Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The War is Over Now

 Today is the day our fair country, the U.S.A., makes it's final and much anticipated exit from a twenty year war.  I was in high school when we first invaded, and now - a whole 20 years later - we finally say,

"You know what?  Screw You Guys, We're Going Home."

I think it's quite a, what do they call it, 'grim milestone'.  It's a painful time for our great republic's history, and the wounds of war are all too real.  There are things that have happened in this war that Time cannot erase.  The number of servicemen and servicewomen injured or killed by Islamic Fundamentalism over there in the cradle of civilization is too numerous to imagine....

Let's pray they find their way home.

I'm not sure how the leftinista cabal of commie spies feel about this - to be frank, they're probably too busy hiding in a hole to even notice an historical time such as this.  I was astounded to see, in a limited way, that many leftists are completely oblivious to what's going on in the middle east...

They seem to have an attitude of,

"Who cares?  Let them kill each other."

That's a direct quote from a operative I'm familiar with.  

"Let them kill each other"

I have no idea why the left (and the right for that matter) seems so oblivious to our present age's historicity,

but to be honest,

it's sad.

Not in a crying emo way,

but sad as in pathetic...

I think all of us of the 9/11 generation have been right there with them the whole time.


Because the republican party cares.

We feel for and suffer with our servicemen and women,

and while we may be civilians who have never truly served like the innumerable elect in Arlington,

I think we all are together in these times...

So here's to the quasi-end of our military occupation of the middle east.

Let's hope we don't have to repeat history!

That type of apathy is less than human.  It strikes me as zombie-like.

R.T. Stillwell

Saturday, August 28, 2021



 A coward dies a thousand deaths,

a soldier dies but one///


Honestly, I'm having a panic attack right now...

Here's to heroism!!!

Nicole Gee: R.I.P.

I'm at a loss...
Nicole Gee; an honorable woman cut down in her prime by Islamism...
Nicole Gee is a hero...
and heroes never die...

"I Love My Job."
- Ms. Gee

Friday, August 27, 2021

Times Such as These

 I honestly don't know what to write,

but as I've a compunction for deleteriously delineating narrative,

I thought a short poem was in order:


I've always wondered

what heroism means

now I've found it

in the Afghanistan streets

What does it mean

Dreaming of the United States

Meanwhile in the homeland

Spurious debates

comb over and over

much layed out land

the singed hellscape

of Afghanistan

I don't mean to

demean the dead

but sometimes I wonder

why so much blood runs red

Our holy 13

Let us recall

left our homeland

and lost it all

Save their mission

Becomes our own

Our private Speach

at home alone

While fire descends

in distant lands

Our noble heroes

still doth command

the respect of our brethren

our sistren in struggle

I'm merely hoping

for no more trouble

Our heroes in uniform

are heroic till the end

They deserve credence

and punk rock cred

To the friends of the fallen

and the families who hold dear

I hope all of us

can rapturously appear

in times such as these

and care for our kind

and care for our kin

while in this time

to care for others

who yearn for peace

is our christian nation

down on our knees

prayer for justice

praying for the elect

so much to happen

no one can predict

and not our own failings

or one's of our wealth

in a nation
who truly needs our help

Give me a choice

b-twixt here and now

or a future of all of us

Being renowned

by histr'y and wit

by time and by us

by putting our faith

in the Jah we all trust

by hoping

and praying

for the best in these times

and giving our all

in the hope of sublime

peace at the foot

and justice at the helm

a time for their heaven

a time for our hell

a chance to give in

to the fates that we trust

a chance to help others

is surely a must

but what do we wager

ben'fits a fellow

when we are all a stranger

to the strings of the cello

and what but tidings

can mankin'ds two cents

mean to a country

who needs recompense

I don't know

what it all means

in this here old world

this hill of beans

but what I will say

is strive for the root

of our honor and duty

why we do what we do

and beg not for tithings

the holy are bless'd

beg for peace here

in peace they will rest

we're all foreigners

with no place like home

open hearted darkness

where the buffalos roam

I don't know where

to find the one Jah

except for in songs

of praise for our God

what can we do

what can we say

Why can't we weep

for the dead today

why do we care

Why do we try

Why are kids scared

about how they'll die

this lone earth

is a rancorous scourge

amidst this whole plague

amidst the spring's purge

I can never answer

the questions I'm asked

because I haven't got scruples

All I have are alaks

So why must we trifle

with matters of death

when all we know here

is that we're abreast

A bitter cup of cunning

yet left for the guile

leaning on Jesus

all of the while

Care to proffer

a smile for your other

and scoff at the scoffer

who would kill his own brother

Our way is a way

that's noted in scripture


a biblical fixture

so while we regale

in our fervor in wine

let's al' o' us

take our dearest tyme

and bless our sisters

and all of the kids

and all the Afghanies

out there in the skids

I guess it's a farce

I guess it's tragic

that the woes and our pain

is how we shall have it

the suff'ring of us

of them and ourselves

guess we all just need

more sacrifice to the elves

and if I can say

with clarity unduly

that when the worlds tragedy

becomes too unruly

let all of us

be in Christ's grace

and get our boys home

at a fast pace

it can't be faster

than we can at our peak

but let's hope a rootbeer snake

in the grass doth not sneak

I like beer

it makes me a jolly good fellow

I like beer

it helps me unwind

and sometimes it makes me feel mellow

...maaaakkkkeeessss hiiiiimmmmm feeeeeeelllll meeelllloooowwww!

Thursday, August 26, 2021



The North Carolina State Legislature has voted to literally BAN "critical race theory" on this basis:

"Being antidiscrimination and antiracist against history is being discriminatory and racist today".


Reverse Racism. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_threat)

I think it's kitsche,

and it's judgements like these by our Holy writ and State Seal mandate that make me proud to have voted straight party ticket.

I heard this news...


-R.T. Stillwell

Monday, August 23, 2021


 This got leik 666 views on commie tik tok lolz...


A punk rawk poem

Here's my handle
here's my number
here's my lo
Iq phone blunder
here's lightnigh
here's thunder
here's biting kangoo
meat, uhhh...
here's to this
here's to that
here's to us not
having to give a crap
fuck apathy
and fuck apateia 
and fuk that sinful snake
who descended and made ya
good isnt evil
and evil aint good
jamrock is the island
of water and wood
this is my stupid
emo mashup mixtape
B/C as the Tea Party
I totally believe in rape
rape will get your rocks off
in a way that you won't
so let's have a rape orgy...
...or maybe don't.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

We Are One: "Two Parties One Team" Says DDU


1. meat cut into small pieces and mixed with bread to form a ball, then baked or fried and eaten hot
(also fag)
 (North American English, taboo, slang) an offensive word for a gay man
4. a bunch of sticks tied together, used for burning on a fire
5. Floyd Ray Roseberry


I was dismayed to find this afternoon that a repub had threatened to detonate a b-o-m-b at the Capitol.

I just want to say, the G.O.P. has never condoned men like this...

Domestic Democracy United 2021 DISCLAIMER

"Not Only Does This Reflect Poorly on the G.O.P., Southerners, and North Carolina - It Reflects Poorly on Responsible Gun Owners... And that is the real tragedy in today's stand off in the District!"

- R.T. Stillwell

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


REPOST: "Article I Wrote on the Quagmire in Afghanistan on Memorial Day" Domestic Democracy United 2021

  First off, on the start of Memorial Day weekend, I'd just like to say God bless the troops here and abroad and God bless George W. Bush...

The D.E.M.'s anti-war platform has yielded an under-reported and tragic consequence.  Upon Biden's administration withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, George W. Bush's worst fear has been confirmed...

Over a dozen Afghan military bases have now been overtaken since the troop withdraw under D.E.M. leadership.  This may seem like just another news story, but for anyone who gives a damn about women's rights, it should be seen for what it is:  The Taliban going back to oppressing the people of Afghanistan.  It was a drastic mistake on Biden's part.  Now the innocent women and children in that country have been left defenseless and open to violent sharia law established by the Terrorist Taliban.  Over 40 bases that we had established through blood sweat and tears, are now under the control of terrorists - all as a consequence of Biden withdrawing our armed forces from Afghanistan!

George W. Bush stated upon announcement of the troop withdrawl that this would occur, and felt sympathy for the innocent women and children who, he predicted, would be victims of this ill conceived act of D.E.M. foreign policy.  I can understand why former president Bush would feel this way.

As a wartime POTUS, he was responsible for our military actions in the middle east.  Now that he's out of the control of the executive office, I can only imagine how he must feel about this tragic loss of afghan military bases.  I hate to say it, but this is the kind of 'Pro-Troops' faux patriotism of the D.E.M. that leads inevitably to tragedy.  I understand that we want our heroes back home, but at the expense of innocent Afganies?  Think of the poor women, who are subject to all kinds of brutal oppression at the hands of the Taliban.

George W. Bush predicted that this ill conceived foreign policy strategum would have dire consequences...

and now it's come to fruition.

The Taliban is now free - without our military organization in the country - to run rampant and enforce their islamist oppression of innocent muslims, including women and children!

I guess it's not for me to comment, as I have no real understanding of foreign policy.  Very few people, in fact, do...

But I will say that had Biden heeded Bush's warning, and taken this whim of foreign policy action with a bit more wisdom and foresight, lives could have been saved.

Let's all pray it doesn't get worse...

DDU 2021

Daytona Strong


 Jason Raynor,

Rest in Peace

A good free world police officer...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Jason Raynor of Daytona Police... an Irish-American Limerick for the Fallen

Why do the Good die young?

~for Jason Raynor (R.I.P.)

gin' against all
Some soldiers fall
The bourbon's bit burns
Bite's buccs and al o' y'all
And betwixt the spiggot
and the stir made with rigor
Is a dutiful commie cockroach
Virginia rhymes with Orange
Carolina herbs and sporange
I can't come to the life of me
2 Care 4 a FL. WORM
Why don't they learn?
Why do Socialists Burn?


I feeeel like reeeeaaaallll queasy...

like moloko viddy NAUSEA...




(like in poetry)

Why did I die?
Jason's Geist
and doth criy
Compelled by Ordo 
yet so much to hide...
Deamons of Hades
Never can tell
why Othal Wallace's Gangs'
Magic Negroe'sinnin' H-E-L-L

Rush Limbaugh Cares

"Officer Raynor R.I.P."
- El Maha Rushie
Why is the bowl of dram
always brimming around the maze
What difference is the similar
in our strange visage made?
Many have died
over the years in battle
Many a scene girl
has heard my love rattle
justice in the end
can't solve the heartache
Fires burning searing 
And a deathful day o' quake
Why are White Boys disappearing
as if we had ben naught
Mr. Wallace a magic Negro
Who's incapable of thought
a magic scum cockroach
that cannot be taught



I can't believe he's dead?  I can remember blogging about this at the initial outset of the incident...

the link is here, we've been following this story for months: https://politalk2.blogspot.com/2021/06/daytona-strong.html

you know what?  I'm done...


 found Wallace at a treehouse on a property owned by the "Not F---ing 


Coalition," which Vice "America's largest 

armed Black 


The group has been involved in at least one violent incident before, when a member accidentally shot and wounded three other members 

during an armed rally in July 2020.

 "Go Down then lovely sun for but little they

regarded you, nor holy one, knew your worth,
since without toil you rose, and quiet,
over a people for ever toiling.

to me, however, kindly you rise and set,
o glorious light, and brightly my eyes respond,
for godly, silent reverence I
learned when diotima soothed my frenzy

oh how i listened, heavens own messenger,
to you my teacher, lover, how to the golden day
these eyes transfused with thanks looked up from
gazing at you. and at once more living

the brooks began to murmer, more lovingly
the blossoms of dark earth breathed their scent at me
and through the silver clouds a smiling
aether bowed down to bestow his blessing"


Stratified Temporality: a Spectrum of "Being"

 When we look around,

asking our loved ones what time it is...

or glance at the clock hungering for time to get done and over with,

when dreams seem to last an eternity yet the entire spectrum of temporality whips by at a quick tempo...

Or when a good time with jollity seems to be gone so quickly!

What do all of these have in common?

The stratification of the temporality spectrum by an individual conscience through expanding or contracting time...  we hunger for temporal certitude, yet are stratified in Being-There, in a state of within-timeness within the worldhood of the world.


Why time?

We have sun dials,

we have wrist watches,

we have computers and technology that give us an understanding of the spectrum of within-timeness...

What do they have in common?  Universal subjectivity, and individual Absolute-Being-There as in some sense prefigured by the laws of not just clocks, but the organization of weeks, months, decades, centuries or millennia?

I don't want to presuppose time-as-such's temporality as a self temporalization of the spectrum of stratified time as it appears to the phenomenal consciousness, but it seems in some sense  the only epistemological delimiting of time happens in our own apprehension surrounding transcendence of the "I" being somehow limited in a spectrum of deterministic stratification within Being-As-Selfhood In-The-World by virtue of the Freedom of Will to Truth.

Time is a quandary,

and there are all kinds of interesting articles and scientific studies related to how we go about keeping time etc.

...but that's not what I'll be talking about here.

What about losing time?

We keep time in that it's lost in a fleeting spectrum of stratified Being.  It's lost in the cognitive spandrel of our neuro-chemistry, and we find time in the world as a kind of way to be a being Being-There in the world and within-time.  Lost time, still has a kind of facticity.  Time kept, is found in the future temporalizing its own proximity as the teleological delimiting of the past futuralizing itself out of present-at-hand presence and ready-at-handedness!


look to the horizon...

In the east,

there is Juliet.

In the west there are the Montegues.

Love, as understood here, is seen as a death wish of sorts...

and speaking of time,

by all accounts Romeo & Juliet were young teenagers... around 16 or so.

So with all of their time spent in this death pact,

bothe of them are dead in 3 days.

So the past for them was neoromantic; whereas the future temporalizes itself out of the presence-at-handedness within Shakespearean worship of beauty through erotic love...


Through Eros...

How does time expand and contract in Love as such?

What is ugly and profane,

and what is charming and pretty,

in regards to the phenomenological apprehension of time?

The apparent,

the subconscious,

the intelligent,

the foolish?

What does man lose when the Horizon of Worldhood becomes the Being of the temporalization of temporality throughout and within the temporality of time as such?  What profit's a man, if he should gain the whole world, and yae- all of eternity?  Can we really "Master" temporality?

I'd wager these are all just simple ways of setting the table, so as to address the apprehension of time as:

1) Apparent

2) Definite

3) Subjective


4) Absolute

Absolute Temporalization could be looked at as the entirety of God's creation bestowed upon the world as such in Humankind's immortal fallenness by the virtue of Sin in the primordial dichotomy of "GOOD" and "EVIL"... is this dichotomy outside of time?

Don't good and evil have definite spans of time?  Is time, as such, Absolute?

Subjectivity-as-Objectivity in our present age's transcendental realism would have qualms with such statements - but I would say that there is the characteristic of 'within-timeness' with which to view our own Will to Truth.  We are 'in time'.  The future will descend into the present-at-hand.  And pure presence-at-hand is limited to the strictures of the free choices we make with existentiell "Where-to-Be".

We can take the future,

and delimit the epistemological horizon by virtue of our own physical present-at-handedness, by virtue of our always having already been 'there', and by virtue of the ecstasis of temporality temporalizing the future into the present and past.  The ecstatic truth about Time is that it is both Objectively 'definite' and merely apparently apprehended subjectively in the spectrum of temporalization (proximally and for the most part) simultaneously.  The Absolute Being-There of our apparent worldhood in a world is subjectively definite in that we are both 'within time' or 'without' it.

If I don't have time,

then surely the present-at-handedness of Dasein is delimited by pure presence-at-hand delimiting time in a teleology of episteme.  The limits of space,

are apprehended subconsciously -

The limits of time are apparent epistemologically...

The purpose of time is in fact the fallenness of Dasein in Being-Towards-Death,

our 'having been thrown'

and the horizon upon which the new philosophers can find the clear Absolute limits of temporality,

while delimiting the boundaries of our fallen-within-timeness through Free Will.

Choose freely...

R.I.P. Bob Solomon

DDU 2021 R.T. Stillwell

Monday, August 16, 2021

Underage Sex Slavery Discovered in SC, Done by Gangs with Connections to the Triad

...guilty until proven innocent...

 Johnny Thomas, 34, of Durham, N.C., and Becca Mills, 25, of Whispering Pines, N.C.

The above compadre of sex perverts were just arrested in SC's Myrtle Beach for Underage Sex Traffiking.  

These motherfuckers have no deep pit of hell to go to in the afterlife that is deep enough for their sodomy,

So I say,

Let's go to Myrtle for Vacation and  ------------------------------------------

And the worst thing about it,

it's Mr. Thomas has ties to gangs in our own state...

so I say,

once again -

Child Sex Slavery traffikers should be ............................ Ummm, today.

"Authorities said Thomas and Mills posted commercial sex ads for minors, taking the minors to locations in Fayetteville, N.C., and Myrtle Beach where they reportedly engaged in commercial sexual encounters with other individuals.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Mills also participated in many of the sexual encounters, and Thomas engaged in sexual acts with one of the minors on at least two occasions.

Mills allegedly told one of the minors that if she did what she was told, Thomas would not hurt her, court records show.

Thomas also told one of the minors numerous times that if she did not perform commercial sex acts, he would “sell her to someone worse who would chain her up to a bed, shoot her full of heroin, and do bad things to her such as slice off her toes and body parts,” the criminal complaint stated."


A Prayer for the Dead in Afghanistan



Democracy Pays Self Effacement on One's Deathbed

Soldiers all go to Heaven...

The abov eis my official prayer for the Excellence in Broadcasting commentary...

"Written as Biden goes on LIVE about the Massacre"

Piss on a Taliban faggot!


To the Dead


 Rest in Peace `rt stillwell

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Existential Truth through speaking in tounges

 So I'm here Rob the original. See more of the same. But the result is where you don't sit around while giving out to him that first down toilet video dum dum dum dum dum dum I'm down here at 10. For real for a charger for your iPhone Lynchburg Virginia Lily Apopka potential for a little shocked side but it's all just a little charm they don't work out dead from Ron Ron certain door latch assembly repair found your size for Feedly off of Dundee don't give dogs or Rockdale Factor dado just stand back over here signed up for east.com for Tatum. Flex lot or snow for rap battle in Walford Adele van. The Rossi album! Serendia farm tutorial and afraid of Randolph or WWE do surrounded by by by! From there for the operator job fairs in South Joyce for friends or 4:05 I can drop been delivered. Dogs are you speaking in tongues! Sharon didn't find her without showing the tasting tasting taste drawing The Taste for on television on Sunday.! Serenity awesome. Saturday of Sorrows down to the real from the theme from the dumb director from Del Rio! Marina del Rey I Hardened Edition. Chabills Roswell Richthofen in the window for a powerful lb of faretta bought from the blah blah send every! Send every second every Cindy Marie Demery do the Ritz top 5 songs of Shawn dubravac job to do the! The the the the lost lost lost Lost Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys Boys! Around you resemble Regina cock in it. Surrounded a Christmas Easter Halloween New Year's Eve mayday mayday mayday Veterans Day Communications day Black History Month Martin Luther King jr. Day and poor white male gets left out in butter on sale to go back to reality of Jovan. San Diego Reyes from the speaking in tongues! Farm Heroes game right after! Call remedies from the Puerto Vallarta dish on top of the heartbeat! Shiloh rob you too hard with a shopping reminder Espero with guys with a poop! Dial Regina konishi pic off her down pill at I like hola hola Linda from Dr he has little Latin language in case you're in Rio Linda! Rodger Federer results! Dodge Ram 00 in Singapore program this thing Dong Dong Madame ching chong. What is it to dwell! How does building belong to dwellings! We attained to dwelling so it seems only by means of building. The ladder building has the former dwelling as it's gold. Still not every building is a dwelling. Bridges and Hangers stadiums and power ways dams and Market holes are built but they are not swelling The Dwelling Place. The truck driver is at home on the highway!

*transcribed by a.i. using voice 2 text while speaking in tounges

Saturday, August 14, 2021

New Post on the Meaning of Spirit/Mind

 I have always believed that the faith of those who have not read the bible will translate into the fire that we need beyond our yesterday, the FUTURE...

Which is to say, that many, look outward or go beyond scripture.  Yet almost incurably incumbent we may ascertain the SPIRIT OF A NATION.

I believe,

that we will find true triumph!

And there will be no more giving up our rights to IDOLATRY...

I truly believe that you won't know you're wearing a leash if you sit by the peg all day...

So let's all,

in the name and honor of Christ,

Do our part...

Do our part to bring CHRIST to those dispassionate zombies of middle america,

Infected with the virus...

Why don't you repent?

BecaUSE of the deadly sins of gluttony, sloth, lust etc.

Why does God want us to accept him as our Lord and Savior?

Because he is the way, the Truth and the Light...

Let all of us rejoice in his prescient and salient presence.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021


So I Punched a Dude at a Biker Bar for my Politik

 I've been bragging about this so often that I figured it bears repeating...
(this happened about 3 months ago and I was and am currently on probation for Ethnic Intimidation)

I'm a Pence repub.

Don't fuck with Irish evangelicals... why not?


We've been on lockdown for... a... loooooong.... time....

So when I found a heavy metal show at a biker bar in my area I went there looking for a fight -

- and fight I did.

I, early on, spent over 36 bucks on the juke box.

I got somewhat wasted on beer...

and I cold cocked a biker in the face for saying

(and I quote)

"Mike Pence deserves to die."

I was wasted, so don't be like me and drink too much and get into fights and shit.

but I went there with the knowledge that some of these police assaulting R.I.N.O.'s on Jan 6th in the District had been chanting "Hang Pence".

So I kind of went there trying to get someone to say something bad about Mike Pence so I could get justice for my G.O.Party...

I'm drinking...

The heavy metal rock band is playing...

and I'm making conversation...

I ask this older gent with a ponytail what he thought of Trump.

I forget what he said like everyone else b/c no one cares about what you think of Trump!

Then I asked him what he thought of Pence...



I punched him as hard as I could in the chin.

...and walked back to my car and drove home listening to Aerosmith.

So remember,

I'm a Pence repub.

Don't fuck with Irish evangelicals, ya get me?


 Feature's a track that samples Rush Limbaugh~

Brendan Emo-Headache

August 666
Shared with Your friends
On Temporality
I make, here, the statement that not only is time not an illusion...
...not only that there is much more to temporality than an everyday conception of time,
but that temporality is factically constitutive of a Dasein's primordial authenticity.
I was taken aback recently when a friend of mine commented, in regards to temporality or time, that the only real time is now. He made the everyday claim that the past and the future were, in fact, illusions and the onl

y authentic time is the present.
I was at a loss...
After all of my analysis of Heidegger's "Being and Time", reading it cover to cover and writing Heideggerian existential tractates, I didn't know how to adequately respond.
I, in retrospect, should've said something about what is known in the Continent as historicity.
But that doesn't really quell the whole, "The time is now, maaaan!" viewpoint.
How can one respond to such seemingly short sighted and quasi-ignorant claims about universal temporality?
So I've decided, due to my inability to really solve the problem of time-as-such, to merely proffer you - the enlightened reader - a series of quotes from "Being and Time" on Temporality and Everydayness.
"The primordiality of a state of Being does not coincide with the simplicity and uniqueness of an ultimate structural element... If we penetrate to the 'source' ontologically, we do not come to things which are ontically obvious for the 'common understanding'; but the questionable character of everything obvious opens up for us.
If we are to bring back into our phenomenological purview the phenomena at which we have arrived in our preparatory analysis, an allusion to the stages through which we have passed must be sufficient. Our definition of "care" emerged from our analysis of the disclosedness which constitutes the Being of the 'there'."
"The temporal Interpretation of everyday Dasein must start with those structures in which disclosedness constitutes itself: understanding, state-of-mind, falling and discourse. The modes in which temporality temporalizes are to be laid bare with regard to these phenomena, and will give us a basis for defining the temporality of Being-in-the-world. This leads us back to the phenomena of the world, and permits us to delimit the specifically temporal problematic of worldhood."
"To exhibit its concrete temporal Constitution, means to give a temporal Interpretation of the items of its structure, taking them each singly: understanding, state-of-mind, falling and discourse. Every understanding has its mood. Every state-of-mind is one in which one understands... The current temporal Constitution of these phenomena leads back in each case to that one kind of temporality which serves as such to guarantee the possibility that understanding, state-of-mind, falling, and discourse are united in their structure."
"Projection is basically futural; it does not primarily grasp the projected possibility thematically just by having it in view, but it throws itself into it as a possibility... To designate the authentic future terminologically we have reserved the expression "anticipation"."
"To the anticipation which goes with resoluteness, there belongs a Present in accordance with which a resolution discloses the Situation. In resoluteness, the Present is not only brought back from distraction with the objects of one's closest concern, but gets held in the future and in having been. That Present which is held in authentic temporality and which thus is authentic itself, we call the "moment of vision"."
and finally,
"The "now" is a temporal phenomenon which belongs to time as within-time-ness: the "now" 'in which' something arises, passes away, or is present-at-hand."
So with these quotes from Heidegger, I think we can ascertain simply that the present moment or the "now" is within time, not something outside of historicity. We can deduce this quite simply by the eidetic reduction of the phenomenon of 'anticipation'.
If the only reality was in the 'now', why do we so frequently live in a state of anticipation of future events - further, why do we often look to our memory of past events to inform our current mood?
I think that Heidegger solves the time problem adequately and for the most part.
Surely the present moment has a certain kind of prescience and salience - but I would argue the present historicity is in the future making past the present... so to speak.
That's my tractatus for today,
keep it locked to Politalk for the forefront in philosophy and alt-right politik.

DDU 2020