too.  But I'm never scared of my feelings, and he - his father - made me ashamed.  So I lost trust.  And I cheated.  So I broke his heart...


How do you feel about COVID-19, and all of the lockdowns???


Everything is contagious.  Words.  Advertisements.  Movies.  Binary 

Code.  Even your blog.  It's like...  all of the attempts to stave off the infection just made everything worse.  Why do we do that?  What's the Real Source of the COVID virus?



Friday, December 16, 2022

Day 1 - "Tracking the Madness"

 I can hope, perhaps to the detriment of others (and myself), that my lack of willingness to collaborate with social communism is + was worth while...

But how can I believe that, when I am safe and my friends overseas aren't?  Are my principled stances, this blog + radical compositions somehow bringing the wrath of totalitarian dictatorships down on any poor soul who has engaged with my online digital content?  It seems likely, and it's a shame I bear on my shoulders today.  I imagine, what a foreign power could do to someone detected in being complicit with even this blog?  I shudder in angst and wretch in Nausea to even cognitively put myself in their shoes.  Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit...

Merely echoing my paranoia and narcissistically self aggrandizing my own role in politic...

However, we irrevocably touch and impact those we connect with in the world, and even the World Wide Web.  I never lose, not really...  To all of my regular world wide audience- I write these words under lock + key, knowing that I was endowed by our founders with rights that are under threat, and am curiously suspicious of American communist collaborators.

I feel, in my own right-mindedness, that DDU (Domestic Democracy United '22) as such has been trodden down by the mass Democrat Establishment Machine (D.E.M.) movement to silence public dissent such as my own in - as I called it on my blog - a third time within recent months.  Despite the fact that I've lost it all through sheer happenstance, I would say that I do - in fact - feel as akin to an innocent victim of terrorism instituted by a globalist power.


It seems as though across the globe we are being assaulted and terrorized by elite foreign powers; often without our consent and an unwitting knowledge thereof.  How could this have happened to my country, my town, my family and our schools?  I suspect foreign domination...

The elite pseudo-elder gluttonous + spoiled generations of middle class pigs seem stupidly unaware of what is going on right now just under their swine noses.  In Orwell's apocryphal "Animal Farm", we see that in revolt, by having a successful revolution we ultimately become - inevitably - everything we fought for & against, and transform into it. Why?

Because of the virtue of historicity and it's revolutionary forgetfulness.

I won't blink in the face of terror!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

3 Days in a Psych Ward

 Day 1

I woke up amiably, to a doctored up cup of coffee + BBC world news.  It was strange to hear about the Russian "Militarization of Winter" on my first day of incarceration.  Apparently one fact I did not realize until this mornin' about my compatriot in Kyiv, 5904, is that he is subject to sub-zero temps.  I thought, how far removed from the frontlines.  But it's not just "over there".

Since I found out there was an attempted Coup de Etat in Germany, I have been in a state of existential nervousness, fear.  Having recently released my Emo Headache 6 Track E.P. on vinyl out of Leipzig (, I feel somehow swept away in the global upheaval.

Am I somehow guilty by association?

My frank answer would have to be a presumptive:


I have a strict Ritualistic Endeavor of - once a day - prostrating myself, down on my knees, before my Lord Jehovah.  I, a moment ago prayed for Sergey Glinsky & Steffen Kuschel, in Kyiv and Leipzig respectively.  Can the Lord God on high bear witness?  I don't need faith to know the answer is a highly affirmative "Yea"!  Will he help my compatriots overseas with blessings + miracles?  I will never know...

Monday, December 12, 2022





The commies got their hat trick or incarceration on me, bit much don't ya reckon?  But my protest is just beginning...

Friday, December 2, 2022

Josh's left handedness

Politalk Monday, September 30, 2019 Stop Unlawfulness: See Something Say Something I consider, theologically, the law of the beacon of light for the world - America - to be coalescent with the Law of God as such. It might not always be perfect, this system of Laws and Edicts we have in our land - but I'm a Christian who never deviates from believing the Law of Man (at least in America) is NOT separate from the Law of God! But this Samhain, We should all increase our astuteness to the criminal pathology of CHILD MOLESTATION, IRRESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP, SEX SLAVERY and DOMESTIC TERROR. We need to stop whatever may be in the works to happen near All Hallow's Eve, and stem the tide of neurological pathology and how it interacts in terms of terror with the susceptible mainstream American Publik. If you hear someone who owns a gun threaten to harm themselves or others, you need to do the right thing and levy the arm of Law Enforcement by calling the local Police Department. You CAN call 911, but I would recommend merely putting potential shooters into full view of the transparency of modern and POST-modern law as such. We need to stop whatever terror attack is currently in the works, and more to come after that! The only way to do that is to be vigilant, curiously suspicious of all civilians who appear to be hiding something... Often times when you pin down the Modus Operandi (or M.O.) of somebody whose life isn't kept as an open book (AS I DO, THANK YOU) you find the kind of pathology reserved for anti-American terrorists... They may want to kill because as Trump entombed - THEY ARE LOSERS~ I remember the pervasiveness of "The Anarchist Cookbook" back when I was in high school. Let me, as a Pop Punk/Gabber Techno/IDM musician say there is nothing HARDCORE or PUNK RAWK about reading about or studying how to build explosives. If you know of someone bragging about having explosives or joking about using them DDU asks you to call the PD tip line immediately - that or ICE/DHS - Samhain is the time when Domestic Terrorists come out to play - LETS STOP THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS!!!! CHIVA HO! DDU 2019 Brendan O'Connell at 3:14 PM No comments: Post a Comment ‹ › Home View web version Politalk : Your Source of Substantive Political Commentary My photo Brendan O'Connell Have a nice cup of coffee, smoke some fine tobacco products from Winston-Salem, N.C. (I recommend Lucky Strikes), and settle into my plethora of Conservative tirades. I try to blend a bit of Philosophy in with politics, as Philosophy is central to understanding the ethics involved in political thought. On Location in Durham, NORTHCAROLINA (Team Durham 23) View my complete profile Powered by Blogger.