Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Respectable Social Action from DDU: Pissing on a BLM sign prt. 1

 Domestic Democracy United (superPAC), legitimate forms of protest are important. Above, in the video, is an execution of DDU's civil rights activism.

BLM? Fuck that - I've got the real form of civil dissidence. View the above video to behold my majestic DDU constitutional activism. I'm heroic. I just am. DDU 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021


Truth as Revelation: Initiation to the Mysteries

 In this universe/world we find ourselves in, there are innumerable mysteries...

Mysteries of science.

Mysteries of religion.

Mysteries of technology.

Mysteries of Governance.

Mysteries of Secret Societies and the like.

The unknown totality of what we are blind to in an existential sense prefigures the futural temporalization of our own bean.  Bean, and beans as such, comprise the mystery of selfhood: "Know thyself" as Socrate once entombed.  How can we come to figure our own bean as a bean out?

Every attempt to ascertain truth is as sand slipping through our fingers,

and temporality even further is like sand in an hour glass.

How can we know ourselves?

It's a quandary~!

We know the sensible and super-sensible world,

and as such can understand ourselves, innocence, in a sentence.

We are always outside of our selves, because we are inside of the outside (in terms of habitude).  We are always inside, in a sense, because we're always inside of ourselves.  Our outer internally fixated selfhood is internal and not external to the outside world. Beans...


How are we to make sense of our innocence, our fallenness and our senses being somehow already an a priori futural being-toward, being alongside and an existentiall "Bean There" historicity?  The coming to be of the past temporalization of ourselves into apprehension of it having been futural?

What is the mystery?

Where are we?

Why are we here?

How did we come to be?

When did the future transmute into our being as historical entities?

Who are we? it was in the future, so shall it be in the past...

Neuroscience has discovered one truth about a priori synthesis as it stands in terms of the causality of Geist.  That physical comportment is prior to the sensible world.  Studies have looked into the question "How does happiness work?".  
Well, by studying the conduits of electro-chemical pulses, neuroscience-as-such has discovered an interesting truth about "Happiness"...

That is,
you can make yourself happy by comporting a smile.
The smile is a priori to the happiness...
The happiness is a posteriori to smiling.

that's my best tip.
Brendan O'Connell DDU Founder & Member

Fear God.
That is the answer to the revelation of God's mysterious Truth.
domestic democracy united 2021

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Bombs Drop on Iran: "World War 3? Let's Hope Not!"

 I've just gotten it in on the wire that major conflicts have broken out between the U.S. and Iran (not to mention syria).  I don't want to judge before all the facts are in, and hopefully it's just standard everyday military procedure...

but the U.S. military - about 20 mins ago - dropped bombs via coordinated airstrike on Iran/Syria.

I hope my paranoia about the imminent problematic (potential all out war with Iran/syria) is misplaced....

It's just another day, right?

But in the eventuality that we all evaporate from a nuclear holocaust suddenly, here is a link to the entire forthcoming album from my electro-reggae moniker Clip & Carbine (free download): SPEED POP LP (HI FI D/L)

If I'm dead - please distribute this pop remix album - which contains uptempo remixes:

t/l for Speed Pop LP - V/a

1. Chris Brown rmx

2. Ritt Momney rmx

3. Sam Smith rmx

4. Maren Morris rmx

5. 24K Goldn rmx

6. Pink rmx

7. Fallout Boy rmx

8. Ke$ha rmx

9. Katy Perry rmx

10. Ava Max rmx

11. Jacob Sartorious rmx

12. Myki Tuff rmx

13. Ariana Grande rmx

14. Pop Rawkz - Kitten Kitty Katt

15. Day Fox rmx

16. Maroon 5 rmx

17. Billie Eilish rmx

18. Taylor Swift rmx

19. Breathe Carolina rmx

20. Jason Derulo rmx

21. AJR rmx

22. Doja Cat rmx

23. Mashmello rmx

24. Lady Leshurr rmx

25. lil homicide rmx

26. Normani rmx

27. Justin Beiber rmx

28. Falling in Reverse rmx

29. Sam Feldt rmx

30. The Weeknd rmx

31. Meghan Trainor rmx

32. Pop Rawkz - Boot Lickin Glock Pop

33. H.E.R. rmx

All of these tracks are forthcoming (XXXclusive pre release only found in Domestic Democracy United's superPAC Politalk) out of Barcelona/Bristol camp Hibiki Records...

so with that link up there in case of uncertain eventualities I can only say this: "SEE Something, SAY Something"

below are the numbers, domestic and global, to call should you detect any suspicious terrorist activity...
(from the ICE website):

Individuals across the world can report suspicious criminal activity to the ICE Tip Line 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Highly trained specialists take reports from both the public and law enforcement agencies on more than 400 laws enforced by ICE.

What types of crimes should you report to the ICE Tip Line?

  • Child Pornography/Exploitation
  • COVID-19 Fraud
  • Cyber Crimes
  • Document and Benefit Fraud
  • Drug Smuggling
  • Gang-Related Crimes
  • Human Trafficking/Smuggling
  • Human Rights Violators
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Import/Export Violations
  • Intellectual Property Rights Violations
  • Money Laundering
  • Terrorism
  • Worksite Enforcement

If you would like to report suspicious criminal activity:

Call 866-DHS-2-ICE (866-347-2423) (from U.S. and Canada)

TTY for hearing impaired only: || TTY para personas con discapacidad auditiva solamente: (802) 872-6196

Call 802-872-6199 (from other locations around the globe)

Report Suspicious Criminal Activity.

Thanks a ton for reading or downloading!

God Bless Johnny, and God Bless America...

and god bless A.L.A.N.

All Love All Night

ddu 2021


Officer Raynor VIP


Officer Raynor, Daytona

Othell Wallace, bitch nigger

New Album: "Emo Sucks Deluxe Edition L.P."


ABOVE IS MY NEW LP - Uploaded 2 the Experimental Music Youtube Channel!

Available for D/L @

Cop the Politalk/DDU original L.P. taday!!!

...oh wait.....



D/L it today.


Friday, June 25, 2021

Go Afghani Gunman: "Let's Chase These Crazy Talibani Out of Town!"

Don't fuck with Abdul Satar Mirzakwal...

Don't fuck with the original Badman - Abdul Satar Mirzakwal...

Don't do it~



DDU Founder Brendan Hooker O'Connell a.k.a. 
Clip & Carbine Soundsystem

 Domestic Democracy United 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021

American Olympic Athletic Champions Compete for Gold in Tokyo 2021

"U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A!"
Olympics @ Tokyo 2021
Original Politalk

2021 Domestic Democracy United superPAC

"Does Tyler Downs have to smack a bitch?"
- Brendan O'Connell, DDU Founder and Member

 I talk on Politalk a fair amount about how I am, at least in my own opinion, a champion in my own right (DJing, Music, Production etc.) so I know what it takes to be a champion and, further, know what it's like to be a champion.  It takes giving it more than your all, today.  It means giving it 110 % and not doubting whether that is mathematically impossible to do so (it is).  It means standing up against all adversity.  It means Triumphing, and being a good sport about your Triumph (Triumph of the Will?).

With that being said:  We're gonna kick every country's ass in the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo.


In America's crusades in Japan this Olympics, we will emerge -as always- #1.  USA = Champions = #1.

Does that compute?

What d'you want,

Russia + Iran = Champions?

No, they aren't champions like the United States of America!

We're gonna kick ass this foul year of our Lord, 2021...

I guarantee it.

So let's all get some Kirin Beer and Sushimi...



b/c it's about to GO DOWN!





Friday, June 18, 2021

Spirit: Being Towards God as Universal Truth





Jehova.  Jah.  God.

"The chalice of this realm of spirits
Foams forth to God his own Infinitude"
-Schiller's Die Freundschaft

Spirit is such that it externalizes or empties itself into space, time, the world.
Reason is Spirit when it's metaphysical being has been raised to consciousness, and Spirit is conscious of itself and it's being-in-the-world and understands (verstehen) itself as the world, and the world as itself.
Making it's own understanding apparent, is the authenticity of action.  Being-in-the-world as authentic comportment towards God.  Spirit makes itself known by virtue of the True structure of Objective reason, and it's apprehension in Mind as the externalization and emptying of itself by itself into the individual worldhood of Human Beans...
Proximally and for the most part, Mind connects and establishes itself as a being-towards-God.  As such, the true Existentiell meaning of our understanding (verstehen) ontically is Spirit making Mind into the unequivocal absolute objective Being-Towards-Death as our own utmost possibility and potentiality.  The world, and being-there-in-the-world, is the meaning of temporal selfhood.  Our selfhood is being in a world, which pre-empts it's own emptying of itself into the World and the Worldhood of the Absolute death of individual Mind.  Our own utmost possibility for the world, in it's ontical and pre-ontological certitude is always prefigured by the potentiality for Being-Towards-God and our coming to become the Spirit of universal Truth.
Truth is Absolute, with our subjective apprehension of the apparent worldhood-of-the-world at all times being our own utmost potentiality for being...
That is, ontical Human Beans comporting themselves toward Reason-as-such and Ontological recognition of their own being.  Being-There (Dasein), has as it's own constitutive basis for Being a Human Bean ontically the meaning of Reason as Spirit - externalizing itself into an apprehension of itself as transfixed by the Absolute structure of Death-as-such.
The death of the Mind.
The death of the Spirit.
The death of our Ego.

We are always already transfixed and hypnotized by the fundamental structure and basis of Dasein, which proximally and for the most part always has a preconscious comportment towards Understanding-as-relinquishment (externalization).  Intuition has the kind of Ghost-Mind that death, and our own utmost possibility of selfhood-as-such, is found. Found in reason-as-spirit.

"Reason is Spirit when it apprehends itself as the World and the World as itself."
-Hegel's Phenomenology...

Death's sadistic design, and transcendental Reason-structure is the beginning of finality and prescient Being-Towards-God - which is always for the most part a proximity endowed by stripping down conditioning into the Region of Reason.  Reason-as-such is not merely an understanding, but in fact the motions of time towards our own externalization of the world within ourselves.
As such, the world is death.

What is the answer?
Individual authority, and the autonomy of the state...
Why both?
The objectivity of our individual ontico-existential Being comports being alongside the autonomy of the State-as-such.  Being thus, the individual-universal is - as such - Gott.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

Sex Slavery Trafficking Discovered in Lee County ***BREAKING***

 On June 15th in my neighboring county of Lee (Sanford), a sex slave trafficking ring was busted up and one Linder Lee Daniel of 5200 NC-87 Sanford NC 27332 was charged with 6 counts of sex slavery trafficking.

The above is a picture of the 25 year old offender.
Mr. Daniel, who was arrested on the 15th at 10:42 PM, has every right to a free and fair trial without prejudice according to our judicial system.  He is - to put it succinctly - innocent until proven guilty.
I write these words on Politalk, Domestic Democracy United's superPAC blog, in an attempt to vent my frustrations with the abomination that is the sales and trafficking of humans which is today's very real form of the worst sin human kind has ever committed: Slavery.

In an attempt to be fair and just, I shall not expound upon the most disturbing discovery I uncovered - that is, the house in which 6 women were held in bondage and slavery, 5200 NC-87 in Sanford (Lee County), should it be the one of these two houses with this address which is on the bypass, is directly across the road from a wealthy country club resort with a golf course and nature trails running through our southern oasis of North Carolina.
Correlation does not prove causation,
though in my opinion it indicates it...
Epstein ring a bell?
I hope I'm mistaken and the offender's sex slavery enclave is the alternate NC-87 address - and it's likely that I'm merely speculating with no merit or basis...
But I'm not afraid to ask questions - and my question is, what do President Biden, the Gov. of NC Roy Cooper and the D.E.M. hierarchy of Sanford NC know about this and other cases of human trafficking?
I mean, what are the D.E.M. elites hiding?
The politicians and elite bastions of power are old perverted porno masturbators who will do anything to satisfy their tweaked out viagra addled libidos, including prostitution, rape, child molestation and white sex slavery...

...or are they?
Look, I'm just saying what we're all thinking.
That is human traffickers deserved to go straight to gitmo so we can track down the source and origin of these despicable black market sex slavery overseers...  I hate them!

I hate them so very, very much!

I'm not saying we should take the law into our own hands and enact a vicious and violent form of vigilante justice by burning Linder Daneil's house down...
No, that's immoral and illegal according to our so-called Executor President Biden!
But all I'm saying is that the house in which white sex slavery rings were discovered wed. night at 10:42 PM in my neighboring county's address is 5200 NC-87 (either the bypass or the highway itself - one of the two) in North Carolina, ZIP code 27332!
It's not even hard to find!
Why do the local D.E.M. political elite and even Gov. Roy Cooper frequent these plantations in our own backyards, who deal in selling young white female flesh to the D.E.M. richers?
...or do they?  Is that why they're part and parcel of the monied demand there is around here from corrupt so called Christians who lust for young white flesh because they're so old, corrupt, evil and so ungodly ugly even their own wives won't fuck them?
Roy Cooper fits that description!
Our President, Plugs, fits that description!
Pittsboro commissioner John Bonham fits that description!

...or do they?

I don't know what the faith of Abram and the will of God want us to do about organized white slavery rings...

But I do know one thing~


Looks just like the long haired hippy antagonist in Clint Eastwood's classic crime drama Dirty Harry!

So let's look ourselves in the face and all ask ourselves: "Do I feel lucky?"



Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 Honestly, this being allowed institutionally is scarier that Jason Vorhees at a campfire...

NC Passes New Abortion Law: Victory in Jesus


Thanks for turning to politalk, your #1 source for substantive critical philosophy and political commentary.

I'd like to briefly mention something that is, wrongly, not entirely known to the publik at large - including many repubs.  Our NC Grand Old Party last week passed a new bill limiting a healthcare provider's (i.e. Doctors) ability to advocate for abortion.

This is a victory through our resolve to never give in to what is absolutely & objectively the murder of innocents.

This is a victory for human rights.

This is a - de facto - victory in Jesus!!!

The brunt of the new Law passed in our fair state of NC is that our state no longer allows for abortions stemming from a doctor informing a female that should they have the child they may suffer from a birth defect such as Downs Syndrome.  Not only is that type of abortion illegal after this bold move from the North Carolina state legislature, but because our state believes in the Grand Old Party doctors now come under further scrutiny should they even mention to a pregnant female that there is a chance of their baby having Downs Syndrome...  (i.e. they have to fill out paperwork for that type of medical advice and be held accountable as such)

I don't want to state the obvious -

That is,

every child deserves the right to life!

But that a doctor advocating for a female to have an abortion due to the potentiality of birth defects is:

1) Kind of creepy.

2) A clear violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

3) Not always the truth of how a baby turns out upon the female going through with child birth.


I've heard story after story about how in certain instances a doctor advocates for a female to have an abortion and the child turns out to be fine, despite the doctors seemingly good intentioned advice...

Not to mention just because a child has Downs Syndrome doesn't mean they don't have a right to life.


This legislation by our fair house in NC is truly a VICTORY IN JESUS~

Friday, June 11, 2021

Ukrainian Nationalism in America: Rudy Set up by Deep State

 I have blogged here in DDU's SUPERpac site before that Ukraine is on the frontlines of the struggle against communism...

Russian communism~

The rebel scum Russian backed seditionists remain encamped on the border with Putin sending reinforcements. This struggle is very real.

Let me take it back to a different country to preface what I'm about to say...



a bicameral system exists similar to the one we have in the U.S. o' A.



On the left, there is the 'Bob Marley' style 'Organized Labor' left wing party ala' Democrat Liberal Progressivism.

On the right,

the Patriot party.

The pro-military party.

The JA Nationalist party.

I think it can be a much more honest conversation politically if wee just all smoke a Lucky Strike indoors and say honestly as politically intelligent beings: "This is between Nationalism & Organized Labor Unions".

B/C that is precisely the dichotomy of the Jamaican Gov'mental system...

~So with that being said,

The Ukrainian resistance fighters are, de facto, Patriotic Nationalists.

Versus Organized Labor or Communism...

I've even heard some of the vitriol from the pro-russian side of the Ukrainian debate...

"Ukraine is supported by the 1%ers and corporations, big business and capitolism!"


that would be music to my ears...

But let's see how tough on Russia ole' Plugs is in his meeting with the Kremlin.

Their party is Anti-Russia election fraud.

They claimed Russia was endemic to Trump's victory in 2016...

Obama was the "Hang Snowden" Dem progressive.

Maybe ol' regular Joe POTUS can give us some help on the Ukrainian resistance to the Mother State of Russia...

God /bless Mike Pence

God bless Trump

God Bless the recent ruling in NC staTE gov'ment prohibiting abortions upon doctors claiming there to be the possibility of birth defects...

God Bless Kammy and ole' Regular Joe POTUS

God Bless Rudolph Giuliani





DDU 2021


Monday, June 7, 2021

DDU Proclaims: Hamas and the Taliban Have Hijacked the Afghan Populus

 Right now a bitter struggle is playing out in the middle east, between islamists and the Afghani military.  We should all pay heed to our Afghani Government operatives abroad, who heroically fight for Democracy.  They deserve the utmost respect for staying in the country instead of fleeing and standing up for the Afghanistan Gov'ment.

They are truly heroes, now and forever...

But Iran, the vicious clown-like stooge in the region has encapsulated the Afghani Government with islamist militias and anti-democratical talibani brigades.  It's up, now, to the Afghani patriots and our worldwide allies to stand up for Afghani sovereignty.

We all cry along with the Afghani patriots, oft' times left to their own devices to secure democracy for their country...  They deserve our respect, not this disrespectful pro-palestine rhetoric.  That shit is dangerous...

I say, let's let these talibani scum know that they're not welcome.

They're not from there, often times.

They do all kind of community organizing, but none to any circumstance.

...and of our prayers go to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters,

on the frontlines fighting against communist Russia!

~DDU 2021

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Domestic Terror Strikes Miami...

 ...But this time, it's communism!

A horrid tragedy occurred last night in Miami, with over 100 people dancing to urban music at a nightclub wounded by stray gunfire.  Anyone who viddied the security camera footage was shocked by the brazen vicious assault these gangbangers carried out...

I've stated before on my blog that the most salient example of communism is organized mobs or gangs.

And as a DJ going on 20 years of playing nightclubs (I even Disc Jockeyed in Miami a long time ago), I know all to well the realities of urban dance music culture, of which this massacre was clearly exemplary of.

My own shock, a shock I think everyone who watched it on the memorial day newscasts, was even more shockier after I heard they couldn't find these vicious terrorist thugs because they drove the stolen SUV they used for the incident into the glades.

My suspicion on how the thugs still haven't been caught is that:

a) the car they used for the assault/massacre was stolen before hand


b) they had someone at a criminal auto shop facilitate the vehicle for the crime

There is now a $100,000 reward for information regarding the perpetrators of this sick massacre.

Let's all pray for Miami,

and pray for the friends and family of those killed or wounded in this recent Miami Massacre,

and pray for the healing of our present nation~

R.T. Stillwell DDU 2021