Sunday, November 27, 2022

Truth About Obama & Sweatshop Violence in China

I recently commented briefly on the widely tweeted workers' rights consortium protests against the Communist Crackdown on Chinese workers at I Phone factories overseas, and with a few strokes of my slime-pad and Wi-Fi I discovered a dirty secret in extremist policy changes regarding mental health care under Obama (Obamacare legislation passed by the Supreme Court)...

It is this - The I Phone factory headline seems to be a bit of a red herring, b/c the factories are owned by FOXCONN, a state conglomerate who produce our Idiot Phones at slave labor prices.  Why?  Well, Foxconn doesn't just produce Apple products such as Slime-Pads and I-Phones...

Foxconn makes basically every smart phone out there in our country (including Samsung), with the exception of my new phone brand Motorola and perhaps the Google PIXEL phones, right?

Well I looked into, slightly, Foxconn (which is so immoral 'corporate malfeasance' doesn't even begin to describe this kind of corruption and extortion of innocent low wage factory workers), and wouldn't you know it?

Right around the time Obama rammed "OBAMACARE" down our throats post 2008 POTUS election victory, we started doing business with a subsidiary of Foxconn called "Healthconn" in 2009!  Healthconn is such a dirty little secret for our credit score downgraded former USA, that there's not even an entry on it in WIKI!  Healthconn, as a Foxconn offshoot at work in Washington D.C., deserves to be looked into and audited by the fed - if you ask me!

I look back at the year 2009, in my own life.

In that year, after Obama's election to our executive office (using Alinskyite corrupt 'Social/Community Organizing'), I lost my High School Sweetheart co-founder of C&C NC INC (DJ Business) to a Russian suitor, I lost my license after getting a DUI in my own neighborhood from a black ghetto police officer, after walking back through my neighborhood afterwards I was jumped by 5 or 6 gang banging hoodlums (probably crips), lost my lucrative job as a video editor - and ultimately was whisked away to a Detainment Center in communist Chapel Hill and diagnosed as Paranoid Schizophrenic, hence being relegated to permanent Serfdom as a welfare recipient (and went in & out of these little concentration camps up to this very day 20 years later generally by having democrat family 'get me help' by calling 911 on me for terroristic threats).  When did this happen, when did I lose it and everything I had?

The same year 'HEALTHCONN' was founded in China, 2009.

Thanks nigger.

Fucking alinskyites,

Gaddamn America, Right wanna be Christian Communist Reverend Wright?

I swear... the fuck.

Correlation not proving anything a priori is known as the theory of Occam's razor.

But in my opinion, 2 + 2 = 4.

and 2009 = Obamacare = Healthconn Totalitarianism.

So now I am here in 2022 - and my regular readers know I recently lost everything in a Home Fire (my clothes, my studio, my production computer - EVERYTHING), under Biden.

Since when was terrorism anything but someone overseas who orchestrated the tragic tower collapse of Sept. 11 (code for the emergency number 911 that people use far too frequently if ya ask me) or an Improvised Explosive Device killing troops in the Middle East?  Domestic Terrorism realities aside, real hurtful violence strikes without warning, esp. IED's etc.

Why have I been whisked away under Democrat Communists over 12 or more times by people calling 911 on me for being dangerous under the technical term "Terroristic Threats"?

I don't have answers,

but I ask questions...

and b/c I ask questions I come under scrutinies.

the last Involuntary Commitment I got was two fold, both called in by a media elite who works for the state - I.E. my pig dad Mini-Micheal Moore.  The first was on the day of my Grammy's Funeral.  The second was literally within two weeks of getting out after two weeks...  and they're going for a hat trick - I can guarantee ya'll that, ma'am or sire!

That can be hard to cope with, b/c I miss my Grammy... and to be whisked away by corrupt pigs under Joe Biden's corrupt Popist Gov'ment is just wrong when it happens cross county by my own father on the day of her service.

At a certain point,

it's like - "THE FUUUUUCK?!?!?!?"

But here's the update about losing my house - I am moving to Boulder CO.

So goodbye Governor Roy Cooper communist cowboy Carolina!!!

Hello havin' fun!

And, yes, I am bigly into psychedelics (weed is kind of a cop out tbh but trippin' is fun for a gonzo man like myself when I'm making my albums etc.).;.. so I think as long as I can avoid detection and just look like another druggie punk in South Park for a while, I think it's actually gonna be a nice time until I get my house rebuilt.

but yeah,

I Phone Protests?  The Cheap Taiwanese Low-IQ Phones extorting those Democracy Lovers who work in China?

That all comes from the USA, and the lack of integrity in Healthcare/Telecommunication.

Google search: "I Phone, Foxconn"

and then see if you can find the dirty little secret about their gas chamber holocaust hotels...


Saturday, November 26, 2022



Friday, November 25, 2022

I Phone Sweatshops + Pissed of Chinamen = Smart Phones Compromised Algorithmically

I was shocked to see what is happening at the exploitation of innocent workers in Communist China of late...  I had no idea how pissed off the on the ground workers of the factories that manufacture Apple I Phones in China really were, and are in general.  Pissed off Chinese are civilly disobedient in regards to Communist China, and the world's consumers' complicity therein.  We buy these products, at sweatshop labor prices, as the new in thing for keen hipster types who are conscientious and socially aware in progressive ways...
What is the reality?
These I Phones, and their overpriced corporate gross revenue are at a price...
...on some level, we are always complicit in buying cheaper to the detriment of low skill/low wage employees on the ground who provide our most used products.  But in the trade with Communist China, who I'll remind animal lovers out there will pick up strays on the street if they catch them wandering around and have them slaughtered mercilessly to prevent Covid-19, we are now seeing a real sense of the reality of this neglectful practice coming full cycle, BIGLY.
The algorithms in I phones, I have many reasons to believe, make them severely unwise purchases in general.  I'd go GOOGLE PIXEL, as an alternative.  I PHONE tech COST MORE, PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES LESS, EXPLOIT INTERNATIONAL TRADE LOOPHOLES - and, honestly with tech, satellite and GPS location software, seem a severely undermining security risk...
So buy a goddamned PC tower, people...  It's called Intel, and Dell - And buy a goddamned tower, with Linux/Windows or whatever.  Are we going to be cattle when it comes to trade, WW3 and our complicity in slave labor?
Get right with the Movement this Christmas!
B/C my Grandma, a former FBI agent, Died this year of COVID-19 related respiratory illness...   and I don't blame the Chinaman on the street, or even Chinamen in general...  I don't even blame the Chinese government (although you want to talk about a foreign enemy, look no further).
I blame compromising where we shouldn't have...
As soon as we compromise on lower quality product from China big-tech slave labor,
we get this.
And that's just not good
International Democracy United 2022
Merry Xmas

Breaking Now

 There was, as I type, a shooting in Virginia at a Walmart, taking fire at his employees with a pistol.  Now it's happening here in North Cackalackistan...  On Black Friday...

The nightmare has come true~

I comment on the Criminal Mind on my blog - here is the shooting at the Walmart in VA's quote 'death note' which he left on his I phone before the shooting:

click IMG to enhance size to read - HARD TO FIND (inside the mind of a psychotic murderer)
-Domestic Democracy United

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Good Thanksgiving to All Ya'll

 I predicted in my last post that we would be attacked again, and was immediately scoffed at by a media elite saying: "Well if you say there will be another attack, in America you will always be right!"

I don't accept that,

and the same day as my last post, I predict we will be attacked, there was a mass shooting at a Walmart that killed seven north of the Carolinas in Virginia

...I refuse to say, well it's just another day and not pay attention to the news and merely write off Totschlags or willful "Manslaughter" as something that only happens to "deplorables" in flyover country.  We need to have active sympathy for actual factical loss of life - merely by following the Broadcast News.

It's scary when my own psychiatrist - state mandated often - recommend people don't watch the evening news out of some kind of care for mental illness...  is it the doctors' solution that we stick our heads in the sand and ignore reality for-the-sake of remaining mentally healthy and undisturbed?


but to me it goes into lib arts indoctrination.  They tell students in Psychology and Sociology a lot about the phenomenon of Broadcast Advertising and News, most of it critical of the news-as-such.  As someone who takes journalism seriously, gonzo or not, this seems counter-intuitive,

Why are attentive citizens of the USA so condemnable by doctors?

I think the answer lies in the Atheism/Agnosticism Intellectual sophistry versus Protestant Born Again Christian Culture, and the schism therein.

So good thanksgiving to all of you out there,

thanks for turning to politalk - and this day of our lord thanksgiving day (in which we celebrate the initial meal between puritans and Indians after a harvest) - I can say I am truly thankful for my Life!


Domestic Democracy United

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 Trump Make America Great Again 2024 - Donald J. Trump

International Domestic Democracy Readers,

The journey ahead of us will not be easy.

Anyone who truly seeks to take on this rigged and corrupt system will be faced with a storm of fire that only a few could withstand. We will be resisted by the combined forces of the establishment, the media… and the most dangerous domestic censorship system ever conceived.

We will be attacked. We will be slandered. We will be persecuted, just as I have been from the beginning. But we will NOT be intimidated. We will persevere. And in the end, they will lose, and WE WILL WIN.

I did it before, and I will do it again.



 cell #919.444.4525
Biden can't keep the parade routes running on time...  RIP 11 old Christmas kid...  We all cared about parading back when we were innocent 11 year olds...  Sad day 4 NC to have Biden flaunt his entire cabal in lieu of this tragedy, more in video above.


Friday, November 18, 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022

I Was Recently in House Fire That Almost Killed me - "Update for Readers"


I recently nearly died last Friday in a house fire Friday, and there was nothing untoward about it. It was just another day in the studio.
Thank God I didn't, though I'm sure many on the left were wishing that I had.  I feel fairly lucky...
I merely ash'd my CBD spliff and a piece of the ash spilled...  
The fire burned more quickly, then out of control - all on Friday When I had predicted quote "God Would Cry".  This is an existential issue for me, as I recently released an album - and if I HAD died, it would have been with that final blog headline, a whole lot of sketchy shit after a hospital incarceration after losing a loved one, and the only surviving vinyl in the house from my final release.
Why didn't I die?
I'll never know.
I'm glad to be alive,
and b/c of renter's insurance (coupled with my family's ability to house me) - I and my mother stand to do quite quite well out of this!  The house should be reconstructed, so we didn't lose the property (My family owns the property), I should get a new studio (We'll see what of it survives, but I may finally be able to graduate from Sony Acid Pro and start using MIDI), and I just generally feel glad to not be singed~
Thanks to my regular readers, looking in...
There are some that just pop in for a viral article or two,
some who are out there in various countries who keep up with my news feed,
and some who casually browse the new material for breaking news comment,
so thanks for being fans and turning to politalk... and thanks generally for being awesome!
I think I'll fare quite amiably at not being killed wantonly in the near future- DDU 11-13-2022

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

God Due to Cry, Friday in North Carolina

 apocalyptic Storm hits Fri.  Cat. 2 Hurricanes in Nov?

Why not,

God cries all the time ~

Tuesday, November 8, 2022



Foreign Policy, does anyone know it, truly?

Let's Not Forget, We're @ War



Election Tuesday in USA - "Red Wave Imminent"

 As I sit here on the day/night of this fowl year of our lord, '22. I reflect on how the Tea Party is responsible for an all out Red Wave across america.  Say what you want about the conservative Tea Party movement, it is far from the antics of Q-Anon & the Proud Boys or whatever other fringe movements that gravitate towards conspiracy theories may be involved in.  The 
Tea Party?


What not, aside, why vote Tea Party?


I've nothing to convince any voter out there other than to warn that the Red Wave is imminent, and it's truly led by Tea Party activism.

We believe that saying "Rape" & "Incest" on television in regards to abortion is a hate crime.

We've all met people who have ACTUALLY dealt with the traumatizing issues of Rape and Familial Incest.  Why should these political ads shove that nasty word, "Rape" in voters' faces in the name of their leftist ideology?


The Tea Party hates 'patriotism' as true soldiers generally do.

Walk up to a soldier who has served over seas, and get patriotic.

Chances are they'd view it with contempt.

The whole support the troops mentality is anti-Tea Party.

The Tea Party represent lack of willingness to involve itself with idoelogy.

The Tea party is about philosophy,

the philosophy of our founding fathers...

We will see the New Founding Fathers triumph in our time, the present age.

The Tea Party is a form of activism never known since the protest at the Boston Harbor,

where we held against monarchicalism and never backed down...

It is property destruction, to a "T",

and I always recommend property destruction to violence when it comes to activism.

But the stakes are high in North Carolina, my home State.

All I will say is many groups that claim to be non-violent DO IN FACT get violent.

I got violent in 2021,

that summer after our oppression from COVID lockdown.

I asked a man at a Biker's bar on I-40,

"What do you think of Mike Pence?"

"He deserves to Hang"

He replied


Right in the kisser,

Rolled home smoking Hemp and listening to Aerosmith.

That's my Tea Party,

That's our Grande Ole Party Activism
