Thursday, September 30, 2021

Social Media Vid of Eurotrash Death Threatening Me for Being Anti-Communist


me clashing the guy who death threatened me, AND THEN TOOK IT DOWN.
Communism's bitch move lack of yarblocko's methodology?

Disclaimer: I had no Idea This was Matheaus...  HIP HOP HARDCORE FAIL. yeah e-tard, Squire hates you and so do most of the OMN fidget house dons I get dubs from, b/c they're constantly dissing you.  Why'd you get blacklisted from Phatworld nights again, tough guy?

bit too many disco biscuits to the brain, eh eurotrash?

Balding Ginger: VICTIM OF THE E
the above is a vid of a death threat that I just got b/c I'm a NRF Activist


My Rebuttal to a Tin Pan Sound in UK from The Deep South USA

so anyways,

this guys sounds fem as fuck like a fairy, yet has the fat head and balding hair of a 50 yr old cabbage patch kid.

DDU fans or whoever,

the above video is like this perv lurking in the bushes vibe lol and literally goes on for like fucking forever just giving death threats and the slave moral methodology of resentement.

check this faggot, all my politik fans.

this is what a commie looks like, sounds like, does death threats like, and can't get nothing like, and actually HATES hatred like, and reminds me of why gingers have no soul-esque or sommet.

There should be like clownstep behind this clown ass nigger loving battybwoy supporting soundboy.

Hey ging?  think y r tough?

Quit mean mugging me and e thuging and kill yourself fucking ginger commie Zionist BWAHAHAH!

and in case you ever choose to quit being as yellow as yr bitch nigger faggot supporting tin pan sound bandwagon jumping mutts piss on the walls of bablyone MATHEAUS moniker truly is,

You are ALWAYS welcome to be a man faggot ass socialist eurotrash,

and take yr bitch nigger ass to 605 west st.

and yll get yr ass beat bitch nigger



I didn't realize disco biscuits makes cuddle puddle ravers sound like faggot ass fairies like this fag...

another victim of the e,

doing his part in the blue check mark nigger milita.

BTW - "you're not yellow are you nigger lover?  Huh LGTB supporting queer tolerant soundboy?"

Be a man ginger,

mapquest: 605 West Street, Pittsboro NC 27312

Ultraviolence Talks?

E-Tards walk

oh and P.S.

I've fucked more anti-fa chicks than you'd be comfortable with,

and they came on my dick b/c slutty whores of babel love my NEO NAZI shweaty family recipe.


Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 just spammed this all over gay reddit pages with the title "NAMBLA RIGHTS" etc....

omg if hits could talk - I got like more play/reactions than most albums I've made from gays on reddit.

Computers.... whoo....

yeah -

pervs homo lgtb commies on social media are all perverted child molesters.

this is what I spammed them with below:

On Homosexuality: Why it's Poison

Homosexuality and bisexuality may seem to many to be perfectly acceptable ways of living, devoid of the stereotypes so mercilessly attached to these lifestyle choices.  As a matter of fact, the lamestream and counter-cult media seem prepared to be ruthlessly hostile to anyone who isn't completely accepting of Homosexuality etc.  Why is this?
Because the new media has conditioned people to accept this perverse lifestyle as the new norm, and is shoving down a hapless publik's gullet, non-stop, this new multi-culturalist ethic.  The only reason I can truly wager as to why the media elites would do this to what remains a Christian nation is that many of them were indoctrinated at school, in their peer groups and by the media to be intolerant to any Christian who they deem to be "Homophobic".
Homophobia is despicable "new speak" for anyone who fears homosexuals irrationally.  Further, all adherents to this new sickly ideology not only pose that a homophobe irrationally fears homosexuals (I can't think of a single straight male who is 'afraid' of homosexuals to be frank), but believes - without warrant - that homophobes are actually closeted homosexuals themselves.  This is a logical fallacy.  For example, does someone who is agoraphobic really, unconsciously, wish to be in open spaces and large crowds?  No.  The exact opposite is the case.  Why, then, should the elitist left posit that homophobic people are in fact merely confused about their own homosexual impulses.  It's not only an illogical and contradictory stance, but - in fact - a poisonous meme infecting our Christian culture.
The fact is, the only people with an unconscious predisposition towards homosexuality and bisexuality are those enraged lefty's who are simply outraged by any mention of an ethics or morality contradictory to the new multi-cult ideology of defeatism.  They hold up homosexuality as a kind of heroic act.
The truth about sodomy, homosexuality and bi-sexual lesbianism is - in fact - far from heroic.
Freud, from whom all of the current psychological anti-science is owed, thought that homosexuality and bisexuality (not to mention the whole 'transgender' thing) was an extreme form of neurosis.
I agree.
You see, by the counter and now mainstream culture positing homosexuality as a virtuous trait they have unhinged our culture from Tradition, Morality and Objective Dominion.  It's currently in vogue to posit that 'it' (I suppose this depends on what your definition of 'it' is) 'is all subjective' - which is itself a quasi-objective ethical statement.  I couldn't disagree more.  Reason is objective.  Period.
Why would these subjectivists seek to tear apart the credibility of anyone claiming objectivity through Hosana?  Because once they convince the publik that there is no such thing as 'Objectivity' proper, they get their foot in the door to making all kinds of anti-traditional ideologies the currency of our backwards modern culture.  As I mentioned previously, they make a farce of Descartes' 'subjective' - 'objective' split by claiming - in the spirit of objective moral declaration - that everything is subjective.  If everything is 'subjective', with no framing of spirit through moral or ethical dimensions, then I'd suppose it follows that anything - no matter how backwards, venomous or destructive it may otherwise be - is permissible.
It doesn't take a bible scholar to ascertain what other radical thinker made this kind of anti-moral ethics first and foremost part of their ideology.
So, what I'd like to say - to put it simply - is that the leftinista cabal seems to think that hatred of homosexuality, bisexuality and the transgendered is a kind of dangerous and poisonous way of thinking...  But, in fact, it is sodomy that is poisonous.  Sodomy is not in any way acceptable, it would seem to me.
God created our sex organs with specific functions, i.e. a penis for a vagina.  Anything that deviates from this basic heterosexual functionality is not only poisoning the well water, so to speak, but also just plain disgusting.

-Brendan O'Connell
Domestic Democracy United 2016



 Turns out the album I blogged on has already been blacklisted by the international communist conspiracy.  DDU FANS THIS IS AMUST WATCH!  Yours truly, talking about how - once again - my music has been banned for THIS blog being doxed and used by losers with idle hands...

wooooowwww... looks like yr pathetic loser ass got justice for niggers spics and kikes by getting me banned (this is the second time officially).  That is funny in a leik "youre going to hell for eternity and jesus with his brother seraphim and cherubim will descned to your little filth spot in H-E-Double-You-Know-What and laught at your rape/torture by demons for eternity aaaannnnddd..." way.

sry run on sentence,

What was I saying again?

Oh yeah,

so while yr being raped/tortured by demons,

Jesus the Truth & Messiah will see it,

and - I believe how it was put by Jonathan Edwards - "Laugh at you in your miserable condition and mock you and your absurd yet painfully ironic eternal and infernal torment for the sake of your insignificant place in the teleological societal evolution regarding factical and historical Justice in the Law of God's Word, and it's condemnation of scoffers".

Just being honest fag!

I mean,

I'm not wasting time even giving two thirds of two turds for THESE people,

yet they're actually taking time out of their day to - what do you even call it? - dox me, gossip about me, and network on social media to the end of cancel culture justice by people who, y'know, aren't very tall and have like reaaaallll inferior dicks to mine in terms of breadth, bulb circumference, overall length and virulent poisonous AIDS who are going to hell for doubting the one true son of man...

Me, Brendan...

#1 DJ!!!

"Goin over all their graf - I'll be doin wildtyle tags over their wanna be faggot art until I'm old as fuck and retired...  Cap style...  And no one can stop it, b/c I'm the Michael Phelps of  DJing, Graf, Mashing and Singing/MCing.  Try actually making an album lemming lolzsec~"


DDU 2021


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Chairman - Marxist Despots' Fresh Blood (NEW MIX OFF Minos Battery Recordings)

"This is a NOISE GENRE mix of clearchannell radio bounced to tape, then having the tape buried in mud and mire (literally), dug up after three days, bounced into my D.A.W. (Digital Audio Workstation), passed through sequencer distortion (Which is what I use on the majority of tracks I make for MBR), and presented to you succinctly in a MEGAMIX format.  It's like an am radio half a cent off air playing after the  holocaust, when freaks of nuclear nature scavenge for flesh and blood to satisfy their Cretanous deviancy and desire for gluttonous satiation.  As if a beast could feed on anything more?  This is THE CHAIRMAN!!!

People in the small circle of our own Movement at that time showed a certain amount of anxiety at the prospect of such a conflict.  They wanted to refrain as much as possible from coming out into the open, because they feared that they might be attacked and beaten.  In their minds they saw our first release on Minos Battery Recordings broken up and feared that the Movement might thus be ruined forever.  I find it difficult to defend my own opinions, which are, that the conflict should not be evaded, but that it should be faced openly and that we should be armed with those weapons such as MACE as the only protection against brute force.  Terrorism cannot be overcome by the weapons of the mind, but only by counter-terror.  The success of our releases in NOISE strengthened my own position.  The producers felt encouraged to arrange for a 11100010101000010100 on a somewhat larger scale."

"Shouts out to Viral Conspiracy Records' Mattias Travanglini, Legs Akimbo Records' Neil Paul Richardson, Slime City Records' Scat Injector, and whoever else has helped my NOISE GENRE project to succeed....  Thank you!  Oh, and shouts goin out to little emo kids out there, with nothing better to do than listen to shit out of date electronica...  fix up mate!  Shouts out to all the jungle/dnb heads out there too - yeah, I bet yr bandwagonesque ass could actually produce shit that good  - EAT IT!"

-to be publ;ished in mere moments~

Emo Girl Shot and Killed in Chicago Over the Weekend

Melissa de la Garza Killed in Chicago

I happened upon a story about a young recent high school graduate Wrestling star in Chi-Town that was brutally shot and murdered outside her home over the weekend...

I apologize

but that's exactly what these pigs & dogs who killed this young Superstar Wrestler and Emo Punk are: "FUCKING Pigs".

I want justice!

I want justice RIGHT NOW!

I'm this close to assaulting someone who owns a gun at a bar for the March for Our Live's Movement,

so I write this blog post simply trying to vent my frustration with the bullshit Gangster culture of these goddamned pigs & dogs who killed this beacon of light for goodness and decency and - yea, punk rockers as a community.

These fucking pigs & dogs are portrayed as heroes in the media, in counter culture, in music, in cinema?


I'm just asking questions...

There is nothing 'cool' or 'hip' or 'badass' about these trifling pigs & dogs who murdered this innocent young Wrestler.  They are the definition of inhuman evil.

I know it for a fact.

DDU is one hundred percent pro-second amendment,

but honestly,

pragmatically -

how many innocent deaths could we prevent if we implemented institutionally more racial profiling in regards to gun ownership...

I mean,

just ask yourself,

should little fucking hoodlums be allowed to own fire arms?

I say hell no.

I've met pigs & dogs who owned pistols and gun holsters,

and to me that seems a travesty of justice.  Under Obama,

people suffering from mental illness have been disallowed to own firearms, de facto.

After school shootings etc.

Obama with his bullshit commie crap took our rights away to carry, own and responsibly use firearms to shoot people attempting to kill innocents.  Wow, nice one'Bama!

I say,

let anyone with mental illness own whatever firearm they want,

but never let a monkey have a gun.  It's just common sense.  Honestly.

But while this young Sport champion and recent high school graduate sat in her car facetiming her family,

she was shot dead - by multiple dogs & pigs.

Melissa de la Garza

Rest In Peace

My New IDM Album Dropped Today on Viral Conspiracy Records out of Italy

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Original Ramones remix


Times Such as These

 The international commie conspiracy knows no bounds...

let's say some things about the commie conspiracy,


anti-police ideology is a sure fire sign of communism...  if you want to find communism at it's worst in a capitalist society, look no further than reporting on and disparaging the free world police.

I'm all for being an advocate for all sides,

but undermining the police and military of the USA is the definition of communism...

I mean, why?

If you're being raped or murdered,

who do you call?

The fucking police,

that's who...

Why are these commies so virulently anti-free world police?


I couldn't tell you...

but anytime you see anti-police rhetoric,

you can rest assured that shit is communism...

Let's all do our part and fight against communism!

I mean,

if some commie street urchin touches your girl's ass?

According to the law,

you are allowed to beat the shit out of him.

I say all of us,

after Chauvin being sent to jail,

need to fuck these communists up hardcore.

I mean,


Punch a commie,


If someone sexually assaults your daughter or gf or wife?
Yr allowed by law to fuck them up!
Do yr duty soldiers!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Pissing on Multi-Culturalist Sign prt. 2

 So this is me taking the piss on a pro-homo sign...

had to save up a lot of beer for this one!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What is "Lash"?

 I've been speculating a fair amount recently about the violence in the streets, the war in the middle east, and - obviously - my music.

In the course of my speculation I recalled a word called "Lash".

It's no coincidence that lashings were used for ages not only on slaves, but early Christians - some of them even lashed themselves!

What is a "Lash"?

Well I'm reminded of "Backlash"




It was a term put into verbiage by MLK. JR.,

in what he called "Whitelash",

where a white person commits a revenge killing for retribution for some perceived injustice.

All I have to say is this,

Let me be a whipping boy~

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Locklear-Gate: Pembroke Native American Shootings

  Randy E. Locklear was shot recently in pembroke nc.  I have no idea why who how or where,

but this connects into a recent blog I did on a child in pembroke who was allegedly shot in pembroke by Christian K. Locklear, 21, of Pembroke and a 16-year-old teen, of Lumberton, were arrested. Locklear is being held on a $1.5 million secured bond.

So If I'm not mistaken,

this was a hit job against the family of someone who shot a 9 year old.

Someone connect the dots for me here please,

this has all happened within the past two days...

What is going on in pembroke nc?!?!?!?!

Friday, September 17, 2021

 Vid of me froma while cack after I got confronted by a mob of confederate hating yankee scum...

A.L.A.N. - "All Love All Night"


A lot of people discount Johnny Ramone, or Alan Cumming, as not the originator of Punk Rock as such.  I know why...

The same reason now adays Green Day punks dismiss The Misfits - And that is soley because they are republicans who agree with Southern style G.O.P. philosophy (maybe Danzig doesn't count, I don't know).

But Johnny Ramone had a profound respect for the south.  He even originated the idea for artwork on their seminal album "Rocket to Russia" of a hillbilly riding a Nuclear bomb into Moscow carrying a Confederate Flag, famously.

With out traditional-style G.O.P. badasses like Johnny Ramone,

punk would not be what it is today~

He basically invented the idea of taking bubblegum pop and playing it fast and distorted...

Which when you look at the electronic computer music revolution now adays is similar to what they're doing...  The computer music artists in many circles are basically taking RnB or "Bubblegum Pop" melodies and playing them up to date with radical production and hardcore rhythms.  You hear that RnB Bubblegum melody all over electronic computer music,

and that aesthetic came directly from...

the mind...



His concept - playing pop fast and with distortion,
virtually is punk rock as such as we know it today...
Just look at how mainstream it has become - you can hear Johnny Ramone's aesthetic in everything from Nu Soul to Heavy Metal and even up to, yes, POP PUNK.
Pop Punk is the definitive sound of punk rock,
de facto - I love hair metal, screamo and all that hardcore shit out there - not hatin' on it.
But you wanna understand Johnny Ramone's idea?
...look no further than new Pop.
Virtually all of it facilitates that basic RnB "Bubblegum" chord structure,
and does it "up to date" with the finest in digital t3chnology!  It might not fit your idea of what "Rock as such" is supposed to be, but much electronic computer compositional Pop carries Johnny's influence.
Alan Cumming, esquire and Irish G.O.P. operative extraordinaire, is responsible for 99.8 percent of successful music we now know today~
Think of that basic melody!
It started, in the Pop/RnB charts with acts like elvis or chuck berry etc.
It was good,
and much of the early 1950's era of Bubblegum Pop and Rhythm & Blues used the same exact basic melodic aesthetic of this divinely American style of Rock & Roll.
It's as Muddy Waters once entombed,
So essentially A.L.A.N. invented Pop Punk as we now now it...
or even then perceived it, now in the past and into the future!
my message is merely this - Republicans have just as much if not more more of a right to Punk as the whiny Vax/Mask comptrolling Leftinista Cabal of NPR cool-aid gulping white yuppies.
They claim to be into punk...
Then why do they hate Nazism?
Johnny actually penned a pop punk song to be released called "Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World" which's lyrics go something like:
"I a Nazi baby,
I'm a Nazi Yeah Yeah Yeah!"

But now post "Green Day" counter-culturalatti killing Punk,
All we have is brainwashed Tarrantinites talking about how Nazi's are bad because they're fascist...
...and hence being violently anti-fascist!

All I'm saying is,
that kind of lemming like mentality has always been in the counterculture,
and it  needs to learn it's place.

Hitler Remix?
I went there.  And it got banned and blacklisted after getting approx. 18k D/L's.

That is the true Rock & Roll.
Axel Rose style.

And Johnny Ramone always knew it was primarily for the shock value,
being leveled at the peacenik hippy left...
I mean honestly,
Neo-Nazi Nationalism...

I mean come on,
Early 1970's zine culture (That is independently distributed Mags or publications much like this one) was rife with all kinds of reference to extreme Italian/German Fascist punk culture...

Doubt me?


Rock has always had Socialist/Darwinist leanings... lol - I mean,
these Anti-Fascists don't seem to understand that their own anti-fascist ethics is NOT D.I.Y., IS socialist and reminds people more of the Nazi Youth than an intellectual source of credibility...
But they just flood the media with all this Anti-Nazi shit...
Too Soon?

I'm not or have never been a NAzi or Neo-Nazi,
though I am proud to heil Jesus when I'm broke and down and out,
or even the American flag...
But honestly,
I know this might sound weird,
but what people who are anti-fa should come to realize is that Nazism is, like them:

Pro Darwinism
Pro Labor Union
Anti Semitic
Pro Catholic

So maybe these fallen catholic pleebs should quit doxing and harassing patriotic punks with their f*cking cheatin' little spy camera's (I got doxed at least once that I know of and so did my Gun Toting Cousin in VA),
and start taking seriously the concepts of 1)FEAR and 2)HATRED

My message this weeknd is this:

let's all have l-o-v-e in these times.



So everybody party and revel and have fun instead of hating hatred (and they do trust me I axsked them about it and apparently they hate hatred) and fearing fear.
Hating hatred is as lemminglike-ish ignorant as believing in nothing.

I have a new punk album out forthcoming on an Italian label -
I am using my punk computer noise to try to create new lights in the Faith.
One technique I use lyrically is to confront counter culturalatti on their NIHILISM.

Nihilism is - stupidly enough for people who buy this garbage - a belief system.
When confronted on it,
they'll often times say - "Oh, no it's not.  It doesn't have belief."


My main qualm with Nietzsche is that revaluating morality can't save you from the virtue of "Value".
All proclamations about the world are "Valuations",
whether you like it or not.
Belief in nothing, 
and denying that you have belief,
is the result of not reading Nietzsche enough tbh.

and even Schopenhauer,
all thought that Nihilism is wrong (Schopenhauer a little less than N. admittedly but he preferred pessimism to nihlism).
But how can people buy into having "No Belief"?

I HATE MY LIFE AND I WANT TO 01000011111000

I don't want to offend any Catholic Christians out there because there ARE good ones,
but they are part of a demonic hoarde of fallen catholic intellectual atheists.

no matter how much they squirm,
is an archetypal value system, identity, and morality in itself.
no morality is a morality.
Revaluating morality is - in fact - a morality.

So what morality will you choose?

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Bitch ass Bitch Arrested for Shooting Nine Year Old in NC

 this fucking faggot bitch  shot a fucking 9 year old in a gang killing...  he is a little bitch, trust me.  I ain't afriad of guys like this even a little.

Hey why don't we all listen to shit music like rap or whatever and "pop a cap" in a 9 year old...

That's fuckin hard,

ain't it bitch...

the above photo,

is the photo of a little bitch...

a little bitch  - what kind thug goes around shooting people in Original Gangster style gang hits?

The above little bitch ...


People say video games are mind warping...

what about bitch ass bitch's like this's rap music?

The above is a bitch,

a little bitch...
I bet you like being a little bitch,

don't you - You're a little bitch.

A little bitch,

aren't you bitch - a little bitch.

Below is the picture of the child injured in the Pembroke North Carolina shooting:

you are in our prayers grrrl!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Future of America

O'Biden wants to change everything, yet does nothing... I mean, who voted for Biden? I know I didn't... Didn't he defraud us in the election? Or did he? I'm just asking questions... I don't know why they want to change our country, or what they want to change it into. 
Probably a utopian socialist dunghole!

All I know is that the Biden REGIME won't stop until they legalize white sex slavery... or will 'they'? 

Face it, 
Biden is a lackey full of malarcky, this country has finally transformed into a socialist uberland where no one is free. Why does biden care so much about the pope in rome and popery? 
Or does he? 
I don't know why the socialist cabal wants to undermine our democracy, or where how what or who... But I know that Biden supports white human traffiking, or does he? 
...or am I?
biden is behind all of the corruption in china... he was documented as colluding with china, or was he? I'm just asking questions. 
And becaUSE I ask questions I come under scrutenies... 
Why? I don't know, maybe Biden does! 
He willingly oppressed the lumbi indians, 
...or did he? 
All I know is I'm wondering what everyone else is... WHAT HAPPENED TO MY COUNTRY! It is time for that slut loving dirty Irish spy for rome ...
...who wants to kill us all, and the gentle sea and forest creatures to go back to canada... 
He wants to pull a brazilian wax on our childrens butt reforms... 

Biden, If you've got nothing to hide Then why don't you come clean about bob woodward and what\ he... exposed about that socialist fascist Milley... 

Or will he?
I'm just asking questions...

 Why is Biden such a socialist loving China lover? 
or is he?
I'm just asking questions...
How many Afghanistan lives are worth his socialism? Why is biden in the pay of the pope not AN antichrist?' Is he a slut for rome, or is he? 


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

My Album -


all proceeds go to 9-11 first responders


Like169 Comments|

The BBC has found that

 at least 20 civilians 

have been killed in 

Afghanistan's Panjshir 

province, which has

 seen fighting 

between the Taliban 

and opposition forces. Communications 

have been cut in the 

remote valley, making 

reporting difficult, but the 

BBC has evidence of 

Taliban killings despite promises of restraint.

a man looking at the camera: This man, a shopkeeper, believed he would be safe from the Taliban, sources said© BBC This man, a shopkeeper, believed he would be safe from the Taliban, sources said

Footage from a dusty

roadside in Panjshir 

shows a man 

wearing military 

gear surrounded 

by Taliban fighters. 

Gunfire rings out and 

he slumps to the ground.

One of the victims 

was a shopkeeper 

and father-of-two called Abdul Sami.

Local sources said the 

man would not flee when the Taliban advanced, telling them: "I'm just a poor shop owner and have nothing to do with war."

But he was arrested, accused of selling sim cards to resistance fighters. Days later his body was dumped near his home. Witnesses who saw his body said it showed signs of torture.

Moments later the man circled gets shot dead© BBC Moments later the man circled gets shot dead

When the Taliban swept to power last month, just one region held out.

The Panjshir Valley has long been a focal point for resistance in Afghanistan. Under the opposition commander Ahmad Shah Massoud, the region repelled both the Soviet forces and the Taliban. Mountain peaks surround the valley, and there's just one narrow road in, making it difficult for anyone trying to capture it.